So Only Cops And Crooks Can Have Assault Weapons In California?

Look dimwit the 2nd amendment isn't about hunting ducks you stupid fool. The 2nd is about defense and if the bad guys have guns with magazines and higher rates of fire then we citizens are entitled to own the same damn weapons. OH SNAP!!!!!!!
The second amendment does not guarantee a civilian arms race. It does not guarantee your right to a rocket propelled grenade launcher, a fighter jet or an aircraft carrier.

You seem to prefer to pepper your posts with insults. One day you will learn, mature and leave that behind. You don't have to cite your own intellectual and emotional shortcomings in order to make a point.

So typical of dimwit gun control advocates, they lose the argument on small arms AR15 style rifles so they deflect with their rocket propelled grenades and fighter jet stupidity. AR15 style rifles are the modern equivalent of the type of arms the 2nd amendment protects. Do these bunch of dumb asses even have a clue as to the deadly type of arms available to the people in the late 1700's? They owned some nasty weapons in the 1700's that would be illegal today. Tune in next week when these idiots try to ban Daisy BB guns.
The civilian arms race must stop. No one needs a BAR, a Thompson machine gun, a flamethrower or any other military weapon. I submit that the semi-automatic firing system coupled with high capacity ammunition magazines are weapons designed for a battlefield, not for use on our streets.

Some gun lovers, in fact all gun lovers, have had what may be described as a pleasurable experience with guns. Too many other American citizens have had utterly tragic experiences with guns. All I ask is those gun lovers bear simple respect and acknowledgment of the tragic outcomes of gun violence. Gun lovers in their zeal to be the hero gunslinger must also bear some of the responsibility for the deaths and injuries wrought by gun violence.

At one time, no too long ago, the NRA was an organization that promoted sporting use of guns and hunter safety. Today, the NRA and those who show blind alleigence to the guns at any cost agenda of the NRA have fallen short in their understanding of the consequence of flooding our streets with military weapons. Have any of those gun lovers ever considered the consequences of unfettered and unlimited access to guns by each and every citizen, in spite of the mental and emotional and criminal circumstances of that citizenry? Why is it so easy to dismiss not only gun violence and a fact, but those who argue for common sense gun legislation?

What is the higher noble purpose of the semi-automatic firing system and high capacity magazine? Does it make you a true 'sportsman'? Are they designed as hunting and sporting weapons? Or are they simply designed to run up a body count?

Gun owners and the NRA are under assault by lying filth gun control advocates who seek to undermine the 2nd amendment by any means possible, hence we hate their guts and won't give 1 inch of compromise, basically they can blow it out their ass.
So your position is you have no simple respect for the victims of gun violence and further,you feel as if the hero gunslinger bears no responsibility for th furtherance of gun violence. Your position is one of petulence and deferment of respect and sympathy. Why should any adult agree with your stance?

No...the ones who bear the responibility......the criminals who pull the triggers, and the prosecutors and judges who give them light sentences for gun crimes.....

Delaware Prosecutes Just 29% of Gun Charges - The Truth About Guns

The following story was buried in the middle of’s post In Del., 71% of gun charges are dropped. While the article offers cases that seem to justify dropping weapons charges against criminals — in an attempt to increase the possibility of conviction and, thus, jail time — this anecdote puts things into their proper perspective . .


Then there is the case of Mateo Pinkston [above].

In late summer 2011, court documents say Pinkston walked up to a man, pointed a gun at him and took his cellphone.

Pinkston, who had already been convicted of two felonies and was a suspect in a still-unsolved homicide, was arrested by Wilmington police and charged with robbery and several gun counts.

But the Delaware Attorney General’s Office cut a deal with him in 2012, agreeing to drop three weapon charges that carried a maximum of 41 years in prison in exchange for Pinkston admitting to second-degree robbery and terroristic threatening, which carried a maximum of eight years in prison.
Soon after being released from his 12-month prison sentence, Pinkston, police said, shot and killed 25-year-old Arteise Brown in Wilmington last year.
Again, the article provides multiple examples of criminals who pleaded guilty to other charges in exchange for dropping weapon offenses, and drew lengthy sentences. Some of them make sense, some of them seem absurd on their face. But there’s a stat missing from this piece . . .

