So Only Cops And Crooks Can Have Assault Weapons In California?

Why do you keep failing to back up your ridiculous claim?
It's not a claim, it's US history. The South is racist. It was once Dem and is now GOP.

Yeah, those racists in South Carolina elected a Republican black senator.

Yeah, those racists in Florida elected a Republican Hispanic Senator.

Yeah, those racists in Texas elected a Republican Hispanic Senator.

Yeah, those racists in both South Carolina and Louisiana elected Republican Indian governors, one of which is a woman..

Yeah, those racists in Kentucky just elected a Republican black female Lieutenant Governor.

Why don't you shut up until the facts are on your side? That should happen about never!
Your token house ******* only prove your party's racism. The darkies don't vote for you, and you have only handful of them.

Damn (again) racism in YOUR family, is there?
All humans are racist, I'm just honest about it.

Well, at least you admit it. You are probably the first limp-wrested liberal who was ever man or woman enough to admit it. You'll be kicked out of your party tomorrow......turn your card in.
It's not a claim, it's US history. The South is racist. It was once Dem and is now GOP.

Yeah, those racists in South Carolina elected a Republican black senator.

Yeah, those racists in Florida elected a Republican Hispanic Senator.

Yeah, those racists in Texas elected a Republican Hispanic Senator.

Yeah, those racists in both South Carolina and Louisiana elected Republican Indian governors, one of which is a woman..

Yeah, those racists in Kentucky just elected a Republican black female Lieutenant Governor.

Why don't you shut up until the facts are on your side? That should happen about never!
Your token house ******* only prove your party's racism. The darkies don't vote for you, and you have only handful of them.

Damn (again) racism in YOUR family, is there?
All humans are racist, I'm just honest about it.

Well, at least you admit it. You are probably the first limp-wrested liberal who was ever man or woman enough to admit it. You'll be kicked out of your party tomorrow......turn your card in.
I don't have a party, or a god, or a lord, or a savior, or a messiah. Next...
Why do you keep failing to back up your ridiculous claim?
It's not a claim, it's US history. The South is racist. It was once Dem and is now GOP.

Yeah, those racists in South Carolina elected a Republican black senator.

Yeah, those racists in Florida elected a Republican Hispanic Senator.

Yeah, those racists in Texas elected a Republican Hispanic Senator.

Yeah, those racists in both South Carolina and Louisiana elected Republican Indian governors, one of which is a woman..

Yeah, those racists in Kentucky just elected a Republican black female Lieutenant Governor.

Why don't you shut up until the facts are on your side? That should happen about never!
Your token house ******* only prove your party's racism. The darkies don't vote for you, and you have only handful of them.

Damn (again) racism in YOUR family, is there?
All humans are racist, I'm just honest about it.

No. Apparently you are projecting your own racism onto others. Just look at the words you use! Pathetic!
It's not a claim, it's US history. The South is racist. It was once Dem and is now GOP.

Yeah, those racists in South Carolina elected a Republican black senator.

Yeah, those racists in Florida elected a Republican Hispanic Senator.

Yeah, those racists in Texas elected a Republican Hispanic Senator.

Yeah, those racists in both South Carolina and Louisiana elected Republican Indian governors, one of which is a woman..

Yeah, those racists in Kentucky just elected a Republican black female Lieutenant Governor.

Why don't you shut up until the facts are on your side? That should happen about never!
Your token house ******* only prove your party's racism. The darkies don't vote for you, and you have only handful of them.

Damn (again) racism in YOUR family, is there?
All humans are racist, I'm just honest about it.

No. Apparently you are projecting your own racism onto others. Just look at the words you use! Pathetic!
I use the words your PC kind is too dishonest to. It's what they mean, they just can't say it.
Yeah, those racists in South Carolina elected a Republican black senator.

Yeah, those racists in Florida elected a Republican Hispanic Senator.

Yeah, those racists in Texas elected a Republican Hispanic Senator.

Yeah, those racists in both South Carolina and Louisiana elected Republican Indian governors, one of which is a woman..

