So Jon Stewart tore Glenn Beck a new asshole last night, again.

Why do people protect Glenn Beck?

Is it something that, oh, I don't know.

Something that, well, you know.

Something that


might have done?


I knew I chose the right buffoon to make my chief comic-relief punching bag!

Your post is actually more insipid than the Brat's!

Keep up the bad work.
Good heavens. politicalchic has not a clue and mudwhistle is even worse than that. The are attempting to suppress the right to make fun of others, while these two clowns attempt to do it (very poorly) here on the thread. Lozers!

Is it my spanking yesterday still bothering you?

Poor baby.

If you can't stand the heat, stay out of my kitchen.
Why do people protect Glenn Beck?

Is it something that, oh, I don't know.

Something that, well, you know.

Something that


might have done?

Because it's a pattern.

Beck is the latest.

Before him it was Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh.

And before them it was George W. Bush.

Before him it was Ronald Reagan.

Before him it was Richard Nixon.

Before him it was Gerald Ford.

Truth....honest debate.....reality doesn't fucken matter.
Good heavens. politicalchic has not a clue and mudwhistle is even worse than that. The are attempting to suppress the right to make fun of others, while these two clowns attempt to do it (very poorly) here on the thread. Lozers!

Is it my spanking yesterday still bothering you?

Poor baby.

If you can't stand the heat, stay out of my kitchen.

You go girl.:clap2:
Why do people protect Glenn Beck?

Is it something that, oh, I don't know.

Something that, well, you know.

Something that


might have done?
yeah daft ****. anyone who likes Beck is on par with Hitler. go jump in the lake with concrete shoes on, ok ****?

Concrete shoes? What year is this?

man has not evolved to the point of being able to swim with concrete shoes since 1950.
That clip was bloody funny! I haven't seen Beck but I have read about his histrionics and Stewart took the piss perfectly. Yes, ridicule is indeed a potent weapon and when it's deployed like that it becomes thermonuclear :lol:
Why do people protect Glenn Beck?

Is it something that, oh, I don't know.

Something that, well, you know.

Something that


might have done?
yeah daft ****. anyone who likes Beck is on par with Hitler. go jump in the lake with concrete shoes on, ok ****?


Someone didn't watch the video...
Yeah it is funny that the left hold jon stewart up as their news source, Political Chic, you did a masterful job at showing the idiocy of the left and it's lack of reality
Yeah it is funny that the left hold jon stewart up as their news source, Political Chic, you did a masterful job at showing the idiocy of the left and it's lack of reality

Link to anyone saying its a news source please.
That clip was bloody funny! I haven't seen Beck but I have read about his histrionics and Stewart took the piss perfectly. Yes, ridicule is indeed a potent weapon and when it's deployed like that it becomes thermonuclear :lol:

But only to those who value form over substance.

I bet you see use the Three Stooges for political insight as well.
Yeah it is funny that the left hold jon stewart up as their news source, Political Chic, you did a masterful job at showing the idiocy of the left and it's lack of reality

I don't know about anyone else but I don't find Jon Stewart to be a "news source." However, I do consider his comedy stylings to hold a jewel of truth in them. He uses sarcasm and irony as his weapons. If you pay attention, you'll get what he is trying to get across.

And Jon Stewart is usually dead-on and attacks both sides. Something not found in today's MSM all too often. And don't tell me Beck, since going to Fox News, Beck has been the right's sock puppet.

In fact:
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