"So Let It Be Written ..."

Their job is to report news, not make it.
Their job is to report the news, just like they did, reporting on the Trump tape, Trump's actual words, his recorded voice, and the Trump tapes to come....which you know is probably in the dozens.

They covered Bill's affairs, all the Kenneth Starr Gates, Paula Jones, Monica, Jennifer Flowers etc, upside down and inside out 24/7 for a few YEARS, and some....it was the beginning of the News Media getting a taste of the money, political sexual scandals could bring them....before Clinton, they kept their mouths shut on Presidential indiscretions, like a Boys Club of silence....

Who released those tapes from their own vaults? Why didn't they release them 11 years ago when he said it? Why didn't they release them when he first announced? Let's see if you have an honest bone in your freaking body.
he was not a presidential candidate 11 years ago....

and I agree that they were complicit in what could be sexual harassment in the work place.... they also could have been afraid of being sued, but in this presidential run, he can't sue them...it's now, no holds barred... but 10 more years of potential sexual harassment by him towards women on the Apprentice set, was at stake of happening without them coming forward earlier... They never cared more than likely because Trump made them money, probably is the bottom line....how sad a society we are....

There are a few women, who HAVE made accusations that he did sexually harass them, and even more anonymous women who signed confidentiality contract for the apprentice or for Trump's business who claim he sexually harassed them....

Trump felt Bill Clinton's abusers deserved to be heard, made a show of it yesterday.... Trump needs to release these women from their confidentiality agreements and fear of being sued by him, so they TOO can be heard.

Thanks, even though you didn't answer all my questions. NBC had a financial stake in not releasing it while he was under contract to them. He was their golden goose, they weren't about to kill it. Also if they were aware of sexual harassment while he was under contract, why didn't the women sue NBC? He was after all their employee and they have deeper pockets than even Trump.

Also if you don't think NBC coordinated with the hildabitch campaign on the release, then you're more naive than I think you are. They have proven themselves to be nothing but a propaganda arm of the DNC, and yes they intentionally made news, at a time of their choosing. They could have reported it as news when it happened and chose not to. That is not journalism.
of course the timing was for October, but it doesn't have to be Hillary or the PACS independently out there for Hillary, it's NBC that found these tapes supposedly searching their trump files due to the articles that came out last week by a woman/women sexually harassed by Trump...of which the Trump campaign adamantly DENIED and this supposedly led to the file search of Trump...

and NBC probably knows that an October release would make them the most money...

They haven't released the footage from the Apprentice video of behind the scenes, the cuts that never made the show....so they are probably covering their asses of being complicit...

Thank you, it's all about money and how they can best impact the campaign, not reporting news. Why the heck you you think the media has a lower opinion rating than congress, they are no longer news organizations, they're political tools.
Bill Clinton answered for and was skewered in the media for years, he has already been thoroughly vetted on his actions. And he isn't running for anything, his wife is. She was the victim of his actions, not the cause or a participant.

Yet cons want to paint her with her husbands misdeeds. Ben Gassy and email didn't work, so this is the next straw they are grasping at.

Trump committed all his own misdeeds and there are no indications he has changed at all. He improperly touches his own daughter and he gets up at 3am to call a former beauty queen a pig. Reagan is spinning so fast in his grave he could power a city the size of Pheonix.

Because she became a willing accomplice to his misdeeds when she chose to attack and try to destroy his victims. She even told her 2008 campaign staff to ready themselves for the bimbo eruption.
how did she destroy them?

She hired private investigators to dig up dirt, she called them trailer trash, she called the bimbos and said she wanted to crucify Willie, hell I can't even remember all the things she called them. Then she had the utter gall to say sexual assault victims should be heard and believed. Of course she'll never mention the 850K settlement to Paula Jones, or him being disbarred, held in contempt of court for lying under oath, fines and impeachment for perjury. Yeah, she was a very willing accomplice, to protect her own ambitions.
Bill Clinton answered for and was skewered in the media for years, he has already been thoroughly vetted on his actions. And he isn't running for anything, his wife is. She was the victim of his actions, not the cause or a participant.

Yet cons want to paint her with her husbands misdeeds. Ben Gassy and email didn't work, so this is the next straw they are grasping at.

Trump committed all his own misdeeds and there are no indications he has changed at all. He improperly touches his own daughter and he gets up at 3am to call a former beauty queen a pig. Reagan is spinning so fast in his grave he could power a city the size of Pheonix.

Because she became a willing accomplice to his misdeeds when she chose to attack and try to destroy his victims. She even told her 2008 campaign staff to ready themselves for the bimbo eruption.
how did she destroy them?

