So on Monday Letitia James can grab Trump's empire? (Poll)

So what are Trump's options?

  • Tell Letitia James if she drops the charges he'll drop out of the 2024 race?

    Votes: 2 4.1%
  • Let Letitia James take all of his property?

    Votes: 15 30.6%
  • Appeal to every court he can think of to get a delay until his appeals are processed?

    Votes: 12 24.5%
  • Keep cool knowing that when he is elected president he can settle the score...

    Votes: 16 32.7%
  • Other options...see my post.

    Votes: 6 12.2%

  • Total voters
Looks like Trump won't be able to post a $500,000,000 bond.

That means Letitia James can take possession of all of Trump's assets.

Will Trump lose everything but Mar-a-Lago? (I think Desantis would keep NY out of FL.)

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/---/ And who is going to manage the properties, meet the payroll, and pay the taxes?
Looks like Trump won't be able to post a $500,000,000 bond.

That means Letitia James can take possession of all of Trump's assets.

Will Trump lose everything but Mar-a-Lago? (I think Desantis would keep NY out of FL.)

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Depends, some are saying that trump doesn’t have 450 million in cash, that his billions are tied up in real estate.
Calm down! The process of seizing assets is a long process. The AG just does not go and take over a building in one day. There is a process. The AG can start the Process on Monday, but it may be some time before the real estate is seized and levied. Once the property is levied by the State of NY, it will be auctioned off to pay Trump’s debt.
Likely it goes to the Supreme Court before any assets are seized. They would most likely overturn the decision, this whole situation is the democrats targeting of their political opponent.
She should start with his airline so he has to fly commercial like the sucker's who give him money.

That way the MAGA rabble's donations to the poor thing when he comes a begging won't be used for him to run around the Country on his private airliner so he play the sympathy card at his rallies for his mob to lap up.
/---/ Trump doesn't own an airline, nitwit. So go grab something that doesn't exit, Moron.
So you trust Letitia James and her mob of democrats to not take any of Trump's assets?

I think she will be staying in Trump's suite in Trump Tower.

Or they fill them up with illegals and sit back and soak up all that money from the government for housing them.

Probably appoint one of her friends to be in charge so he makes a lot of money and she gets a kick back
Whoever buys them for pennies on the dollar.
/----/ You idiot. But, maybe you're right. The Leftards are so stupid, so incompetent that they would sell $500 million in properties for pennies.
Depends, some are saying that trump doesn’t have 450 million in cash, that his billions are tied up in real estate.

Trump's wealth is a shell game. He's been broke for a decade.

It's like if I rent your house and take out a mortgage on it.

He's a crook.
Looks like Trump won't be able to post a $500,000,000 bond.

That means Letitia James can take possession of all of Trump's assets.

Will Trump lose everything but Mar-a-Lago? (I think Desantis would keep NY out of FL.)

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She has no authority to seize Trump's assets as there has been an appeal.
"That means Letitia James can take possession of all of Trump's assets."

That seems, in my opinion, to be a bit of histrionics and hyperbole.

I mean by that, the State of New York need not "take possession of all".

It need only seize enough to back up the required surety backing the judgement......$400+ million.

If, in fact, the assets are worth "$10 billion" as the defendant himself once asserted, well, the $400+ million shouldn't carve away too much of those holdings.

True that?

That seems, in my opinion, to be a bit of histrionics and hyperbole.

I mean by that, the State of New York need not "take possession of all".

It need only seize enough to back up the required surety backing the judgement......$400+ million.

If, in fact, the assets are worth "$10 billion" as the defendant himself once asserted, well, the $400+ million shouldn't carve away too much of those holdings.

True that?
You mean the UNCONSTITUTIONAL "judgement", right?
Looks like Trump won't be able to post a $500,000,000 bond.

That means Letitia James can take possession of all of Trump's assets.

Will Trump lose everything but Mar-a-Lago? (I think Desantis would keep NY out of FL.)

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She will grab his plane first because that does more to hurt his ability to campaign than taking his real estate.

And that is what this entire sham is all about.

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