Yeah, those racists in Kentucky just elected a Republican black female Lieutenant Governor.

Why don't you shut up until the facts are on your side? That should happen about never!
Your token house ******* only prove your party's racism. The darkies don't vote for you, and you have only handful of them.

Damn (again) racism in YOUR family, is there?
All humans are racist, I'm just honest about it.

No. Apparently you are projecting your own racism onto others. Just look at the words you use! Pathetic!
I use the words your PC kind is too dishonest to. It's what they mean, they just can't say it.

My PC kind? Check your family tree. I bet I have more minorities in my family photos than you do!
Your token house ******* only prove your party's racism. The darkies don't vote for you, and you have only handful of them.

Damn (again) racism in YOUR family, is there?
All humans are racist, I'm just honest about it.

No. Apparently you are projecting your own racism onto others. Just look at the words you use! Pathetic!
I use the words your PC kind is too dishonest to. It's what they mean, they just can't say it.

My PC kind? Check your family tree. I bet I have more minorities in my family photos than you do!
My family is all whitey. We've been here since before we slaughtered the redskins, and started buying *******.
Damn (again) racism in YOUR family, is there?
All humans are racist, I'm just honest about it.

No. Apparently you are projecting your own racism onto others. Just look at the words you use! Pathetic!
I use the words your PC kind is too dishonest to. It's what they mean, they just can't say it.

My PC kind? Check your family tree. I bet I have more minorities in my family photos than you do!
My family is all whitey. We've been here since before we slaughtered the redskins, and started buying *******.

Thank you very much! One branch of my family tree is the redskins you slaughtered. Now, if you want to spread your racist lies, feel free. I won't be reading them any more.
All humans are racist, I'm just honest about it.

No. Apparently you are projecting your own racism onto others. Just look at the words you use! Pathetic!
I use the words your PC kind is too dishonest to. It's what they mean, they just can't say it.

My PC kind? Check your family tree. I bet I have more minorities in my family photos than you do!
My family is all whitey. We've been here since before we slaughtered the redskins, and started buying *******.

Thank you very much! One branch of my family tree is the redskins you slaughtered. Now, if you want to spread your racist lies, feel free. I won't be reading them any more.
You can hide from the truth all you like, nearly all people here do, which is why they can't deal with the fact their political party is racist, like they are.

And who did the South vote for, the whitey on the left, of course.
Firearm laws suck in California. You don't even have the right to protect yourself if a criminal breaks into your home and attacks you.

CA has the referendum process, if the people want to change that, they can. Otherwise they deserve what ever they get.
While I would certainly not call you an idiot...we've debated this often and I know better...I'll never understand the lefts fixation with ARs and AKs.

A semi-automatic is a semi-automatic is a semi-automatic.

Whoopi Goldberg thinks they are fully automatic.

You don't believe that too I hope.

One trigger pull, one bullet...just like every other commonly owned firearm in the United States.
Why are 'mass shootings' 'mass' shootings? Could it be the rat of fire and capacity of the weapon? What is the noble practical use of such weapons? To be a more effective sportsman, or to run up,the body count?

Look dimwit the 2nd amendment isn't about hunting ducks you stupid fool. The 2nd is about defense and if the bad guys have guns with magazines and higher rates of fire then we citizens are entitled to own the same damn weapons. OH SNAP!!!!!!!
The second amendment does not guarantee a civilian arms race. It does not guarantee your right to a rocket propelled grenade launcher, a fighter jet or an aircraft carrier.

You seem to prefer to pepper your posts with insults. One day you will learn, mature and leave that behind. You don't have to cite your own intellectual and emotional shortcomings in order to make a point.

So typical of dimwit gun control advocates, they lose the argument on small arms AR15 style rifles so they deflect with their rocket propelled grenades and fighter jet stupidity. AR15 style rifles are the modern equivalent of the type of arms the 2nd amendment protects. Do these bunch of dumb asses even have a clue as to the deadly type of arms available to the people in the late 1700's? They owned some nasty weapons in the 1700's that would be illegal today. Tune in next week when these idiots try to ban Daisy BB guns.
The civilian arms race must stop. No one needs a BAR, a Thompson machine gun, a flamethrower or any other military weapon. I submit that the semi-automatic firing system coupled with high capacity ammunition magazines are weapons designed for a battlefield, not for use on our streets.

