So much truth in one paragraph

I do not believe this is true. It may be one way of looking at things. From books I have read recently it is clear that the greatest redistribution of wealth took place when tax policies took from the poor and gave to the very wealthy. The book Dark Money puts it this way: There are ten coins on the table in front of you. A rich guy grabs 9 of them, then tells you, "watch out, those other guys are trying to take your coin."

People on welfare are not getting rich. They are barely surviving.And they are not saving money in off shore accounts to avoid paying taxes. Rich folks are continuing to get richer and richer while the 99% continue to struggle.
Its NOT just about rich vs poor. Its about "hidden forces" making it impossible for white folks to get ahead enough to have large families and then we are told we have to bring 3rd world trash in to take up the slack while THEY get welfare and pop out 5 and 6 kids.

There are no such hidden forces. White Genocide is a lie.
Sure it is snowflake. Backed up with ALLL those facts you have eh. IDIOT.

Show me where there is an intentional attempt to wipe out whites.
Greg Johnson, "White Genocide" | Counter-Currents Publishing

Facts are facts.

White demographics - Metapedia
About White Genocide - White GeNOcide Project
Greg Johnson is an awesome man.

I love how he emphasizes the racialized political spectrum like I do.
I do not believe this is true. It may be one way of looking at things. From books I have read recently it is clear that the greatest redistribution of wealth took place when tax policies took from the poor and gave to the very wealthy. The book Dark Money puts it this way: There are ten coins on the table in front of you. A rich guy grabs 9 of them, then tells you, "watch out, those other guys are trying to take your coin."

People on welfare are not getting rich. They are barely surviving.And they are not saving money in off shore accounts to avoid paying taxes. Rich folks are continuing to get richer and richer while the 99% continue to struggle.
Its NOT just about rich vs poor. Its about "hidden forces" making it impossible for white folks to get ahead enough to have large families and then we are told we have to bring 3rd world trash in to take up the slack while THEY get welfare and pop out 5 and 6 kids.

There are no such hidden forces. White Genocide is a lie.
Sure it is snowflake. Backed up with ALLL those facts you have eh. IDIOT.

Show me where there is an intentional attempt to wipe out whites.
Greg Johnson, "White Genocide" | Counter-Currents Publishing

Facts are facts.

White demographics - Metapedia
About White Genocide - White GeNOcide Project
Now we see where you are truly coming from. All of those things you call facts, I see as the writer's ideas and interpretation of things, to which he is trying to convert others.

Actually, race IS a social construct. Our Founding Fathers created it when they decided who could or could not be considered white and therefore eligible to be land owners. The documentary, "Race: the Power of an Illusion," makes this all very clear. It shows actual historical documents and historians making sure they are presenting facts, not fiction and not just somebody's ideas. We are all free to believe it or to continue believing our whitewashed version of actual history.
Its NOT just about rich vs poor. Its about "hidden forces" making it impossible for white folks to get ahead enough to have large families and then we are told we have to bring 3rd world trash in to take up the slack while THEY get welfare and pop out 5 and 6 kids.

There are no such hidden forces. White Genocide is a lie.
Sure it is snowflake. Backed up with ALLL those facts you have eh. IDIOT.

Show me where there is an intentional attempt to wipe out whites.
Greg Johnson, "White Genocide" | Counter-Currents Publishing

Facts are facts.

White demographics - Metapedia
About White Genocide - White GeNOcide Project
Now we see where you are truly coming from. All of those things you call facts, I see as the writer's ideas and interpretation of things, to which he is trying to convert others.

Actually, race IS a social construct. Our Founding Fathers created it when they decided who could or could not be considered white and therefore eligible to be land owners. The documentary, "Race: the Power of an Illusion," makes this all very clear. It shows actual historical documents and historians making sure they are presenting facts, not fiction and not just somebody's ideas. We are all free to believe it or to continue believing our whitewashed version of actual history.
Oh look another anti white racist troll. IGNORED!
There are no such hidden forces. White Genocide is a lie.
Sure it is snowflake. Backed up with ALLL those facts you have eh. IDIOT.