How may people convicted of violent crimes had gun-related charges dropped before they committed a serious crime? Men like Mateo Pinkston. I’m willing to bet it’s a high percentage. Besides, wouldn’t prosecuting gun offenses — no matter what the outcome — send a message to criminals not commit crimes with firearms? Just a thought .
Look dimwit the 2nd amendment isn't about hunting ducks you stupid fool. The 2nd is about defense and if the bad guys have guns with magazines and higher rates of fire then we citizens are entitled to own the same damn weapons. OH SNAP!!!!!!!
The second amendment does not guarantee a civilian arms race. It does not guarantee your right to a rocket propelled grenade launcher, a fighter jet or an aircraft carrier.

You seem to prefer to pepper your posts with insults. One day you will learn, mature and leave that behind. You don't have to cite your own intellectual and emotional shortcomings in order to make a point.

So typical of dimwit gun control advocates, they lose the argument on small arms AR15 style rifles so they deflect with their rocket propelled grenades and fighter jet stupidity. AR15 style rifles are the modern equivalent of the type of arms the 2nd amendment protects. Do these bunch of dumb asses even have a clue as to the deadly type of arms available to the people in the late 1700's? They owned some nasty weapons in the 1700's that would be illegal today. Tune in next week when these idiots try to ban Daisy BB guns.
The civilian arms race must stop. No one needs a BAR, a Thompson machine gun, a flamethrower or any other military weapon. I submit that the semi-automatic firing system coupled with high capacity ammunition magazines are weapons designed for a battlefield, not for use on our streets.

Some gun lovers, in fact all gun lovers, have had what may be described as a pleasurable experience with guns. Too many other American citizens have had utterly tragic experiences with guns. All I ask is those gun lovers bear simple respect and acknowledgment of the tragic outcomes of gun violence. Gun lovers in their zeal to be the hero gunslinger must also bear some of the responsibility for the deaths and injuries wrought by gun violence.

At one time, no too long ago, the NRA was an organization that promoted sporting use of guns and hunter safety. Today, the NRA and those who show blind alleigence to the guns at any cost agenda of the NRA have fallen short in their understanding of the consequence of flooding our streets with military weapons. Have any of those gun lovers ever considered the consequences of unfettered and unlimited access to guns by each and every citizen, in spite of the mental and emotional and criminal circumstances of that citizenry? Why is it so easy to dismiss not only gun violence and a fact, but those who argue for common sense gun legislation?

What is the higher noble purpose of the semi-automatic firing system and high capacity magazine? Does it make you a true 'sportsman'? Are they designed as hunting and sporting weapons? Or are they simply designed to run up a body count?

Gun owners and the NRA are under assault by lying filth gun control advocates who seek to undermine the 2nd amendment by any means possible, hence we hate their guts and won't give 1 inch of compromise, basically they can blow it out their ass.
So your position is you have no simple respect for the victims of gun violence and further,you feel as if the hero gunslinger bears no responsibility for th furtherance of gun violence. Your position is one of petulence and deferment of respect and sympathy. Why should any adult agree with your stance?

They are not victims of 'gun' violence you hack, they are victims of human violence. As for the stupid argument you have been making, if I drink a beer am I responsible for someone else who drinks a beer gets drunk and beats their wife? No.
While I would certainly not call you an idiot...we've debated this often and I know better...I'll never understand the lefts fixation with ARs and AKs.

A semi-automatic is a semi-automatic is a semi-automatic.

Whoopi Goldberg thinks they are fully automatic.

You don't believe that too I hope.

One trigger pull, one bullet...just like every other commonly owned firearm in the United States.
Why are 'mass shootings' 'mass' shootings? Could it be the rat of fire and capacity of the weapon? What is the noble practical use of such weapons? To be a more effective sportsman, or to run up,the body count?

Look dimwit the 2nd amendment isn't about hunting ducks you stupid fool. The 2nd is about defense and if the bad guys have guns with magazines and higher rates of fire then we citizens are entitled to own the same damn weapons. OH SNAP!!!!!!!
The second amendment does not guarantee a civilian arms race. It does not guarantee your right to a rocket propelled grenade launcher, a fighter jet or an aircraft carrier.