She hired private investigators to dig up dirt, she called them trailer trash, she called the bimbos and said she wanted to crucify Willie, hell I can't even remember all the things she called them. Then she had the utter gall to say sexual assault victims should be heard and believed. Of course she'll never mention the 850K settlement to Paula Jones, or him being disbarred, held in contempt of court for lying under oath, fines and impeachment for perjury. Yeah, she was a very willing accomplice, to protect her own ambitions.
Wiley lied, Kathleen Wiley told Linda Tripp on numerous occasions that she was working on trying to get Bill Clinton to sleep with her....Linda Tripp, who is no friend of Clinton and ratted out the affair with Monica, testified under oath that Kathleen Willey chased Bill Clinton, from day 1, and Starr found Wiley's claims to be untrustworthy...

Hillary has all wives permission to go after Willey! :D

you can't remember all the names she called them in public because she didn;t call them all those names in public... :rolleyes:
Bill Clinton answered for and was skewered in the media for years, he has already been thoroughly vetted on his actions. And he isn't running for anything, his wife is. She was the victim of his actions, not the cause or a participant.

Yet cons want to paint her with her husbands misdeeds. Ben Gassy and email didn't work, so this is the next straw they are grasping at.

Trump committed all his own misdeeds and there are no indications he has changed at all. He improperly touches his own daughter and he gets up at 3am to call a former beauty queen a pig. Reagan is spinning so fast in his grave he could power a city the size of Pheonix.

Because she became a willing accomplice to his misdeeds when she chose to attack and try to destroy his victims. She even told her 2008 campaign staff to ready themselves for the bimbo eruption.
how did she destroy them?

She hired private investigators to dig up dirt, she called them trailer trash, she called the bimbos and said she wanted to crucify Willie, hell I can't even remember all the things she called them. Then she had the utter gall to say sexual assault victims should be heard and believed. Of course she'll never mention the 850K settlement to Paula Jones, or him being disbarred, held in contempt of court for lying under oath, fines and impeachment for perjury. Yeah, she was a very willing accomplice, to protect her own ambitions.
Wiley lied, Kathleen Wiley told Linda Tripp on numerous occasions that she was working on trying to get Bill Clinton to sleep with her....Linda Tripp, who is no friend of Clinton and ratted out the affair with Monica, testified under oath that Kathleen Willey chased Bill Clinton, from day 1, and Starr found Wiley's claims to be untrustworthy...

Hillary has all wives permission to go after Willey! :D

you can't remember all the names she called them in public because she didn;t call them all those names in public... :rolleyes:

So Willey did't like what she got, I know many women that chased men, and found them not to be what they were expecting. Some made really big mistake and wound up getting the crap beat out of them for their trouble. So Willey may have been thinking about a consensual relationship and wound up with sexual assault. Neither you or I know for sure, do we.

And where did I say I couldn't remember all the names she called them in public, I did't use the term "public" anywhere, did I? So why are you trying to say I did? That's not really honest, is it?
Bill Clinton answered for and was skewered in the media for years, he has already been thoroughly vetted on his actions. And he isn't running for anything, his wife is. She was the victim of his actions, not the cause or a participant.

Yet cons want to paint her with her husbands misdeeds. Ben Gassy and email didn't work, so this is the next straw they are grasping at.

Trump committed all his own misdeeds and there are no indications he has changed at all. He improperly touches his own daughter and he gets up at 3am to call a former beauty queen a pig. Reagan is spinning so fast in his grave he could power a city the size of Pheonix.

Because she became a willing accomplice to his misdeeds when she chose to attack and try to destroy his victims. She even told her 2008 campaign staff to ready themselves for the bimbo eruption.
how did she destroy them?

She hired private investigators to dig up dirt, she called them trailer trash, she called the bimbos and said she wanted to crucify Willie, hell I can't even remember all the things she called them. Then she had the utter gall to say sexual assault victims should be heard and believed. Of course she'll never mention the 850K settlement to Paula Jones, or him being disbarred, held in contempt of court for lying under oath, fines and impeachment for perjury. Yeah, she was a very willing accomplice, to protect her own ambitions.
Wiley lied, Kathleen Wiley told Linda Tripp on numerous occasions that she was working on trying to get Bill Clinton to sleep with her....Linda Tripp, who is no friend of Clinton and ratted out the affair with Monica, testified under oath that Kathleen Willey chased Bill Clinton, from day 1, and Starr found Wiley's claims to be untrustworthy...