Show me where there is an intentional attempt to wipe out whites.
Greg Johnson, "White Genocide" | Counter-Currents Publishing

Facts are facts.

White demographics - Metapedia
About White Genocide - White GeNOcide Project
Now we see where you are truly coming from. All of those things you call facts, I see as the writer's ideas and interpretation of things, to which he is trying to convert others.

Actually, race IS a social construct. Our Founding Fathers created it when they decided who could or could not be considered white and therefore eligible to be land owners. The documentary, "Race: the Power of an Illusion," makes this all very clear. It shows actual historical documents and historians making sure they are presenting facts, not fiction and not just somebody's ideas. We are all free to believe it or to continue believing our whitewashed version of actual history.
Oh look another anti white racist troll. IGNORED!
I fail to see how I can be anti-white when I am a white person. And I fail to see how white folks can be exterminated in the U.S.
Sure it is snowflake. Backed up with ALLL those facts you have eh. IDIOT.

Show me where there is an intentional attempt to wipe out whites.
Greg Johnson, "White Genocide" | Counter-Currents Publishing

Facts are facts.

White demographics - Metapedia
About White Genocide - White GeNOcide Project
Now we see where you are truly coming from. All of those things you call facts, I see as the writer's ideas and interpretation of things, to which he is trying to convert others.

Actually, race IS a social construct. Our Founding Fathers created it when they decided who could or could not be considered white and therefore eligible to be land owners. The documentary, "Race: the Power of an Illusion," makes this all very clear. It shows actual historical documents and historians making sure they are presenting facts, not fiction and not just somebody's ideas. We are all free to believe it or to continue believing our whitewashed version of actual history.
Oh look another anti white racist troll. IGNORED!
I fail to see how I can be anti-white when I am a white person. And I fail to see how white folks can be exterminated in the U.S.

Odium is one of those stormfront idiots who post in these places.
Now we see where you are truly coming from. All of those things you call facts, I see as the writer's ideas and interpretation of things, to which he is trying to convert others.

Actually, race IS a social construct. Our Founding Fathers created it when they decided who could or could not be considered white and therefore eligible to be land owners. The documentary, "Race: the Power of an Illusion," makes this all very clear. It shows actual historical documents and historians making sure they are presenting facts, not fiction and not just somebody's ideas. We are all free to believe it or to continue believing our whitewashed version of actual history.
Oh look another anti white racist troll. IGNORED!
I fail to see how I can be anti-white when I am a white person. And I fail to see how white folks can be exterminated in the U.S.

Odium is one of those stormfront idiots who post in these places.
I guess I don't quite get what the purpose of some posters really is. Are they here to push their racist viewpoints in the hopes of getting others to become racist? Are they so angry about what they perceive to be happening, that they are just expressing their anger?

I have been of the hope that a reasonable exchange of ideas can open hearts and minds to the possibilities that race relations can indeed improve if we work at it. But I do see a lot of negativity, stereotyping, hate and blaming going on here.

White Genocide in a nutshell.
I just read some information on "immigration". I hesitate to go there,but some compared open immigration to genocide. People of parent countries are disappearing and the non indigenous peoples are displacing them, it's becoming a phenomena in almost all western countries across the board. It's not paranoid rantings, it's fact. It's part of the definition of genocide, if you displace people from their culture in their own homeland. Its genocide. Seems like hyperbole, but in the last 30 years from my perspective, I wonder.
Now we see where you are truly coming from. All of those things you call facts, I see as the writer's ideas and interpretation of things, to which he is trying to convert others.

Actually, race IS a social construct. Our Founding Fathers created it when they decided who could or could not be considered white and therefore eligible to be land owners. The documentary, "Race: the Power of an Illusion," makes this all very clear. It shows actual historical documents and historians making sure they are presenting facts, not fiction and not just somebody's ideas. We are all free to believe it or to continue believing our whitewashed version of actual history.
Oh look another anti white racist troll. IGNORED!
I fail to see how I can be anti-white when I am a white person. And I fail to see how white folks can be exterminated in the U.S.

