So, let's say Obama grants amnesty through Executive Order

What high crimes and misdemeanors will be on the indictment? You obviously have to come up with something better than a blowjob
You liberal fanatics are still recycling this old, tired lie?

You must still be in shock from getting stomped in the midterm elections. My sympathies.
Well then let's dig up Ken Starr and dust him off and set him loose! Here's a tactic that, if the Republicans pull again, this past Tuesday will be the last bright spot for the next eight years. Appoint a Special Prosecutor. Give him all the leeway he asks for, in fact, make it so he never has to ask for expanded powers. Tie up the last two years of the Obama administration with investigations, supeonas and indictments.

Convene splashy hearings and suck all the air out of actual legislation. Shelve the platform and choke off the agenda. Squander the majorities in congress..

Then brace yourselves from the backlash come 2016. Congress, both houses? Gone. White House? Unattainable.

Now, get to work on that political suicide note.
And then Obama is impeached and removed from office, but Obama refuses to leave office... what then?
The House can impeach with a majority vote, which is possible.

Then the Senate convenes as a trial, and votes on conviction. It takes 2/3 of the Senate to convict. If they convict, removal then follows automatically. There's no way 2/3 of the Senate will vote to convict and remove Obama. Democrats would violate their oath to vote honestly, and would vote "Not Guilty" instead.

If they did vote to convict, he would go. No way would he try to remain after being impeached AND convicted.

If he tried to remain, I would guess that the House and Senate Sergeants-at-Arms would enforce the votes by getting on either side of him, grab him, and walk him out of the White House and through the gate in the fence. Then go back in and lock the gate.
I hope no one argues with you because this is exactly how it would have to happen.

The charge would have to be gross malfeasance. I doubt that impeachment is on the table for republicans. Democrats have them too spooked to take that step.

Don't put it past democrats to start the ball rolling in that direction. obola is blaming democrats for the recent losses. He is taking no responsibility for his policies. Blanket amnesty and flooding the country with millions more village people might be more than democrats could take. Especially if within those millions are thousands of people with ebola.

yeah, 100 cases of Ebola in Mexico were reported today.

if the new Congress would pass an immigration law there would be no need for an EO .. their turn to act,, and stfu

We don't need "new" laws.

Close and enforce the border.

Problem solved.

Why does obama want the border open?
George Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan—no president in modern history—has changed deportation policy through executive action, except all of them. Oh wait..

Executive Order 12324 - Interdiction of Illegal Aliens

Executive Order 12582 - Naturalization requirements exceptions for aliens and non-citizen nationals of the United States who served in the Grenada campaign

H. W. Bush
Executive Order 12711 Deferred deportation of Chinese nationals and their direct dependents in response to the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. See Executive Order 12711.

W. Bush
Executive Order 13269 of July 3, 2002
Expedited Naturalization of Aliens and Noncitizen Nationals Serving in an Active-Duty Status During the War on

Executive Order 13276
Delegation of Responsibilities Concerning Undocumented Aliens Interdicted or Intercepted in the Caribbean Region

That's nice.

Is obama the president now?

Why is the border open?
And then Obama is impeached and removed from office, but Obama refuses to leave office...

what then?
What high crimes and misdemeanors will be on the indictment? You obviously have to come up with something better than a blowjob like you morons did last time truth and logic were swapped for partisanship and sound bites.
Pick your felonies from a long list of "phoney scandals".
Impeachment is a political tool not a criminal one.

False comparisons with the War of Independence are ludicrous.

The far right no longer has any weight in GOP calculations.
If there is impeachment on the table over the ill advised amnesty issue, it will be democrats to bring it. Don't count on democrat loyalty to obola to prevent it. Democrats don't exactly see the presidunce as a benefit. In fact, they might see filing articles of impeachment a leg up in the next election.
Absolutely foolish to insist "they might see filing articles of impeachment a leg up in the next election."
Impeachment is a waste of time.

What America needs is a short series of treason trials.

Start with all the tea party douchebags who go around disparaging our President.

Imprisonment for disparaging dictators is S.O.P. in a number of dictatorships. Why am I not surprised that kyou, Nutcake, want to fundamentally transform America into North Korea?
I'm surprised how disconnected some (most) of you seem to be ....

1) The current Congress is in place until January 20 (approximately).
2) If Obama signs an immigration executive order, the current Congress will do nothing, other than squeal.
3) The next Congress will de-fund all efforts to implement amnesty.
4) However, by then, many will have already taken advantage of the new rule, and applied. They will be doing it legally, and, as such, their amnesty will have to be honored.
5) The new Congress will put together a reasonable immigration plan, but, by then, it will be too late to stop the amnesty of most of those currently in place.
6) It is conceivable that Congress could get the executive order overturned by the courts, but it will be too late to be anything but symbolic.
7) Impeachment serves no purpose - for either side. Dems don't want to support Obama (lest they be tarred with his ultra-left policies), and the Republicans want to use him as a foil to show their programs to the people, without worrying about having to implement them (since Obama will veto most of them). It's all about 2016, baby.
Obama will be breaking standing laws by allowing illegal aliens to obtain green cards and visas contrary to standing law. Once he gives out these cards and visas, he will be going against standing law and can be held responsible..

Standing law states what the time period is for waiting for visas and green cards are and he would be going against these laws.

Conservative attorneys can file suits against these actions.
Obama will be breaking standing laws by allowing illegal aliens to obtain green cards and visas contrary to standing law. Once he gives out these cards and visas, he will be going against standing law and can be held responsible..

Standing law states what the time period is for waiting for visas and green cards are and he would be going against these laws.

Conservative attorneys can file suits against these actions.

I agree .. he CAN be held responsible. But, he won't ... Republicans are salivating at the thought of hanging the idea that 12 million illegal immigrants deserve amnesty on Democrats. You'll hear a lot of noise, a couple resolutions chastising the president, de-funding immigration activities, and a lot of political rhetoric.
Yup. The GOP will be better off going after the newly legal immigrants with all sorts off "howdy, new neighbors" and programs to make the integration into legal society less painful.

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