So Let's Recap

Are you gullible or just a liar?

Pelosi could and can subpoena anyone she wanted.

No witnesses
No victim
No evidence
No honest grounds for impeachment
Are you fucking stupid? Did you kiss all the ignored subpoenas. All the witnesses tRump prevented from testifying? The fact that not one single document was produced?

Pull your head outta rush Limbaugh's ass and look around, moron.
What amazes me is the Senate Republicans openly saying they are not impartial and coordinating the trial based on what the White House wants
Hey stupid, Dimwingers coordinated with Bill Clinton during his impeachment trial.
House should have called the witnesses they want the Senate to have testify.

They rushed the hearings because they claimed Trump was an existential threat to the US and it was urgent to impeach him immediately!

Then Pelosi sits on the articles for a month.

Dimms are feckless c words.

They did call more witnesses. Trump blocked them from testifying.
The subpoenas were challenged in court. The normal procedure is for the House and White House to make their cases to the courts, and wait for their ruling.

Nazi didn't want to wait for the normal process. This is on that batshit crazy wench, not Trump.

You clowns own this clusterfuck, It is blowing up in your faces, and I'm loving it.:5_1_12024:
Trump supporters are upset because the Senate trial will not have enough witnesses and evidence

When Trump has blocked witnesses from testifying and refuses to release the pertinent documents and the Senate Majority Leader has said he will ALLOW no witnesses or introduction of evidence


You are confused. I am a Trump supporter and I don’t want any more witnesses or evidence in the Senate trial. I want them to deliberate and vote.

Do you know how many witnesses there were in the Senate trial for blowjob Bill? Zero.
How long did that trial last ? What Bill did pales in comparison with what this crooked pos trump has done
Wrong. Bill actually committed crimes, plural.
Trump supporters are upset because the Senate trial will not have enough witnesses and evidence

When Trump has blocked witnesses from testifying and refuses to release the pertinent documents and the Senate Majority Leader has said he will ALLOW no witnesses or introduction of evidence


You are confused. I am a Trump supporter and I don’t want any more witnesses or evidence in the Senate trial. I want them to deliberate and vote.

Do you know how many witnesses there were in the Senate trial for blowjob Bill? Zero.
Wrong. At the impeachment trial of Bill Clinton, the Senate permitted House managers to obtain trial depositions of three witnesses — Monica Lewinsky, Clinton confidant Vernon Jordan and White House aide Sidney Blumenthal — and the full Senate viewed video excerpts of those depositions. None of those witnesses had testified during the House inquiry.
All 3 behind closed doors. You left that part out.
The Senate is using the same model for this trial as the one used in the Bill Clinton impeachment executive privilige is something Presidents from both parties have used for decades. Lets be honest the House Democrats were no more interested in a fair process than the Senate Republicans are now anyone who thinks Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Corey Booker, Kamala Harris have not had their mind made up about impeachment for a long time now is a fool a liar or both.
^^^^Nailed it*****
Are you fucking stupid? Did you kiss all the ignored subpoenas. All the witnesses tRump prevented from testifying? The fact that not one single document was produced?

Pull your head outta rush Limbaugh's ass and look around, moron.
Don't be such a sore loser.

Not one subpoenaed person that the courts said weren't covered by privilege was denied by Trump. Zero.

Not one witness claimed to have witnessed wrongdoing. Zero.

Not one person that accusers said to were a victim said they were a victim or that a wrongdoing occurred. Zero.

The transcript exonerated Trump and no evidence contradicts it. Zero.

Now you pack of losers want use the trial to fish for evidence of wrongdoing? That's now how a free country does it.
Trump supporters are upset because the Senate trial will not have enough witnesses and evidence

When Trump has blocked witnesses from testifying and refuses to release the pertinent documents and the Senate Majority Leader has said he will ALLOW no witnesses or introduction of evidence


You are confused. I am a Trump supporter and I don’t want any more witnesses or evidence in the Senate trial. I want them to deliberate and vote.

Do you know how many witnesses there were in the Senate trial for blowjob Bill? Zero.
Wrong. At the impeachment trial of Bill Clinton, the Senate permitted House managers to obtain trial depositions of three witnesses — Monica Lewinsky, Clinton confidant Vernon Jordan and White House aide Sidney Blumenthal — and the full Senate viewed video excerpts of those depositions. None of those witnesses had testified during the House inquiry.
All 3 behind closed doors. You left that part out.
Their depositions were made part of the record during the Senate trial.

Why don't Trump, McConnell, and virtually the entire Repub senate caucus want all the evidence presented?
What amazes me is the Senate Republicans openly saying they are not impartial and coordinating the trial based on what the White House wants
Actually it's not amazing at all.

It's business as usual with the blind partisan right.
As with the Democrats. Senate impeachment trials were designed as political theater. That is Why none has convicted and removed, and never absolved a President of guilt. Enjoy the show. Pass the Popcorn.
House should have called the witnesses they want the Senate to have testify.

They rushed the hearings because they claimed Trump was an existential threat to the US and it was urgent to impeach him immediately!

Then Pelosi sits on the articles for a month.

Dimms are feckless c words.

They did call more witnesses. Trump blocked them from testifying.
You mean by executive privilege that the Supreme Court already ruled as being necessary for the president and his people could speak freely without fear of reprisals. Like 44 did numerous times?
Got to love how totally clueless the left really is.
Executive privilege cannot be used to cover up crimes.

DUH!! Take it to court and find out. Besides, there are no "crimes" involved, let alone "High Crimes".
Are you gullible or just a liar?

Pelosi could and can subpoena anyone she wanted.