Hillary has all wives permission to go after Willey! :D

you can't remember all the names she called them in public because she didn;t call them all those names in public... :rolleyes:

So Willey did't like what she got, I know many women that chased men, and found them not to be what they were expecting. Some made really big mistake and wound up getting the crap beat out of them for their trouble. So Willey may have been thinking about a consensual relationship and wound up with sexual assault. Neither you or I know for sure, do we.
And where did I say I couldn't remember all the names she called them in public, I did't use the term "public" anywhere, did I? So why are you trying to say I did? That's not really honest, is it?

I think Kenneth Starr would have used her claims if he could have, but he KNEW Willey was lying.

How could Hillary ruin their lives and destroy their lives by privately, calling them bitches or bimbos, etc... to her friends, IN PRIVATE and not in public? There was no concerted effort by Hillary to ruin their lives, even if she threatened, their lives were not ruined by Hillary....maybe having sex with Bill like Monica, ruined her life, or gennifer flowers for being in love with Bill when he dumped her, or if Paula's accusations are true, which there is no proof they are, But if they are true, then her life was ruined by Bill...

It's not Hillary that ruined their lives and it is kind of sick for all of these women to almost feel no animosity towards Bill compared to Hillary...almost like they all wanted to have sex with Bill and be with Bill, and maybe even hoped he'd get divorced but since it didn't happened their scorn goes towards the wife.... We've got Willy who chased Bill to sleep with bill, you've got Flowers who slept with Bill for 12 years she claims and is in love with him, you've got Monica who chose to give him head, you've got Broaderick who says Hillary intimidated her by saying, "Bill and I thank you so much for all the hard work you've put in and done"...eat my grits if that is some kind of threat, that sounds to me like Broaderick was feeling guilty about sleeping with bill and imagined some threat out of that....just loony tune!

the only incident that to me is iffy on bill clinton, and can't be proved one way or the other....is Paula Jones...I think it's possible that she's told the truth.

The rightwing meme on this saying she tried to destroy them, has wobbly sea legs, at most.
Because she became a willing accomplice to his misdeeds when she chose to attack and try to destroy his victims. She even told her 2008 campaign staff to ready themselves for the bimbo eruption.
how did she destroy them?

She hired private investigators to dig up dirt, she called them trailer trash, she called the bimbos and said she wanted to crucify Willie, hell I can't even remember all the things she called them. Then she had the utter gall to say sexual assault victims should be heard and believed. Of course she'll never mention the 850K settlement to Paula Jones, or him being disbarred, held in contempt of court for lying under oath, fines and impeachment for perjury. Yeah, she was a very willing accomplice, to protect her own ambitions.
Wiley lied, Kathleen Wiley told Linda Tripp on numerous occasions that she was working on trying to get Bill Clinton to sleep with her....Linda Tripp, who is no friend of Clinton and ratted out the affair with Monica, testified under oath that Kathleen Willey chased Bill Clinton, from day 1, and Starr found Wiley's claims to be untrustworthy...

Hillary has all wives permission to go after Willey! :D

you can't remember all the names she called them in public because she didn;t call them all those names in public... :rolleyes:

So Willey did't like what she got, I know many women that chased men, and found them not to be what they were expecting. Some made really big mistake and wound up getting the crap beat out of them for their trouble. So Willey may have been thinking about a consensual relationship and wound up with sexual assault. Neither you or I know for sure, do we.
And where did I say I couldn't remember all the names she called them in public, I did't use the term "public" anywhere, did I? So why are you trying to say I did? That's not really honest, is it?

I think Kenneth Starr would have used her claims if he could have, but he KNEW Willey was lying.

How could Hillary ruin their lives and destroy their lives by privately, calling them bitches or bimbos, etc... to her friends, IN PRIVATE and not in public? There was no concerted effort by Hillary to ruin their lives, even if she threatened, their lives were not ruined by Hillary....maybe having sex with Bill like Monica, ruined her life, or gennifer flowers for being in love with Bill when he dumped her, or if Paula's accusations are true, which there is no proof they are, But if they are true, then her life was ruined by Bill...

It's not Hillary that ruined their lives and it is kind of sick for all of these women to almost feel no animosity towards Bill compared to Hillary...almost like they all wanted to have sex with Bill and be with Bill, and maybe even hoped he'd get divorced but since it didn't happened their scorn goes towards the wife.... We've got Willy who chased Bill to sleep with bill, you've got Flowers who slept with Bill for 12 years she claims and is in love with him, you've got Monica who chose to give him head, you've got Broaderick who says Hillary intimidated her by saying, "Bill and I thank you so much for all the hard work you've put in and done"...eat my grits if that is some kind of threat, that sounds to me like Broaderick was feeling guilty about sleeping with bill and imagined some threat out of that....just loony tune!

the only incident that to me is iffy on bill clinton, and can't be proved one way or the other....is Paula Jones...I think it's possible that she's told the truth.