You seem to prefer to pepper your posts with insults. One day you will learn, mature and leave that behind. You don't have to cite your own intellectual and emotional shortcomings in order to make a point. does....we get the same weapons as our military, at a minimum.......
Where do you store your thermonuclear warheads? In your Abrams A1 tank perhaps?

Argumentum ad absurdum, the 1st and last refuge of a person who has no actual point to make, or no actual backup for an alleged point.
Why are 'mass shootings' 'mass' shootings? Could it be the rat of fire and capacity of the weapon? What is the noble practical use of such weapons? To be a more effective sportsman, or to run up,the body count?

The rate of fire is one bullet per trigger pull, just like everything else.

A rifle is really good at only one thing over a handgun...shooting at distances of over 25 yards. That's 75 feet.

Ever shot a AR-15? Or a semi-automatic pistol like a Glock 19 or Sig Sauer P226 or a Ruger SR9c?

Had Reagan not banned fully automatic weapons, these wackos would miss more of their targets & waste more of their ammo.
Why are 'mass shootings' 'mass' shootings? Could it be the rat of fire and capacity of the weapon? What is the noble practical use of such weapons? To be a more effective sportsman, or to run up,the body count?

The rate of fire is one bullet per trigger pull, just like everything else.

A rifle is really good at only one thing over a handgun...shooting at distances of over 25 yards. That's 75 feet.

Ever shot a AR-15? Or a semi-automatic pistol like a Glock 19 or Sig Sauer P226 or a Ruger SR9c?

Had Reagan not banned fully automatic weapons, these wackos would miss more of their targets & waste more of their ammo.

You don't actually research these things do you.....
Why are 'mass shootings' 'mass' shootings? Could it be the rat of fire and capacity of the weapon? What is the noble practical use of such weapons? To be a more effective sportsman, or to run up,the body count?

Look dimwit the 2nd amendment isn't about hunting ducks you stupid fool. The 2nd is about defense and if the bad guys have guns with magazines and higher rates of fire then we citizens are entitled to own the same damn weapons. OH SNAP!!!!!!!
The second amendment does not guarantee a civilian arms race. It does not guarantee your right to a rocket propelled grenade launcher, a fighter jet or an aircraft carrier.

You seem to prefer to pepper your posts with insults. One day you will learn, mature and leave that behind. You don't have to cite your own intellectual and emotional shortcomings in order to make a point. does....we get the same weapons as our military, at a minimum.......
Where do you store your thermonuclear warheads? In your Abrams A1 tank perhaps?

Argumentum ad absurdum, the 1st and last refuge of a person who has no actual point to make, or no actual backup for an alleged point.
You claimed citizens should have the same weapons as the military. Where are you warheads?
Look dimwit the 2nd amendment isn't about hunting ducks you stupid fool. The 2nd is about defense and if the bad guys have guns with magazines and higher rates of fire then we citizens are entitled to own the same damn weapons. OH SNAP!!!!!!!
The second amendment does not guarantee a civilian arms race. It does not guarantee your right to a rocket propelled grenade launcher, a fighter jet or an aircraft carrier.

You seem to prefer to pepper your posts with insults. One day you will learn, mature and leave that behind. You don't have to cite your own intellectual and emotional shortcomings in order to make a point. does....we get the same weapons as our military, at a minimum.......
Where do you store your thermonuclear warheads? In your Abrams A1 tank perhaps?

Argumentum ad absurdum, the 1st and last refuge of a person who has no actual point to make, or no actual backup for an alleged point.
You claimed citizens should have the same weapons as the military. Where are you warheads?

Where did I claim that? Citizens should have access to the same weapons as a common infantryman, not including explosives or crew serviced weapons.