Some gun lovers, in fact all gun lovers, have had what may be described as a pleasurable experience with guns. Too many other American citizens have had utterly tragic experiences with guns. All I ask is those gun lovers bear simple respect and acknowledgment of the tragic outcomes of gun violence. Gun lovers in their zeal to be the hero gunslinger must also bear some of the responsibility for the deaths and injuries wrought by gun violence.

At one time, no too long ago, the NRA was an organization that promoted sporting use of guns and hunter safety. Today, the NRA and those who show blind alleigence to the guns at any cost agenda of the NRA have fallen short in their understanding of the consequence of flooding our streets with military weapons. Have any of those gun lovers ever considered the consequences of unfettered and unlimited access to guns by each and every citizen, in spite of the mental and emotional and criminal circumstances of that citizenry? Why is it so easy to dismiss not only gun violence and a fact, but those who argue for common sense gun legislation?

What is the higher noble purpose of the semi-automatic firing system and high capacity magazine? Does it make you a true 'sportsman'? Are they designed as hunting and sporting weapons? Or are they simply designed to run up a body count?

Gun owners and the NRA are under assault by lying filth gun control advocates who seek to undermine the 2nd amendment by any means possible, hence we hate their guts and won't give 1 inch of compromise, basically they can blow it out their ass.
Your lack of a cogent, responsible reply betrays much about you intellectual standing.

Play ground responses such as yours have no credibility in serious debate.

While I would certainly not call you an idiot...we've debated this often and I know better...I'll never understand the lefts fixation with ARs and AKs.

A semi-automatic is a semi-automatic is a semi-automatic.

Whoopi Goldberg thinks they are fully automatic.

You don't believe that too I hope.

One trigger pull, one bullet...just like every other commonly owned firearm in the United States.
Why are 'mass shootings' 'mass' shootings? Could it be the rat of fire and capacity of the weapon? What is the noble practical use of such weapons? To be a more effective sportsman, or to run up,the body count?

Look dimwit the 2nd amendment isn't about hunting ducks you stupid fool. The 2nd is about defense and if the bad guys have guns with magazines and higher rates of fire then we citizens are entitled to own the same damn weapons. OH SNAP!!!!!!!

Second Amendment jurisprudence makes reference only to handguns as a weapon citizens are entitled to possess for self-defense, not AR 15s; the Second Amendment is not 'about' possessing any firearm so desired, for any purpose so desired, for any situation so desired.

Since when? Making shit up as you go is not the way to impress people.

Lies are all they have, the 2nd is that strong and clear.
I can tell you are well informed about firearms. Idiot
Your lack of a cogent, responsible reply betrays much about you intellectual standing.

Play ground responses such as yours have no credibility in serious debate.

While I would certainly not call you an idiot...we've debated this often and I know better...I'll never understand the lefts fixation with ARs and AKs.

A semi-automatic is a semi-automatic is a semi-automatic.

Whoopi Goldberg thinks they are fully automatic.

You don't believe that too I hope.

One trigger pull, one bullet...just like every other commonly owned firearm in the United States.
Why are 'mass shootings' 'mass' shootings? Could it be the rat of fire and capacity of the weapon? What is the noble practical use of such weapons? To be a more effective sportsman, or to run up,the body count?

A gun for self defense should have the capacity needed to protect one and one's family period

And that capacity is for the gun owner to decide upon not you
If you cannot hit a target inside you house with six rounds, perhaps you are not competent to be trusted with firearms.

It's not for you to decide what a man uses to defend his family and property
Yes, it does.
Firearms are part of the fabric that makeup this country, they are an absolute right.
This country was formed to get away from the oppressive control freaks that used laws and taxes to force their will on their subjects.
No rights are absolute rights. And 'control freaks' are precisely what's needed in the face of extremists.