The rightwing meme on this saying she tried to destroy them, has wobbly sea legs, at most.

It's getting really late here so I hope I make some reasonable sense. The bitch call Monica a narcissistic loony tunes even though she was aware bill and she had a mutually consensual what ever. If you've seen Broadericks interview where she recalls that meeting, it wasn't necessarily the words use, but the way they were said and the emphasis given is certain areas and the fact that the bitch had a firm hold on her hand and wouldn't let go. It had to be understood in its totality. We aren't going to change our minds at 2 AM or ever, so screw it, I'm going to bed.
Destroy ? They are just releasing trump audio of his own words .

Their job is to report news, not make it.
Their job is to report the news, just like they did, reporting on the Trump tape, Trump's actual words, his recorded voice, and the Trump tapes to come....which you know is probably in the dozens.

They covered Bill's affairs, all the Kenneth Starr Gates, Paula Jones, Monica, Jennifer Flowers etc, upside down and inside out 24/7 for a few YEARS, and some....it was the beginning of the News Media getting a taste of the money, political sexual scandals could bring them....before Clinton, they kept their mouths shut on Presidential indiscretions, like a Boys Club of silence....

Who released those tapes from their own vaults? Why didn't they release them 11 years ago when he said it? Why didn't they release them when he first announced? Let's see if you have an honest bone in your freaking body.
he was not a presidential candidate 11 years ago....

i also know that hillary isn't the one who assaulted anyone. donald is. but what's the worst thing dumb donald can think of? not holding your husband's attention so he cheats. it was purely to humiliate the woman who is going to be our first woman president. it was a disgusting display. and it came from a pig who cheated on every one of his wives, sexually harassed women mercilessly in the workplace and sexually assaulted women.

and I agree that they were complicit in what could be sexual harassment in the work place.... they also could have been afraid of being sued, but in this presidential run, he can't sue them...it's now, no holds barred... but 10 more years of potential sexual harassment by him towards women on the Apprentice set, was at stake of happening without them coming forward earlier... They never cared more than likely because Trump made them money, probably is the bottom line....how sad a society we are....

There are a few women, who HAVE made accusations that he did sexually harass them, and even more anonymous women who signed confidentiality contract for the apprentice or for Trump's business who claim he sexually harassed them....

Trump felt Bill Clinton's abusers deserved to be heard, made a show of it yesterday.... Trump needs to release these women from their confidentiality agreements and fear of being sued by him, so they TOO can be heard.

the difference of course is bill isn't running for president. and those allegations against bill have already been litigated. one in particular signed a statement saying there was never any assault. now she got paid by donald so showed her face again after dozens of years. donald just wants to wallow in the breitbart mud and sounds no better than the loons on this board.

the internet troll as presidential candidate. doesn't seem that's working out so well for him.
Destroy ? They are just releasing trump audio of his own words .

Their job is to report news, not make it.
Their job is to report the news, just like they did, reporting on the Trump tape, Trump's actual words, his recorded voice, and the Trump tapes to come....which you know is probably in the dozens.

They covered Bill's affairs, all the Kenneth Starr Gates, Paula Jones, Monica, Jennifer Flowers etc, upside down and inside out 24/7 for a few YEARS, and some....it was the beginning of the News Media getting a taste of the money, political sexual scandals could bring them....before Clinton, they kept their mouths shut on Presidential indiscretions, like a Boys Club of silence....

Who released those tapes from their own vaults? Why didn't they release them 11 years ago when he said it? Why didn't they release them when he first announced? Let's see if you have an honest bone in your freaking body.
he was not a presidential candidate 11 years ago....

i also know that hillary isn't the one who assaulted anyone. donald is. but what's the worst thing dumb donald can think of? not holding your husband's attention so he cheats. it was purely to humiliate the woman who is going to be our first woman president. it was a disgusting display. and it came from a pig who cheated on every one of his wives, sexually harassed women mercilessly in the workplace and sexually assaulted women.

and I agree that they were complicit in what could be sexual harassment in the work place.... they also could have been afraid of being sued, but in this presidential run, he can't sue them...it's now, no holds barred... but 10 more years of potential sexual harassment by him towards women on the Apprentice set, was at stake of happening without them coming forward earlier... They never cared more than likely because Trump made them money, probably is the bottom line....how sad a society we are....