My more pressing concern is NYC makes me wait 3-6 months and pay $1000 to keep a revolver in my house.
Look dimwit the 2nd amendment isn't about hunting ducks you stupid fool. The 2nd is about defense and if the bad guys have guns with magazines and higher rates of fire then we citizens are entitled to own the same damn weapons. OH SNAP!!!!!!!
The second amendment does not guarantee a civilian arms race. It does not guarantee your right to a rocket propelled grenade launcher, a fighter jet or an aircraft carrier.

You seem to prefer to pepper your posts with insults. One day you will learn, mature and leave that behind. You don't have to cite your own intellectual and emotional shortcomings in order to make a point.

So typical of dimwit gun control advocates, they lose the argument on small arms AR15 style rifles so they deflect with their rocket propelled grenades and fighter jet stupidity. AR15 style rifles are the modern equivalent of the type of arms the 2nd amendment protects. Do these bunch of dumb asses even have a clue as to the deadly type of arms available to the people in the late 1700's? They owned some nasty weapons in the 1700's that would be illegal today. Tune in next week when these idiots try to ban Daisy BB guns.
The civilian arms race must stop. No one needs a BAR, a Thompson machine gun, a flamethrower or any other military weapon. I submit that the semi-automatic firing system coupled with high capacity ammunition magazines are weapons designed for a battlefield, not for use on our streets.

Some gun lovers, in fact all gun lovers, have had what may be described as a pleasurable experience with guns. Too many other American citizens have had utterly tragic experiences with guns. All I ask is those gun lovers bear simple respect and acknowledgment of the tragic outcomes of gun violence. Gun lovers in their zeal to be the hero gunslinger must also bear some of the responsibility for the deaths and injuries wrought by gun violence.

At one time, no too long ago, the NRA was an organization that promoted sporting use of guns and hunter safety. Today, the NRA and those who show blind alleigence to the guns at any cost agenda of the NRA have fallen short in their understanding of the consequence of flooding our streets with military weapons. Have any of those gun lovers ever considered the consequences of unfettered and unlimited access to guns by each and every citizen, in spite of the mental and emotional and criminal circumstances of that citizenry? Why is it so easy to dismiss not only gun violence and a fact, but those who argue for common sense gun legislation?

What is the higher noble purpose of the semi-automatic firing system and high capacity magazine? Does it make you a true 'sportsman'? Are they designed as hunting and sporting weapons? Or are they simply designed to run up a body count?

Gun owners and the NRA are under assault by lying filth gun control advocates who seek to undermine the 2nd amendment by any means possible, hence we hate their guts and won't give 1 inch of compromise, basically they can blow it out their ass.
So your position is you have no simple respect for the victims of gun violence and further,you feel as if the hero gunslinger bears no responsibility for th furtherance of gun violence. Your position is one of petulence and deferment of respect and sympathy. Why should any adult agree with your stance?

So tell me how on earth does my ability to defend my wife my property or myself disrespectful to people who victims who were shot and/or killed by criminals with guns?

IMO having the ability to stop such a criminal rather than allowing them to victimize more innocent people is the way to honor those victims

I do not carry to protect you or the public

In all honesty if I saw a grown man getting the shit kicked out of him because he chose to be defenseless and depend on the government to protect him I would honor his wishes and call 911 and hope he didn't get beaten to death before the cops showed up
While I would certainly not call you an idiot...we've debated this often and I know better...I'll never understand the lefts fixation with ARs and AKs.

A semi-automatic is a semi-automatic is a semi-automatic.

Whoopi Goldberg thinks they are fully automatic.

You don't believe that too I hope.

One trigger pull, one bullet...just like every other commonly owned firearm in the United States.
Why are 'mass shootings' 'mass' shootings? Could it be the rat of fire and capacity of the weapon? What is the noble practical use of such weapons? To be a more effective sportsman, or to run up,the body count?

Look dimwit the 2nd amendment isn't about hunting ducks you stupid fool. The 2nd is about defense and if the bad guys have guns with magazines and higher rates of fire then we citizens are entitled to own the same damn weapons. OH SNAP!!!!!!!
The second amendment does not guarantee a civilian arms race. It does not guarantee your right to a rocket propelled grenade launcher, a fighter jet or an aircraft carrier.