Odium is one of those stormfront idiots who post in these places.
I guess I don't quite get what the purpose of some posters really is. Are they here to push their racist viewpoints in the hopes of getting others to become racist? Are they so angry about what they perceive to be happening, that they are just expressing their anger?

I have been of the hope that a reasonable exchange of ideas can open hearts and minds to the possibilities that race relations can indeed improve if we work at it. But I do see a lot of negativity, stereotyping, hate and blaming going on here.

And that's all you are going to get from these people. They don't want discussions, they want to be able to freely express their virulent racism at will in a place where they will not get sanctioned.

White Genocide in a nutshell.
I just read some information on "immigration". I hesitate to go there,but some compared open immigration to genocide. People of parent countries are disappearing and the non indigenous peoples are displacing them, it's becoming a phenomena in almost all western countries across the board. It's not paranoid rantings, it's fact. It's part of the definition of genocide, if you displace people from their culture in their own homeland. Its genocide. Seems like hyperbole, but in the last 30 years from my perspective, I wonder.


White Genocide in a nutshell.
I just read some information on "immigration". I hesitate to go there,but some compared open immigration to genocide. People of parent countries are disappearing and the non indigenous peoples are displacing them, it's becoming a phenomena in almost all western countries across the board. It's not paranoid rantings, it's fact. It's part of the definition of genocide, if you displace people from their culture in their own homeland. Its genocide. Seems like hyperbole, but in the last 30 years from my perspective, I wonder.
I don't believe that is part of the definition of genocide:
  1. the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
    synonyms: mass murder, mass homicide, massacre;
    annihilation, extermination, elimination, liquidation, eradication, decimation, butchery, bloodletting;
    pogrom, ethnic cleansing, holocaust
    "a tyrant guilty of genocide"
The Africans who were displaced from their culture in their own homeland and forcefully brought to America as slaves never disappeared from the face of the earth. The Native Americans who were displaced from their culture in their own homeland and forced onto reservations never disappeared from the face of the earth.

White Genocide in a nutshell.
I just read some information on "immigration". I hesitate to go there,but some compared open immigration to genocide. People of parent countries are disappearing and the non indigenous peoples are displacing them, it's becoming a phenomena in almost all western countries across the board. It's not paranoid rantings, it's fact. It's part of the definition of genocide, if you displace people from their culture in their own homeland. Its genocide. Seems like hyperbole, but in the last 30 years from my perspective, I wonder.
I don't believe that is part of the definition of genocide:
  1. the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
    synonyms: mass murder, mass homicide, massacre;
    annihilation, extermination, elimination, liquidation, eradication, decimation, butchery, bloodletting;
    pogrom, ethnic cleansing, holocaust
    "a tyrant guilty of genocide"
The Africans who were displaced from their culture in their own homeland and forcefully brought to America as slaves never disappeared from the face of the earth. The Native Americans who were displaced from their culture in their own homeland and forced onto reservations never disappeared from the face of the earth.
From what I have read, the UN has refined their definition of genocide as including actions that dispossess people of their host culture. Indians WHERE a good examples of that. But this isn't 1492, either.
Now we see where you are truly coming from. All of those things you call facts, I see as the writer's ideas and interpretation of things, to which he is trying to convert others.

Actually, race IS a social construct. Our Founding Fathers created it when they decided who could or could not be considered white and therefore eligible to be land owners. The documentary, "Race: the Power of an Illusion," makes this all very clear. It shows actual historical documents and historians making sure they are presenting facts, not fiction and not just somebody's ideas. We are all free to believe it or to continue believing our whitewashed version of actual history.
Oh look another anti white racist troll. IGNORED!
I fail to see how I can be anti-white when I am a white person. And I fail to see how white folks can be exterminated in the U.S.

Odium is one of those stormfront idiots who post in these places.
Actually I am banned from is full of cucks who don't have the balls to do what needs done and god forbid we use foul language! You my little snowflake just don't like facts that prove your lies are just that lies.
Oh look some moderator has WAY to much time on their hands and obviously can't READ since they think this isn't a race issue....such an idiot.

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