So, let's say Obama grants amnesty through Executive Order

And then Obama is impeached and removed from office, but Obama refuses to leave office...

what then?
What high crimes and misdemeanors will be on the indictment? You obviously have to come up with something better than a blowjob like you morons did last time truth and logic were swapped for partisanship and sound bites.
They did come up with something better than a blowjob. Perjury is a felony. However, in retrospect, I feel Clinton was a much better president than the GOP gave him credit for. They should have let his presidency play out. He actually got a lot done. Compare that to this angry empty-chair we have today.
Obama is a twice elected President. He is free to use executive orders within the scope of his Presidential powers
Congress is also free to pass legislation that overrides those orders

What are Republicans waiting for?
Obama is a twice elected President. He is free to use executive orders within the scope of his Presidential powers
Congress is also free to pass legislation that overrides those orders

What are Republicans waiting for?

I know. It's been 5 whole days.

The republican party is a failure.

Obama is a twice elected President. He is free to use executive orders within the scope of his Presidential powers
Congress is also free to pass legislation that overrides those orders

What are Republicans waiting for?

I know. It's been 5 whole days.

The republican party is a failure.

It has been two years and they have yet to pass legislation. Due to the intense opposition within a certain element of the GOP, Congressional legislation outside of border security will not be passed
In the absence of a Congressional law, Obama is free to use his legal executive authority
Obama is a twice elected President. He is free to use executive orders within the scope of his Presidential powers
Congress is also free to pass legislation that overrides those orders

What are Republicans waiting for?

I know. It's been 5 whole days.

The republican party is a failure.

It has been two years and they have yet to pass legislation. Due to the intense opposition within a certain element of the GOP, Congressional legislation outside of border security will not be passed
In the absence of a Congressional law, Obama is free to use his legal executive authority

whatever you say, bitter, frustrated partisan...whatever you say.
And then Obama is impeached and removed from office, but Obama refuses to leave office...

what then?
What high crimes and misdemeanors will be on the indictment? You obviously have to come up with something better than a blowjob like you morons did last time truth and logic were swapped for partisanship and sound bites.
They did come up with something better than a blowjob. Perjury is a felony. However, in retrospect, I feel Clinton was a much better president than the GOP gave him credit for. They should have let his presidency play out. He actually got a lot done. Compare that to this angry empty-chair we have today.
When did President Obama commit perjury? He would have to first offer sworn testimony and then lie during that testimony.

When did that happen?
The GOP will offer legislation, and if the TPers yap, they will get kicked in the mouth.
And then Obama is impeached and removed from office, but Obama refuses to leave office...

what then?

There will be no impeachment, but for the sake of argument, if he was impeached, he would leave PERIOD.

Now , for the sake of argument that he was impeached and would not leave, the Secret Service would bodily remove him from the White House.
He would have to be convicted, bear. Impeachment is the approved indictment that the House sends to the Senate. If the Senate convicts, then he is no longer president and must leave.
Obama is a twice elected President. He is free to use executive orders within the scope of his Presidential powers
Congress is also free to pass legislation that overrides those orders

What are Republicans waiting for?

I know. It's been 5 whole days.

The republican party is a failure.

It has been two years and they have yet to pass legislation. Due to the intense opposition within a certain element of the GOP, Congressional legislation outside of border security will not be passed
In the absence of a Congressional law, Obama is free to use his legal executive authority

What a load of horse shit. Nowhere in the COTUS does it say "If Congress doesn't pass a law that suits the POTUS, he may create his own law"

The fact that previous executive orders may or may not also have been unconstitutional does not change the fact that according to the COTUS the Congress and Congress alone has the power to legislate immigration.
The Constitution never uses the word immigration, so how is it that the rules for immigrants, and quotas for countries, are set by the federal government and not by the state governments? After all, as the 10th Amendment states, are the powers not delegated to the United States held by the states, or the people?