You seem to prefer to pepper your posts with insults. One day you will learn, mature and leave that behind. You don't have to cite your own intellectual and emotional shortcomings in order to make a point. does....we get the same weapons as our military, at a minimum.......
Where do you store your thermonuclear warheads? In your Abrams A1 tank perhaps?
As always you people devolve into stupid
Why are 'mass shootings' 'mass' shootings? Could it be the rat of fire and capacity of the weapon? What is the noble practical use of such weapons? To be a more effective sportsman, or to run up,the body count?

Look dimwit the 2nd amendment isn't about hunting ducks you stupid fool. The 2nd is about defense and if the bad guys have guns with magazines and higher rates of fire then we citizens are entitled to own the same damn weapons. OH SNAP!!!!!!!
The second amendment does not guarantee a civilian arms race. It does not guarantee your right to a rocket propelled grenade launcher, a fighter jet or an aircraft carrier.

You seem to prefer to pepper your posts with insults. One day you will learn, mature and leave that behind. You don't have to cite your own intellectual and emotional shortcomings in order to make a point. does....we get the same weapons as our military, at a minimum.......
Where do you store your thermonuclear warheads? In your Abrams A1 tank perhaps?
As always you people devolve into stupid

Indeed. Never changes. Once again - for the limp-wrested pussies on this forum who (apparently) are incapable of simple logic:

Read it and weep.
So your position is you have no simple respect for the victims of gun violence and further,you feel as if the hero gunslinger bears no responsibility for th furtherance of gun violence. Your position is one of petulence and deferment of respect and sympathy. Why should any adult agree with your stance?

This is another argument that is without merit.

As a responsible beer drinker, I bear no responsibility for alcoholism and drunk driving accidents.

As a responsible driver, I bear no responsibility for speeders causing high speed collisions.

As a responsible knife owner, I bear no responsibility for knife wielding car-jackers, robbers or rapists.

So why, as a law abiding, responsible gun owner, would I suddenly be responsible for the irresponsible or criminal actions of others?

The answer is obviously than I wouldn't.
Look dimwit the 2nd amendment isn't about hunting ducks you stupid fool. The 2nd is about defense and if the bad guys have guns with magazines and higher rates of fire then we citizens are entitled to own the same damn weapons. OH SNAP!!!!!!!
The second amendment does not guarantee a civilian arms race. It does not guarantee your right to a rocket propelled grenade launcher, a fighter jet or an aircraft carrier.

You seem to prefer to pepper your posts with insults. One day you will learn, mature and leave that behind. You don't have to cite your own intellectual and emotional shortcomings in order to make a point.

So typical of dimwit gun control advocates, they lose the argument on small arms AR15 style rifles so they deflect with their rocket propelled grenades and fighter jet stupidity. AR15 style rifles are the modern equivalent of the type of arms the 2nd amendment protects. Do these bunch of dumb asses even have a clue as to the deadly type of arms available to the people in the late 1700's? They owned some nasty weapons in the 1700's that would be illegal today. Tune in next week when these idiots try to ban Daisy BB guns.
The civilian arms race must stop. No one needs a BAR, a Thompson machine gun, a flamethrower or any other military weapon. I submit that the semi-automatic firing system coupled with high capacity ammunition magazines are weapons designed for a battlefield, not for use on our streets.

Some gun lovers, in fact all gun lovers, have had what may be described as a pleasurable experience with guns. Too many other American citizens have had utterly tragic experiences with guns. All I ask is those gun lovers bear simple respect and acknowledgment of the tragic outcomes of gun violence. Gun lovers in their zeal to be the hero gunslinger must also bear some of the responsibility for the deaths and injuries wrought by gun violence.

At one time, no too long ago, the NRA was an organization that promoted sporting use of guns and hunter safety. Today, the NRA and those who show blind alleigence to the guns at any cost agenda of the NRA have fallen short in their understanding of the consequence of flooding our streets with military weapons. Have any of those gun lovers ever considered the consequences of unfettered and unlimited access to guns by each and every citizen, in spite of the mental and emotional and criminal circumstances of that citizenry? Why is it so easy to dismiss not only gun violence and a fact, but those who argue for common sense gun legislation?

