So, let's say Obama grants amnesty through Executive Order

And then Obama is impeached and removed from office, but Obama refuses to leave office...

what then?
in this pretend scenario, the US Marshall's would arrest him

You miss the point

The President exceeds his executive authority, that particular order gets overruled. It is not a violation of the law. you don't like an EO, overrule it
I'm surprised how disconnected some (most) of you seem to be ....

1) The current Congress is in place until January 20 (approximately).
2) If Obama signs an immigration executive order, the current Congress will do nothing, other than squeal.
3) The next Congress will de-fund all efforts to implement amnesty.
4) However, by then, many will have already taken advantage of the new rule, and applied. They will be doing it legally, and, as such, their amnesty will have to be honored.
5) The new Congress will put together a reasonable immigration plan, but, by then, it will be too late to stop the amnesty of most of those currently in place.
6) It is conceivable that Congress could get the executive order overturned by the courts, but it will be too late to be anything but symbolic.
7) Impeachment serves no purpose - for either side. Dems don't want to support Obama (lest they be tarred with his ultra-left policies), and the Republicans want to use him as a foil to show their programs to the people, without worrying about having to implement them (since Obama will veto most of them). It's all about 2016, baby.

1) Correct.
2) Correct.
3) Wrong, Obama will just pass an EO giving himself money for all defunded programs.
4) Correct.
5) Correct
6) Correct.
7) Wrong, because when Obama usurps Article I, Section 9 powers over the Treasury from Congress, against Congress's retaliation of Obama first usurping their Article I, Section 8 powers over immigration, impeachment will be the only option. Obama will pass an EO to appropriate his policies money. What then?

No. 3 - The president cannot authorize additional funding, by any method. He can, however, redirect money already authorized - but where would he get it?

I agree - he would be violating the Constitution, but there won't be any impeachment. It serves no purpose. In fact, having Obama in office virtually assures a Republican victory even greater in 2016.
Obama can pass Executive Orders that will remain in effect until he leaves office or Congress passes a law that supersedes it

If Republicans don't like it, win the White House or pass a freak'n law

Go for it
What are Republicans waiting for? Pass an immigration bill
Pass an immigration bill?


What would that immigration bill do, beyond what existing law does?

Would that immigration bill also include a path to citizenship (Shamnesty) for the 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens already present upon United States soil?
What are Republicans waiting for? Pass an immigration bill
Pass an immigration bill?


What would that immigration bill do, beyond what existing law does?

Would that immigration bill also include a path to citizenship (Shamnesty) for the 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens already present upon United States soil?


Obama can issue Executive Orders within the scope of that law

live with it
The American people will simply not support deporting 12mm people.

Since BHO does have EO power, now is the time to work with him, because he will act before the new congress swears in.
The American people will simply not support deporting 12mm people.

Since BHO does have EO power, now is the time to work with him, because he will act before the new congress swears in.
The American People do not have to support the deportation of 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens.

What we really need is SELF-deportation.

Creating conditions sufficiently onerous for Illegal Aliens, to make them scurry back across the border of their own volition, and at their own expense.

Making it a crime to rent or sell housing to an Illegal, provide Educational or Medical or Welfare services to an Illegal, etc., should do the trick.
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George Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan—no president in modern history—has changed deportation policy through executive action, except all of them. Oh wait..

Executive Order 12324 - Interdiction of Illegal Aliens

Executive Order 12582 - Naturalization requirements exceptions for aliens and non-citizen nationals of the United States who served in the Grenada campaign

H. W. Bush
Executive Order 12711 Deferred deportation of Chinese nationals and their direct dependents in response to the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. See Executive Order 12711.

W. Bush
Executive Order 13269 of July 3, 2002
Expedited Naturalization of Aliens and Noncitizen Nationals Serving in an Active-Duty Status During the War on

Executive Order 13276
Delegation of Responsibilities Concerning Undocumented Aliens Interdicted or Intercepted in the Caribbean Region

What Obama is doing has nothing to do with deportation.
It about legalization of non citizens and he is going to do it before the new congress comes in.
Nothing like starting the war on the new congress even before they are sworn in.
Reagan, by executive order, exempted illegal immigrants and non-citizens from certain naturalization requirements. That wasn't about deportation either. Did you even read my previous post?

With the promise that the boarders would be sealed which never happened.
Okay. So should we have impeached Reagan then, for passing an executive order changing immigration law and allowing more people to become naturalized citizens?
No, the dimwit congress that made the hollow promise to seal the borders. Dimwits are weak spines pissants.
The American people will simply not support deporting 12mm people.

Since BHO does have EO power, now is the time to work with him, because he will act before the new congress swears in.
The American People do not have to support the deportation of 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens.

What we really need is SELF-deportation.

Creating conditions sufficiently onerous for Illegal Aliens, to make the scurry back across the border of their own volition, and at their own expense.

Making it a crime to rent or sell housing to an Illegal, provide Educational or Medical or Welfare services to an Illegal, etc., should do the trick.

For some reason you left out the employers
...For some reason you left out the employers
That's what I get for slapping together a quickie like that.

Consider it covered under "etc"...

And move 'em up towards the front of the list...

Good catch...
...For some reason you left out the employers
That's what I get for slapping together a quickie like that.

Consider it covered under "etc"...

And move 'em up towards the front of the list...

Good catch...

Throw the employers in jail and you don't even need a wall....agree?

Make it a law that the employers have to use e-verify and report the findings to the feds.
And make it so that the Feds must act on the report, and execute the laws of the United States, during the course of that action.
Obama has the entire Justice Dept advising him on the scope of his Executive Powers

If Republicans believe he is exceeding his authority, they have the legal system at their disposal

My money says they fail

The same Justice Dept that advised it was ok to use drones on non-combatant US citizens on US soil? Do we need to replay Rand Paul's eternal filibuster that exposed Obama on that issue, and forced them to admit it?

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