So proud of black people now....its about time!!

Instead whites have done everything in their power to keep Blacks down legally and illegally.
And you idiots still go out and vote for them every election.
Yeah that wont work either. Only a fool wont exercise his right to vote. Sorry white boy.
By all means, keep voting for your masters, dumb shit.
My mom was talking to me the other day about how she thinks integration did more harm than good. Black people took it as signal white people suddenly wanted to live with them when it was only that they just wanted Blacks to have the right to spend their money in the white community.

I've always said, the only thing integration did, was introduce little white girls to little black boys...that's it. We still live in separate communities, we still have income inequality, we still have ceilings for blacks in the work place and on and on and on. Other than negro's able to pick and chose which Barbie doll to fuck without getting a rope around his neck, integration was a bust for the black community!!

To be with ones own kind is as natural as breathing. What the world is finding out is that multiculturalism and diversity are failed projects.

Humankind is simply not ready for that kind of change yet.

No. Before whites joined civilization all the races got along just fine. What we are learning is that its impossible for whites to be civilized due to their proclivity for violence, genocide, and lying.

All people are violent...and racist. As a young man, I was giddy over LBJ's Great Society programs. I thought that maybe we could get this problem resolved once and for all.

What I have found is that these efforts were a dismal failure. We are farther apart now than ever.

I have no answers, I doubt there even are any answers anymore...


Dude its no longer about LBJ's great society, we are in the 21st century and the issues we have today are white people giving it one last rally knowing that their numbers and their foothold on this nation is someday coming to an end and in realizing this, they're are doing their best to set this country on its heels with attacks and obstruction.

There is a solution to all this....just stop it!!
They wont until the last of the cave monkeys die off. Once this generations cave monkeys bite the dust its all downhill from here. This is their last hooray.
From Beyonce, to last nights Grammy's, to BLM....finally black people are understanding that black love is what matters most to all of us. That until we embrace self love and appreciation nothing else matters. White people will hate you for it, but the community will support and be there for you. The fake weave industry brings in 1 billion a year, we could take that money and support our people if need be......we have your backs, relax and keep going strong against injustices in this country.

Your miserable, chip-on-shoulder, 85-average-I.Q., malicious, hateful, despicable crybaby failure of a race has NOTHING to be proud of. There has never in history been a modern, civilized black-majority country which respects human rights. You basketball-Americans are a race of malicious, hate-filled parasites who love to blame everyone else for your abysmal failures as human beings.....who manage to ruin every community you touch. If you're proud that 6.5% of the population commits 79% of America's rapes, then that shows that your race has zero moral compass of any kind.
The black condition won't improve until individuals rise up and better themselves. People come here not knowing the language and become successful. If you can't make it here, you can't make it anywhere.


What? We nuked Asians and rounded them up into concentration camps in 1944. We went to war with Mexicans and slaughtered them and conquered their land. The indians? Don't even ask about the horrors they were put through in the early years of this nation.

Boo fucking never were a slave and no one in your family tree dating back generations was.

Just when I started agreeing with go and say some dumb shit.

All those things you speak of are self inflicted. Otherwise hispanics, Asians and native Americans would be bitching about it too.
My mom was talking to me the other day about how she thinks integration did more harm than good. Black people took it as signal white people suddenly wanted to live with them when it was only that they just wanted Blacks to have the right to spend their money in the white community.

I've always said, the only thing integration did, was introduce little white girls to little black boys...that's it. We still live in separate communities, we still have income inequality, we still have ceilings for blacks in the work place and on and on and on. Other than negro's able to pick and chose which Barbie doll to fuck without getting a rope around his neck, integration was a bust for the black community!!

To be with ones own kind is as natural as breathing. What the world is finding out is that multiculturalism and diversity are failed projects.

Humankind is simply not ready for that kind of change yet.

No. Before whites joined civilization all the races got along just fine. What we are learning is that its impossible for whites to be civilized due to their proclivity for violence, genocide, and lying.

All people are violent...and racist. As a young man, I was giddy over LBJ's Great Society programs. I thought that maybe we could get this problem resolved once and for all.

What I have found is that these efforts were a dismal failure. We are farther apart now than ever.

I have no answers, I doubt there even are any answers anymore...