Who is more extremist than a control freak?????
Control freak is how rustic described a gun novice. I am not a gun novice. I am a gun owner. But that does not make me an absolutist where guns are concerned.
Then you are a control freak...
Wrong again.

Seeking to enact lawful regulatory measures is not being a 'control freak,' such a notion is childish, ignorant, and ridiculous.
When people start telling other people what they need then yes they are control freaks
If they did the Darkies would still have separate drinking fountains. Ah, the Good Old Days.
Yeah, when the democrats were in power. Fire hoses and axe handles. Lynchings. Oh for the GLORY DAYS of democrats what would this nation do?

Why the Negro may have never gotten the vote. They would be burning his churches like islamic state. Throw them off buildings and set them on fire. They DID you know. Rape their women {sounds familiar huh?

You know really the ONLY thing that truly changed was the hood color {White to Black} and which gender wore it. Same show different costume maybe?
Tell us, are you of the party of Lincoln, who still hates his ass? Here's the map. Tell us, was that an issue for the Dems, or the South?

Last I checked, most of the green parts still hate that ****** Obama eh...

It was the democrats in the south that fought to keep slavery...the republicans fought the democrats and then freed the slaves.
Yep,and now the south is GOP and racist as ever.

That's odd! The states with the highest membership during the rise of the second Klan were all in the Midwest, but mainly in the Rust Belt where workers feared blacks taking their manufacturing jobs.

And all democrats.....the racists all gathered to the democrat party, because the democrat party wants to increase the size and power of the government. Only the government can create laws that discriminate...and all the racists want part of that power...the Republicans...don't care about race...and they want limited there is no place for racists in it.

Again, all of the core groups that make up the democrat party are openly and proudly racist. obama...the democrat President, sat in an openly and proudly racist church for 20 years...and his best friend jeremiah wright, was an openly and proudly racist pastor.....there is no denying that....

Racism is the core value of the democrat party...from the days of slavery to the present day incarnation of the party.
Does the name Robert Byrd ring a flippin' bell?
Yep, Southerner, AKA. racist. You should love him.

And a Democrat.....lest we forget....
So? There used to be tons of racist Dems from the South. Now they are racist GOP.

Why do you keep failing to back up your ridiculous claim?
It's not a claim, it's US history. The South is racist. It was once Dem and is now GOP.

No...democrats are racist......democrats owned the slaves and fought to keep them....the GOP fought to free the slaves, was created to fight slavery and ended slavery when they defeated the democrats during the Civil War.....
Your lack of a cogent, responsible reply betrays much about you intellectual standing.

Play ground responses such as yours have no credibility in serious debate.

While I would certainly not call you an idiot...we've debated this often and I know better...I'll never understand the lefts fixation with ARs and AKs.

A semi-automatic is a semi-automatic is a semi-automatic.

Whoopi Goldberg thinks they are fully automatic.

You don't believe that too I hope.

One trigger pull, one bullet...just like every other commonly owned firearm in the United States.
Why are 'mass shootings' 'mass' shootings? Could it be the rat of fire and capacity of the weapon? What is the noble practical use of such weapons? To be a more effective sportsman, or to run up,the body count?

A gun for self defense should have the capacity needed to protect one and one's family period

And that capacity is for the gun owner to decide upon not you
If you cannot hit a target inside you house with six rounds, perhaps you are not competent to be trusted with firearms.

It's not for you to decide what a man uses to defend his family and property

Hell are my slide action pistols and Colt AR15 any different than what law enforcement uses to defend themselves against the exact same murderous thugs? NO, for fucks sake. And these filth gun control assholes want to take what little I have away, they can choke on the 2nd amendment.
Why are 'mass shootings' 'mass' shootings? Could it be the rat of fire and capacity of the weapon? What is the noble practical use of such weapons? To be a more effective sportsman, or to run up,the body count?

