So no one wants EV's? LOL

Using todays batteries, you will wear out the vehicle before the useful life of the batteries is done.

Pul-leease. You're talking to an electrical engineer. Spare me your fantasies and marketing propaganda. Not only are such batteries impractical and expensive, but packing so much energy density into a battery makes for a good bomb. Ever see a lithium battery go bad? Any idea that one of the compounds used in making them is an agent in nerve gas, stupid?

Buy your stupid battery car. I'll be driving with good, solid, proven technology that I can service and fix myself in a car so cheap I could throw it away.
Now dumb fuck, that is not what you said. And about 1/2 the stores here in Portland have charging stations for EV's. And why not, another source of profit for the store and convenience for their customers.
Convenience as they wait 45 minutes to charge up for their next 200 mile trek to wait another dimbulbs!
Pul-leease. You're talking to an electrical engineer. Spare me your fantasies and marketing propaganda. Not only are such batteries impractical and expensive, but packing so much energy density into a battery makes for a good bomb. Ever see a lithium battery go bad? Any idea that one of the compounds used in making them is an agent in nerve gas, stupid?

Buy your stupid battery car. I'll be driving with good, solid, proven technology that I can service and fix myself in a car so cheap I could throw it away.
And everyone but you will have thrown away that cheap ass shit.
2 seconds, dumb shit, and what is the fuel use for an ICE that is trying to match that? There are many Youtubes of Plaids doing multiple runs on a single charge and beating the pants off of high performance ICE vehicles
Yes, lots of families of 4 concerned about 0-60 in...excuse me, 2 seconds....that will be a definite selling point for forking over the $80k. Dumb pelosi
And yet most quality EV's are selling out ahead of production. I guess that there are a lot more intelligent people that dimwiddies like you.
Right....paying for something without receiving it is a well known Dimmer strategy for good business.
Both the LNC and LFP batteries lower useful lives are rated at 3000 cycles. So if you drive 200 miles, then charge, that is a useful life of about 600,000 miles.

I can't even get to my nearest large city with 200 miles....Now with the volt from Chevy you can switch from electric to gasoline but a funny thing I heard was a neighbor yelling at her husband for not plugging in the car and not getting it filled up...they had to call a tow truck to bring them gas because the plug was uphill in their garage...LMAO
EV's are selling out their future production sometimes in just minutes, yet the legacy auto manufactures are failing to respond. Looks like that they are intent on giving the market to Tesla and Chinese manufacturers.

You're an ignorant fuck. Go down to your local dealerships and as them for a new car, any new car. They will tell you that they'll order it for you due to the Chi Com Joe virus. The democrats have trashed the world economy in order to accomplish the great reset. You and the rest of the traitorous, globalists in the democrat party should be dealt with like all traitors.
Now dumb fuck, that is not what you said. And about 1/2 the stores here in Portland have charging stations for EV's. And why not, another source of profit for the store and convenience for their customers.
You just let the cat out of the bag. PORTLAND, LMFAO, you morons can't even keep peace in your own shithole. What time does the riot start tonight. Morons.
And all our loopy fruits are pledging their allegiance to petroleum, as I imagine their equivalent did for horses just prior to WW1. And it will be just as relevant. Enough people see the advantage of EV's that luddites like you are no longer influencing anyone. Because of cost of maintenance and fuel, EV's over a five year period are now less costly to purchase and run than an equivalent ICE vehicle. By 2025, the EV will be cheaper to purchase, also.
And all our loopy fruits are pledging their allegiance to petroleum, as I imagine their equivalent did for horses just prior to WW1. And it will be just as relevant. Enough people see the advantage of EV's that luddites like you are no longer influencing anyone. Because of cost of maintenance and fuel, EV's over a five year period are now less costly to purchase and run than an equivalent ICE vehicle. By 2025, the EV will be cheaper to purchase, also.
If all of this "great news" that you are spouting was true, then why is it people are not breaking down the doors of the manufacturers to buy this wonderful boon to humanity. If this great "not new" technology is so great, why is the gov't trying to force it on us (kinda like an experimental vaccine)? Also, like the vaccine, why is it that EV proponents feel that if they like it, EVERYONE should. If it is so good, it will become mainstream and the detriments of overuse of ICE will diminish with time. You people are all into telling everyone else how to live. ICE proponents don't try to force their preferences on you, why are you trying to force yours on them. MYOB. When you try to control people, they get pissed and that leads to unwanted lead poisoning. Let the market decide.
If all of this "great news" that you are spouting was true, then why is it people are not breaking down the doors of the manufacturers to buy this wonderful boon to humanity. If this great "not new" technology is so great, why is the gov't trying to force it on us (kinda like an experimental vaccine)? Also, like the vaccine, why is it that EV proponents feel that if they like it, EVERYONE should. If it is so good, it will become mainstream and the detriments of overuse of ICE will diminish with time. You people are all into telling everyone else how to live. ICE proponents don't try to force their preferences on you, why are you trying to force yours on them. MYOB. When you try to control people, they get pissed and that leads to unwanted lead poisoning. Let the market decide.
1 and 1/2 million pre-orders for the Cyber truck.

"The 2021 Tesla Model 3 standard range is sold out for the rest of 2021. That's at least according to the Tesla website, which is where prospective Tesla owners go to purchase their new electric vehicles. However, if you're willing to shell out a bit more, you can still get the Tesla Model 3 long range in a few months.Aug 13, 2021"

Looks to me as if people are 'breaking down the doors'. Cadillac announces the number of EV Cadillacs to be built in 2023, and they are sold out in the first 19 minutes. Ford has 150K pre-orders for the F-150 EV. BYD and other quality Chinese manufactures are selling all their production.



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