Dude its no longer about LBJ's great society, we are in the 21st century and the issues we have today are white people giving it one last rally knowing that their numbers and their foothold on this nation is someday coming to an end and in realizing this, they're are doing their best to set this country on its heels with attacks and obstruction.

There is a solution to all this....just stop it!!

Stop what exactly?

From Beyonce, to last nights Grammy's, to BLM....finally black people are understanding that black love is what matters most to all of us. That until we embrace self love and appreciation nothing else matters. White people will hate you for it, but the community will support and be there for you. The fake weave industry brings in 1 billion a year, we could take that money and support our people if need be......we have your backs, relax and keep going strong against injustices in this country.

In the meantime continue to buy Beyoncé's records and send the Reverend Al some money too. He's got your back. (back pocket)
White boys always try that gimmick to keep Black people from supporting other Blacks. Its old and transparent now.

The white community has a habit of guilting blacks back into their comfort lanes when ever they speak about against shit. For some reason there's this thin line of ownship white people seem to claim on us once we become successful. And all to often, we co sign onto this message. Its not until they turn on you or your no longer a meal ticket that blacks come home to roost and I'm sick of it. I'm just a nobody, but if I see fucked up shit at my job, I'm speaking on it, fuck the man!!

Yes!! Fuck Tha Man!!!!! Tomorrow go straight into your boss's office and tell his white ass off! It's time for the revolution sista!!

Better check first to find out if your boss has a Concealed Carry permit.
If that were the case, than dead me would leave the planet with my family wealthy from a law suit...either way, I win, dick head!!
I've always said, the only thing integration did, was introduce little white girls to little black boys...that's it. We still live in separate communities, we still have income inequality, we still have ceilings for blacks in the work place and on and on and on. Other than negro's able to pick and chose which Barbie doll to fuck without getting a rope around his neck, integration was a bust for the black community!!

To be with ones own kind is as natural as breathing. What the world is finding out is that multiculturalism and diversity are failed projects.

Humankind is simply not ready for that kind of change yet.

No. Before whites joined civilization all the races got along just fine. What we are learning is that its impossible for whites to be civilized due to their proclivity for violence, genocide, and lying.

All people are violent...and racist. As a young man, I was giddy over LBJ's Great Society programs. I thought that maybe we could get this problem resolved once and for all.

What I have found is that these efforts were a dismal failure. We are farther apart now than ever.

I have no answers, I doubt there even are any answers anymore...

That sounds like some white boy logic. No historically all people are not violent. Whites are the only race that practiced imperialism, racism, etc. Only whites have wiped out and attempted to wipe out other races.

History is rife with examples of people attacking each other. If you truly believe that the white man is at the core of all problems, I guess that is up to you.

History may be rife with examples of people attacking each other but its not rife with people attacking, committing genocide, enslaving, and lying over race. Yes I do believe whites are the core of the problem. They have spread their influence to other races as well. It will take time to dismantle but it will get done.
To be with ones own kind is as natural as breathing. What the world is finding out is that multiculturalism and diversity are failed projects.

Humankind is simply not ready for that kind of change yet.

No. Before whites joined civilization all the races got along just fine. What we are learning is that its impossible for whites to be civilized due to their proclivity for violence, genocide, and lying.

All people are violent...and racist. As a young man, I was giddy over LBJ's Great Society programs. I thought that maybe we could get this problem resolved once and for all.

What I have found is that these efforts were a dismal failure. We are farther apart now than ever.

I have no answers, I doubt there even are any answers anymore...

That sounds like some white boy logic. No historically all people are not violent. Whites are the only race that practiced imperialism, racism, etc. Only whites have wiped out and attempted to wipe out other races.

History is rife with examples of people attacking each other. If you truly believe that the white man is at the core of all problems, I guess that is up to you.

History may be rife with examples of people attacking each other but its not rife with people attacking, committing genocide, enslaving, and lying over race. Yes I do believe whites are the core of the problem. They have spread their influence to other races as well. It will take time to dismantle but it will get done.

Do you feel you are being discriminated against?

I've always said, the only thing integration did, was introduce little white girls to little black boys...that's it. We still live in separate communities, we still have income inequality, we still have ceilings for blacks in the work place and on and on and on. Other than negro's able to pick and chose which Barbie doll to fuck without getting a rope around his neck, integration was a bust for the black community!!