No witnesses
No victim
No evidence
No honest grounds for impeachment
Are you fucking stupid? Did you kiss all the ignored subpoenas. All the witnesses tRump prevented from testifying? The fact that not one single document was produced?

Pull your head outta rush Limbaugh's ass and look around, moron.
Nazi should have gone to court. She refused to follow normal procedure. That's on her, not Trump.

You lose again.:5_1_12024:
Trump supporters are upset because the Senate trial will not have enough witnesses and evidence
When Trump has blocked witnesses from testifying and refuses to release the pertinent documents and the Senate Majority Leader has said he will ALLOW no witnesses or introduction of evidence Oh...
Whatever trump did or said with one Ukrainian phone call is such a minute transgression of the office it does not even register as a footnote in history. That is, if it not for the hellish designs of a political party that has no moral conscience, and thinks demonizing Trump is what is best for the common good of the people they represent. So much for what the swearing in oath said.
Trump supporters are upset because the Senate trial will not have enough witnesses and evidence

When Trump has blocked witnesses from testifying and refuses to release the pertinent documents and the Senate Majority Leader has said he will ALLOW no witnesses or introduction of evidence


You are confused. I am a Trump supporter and I don’t want any more witnesses or evidence in the Senate trial. I want them to deliberate and vote.

Do you know how many witnesses there were in the Senate trial for blowjob Bill? Zero.
Wrong. At the impeachment trial of Bill Clinton, the Senate permitted House managers to obtain trial depositions of three witnesses — Monica Lewinsky, Clinton confidant Vernon Jordan and White House aide Sidney Blumenthal — and the full Senate viewed video excerpts of those depositions. None of those witnesses had testified during the House inquiry.
All 3 behind closed doors. You left that part out.
Their depositions were made part of the record during the Senate trial.

Why don't Trump, McConnell, and virtually the entire Repub senate caucus want all the evidence presented?

They want All of the evidence that the Articles of Impeachment are based on. Tell the House to put up or STFU.
What amazes me is the Senate Republicans openly saying they are not impartial and coordinating the trial based on what the White House wants

LMAO are you trying to tell us with a straight face that House Dems were impartial? :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
The Impeachment in the House of Representatives was......
Good, but not perfect. Not sure they made correct decision, not taking some of the witnesses requested to the courts, for the sake of timeliness. Not my call, though. They did a good juob with the witnesses they had, in my opinion.
House should have called the witnesses they want the Senate to have testify.

They rushed the hearings because they claimed Trump was an existential threat to the US and it was urgent to impeach him immediately!

Then Pelosi sits on the articles for a month.

Dimms are feckless c words.

They did call more witnesses. Trump blocked them from testifying.

Did Trump block the witnesses the Dimms want to testify in the Senate trial?

Trump has blocked all White House staff from testifying to Congress or providing evidence for impeachment, or for any Congressional oversight of any kind, claiming he is exempt from investigation since he can't be charged.

He also blocked providing material... Trump is clearly breaking the law.

Trump gave excuse of providing materials and blocking witnesses because he said it wouldn't be fair.

Then the senate won't call witnesses or see evidence...

This is disgrace by the GOP, no honor, tribe before country.
House should have called the witnesses they want the Senate to have testify.

They rushed the hearings because they claimed Trump was an existential threat to the US and it was urgent to impeach him immediately!

Then Pelosi sits on the articles for a month.

Dimms are feckless c words.

They did call more witnesses. Trump blocked them from testifying.

Did Trump block the witnesses the Dimms want to testify in the Senate trial?

Trump has blocked all White House staff from testifying to Congress or providing evidence for impeachment, or for any Congressional oversight of any kind, claiming he is exempt from investigation since he can't be charged.

He also blocked providing material... Trump is clearly breaking the law.

Trump gave excuse of providing materials and blocking witnesses because he said it wouldn't be fair.

Then the senate won't call witnesses or see evidence...

This is disgrace by the GOP, no honor, tribe before country.

Trump has every right to "Executive Privilege", so stop whining. The democrats need to provide the evidence that the Articles are based on. Their problem is that none of their 2nd hand evidence is allowed in the Senate. Beside no evidence, Article-2 is totally void since the USSC took the case for Trump vs House subpoena for tax records. Trump does in-fact have the right to take subpoenas to court, and that is NOT "obstruction of the House". There is no such "crime".
House should have called the witnesses they want the Senate to have testify.

They rushed the hearings because they claimed Trump was an existential threat to the US and it was urgent to impeach him immediately!

Then Pelosi sits on the articles for a month.

Dimms are feckless c words.

They did call more witnesses. Trump blocked them from testifying.
They had a remedy. They failed to exercise it. That is on them.

The entire impeachment was nothing but partisan, now the left complains about the Senate being partisan.
It's very frustrating seeing that Trumpette's have so completely assimilated the lies about the House inquiry. But not surprising given their susceptibility to brainwashing.
I agree that is is very frustrating that the hate America first crowd actually try and pass off that the impeachment had any real merit and was for the betterment of America.
The suspicions had merit, were well founded, sent up by established process, credibly explained in testimony, Republican whining, not withstanding. Enjoyed watching republicans squirm, make vehement attacks on process, but not refute testimony. Enjoyed watching Deomcrats whine about witnesses denied by the Whitehouse, as if that in itself proved guilt, which it doesn't. We enjoy the right, not to self incriminate. Don enjoyed that right to the max. Everyone knows what went down and now we get the rubber stamp Senate trial. Good exercise. He is impeached, not absolved, and will be retained. This part is not run by the Democrats. If you want your crooked President, you can keep your crooked President. So let it be written, so let it be done.

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