Look dimwit the 2nd amendment isn't about hunting ducks you stupid fool. The 2nd is about defense and if the bad guys have guns with magazines and higher rates of fire then we citizens are entitled to own the same damn weapons. OH SNAP!!!!!!!
The second amendment does not guarantee a civilian arms race. It does not guarantee your right to a rocket propelled grenade launcher, a fighter jet or an aircraft carrier.

You seem to prefer to pepper your posts with insults. One day you will learn, mature and leave that behind. You don't have to cite your own intellectual and emotional shortcomings in order to make a point.

So typical of dimwit gun control advocates, they lose the argument on small arms AR15 style rifles so they deflect with their rocket propelled grenades and fighter jet stupidity. AR15 style rifles are the modern equivalent of the type of arms the 2nd amendment protects. Do these bunch of dumb asses even have a clue as to the deadly type of arms available to the people in the late 1700's? They owned some nasty weapons in the 1700's that would be illegal today. Tune in next week when these idiots try to ban Daisy BB guns.
The civilian arms race must stop. No one needs a BAR, a Thompson machine gun, a flamethrower or any other military weapon. I submit that the semi-automatic firing system coupled with high capacity ammunition magazines are weapons designed for a battlefield, not for use on our streets.

Some gun lovers, in fact all gun lovers, have had what may be described as a pleasurable experience with guns. Too many other American citizens have had utterly tragic experiences with guns. All I ask is those gun lovers bear simple respect and acknowledgment of the tragic outcomes of gun violence. Gun lovers in their zeal to be the hero gunslinger must also bear some of the responsibility for the deaths and injuries wrought by gun violence.

At one time, no too long ago, the NRA was an organization that promoted sporting use of guns and hunter safety. Today, the NRA and those who show blind alleigence to the guns at any cost agenda of the NRA have fallen short in their understanding of the consequence of flooding our streets with military weapons. Have any of those gun lovers ever considered the consequences of unfettered and unlimited access to guns by each and every citizen, in spite of the mental and emotional and criminal circumstances of that citizenry? Why is it so easy to dismiss not only gun violence and a fact, but those who argue for common sense gun legislation?

What is the higher noble purpose of the semi-automatic firing system and high capacity magazine? Does it make you a true 'sportsman'? Are they designed as hunting and sporting weapons? Or are they simply designed to run up a body count?

Gun owners and the NRA are under assault by lying filth gun control advocates who seek to undermine the 2nd amendment by any means possible, hence we hate their guts and won't give 1 inch of compromise, basically they can blow it out their ass.
So your position is you have no simple respect for the victims of gun violence and further,you feel as if the hero gunslinger bears no responsibility for th furtherance of gun violence. Your position is one of petulence and deferment of respect and sympathy. Why should any adult agree with your stance?
Your lack of a cogent, responsible reply betrays much about you intellectual standing.

Play ground responses such as yours have no credibility in serious debate.

While I would certainly not call you an idiot...we've debated this often and I know better...I'll never understand the lefts fixation with ARs and AKs.

A semi-automatic is a semi-automatic is a semi-automatic.

Whoopi Goldberg thinks they are fully automatic.

You don't believe that too I hope.

One trigger pull, one bullet...just like every other commonly owned firearm in the United States.
Why are 'mass shootings' 'mass' shootings? Could it be the rat of fire and capacity of the weapon? What is the noble practical use of such weapons? To be a more effective sportsman, or to run up,the body count?

Look dimwit the 2nd amendment isn't about hunting ducks you stupid fool. The 2nd is about defense and if the bad guys have guns with magazines and higher rates of fire then we citizens are entitled to own the same damn weapons. OH SNAP!!!!!!!
The second amendment does not guarantee a civilian arms race. It does not guarantee your right to a rocket propelled grenade launcher, a fighter jet or an aircraft carrier.

You seem to prefer to pepper your posts with insults. One day you will learn, mature and leave that behind. You don't have to cite your own intellectual and emotional shortcomings in order to make a point. does....we get the same weapons as our military, at a minimum.......
Where do you store your thermonuclear warheads? In your Abrams A1 tank perhaps?

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