So, Now A Baker In LongwoodFlorida Is Being Threatened For NOT Baking Cake.


Dec 5, 2011
Sausalito, CA
Longwood bakery takes heat for refusing to make anti-gay cake - Orlando Sentinel

Where is the outrage over this Cons?

A Longwood Florida Bakery is receiving death threats and threatening emails after refusing to bake a cake with an Anti-Gay-Marriage Message on it.

Sharon Haller, the owner of the bakery thought the phone call asking for cake was a prank and hung up.

"People have been very threatening," Haller said. "They are being very threatening."

So, after RW outrage over that poor Pizza shop that received heat for not serving gays, this bakery is receiving death threats for not wanting to bake an Anti-Gay Marriage Cake.

ConJobs demand respect for the owners of the pizza shop and their christian values. Yet here is bakery who will bow to demand of Cons for an Anti-gay Cake and all hell breaks loose.

Respect dear Cons is a two way street....
Where was your outrage over the attacks on the Christian pizza shop owners? The owners of this bakery do not deserve to be attacked or threatned with violence any more than a Christian owner of a bakery should be. So the real question for everyone is are you only outraged by this type of behavior when it's against people you support and agree with?
The idiocy of most conservatives is truly amazing; an ignorant bigot in Colorado refuses to serve a gay couple wishing only to purchase a wedding cake in accordance with that state's public accommodations law, and the moronic right contrives the ridiculous lie that the bigot's 'religious liberty' has been violated.

This idiocy from the right needs to stop.
They won't say a word against this because the cult rules don't let them.

Well.....if you used a little thought you would realize we are the side that doesn't want to force private businesses to do things they don't want to do....that used to be called we don't want Christians forced to bake cakes and we don't want other bakers to make anti gay cakes if they don't want to....

It is you guys who want one side forced to bake against their will,, and now you act shocked when it happens the other way.....

You guys need to straighten yourselves out....we have been on the right side of this issue the whole time.....
I do wonder, what "Christian" says you should go kill yourself, and there are plenty of them here.

I would bet it isn't a christian....just like the racist graffiti on a lot of college campuses was put their by black students who wanted to "raise awareness" I would guess this is the same thing....
They won't say a word against this because the cult rules don't let them.

if anyone has to stay silent due to the cult it is you lefties.........the Republican party is primarily pro-life but many of our politicians are pro choice.......on your side....if you are not pro choice you can't speak at a national level........
We should be free to do business with whomever or without whomever we want for whatever reason. We are supposed to be a free country. Liberals have opened Pandora's box.
They won't say a word against this because the cult rules don't let them.

if anyone has to stay silent due to the cult it is you lefties.........the Republican party is primarily pro-life but many of our politicians are pro choice.......on your side....if you are not pro choice you can't speak at a national level........
Only stupid Republicans don't realize that without abortion, we would already be a Democratic Party Dictatorship.
They won't say a word against this because the cult rules don't let them.

if anyone has to stay silent due to the cult it is you lefties.........the Republican party is primarily pro-life but many of our politicians are pro choice.......on your side....if you are not pro choice you can't speak at a national level........
Only stupid Republicans don't realize that without abortion, we would already be a Democratic Party Dictatorship.

You always see in the movies orphans being taken and trained to be would think the democrats would set up orphan camps to train democrat voters.......thus, they would come to be against actual killing of unwanted babies.....

Hmmmm...perhaps I shouldn't have suggested that........thanks they are going to out reproduce us.......
Simple question for the left here how many of you who support the baker in the Op right not to bake anti gay cakes also supported the Christian bakers right not bake pro gay cakes? For those who have supported both I applaud you for those who only support the side they agree with your hypocrisy has been acknlowdeged now please STFU.

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