So, let's say Obama grants amnesty through Executive Order

And then Obama is impeached and removed from office, but Obama refuses to leave office...

what then?
What high crimes and misdemeanors will be on the indictment? You obviously have to come up with something better than a blowjob like you morons did last time truth and logic were swapped for partisanship and sound bites.
They did come up with something better than a blowjob. Perjury is a felony. However, in retrospect, I feel Clinton was a much better president than the GOP gave him credit for. They should have let his presidency play out. He actually got a lot done. Compare that to this angry empty-chair we have today.
When did President Obama commit perjury? He would have to first offer sworn testimony and then lie during that testimony.

When did that happen?

You REALLY need to work on your reading comprehension.
They are not going to impeach him.
If they can convince enough Democrats to convict in the Senate, there might be some point in going forward.

Happened in Illinois, a couple of years ago, when the State Legislature decided to dump Governor Rod Blagoevich.

And that was a Democrat -controlled State Legislature, firing a Democratic Governor.

It all depends upon the charges, the motives, the prizes, and the behind-the-scenes negotiations.

If conviction were to follow, the POTUS becomes the ex-POTUS, the moment the Senate conviction is declared, right?

All allegiance owed by the Armed Forces terminates at that split second and transfers to the next in line of succession - something that much of the upper management at the Pentagon would probably be quite happy to see come to pass.

Given that the VP is already in the Senate chamber at that split second, it would be a simple matter of have the Chief Justice stop-by, at that moment, to swear-in the new one.

But it all depends upon whether a number of Democratic Senators can be turned.

After all, they would still have a Democratic President, to finish out the term.

But, as to whether a sufficient number of Democratic Senators could be 'turned' to convict, on High Crimes and Misdemeanors, once the charges have been conjured up, well..

That's very much a 'unknown' at this point - even though the Democrats are already running away from the President at the speed of light.

Democratic Senators from states with really large black populations probably would not dare help to convict the President in the Senate, in most cases, but Democratic Senators from states that are no so populated, might very well be able to get away with it, and defend the action amongst their constituencies.

It's a long shot - no getting around that - but stranger things have happened.

Obama should really consider backing down on this Shamnesty-via-Executive-Order business.

It would actually end-up becoming his un-doing, and result in early job-dismissal.
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Far right idiots, yes, you and Kondor and Jarlaxle and the rest of you fools.

There will be no impeachment. You have no power about that.

There will be no government shutdown. You have no power about that.

There will be no Cruz or Perry or whatever as a candidate for president. You have no power about that.

We in the GOP who can think will continue to reach out sensibly to women and minorities, ignore the far right and TPM, and devote very little time to marriage equality.
The president will veto any such action, and the Congress does not have the power to over ride the veto.
This is the most likely scenario. What happens next?

I close the thread, because you're deluded. With Republicans in control of both houses of Congress, one would think this is a good time to start focusing on real issues, develop solutions to real problems, and navigate a path forward to start improving things for the American people. I guess deranged loons just can't get over their love affair with hating Obama.
Far right idiots, yes, you and Kondor and Jarlaxle and the rest of you fools...
'Far right idiots'? Did I wrong you in some previous life, Jake? Fine. Have it your way. Blow it out your ass, jerkweed.

...There will be no impeachment. You have no power about that...
Oh, Impeachment in a Republican-controlled House probably would not be terribly difficult.

It's Conviction in the Senate, on High Crimes and Misdemeanors that's the real challenge.

The step that evicts him from office - a step that we have never yet reached, in our 230+ year history - an unlikely outcome, unless a fair number of Democratic Senators can be turned.

...There will be no government shutdown. You have no power about that...
No government shutdown is needed, for Congress to functionally override Obumble's executive order to provide Shamnesty.

The Pubs merely need to de-fund those programs necessary to implement the order, as another colleague pointed out earlier.

...There will be no Cruz or Perry or whatever as a candidate for president. You have no power about that...
I couldn't give a rat's ass less, personally.

