So Much For Concealed Carry

This is so sad. If he hadn't had a gun on him, he'd be alive. If the cops weren't so trigger happy, he might be alive. Just a guy doing the right thing. If he'd said "screw it" and walked away, he'd be alive.
The cops walked in on a fight and don't know who's who and suddenly one is grabbing for a gun, so yeah, I get how it could happen, but damn.
This is so sad. If he hadn't had a gun on him, he'd be alive. If the cops weren't so trigger happy, he might be alive. Just a guy doing the right thing. If he'd said "screw it" and walked away, he'd be alive.
The cops walked in on a fight and don't know who's who and suddenly one is grabbing for a gun, so yeah, I get how it could happen, but damn.
He obviously didnt think this one through. Black guy with a gun involved with a fight with police present. He should have known this was not going to end well.
Guy was breaking up a fight and a gun fell out of his holster. He reached for it and got shot by the cops. I wonder 2 things. Why was he carrying and why in such an environment?

Portland State University police fatally shoot man who was trying to break up a fight - CNN
Yup. This good guy with a gun thing works like a charm every time. 2aguy

No one has EVER made that claim. But when good guys don't have the ability to have guns the bad guys will almost ALWAYS win. That is called simple logic. old lady. The sad reality is most cops are very poorly trained and the result is innocent people dying. It happens every week in this country and that is a tragedy, and an insult to the victims.
Guy was breaking up a fight and a gun fell out of his holster. He reached for it and got shot by the cops. I wonder 2 things. Why was he carrying and why in such an environment?

Portland State University police fatally shoot man who was trying to break up a fight - CNN
Yup. This good guy with a gun thing works like a charm every time. 2aguy

Every time, no, but there are 2.4 million defensive uses of concealed carry guns in the United States every year, according to the CDC.....

1 v 2.4 million.....

Can you tell which number is bigger?
This is so sad. If he hadn't had a gun on him, he'd be alive. If the cops weren't so trigger happy, he might be alive. Just a guy doing the right thing. If he'd said "screw it" and walked away, he'd be alive.
The cops walked in on a fight and don't know who's who and suddenly one is grabbing for a gun, so yeah, I get how it could happen, but damn.
He obviously didnt think this one through. Black guy with a gun involved with a fight with police present. He should have known this was not going to end well.

Yeah....worked out for this Black American...

I like the part where the White Cop shakes his hand...

I saw this yesterday. But one is supposed to believe teachers with guns will be able to single out who the good guys and bad guys are when students are running every direction for their lives.

How ignorant a mind that thinks "if you just have a gun it's easy and you'll be the hero every time".

Wrong as usual.
This is so sad. If he hadn't had a gun on him, he'd be alive. If the cops weren't so trigger happy, he might be alive. Just a guy doing the right thing. If he'd said "screw it" and walked away, he'd be alive.
The cops walked in on a fight and don't know who's who and suddenly one is grabbing for a gun, so yeah, I get how it could happen, but damn.

1. Only an idiot takes a gun to a bar.
2. You don't use holsters that your firearm can fall out of.

This is so sad. If he hadn't had a gun on him, he'd be alive. If the cops weren't so trigger happy, he might be alive. Just a guy doing the right thing. If he'd said "screw it" and walked away, he'd be alive.
The cops walked in on a fight and don't know who's who and suddenly one is grabbing for a gun, so yeah, I get how it could happen, but damn.

1. Only an idiot takes a gun to a bar.
2. You don't use holsters that your firearm can fall out of.


You don't involve yourself in situations that are none of your business.
This is so sad. If he hadn't had a gun on him, he'd be alive. If the cops weren't so trigger happy, he might be alive. Just a guy doing the right thing. If he'd said "screw it" and walked away, he'd be alive.
The cops walked in on a fight and don't know who's who and suddenly one is grabbing for a gun, so yeah, I get how it could happen, but damn.

1. Only an idiot takes a gun to a bar.
2. You don't use holsters that your firearm can fall out of.


You don't involve yourself in situations that are none of your business.

And you don't pick up a gun in the presence of police. Not a smart move.

Guy was breaking up a fight and a gun fell out of his holster. He reached for it and got shot by the cops. I wonder 2 things. Why was he carrying and why in such an environment?

Portland State University police fatally shoot man who was trying to break up a fight - CNN
Yup. This good guy with a gun thing works like a charm every time. 2aguy
It's good white guy with a gun. Get it right.


That's what you get when you refuse to use deadly force. You get shot by a cop.
Thousands of lives are saved by good guys with guns every day. Left wing idiots find one time it backfired.

Lefties never get smarter.
This is so sad. If he hadn't had a gun on him, he'd be alive. If the cops weren't so trigger happy, he might be alive. Just a guy doing the right thing. If he'd said "screw it" and walked away, he'd be alive.
The cops walked in on a fight and don't know who's who and suddenly one is grabbing for a gun, so yeah, I get how it could happen, but damn.
He obviously didnt think this one through. Black guy with a gun involved with a fight with police present. He should have known this was not going to end well.

Yeah....worked out for this Black American...

I like the part where the White Cop shakes his hand...

That's a good guy with a gun, right there.

I like how he shit talks the perp while waiting for the cops.
These types of incidents are anomalies, and very rare. The vast majority of concealed carry owners are extremely responsible, never have to pull their gun, or when they do it is for a good reason. Often the perp flees with no shots fired.

Nobody is forcing you Libs to carry guns.

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