There are a few women, who HAVE made accusations that he did sexually harass them, and even more anonymous women who signed confidentiality contract for the apprentice or for Trump's business who claim he sexually harassed them....

Trump felt Bill Clinton's abusers deserved to be heard, made a show of it yesterday.... Trump needs to release these women from their confidentiality agreements and fear of being sued by him, so they TOO can be heard.

the difference of course is bill isn't running for president. and those allegations against bill have already been litigated. one in particular signed a statement saying there was never any assault. now she got paid by donald so showed her face again after dozens of years. donald just wants to wallow in the breitbart mud and sounds no better than the loons on this board.

the internet troll as presidential candidate. doesn't seem that's working out so well for him.
BJ is going to run the economy.....so.....
Their job is to report news, not make it.
Their job is to report the news, just like they did, reporting on the Trump tape, Trump's actual words, his recorded voice, and the Trump tapes to come....which you know is probably in the dozens.

They covered Bill's affairs, all the Kenneth Starr Gates, Paula Jones, Monica, Jennifer Flowers etc, upside down and inside out 24/7 for a few YEARS, and some....it was the beginning of the News Media getting a taste of the money, political sexual scandals could bring them....before Clinton, they kept their mouths shut on Presidential indiscretions, like a Boys Club of silence....

Who released those tapes from their own vaults? Why didn't they release them 11 years ago when he said it? Why didn't they release them when he first announced? Let's see if you have an honest bone in your freaking body.
he was not a presidential candidate 11 years ago....

i also know that hillary isn't the one who assaulted anyone. donald is. but what's the worst thing dumb donald can think of? not holding your husband's attention so he cheats. it was purely to humiliate the woman who is going to be our first woman president. it was a disgusting display. and it came from a pig who cheated on every one of his wives, sexually harassed women mercilessly in the workplace and sexually assaulted women.

and I agree that they were complicit in what could be sexual harassment in the work place.... they also could have been afraid of being sued, but in this presidential run, he can't sue them...it's now, no holds barred... but 10 more years of potential sexual harassment by him towards women on the Apprentice set, was at stake of happening without them coming forward earlier... They never cared more than likely because Trump made them money, probably is the bottom line....how sad a society we are....

There are a few women, who HAVE made accusations that he did sexually harass them, and even more anonymous women who signed confidentiality contract for the apprentice or for Trump's business who claim he sexually harassed them....

Trump felt Bill Clinton's abusers deserved to be heard, made a show of it yesterday.... Trump needs to release these women from their confidentiality agreements and fear of being sued by him, so they TOO can be heard.

the difference of course is bill isn't running for president. and those allegations against bill have already been litigated. one in particular signed a statement saying there was never any assault. now she got paid by donald so showed her face again after dozens of years. donald just wants to wallow in the breitbart mud and sounds no better than the loons on this board.

the internet troll as presidential candidate. doesn't seem that's working out so well for him.
BJ is going to run the economy.....so.....


run along sock troll boy.

I think Kathleen Willey has been proven to be untrustworthy in what ever she claims, based on her contradictory statements in the past.

Kathleen Willey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to Linda Tripp's grand jury testimony, she felt Willey pursued a romance with Clinton from the start of her White House affiliation. Willey had speculated with Tripp as to how she might be able to set up an assignation between herself and the president. She routinely attended events at which Clinton would be present, wearing a black dress she believed he liked. According to Tripp's testimony, Willey wondered if she and Clinton could arrange to meet in a home to which she had access, on the Chesapeake Bay.[4]

The Final Report of the U.S. Office of the Independent Counsel report noted that "Willey and President Clinton are the only direct witnesses to their meeting, and their accounts differ substantially on the crucial facts of what occurred." It also stated "Willey gave false information to the FBI about her sexual relationship with a former boyfriend, and acknowledged having lied about it when the agents confronted her with contradictory evidence. There were also some differences in her Paula Jones and Grand Jury testimony. Although, in both her Grand Jury and Paula Jones testimony she stated she had been harassed.[5][6] Following Willey's acknowledgment of these lies about her boyfriend, "the Independent Counsel agreed not to prosecute Willey for any offense arising out of the investigation, including false statements in her Jones deposition, so long as she cooperated fully and truthfully with the investigation."[7] According to Independent Counsel Robert Ray's report, "Willey's Paula Jones deposition testimony differed from her grand jury testimony on material aspects of the alleged incident."[8] In short, there was insufficient evidence to prove to a jury beyond a reasonable doubt that President Clinton's testimony regarding Kathleen Willey was false. Accordingly, the Independent Counsel declined prosecution.[9]

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