...We in the GOP who can think will continue to reach out sensibly to women and minorities, ignore the far right and TPM, and devote very little time to marriage equality.
Yes, I have seen you claim to be a Republican, on a number of occasions.

Like a great many others here, I do not believe it.

And I don't give a phlying phukk about outreach and TPM and homosexual unions or any of that happy horseshit, in this context.

I'm interested in discussing what is possible, to counter the President's executive order to grant Shamnesty, when that comes down the pipe.
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This is the most likely scenario. What happens next?

I close the thread, because you're deluded. With Republicans in control of both houses of Congress, one would think this is a good time to start focusing on real issues, develop solutions to real problems, and navigate a path forward to start improving things for the American people. I guess deranged loons just can't get over their love affair with hating Obama.
Or, alternatively, in this instance, a great many Americans do not wish to see us surrender to an invasion of 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens, now present upon United States soil.

That is one helluva challenge - both in the here-and-now, and what that means for the future, if we cave-in now.
Yes, I have seen you claim to be a Republican, on a number of occasions. Like a great many others here, I do not believe it.

What you far righties believe about me means not a thing, because you have no power.

During the lame duck session, we will in the GOP continue to sensibly reach out to women and minority issues, stop worrying about marriage equality, reform ACA where possible and know what is possible, and work like the dickens in the next six weeks to get an immigration reform bill for an up and down vote.

We will not worry what the far right RINOs think at all.
Yes, I have seen you claim to be a Republican, on a number of occasions. Like a great many others here, I do not believe it.

What you far righties believe about me means not a thing, because you have no power.

During the lame duck session, we will in the GOP continue to sensibly reach out to women and minority issues, stop worrying about marriage equality, reform ACA where possible and know what is possible, and work like the dickens in the next six weeks to get an immigration reform bill for an up and down vote.

We will not worry what the far right RINOs think at all.
First, you need a refresher course in Adversary Identification.

I voted for Obama in 2008.

I voted for Obama in 2012.

I voted primarily Democrat in lesser contests in 2008.

I voted a very mixed bag of Pubs and Dems in the 2010 mid-terms.

I voted primarily Democrat in lesser contests in 2012.

I voted a very mixed bag of Pubs and Dems in the 2014 mid-terms.

I have never liked nor overly supported Obama but I believed him to be a better (marginal, and poor) choice than either McSame or Mittens - but not by much.

Perhaps you would fare better if you had a better sense of whom you're dealing with...

Rather than striking-out with knee-jerk reactions, every time that somebody speaks ill of your Failed Messiah.

But, in any event, you are not a Republican, by any commonly-accepted (nay, even sane) standard.

You're not kidding anybody about that.

When anybody thinks about you at all, that is.

You know that, right?
Don't give a darn what you did.

You are powerless, that is the point.

So you lost faith in your Messiah, who cares"

He will not be impeached.

There will be some deal in the next weeks on immigration, or he will do it by EO and then rally the center and the left, the women and the millennials, and the minorities that the GOP is trying to steal from all Americans.

It will be a lie, but one we don't need to fight.

And, remember, what you 'feel' has no power.
Don't give a darn what you did.

You are powerless, that is the point.

So you lost faith in your Messiah, who cares"

He will not be impeached.

There will be some deal in the next weeks on immigration, or he will do it by EO and then rally the center and the left, the women and the millennials, and the minorities that the GOP is trying to steal from all Americans.

It will be a lie, but one we don't need to fight.

And, remember, what you 'feel' has no power.
Ah, yes, the old 'We will win... you have no power... you cannot stop us... abandon hope, all ye who enter here' routine...

Funny stuff, Jakey... and DO continue to delude yourself with such arrogant thinking... that'll just make the eventual take-down all the sweeter, and all the easier to plan and to accomplish, if and when that need materializes, on behalf of the Republic. Your Failed Messiah has had it... he's toast.
Kondor, you are delusional, yes, but you have no power.

Watch the next few weeks and learn how powerless you are truly.
Kondor, you are delusional, yes, but you have no power.

