So now, legally maki g your own firearm or "Ghost Gun" is now deemed illegal by executive fiat?

The thing I wish gun advocates would say out loud is that they understand what the health authorities are saying but they still want to have their guns.

Just be open and honest about the goal here. Gun advocates do NOT care about the cost guns have heaped on our society because they like their guns too much.

That's all fine and good. You have a Constitutional Right to have those guns. But just accept that they are dangerous and have harmed society.

You can like your guns and not care about society. It's OK! Honestly! Just be open about it.
A gun is an inanimate object, like a hammer or knife.
Please show me where a gun went & hurt society without a human causation?
You anti-gun nuts always forget or are too ignorant to place the blame where it belongs- with the perps.
You lie about this to advance an agenda. It's OK! Honestly! Just be open about it.
Then you disagree with the world's healthcare professionals.

That's fine. Your opinion matters not at all to me, I listen to the professionals not anonymous randos.
Oh wait, the same ones that did such a bang-up job on the covid or maybe it's the ones that evaluated the Buffalo shooter less than a year ago and thought that he was GTG.....Those professionals or did you have others in mind?

I've owned hundreds of guns of every flavor you can think of over the years and nary a one of them ever grew little hands and feet, loaded themselves, and escaped through my gun room vault door to reap havoc upon the public.

Blah, just more dim-witted leftist deflection. Same shit, different day.
Oh wait, the same ones that did such a bang-up job on the covid or maybe it's the ones that evaluated the Buffalo shooter less than a year ago and thought that he was GTG.....Those professionals or did you have others in mind?

Does that sound to you like a rational response to science? Because it sounds to me like a cherry picked anecdotal data mixed with gross ignorance of science.

I've owned hundreds of guns of every flavor you can think of over the years

And there's the usual "gun brag" section of the post. Get to hear about your massive gun collection and you get to rub one out real quick.

Blah, just more dim-witted leftist deflection. Same shit, different day.

Blah, blah, blah more dim-witted onanistic gun throbbles. Tell us all about your guns. We'll wait for your refractory period to finish.
Now the possession of plumbing pipe is cause to be thrown in jail?

A garage machine shop?
Does that sound to you like a rational response to science? Because it sounds to me like a cherry picked anecdotal data mixed with gross ignorance of science.

And there's the usual "gun brag" section of the post. Get to hear about your massive gun collection and you get to rub one out real quick.

Blah, blah, blah more dim-witted onanistic gun throbbles. Tell us all about your guns. We'll wait for your refractory period to finish.
Seeing how "following the science" was politicized for leftist ends I don't trust anything coming from leftists.....Period.

Hell, it's not hard to find out because of the way they all like to brag it up about how far to the left they are. They don't even try to hide it.

All one has to do is to look up some "scientist" the left is touting to find out all about them. One usually finds them wanting in their expertise and with a leftist agenda. I disregard them out of hand.

If you are not a gun-owner then you have no base to work from to speak to the issue....You simply parrot what you are told by your Ivy League masters.....Which is typical of those like yourself that are incapable of independent thought.
Seeing how "following the science" was politicized for leftist ends I don't trust anything coming from leftists.....Period.

That's a lot easier than actually reading the science and seeing what IT says. Just make up some conspiracy theory about how the Left does this or that and that way you don't have to bother comprehending the science!
All one has to do is to look up some "scientist" the left is touting to find out all about them. One usually finds them wanting in their expertise and with a leftist agenda. I disregard them out of hand.

In educated circles that's called argumentum ad hominem. It's a logic fallacy. Don't let that stop you, though.

If you are not a gun-owner then you have no base to work from to speak to the issue

What about those of us that USED to own guns?

....You simply parrot what you are told by your Ivy League masters

THere's the demonization of education that we've all come to know and love. Sorry to break it to you but Wayne LaPierre got his Masters degree at BC. While not an Ivy it's pretty Ivy-adjacent.

.....Which is typical of those like yourself that are incapable of independent thought.

And by "independent thought" you mean thought independent of any factual technical grounding? OK.
Now the possession of plumbing pipe is cause to be thrown in jail?

A garage machine shop?

There's nothing that says silly like argumentum ad absurdum.

You guys keep forgetting to talk about CARS! SHeesh does someone have to re-acquaint you with your usual canards?
That's a lot easier than actually reading the science and seeing what IT says. Just make up some conspiracy theory about how the Left does this or that and that way you don't have to bother comprehending the science!

In educated circles that's called argumentum ad hominem. It's a logic fallacy. Don't let that stop you, though.

What about those of us that USED to own guns?

THere's the demonization of education that we've all come to know and love. Sorry to break it to you but Wayne LaPierre got his Masters degree at BC. While not an Ivy it's pretty Ivy-adjacent.

And by "independent thought" you mean thought independent of any factual technical grounding? OK.
Now we are getting somewhere.....What did you have?
You got triggered by a link to debate fallacies. Telling, that.

It is really important for you lot to decree others as "triggered" and find ways to somehow make it all about "emotion". ALmost as if YOU are the ones terrified hiding in your bunkers stroking your guns lovingly.


Pitiful. Yes, we are coming for your guns! Better hide!

We have got to put an end to this bullshit.

Any person legally entitled to have firearms is, should be, allowed to manufacture his own weapons.

A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories as tend to render them independent of others for essential, particularly military, supplies."
-George Washington

At the drop of a hat law enforcement at any government level can deploy anywhere in America these days kitted up for war. In my younger years, my formative highly naïve years of world travel both with church missionary groups and the US Army, I used to often remark to anyone who would listen on the glaring but thankful difference between America and Third World shitholes: upon returning to America, both in airports and on the streets of American cities, one never saw soldiers or police armed with automatic weapons patrolling those areas. Now? Nowadays such is as common a sight across America as it was thirty or forty years ago in places such as Bolivia and Panama. We Americans now live under the gun; under the government gun, which is everywhere all the time.

All of that being said, I believe We the People should be armed no less heavily or spectacularly than our government shock troops, I mean law enforcement agents. Americans fear their government these days, well, they have ever since Waco and Ruby Ridge went down . . . but even back then the militarization of federal, state and local law enforcement had only just begun. That is the WRONG way, not the way America is supposed to function. Government should always fear the people. Removing the rights of average citizens to arm themselves equal to government agents only deepens our fear of those elected to serve us.

Criminals are unlimited in their capacity to build or own or stockpile firearms because they will never follow gun control laws, no matter how restrictive or oppressive. In the end, gun control laws only victimize law abiding citizens and benefit violent criminal savagery.
Is it now the plan that anyone can, regardless of age or mental state or criminal record, make their own guns? If you remove the concept of the "sale" of the gun and serial numbers etc. as the last tracking point, are we ready for the future?
Americans have always had the right to build their own firearms without restriction, regardless of any statute. The NFA prevented the manufacturing of "machine guns" etc. without a license, but all other firearms remained buildable.

The only condition is that a person must be legally allowed to possess a firearm and that person cannot transfer the firearms they build to another without going through NFA steps.

This action in the OP is a roundabout way of making what has traditionally been legal for American citizens into an illegal act without any legislation or Supreme Court approval.

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