The Supreme Court has ruled that the Congressional power to regulate naturalization, from Article 1, Section 8, includes the power to regulate immigration (see, for example, Hampton v. Mow Sun Wong, 426 U.S. 88 [1976]). It would not make sense to allow Congress to pass laws to determine how an immigrant becomes a naturalized resident if the Congress cannot determine how, or even if, that immigrant can come into the country in the first place. Just because the Constitution lacks the word immigration does not mean that it lacks the concept of immigration.

Things That Are Not In the U.S. Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online -
And then Obama is impeached and removed from office, but Obama refuses to leave office...

what then?
He can't refuse to leave office. But he has to be voted by 2/3 of the senate to be removed.

If Obama is impeached for usurping Congress's explicit Article I, Section 8 Powers over immigration, what's to stop Obola from passing another executive order usurping Congress's explicit power over impeachment? He'll just pass an EO saying the congressional impeachment vote is null and void, or just go full Emperor Palpatine mode and disband Congress altogether.

"I promised you hope and change, and now I'm going to deliver that promise...progress is being made today, the day we freed ourselves from a piece of paper written by white rich slave owners, the same echelon that voted to impeach and remove me from office because of my skin color...we shall overcome...BLAH BLAH BLAH...and the Democratic Party stands behind me..."

and they would. That's the end of the Republic. Anyone who fights back will be instantly labeled a "rich white racist terrorist."
I'm surprised how disconnected some (most) of you seem to be ....

1) The current Congress is in place until January 20 (approximately).
2) If Obama signs an immigration executive order, the current Congress will do nothing, other than squeal.
3) The next Congress will de-fund all efforts to implement amnesty.
4) However, by then, many will have already taken advantage of the new rule, and applied. They will be doing it legally, and, as such, their amnesty will have to be honored.
5) The new Congress will put together a reasonable immigration plan, but, by then, it will be too late to stop the amnesty of most of those currently in place.
6) It is conceivable that Congress could get the executive order overturned by the courts, but it will be too late to be anything but symbolic.
7) Impeachment serves no purpose - for either side. Dems don't want to support Obama (lest they be tarred with his ultra-left policies), and the Republicans want to use him as a foil to show their programs to the people, without worrying about having to implement them (since Obama will veto most of them). It's all about 2016, baby.

1) Correct.
2) Correct.
3) Wrong, Obama will just pass an EO giving himself money for all defunded programs.
4) Correct.
5) Correct
6) Correct.
7) Wrong, because when Obama usurps Article I, Section 9 powers over the Treasury from Congress, against Congress's retaliation of Obama first usurping their Article I, Section 8 powers over immigration, impeachment will be the only option. Obama will pass an EO to appropriate his policies money. What then?
Obama is not going to be impeached, and T2dA is not going to start an insurrection.

Now, back to reality.
And then Obama is impeached and removed from office, but Obama refuses to leave office...

what then?
He can't refuse to leave office. But he has to be voted by 2/3 of the senate to be removed.

If Obama is impeached for usurping Congress's explicit Article I, Section 8 Powers over immigration, what's to stop Obola from passing another executive order usurping Congress's explicit power over impeachment? He'll just pass an EO saying the congressional impeachment vote is null and void, or just go full Emperor Palpatine mode and disband Congress altogether.

"I promised you hope and change, and now I'm going to deliver that promise...progress is being made today, the day we freed ourselves from a piece of paper written by white rich slave owners, the same echelon that voted to impeach and remove me from office because of my skin color...we shall overcome...BLAH BLAH BLAH...and the Democratic Party stands behind me..."

and they would. That's the end of the Republic. Anyone who fights back will be instantly labeled a "rich white racist terrorist."

You are stupid, or insane. I'm not sure which.

Palpatine was in a MOVIE.

In real life if Obama did what you suggest, the Chairman of the Join Chiefs would order JSOC to dump Obama into Leavanworth. It would take about 5 minutes.
You are stupid, or insane. I'm not sure which.

Palpatine was in a MOVIE.

Would you prefer real life references to Hitler and the disbanding of the coalition government, Stalin and his communist revolution, Mao, Castro or something else? Obama is a left-wing dictator in all but name. Try to remove him from office and watch what happens.

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