Watch the next few weeks and learn how powerless you are truly.
Oh, I have little doubt, that Obumble will fail to reach a deal with Congress on Immigration Reform, then move on his own, to grant a Shamnesty through Executive Order.

Everyone - friend and foe - will, indeed, be powerless to stop that.

But it's what happens afterwards, that is in question.

And that may prove far more interesting and surprising - from a legislative power-struggle perspective - than you can bring yourself to believe at this early juncture.

Time will tell.
Obama is a twice elected President. He is free to use executive orders within the scope of his Presidential powers
Congress is also free to pass legislation that overrides those orders

What are Republicans waiting for?

I know. It's been 5 whole days.

The republican party is a failure.

It has been two years and they have yet to pass legislation. Due to the intense opposition within a certain element of the GOP, Congressional legislation outside of border security will not be passed
In the absence of a Congressional law, Obama is free to use his legal executive authority

What a load of horse shit. Nowhere in the COTUS does it say "If Congress doesn't pass a law that suits the POTUS, he may create his own law"

The fact that previous executive orders may or may not also have been unconstitutional does not change the fact that according to the COTUS the Congress and Congress alone has the power to legislate immigration.

The President can pass executive orders...been doing it since Washington

Like it or not, Obama leads the executive branch. He can run the government within his authority. Congress doesn't like it? Overrule him

What are Republicans waiting for? Pass an immigration bill
Obama is a twice elected President. He is free to use executive orders within the scope of his Presidential powers
Congress is also free to pass legislation that overrides those orders

What are Republicans waiting for?

I know. It's been 5 whole days.

The republican party is a failure.

It has been two years and they have yet to pass legislation. Due to the intense opposition within a certain element of the GOP, Congressional legislation outside of border security will not be passed
In the absence of a Congressional law, Obama is free to use his legal executive authority

What a load of horse shit. Nowhere in the COTUS does it say "If Congress doesn't pass a law that suits the POTUS, he may create his own law"

The fact that previous executive orders may or may not also have been unconstitutional does not change the fact that according to the COTUS the Congress and Congress alone has the power to legislate immigration.

The President can pass executive orders...been doing it since Washington

Like it or not, Obama leads the executive branch. He can run the government within his authority. Congress doesn't like it? Overrule him

What are Republicans waiting for? Pass an immigration bill

We have an immigration bill. It's Obama's job to see it that it is enforced, not to pass a new one because he doesn't like this one.

Are you not capable of thinking logically? If you get Obama to do this , what happens when a POTUS writes an EO you DON'T like?
They are not going to impeach him.

I certainly hope not. Joe Biden would be a disaster as President. I do believe a bunch of African-Americans will be really pissed when the new Hispanic citizens get the jobs instead of them.
Obama is a twice elected President. He is free to use executive orders within the scope of his Presidential powers
Congress is also free to pass legislation that overrides those orders

What are Republicans waiting for?

I know. It's been 5 whole days.

The republican party is a failure.

It has been two years and they have yet to pass legislation. Due to the intense opposition within a certain element of the GOP, Congressional legislation outside of border security will not be passed
In the absence of a Congressional law, Obama is free to use his legal executive authority

What a load of horse shit. Nowhere in the COTUS does it say "If Congress doesn't pass a law that suits the POTUS, he may create his own law"

The fact that previous executive orders may or may not also have been unconstitutional does not change the fact that according to the COTUS the Congress and Congress alone has the power to legislate immigration.

The President can pass executive orders...been doing it since Washington

Like it or not, Obama leads the executive branch. He can run the government within his authority. Congress doesn't like it? Overrule him

What are Republicans waiting for? Pass an immigration bill

We have an immigration bill. It's Obama's job to see it that it is enforced, not to pass a new one because he doesn't like this one.

Are you not capable of thinking logically? If you get Obama to do this , what happens when a POTUS writes an EO you DON'T like?

Obama has the entire Justice Dept advising him on the scope of his Executive Powers

If Republicans believe he is exceeding his authority, they have the legal system at their disposal

My money says they fail

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