What is the higher noble purpose of the semi-automatic firing system and high capacity magazine? Does it make you a true 'sportsman'? Are they designed as hunting and sporting weapons? Or are they simply designed to run up a body count?

Gun owners and the NRA are under assault by lying filth gun control advocates who seek to undermine the 2nd amendment by any means possible, hence we hate their guts and won't give 1 inch of compromise, basically they can blow it out their ass.
So your position is you have no simple respect for the victims of gun violence and further,you feel as if the hero gunslinger bears no responsibility for th furtherance of gun violence. Your position is one of petulence and deferment of respect and sympathy. Why should any adult agree with your stance?

What does respect for victims of gun violence have to do with my rights?

I should give up my rights to defend myself so that I can become a victim just like them. Is that what you are proposing?

That's idiocy of the highest order!
The SCOTUS has put a serious beat down on gun control advocates...the SCOTUS has ruled the Second Amendment right is “fundamental” to the American scheme of ordered liberty and deeply rooted in this Nation’s history and traditions. The right to keep and bear arms is enforceable against the States because it is a privilege of American citizenship recognized by the Fourteenth Amendment, which provides, no State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States. BOOM!
God there is some winy bitches that just don't get it guns don't kill people,people kill people.
The second amendment does not guarantee a civilian arms race. It does not guarantee your right to a rocket propelled grenade launcher, a fighter jet or an aircraft carrier.

You seem to prefer to pepper your posts with insults. One day you will learn, mature and leave that behind. You don't have to cite your own intellectual and emotional shortcomings in order to make a point.

So typical of dimwit gun control advocates, they lose the argument on small arms AR15 style rifles so they deflect with their rocket propelled grenades and fighter jet stupidity. AR15 style rifles are the modern equivalent of the type of arms the 2nd amendment protects. Do these bunch of dumb asses even have a clue as to the deadly type of arms available to the people in the late 1700's? They owned some nasty weapons in the 1700's that would be illegal today. Tune in next week when these idiots try to ban Daisy BB guns.
The civilian arms race must stop. No one needs a BAR, a Thompson machine gun, a flamethrower or any other military weapon. I submit that the semi-automatic firing system coupled with high capacity ammunition magazines are weapons designed for a battlefield, not for use on our streets.

Some gun lovers, in fact all gun lovers, have had what may be described as a pleasurable experience with guns. Too many other American citizens have had utterly tragic experiences with guns. All I ask is those gun lovers bear simple respect and acknowledgment of the tragic outcomes of gun violence. Gun lovers in their zeal to be the hero gunslinger must also bear some of the responsibility for the deaths and injuries wrought by gun violence.

At one time, no too long ago, the NRA was an organization that promoted sporting use of guns and hunter safety. Today, the NRA and those who show blind alleigence to the guns at any cost agenda of the NRA have fallen short in their understanding of the consequence of flooding our streets with military weapons. Have any of those gun lovers ever considered the consequences of unfettered and unlimited access to guns by each and every citizen, in spite of the mental and emotional and criminal circumstances of that citizenry? Why is it so easy to dismiss not only gun violence and a fact, but those who argue for common sense gun legislation?

What is the higher noble purpose of the semi-automatic firing system and high capacity magazine? Does it make you a true 'sportsman'? Are they designed as hunting and sporting weapons? Or are they simply designed to run up a body count?

Gun owners and the NRA are under assault by lying filth gun control advocates who seek to undermine the 2nd amendment by any means possible, hence we hate their guts and won't give 1 inch of compromise, basically they can blow it out their ass.
So your position is you have no simple respect for the victims of gun violence and further,you feel as if the hero gunslinger bears no responsibility for th furtherance of gun violence. Your position is one of petulence and deferment of respect and sympathy. Why should any adult agree with your stance?

What does respect for victims of gun violence have to do with my rights?

I should give up my rights to defend myself so that I can become a victim just like them. Is that what you are proposing?

That's idiocy of the highest order!

That's exactly what they want. They want us all to be victims of crimes.

Victims love Democrats and Democrats love victims. It's the sole objective for either party to expand the size of their base. Victims of "whatever" generally vote Democrat.

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