To be with ones own kind is as natural as breathing. What the world is finding out is that multiculturalism and diversity are failed projects.

Humankind is simply not ready for that kind of change yet.

No. Before whites joined civilization all the races got along just fine. What we are learning is that its impossible for whites to be civilized due to their proclivity for violence, genocide, and lying.

All people are violent...and racist. As a young man, I was giddy over LBJ's Great Society programs. I thought that maybe we could get this problem resolved once and for all.

What I have found is that these efforts were a dismal failure. We are farther apart now than ever.

I have no answers, I doubt there even are any answers anymore...


Dude its no longer about LBJ's great society, we are in the 21st century and the issues we have today are white people giving it one last rally knowing that their numbers and their foothold on this nation is someday coming to an end and in realizing this, they're are doing their best to set this country on its heels with attacks and obstruction.

There is a solution to all this....just stop it!!

Stop what exactly?

Whining and being mad white racism is breaking down.
No. Before whites joined civilization all the races got along just fine. What we are learning is that its impossible for whites to be civilized due to their proclivity for violence, genocide, and lying.

All people are violent...and racist. As a young man, I was giddy over LBJ's Great Society programs. I thought that maybe we could get this problem resolved once and for all.

What I have found is that these efforts were a dismal failure. We are farther apart now than ever.

I have no answers, I doubt there even are any answers anymore...

That sounds like some white boy logic. No historically all people are not violent. Whites are the only race that practiced imperialism, racism, etc. Only whites have wiped out and attempted to wipe out other races.

History is rife with examples of people attacking each other. If you truly believe that the white man is at the core of all problems, I guess that is up to you.

History may be rife with examples of people attacking each other but its not rife with people attacking, committing genocide, enslaving, and lying over race. Yes I do believe whites are the core of the problem. They have spread their influence to other races as well. It will take time to dismantle but it will get done.

Do you feel you are being discriminated against?

Right now in this moment or during my lifetime?
To be with ones own kind is as natural as breathing. What the world is finding out is that multiculturalism and diversity are failed projects.

Humankind is simply not ready for that kind of change yet.

No. Before whites joined civilization all the races got along just fine. What we are learning is that its impossible for whites to be civilized due to their proclivity for violence, genocide, and lying.

All people are violent...and racist. As a young man, I was giddy over LBJ's Great Society programs. I thought that maybe we could get this problem resolved once and for all.

What I have found is that these efforts were a dismal failure. We are farther apart now than ever.

I have no answers, I doubt there even are any answers anymore...

That sounds like some white boy logic. No historically all people are not violent. Whites are the only race that practiced imperialism, racism, etc. Only whites have wiped out and attempted to wipe out other races.

History is rife with examples of people attacking each other. If you truly believe that the white man is at the core of all problems, I guess that is up to you.

History may be rife with examples of people attacking each other but its not rife with people attacking, committing genocide, enslaving, and lying over race. Yes I do believe whites are the core of the problem. They have spread their influence to other races as well. It will take time to dismantle but it will get done.

Its because we are better at warfare. And still are.

So you can say all you want about what you'll dismantle. But you sound as if you want whites exterminated. And again....we are better at war. Far better. So careful what you wish for.
Instead whites have done everything in their power to keep Blacks down legally and illegally.
And you idiots still go out and vote for them every election.
Yeah that wont work either. Only a fool wont exercise his right to vote. Sorry white boy.
By all means, keep voting for your masters, dumb shit.
I will. I bet that makes you angry doesnt it?
No, I'm happy to point out your stupidity, dumb shit. :lol:
Bullshit. I'm white and have no problem with blacks loving and appreciating themselves. It is the calls for violence and segregation I have a problem with. Appreciation of the black panthers makes me wonder if I should support for the kkk. Six of one, half doz. of the other. We should be Americans; not black or white people.
Those calls for violence and segregation is in direct response to the continued racism. If whites had gotten their act together when Blacks won their freedom their would be no issues today. Instead whites have done everything in their power to keep Blacks down legally and illegally.

Whine! Whine! Somebody might have done something nasty to my G-G-G-G Grandfather! Oh poor me! I am so abused!

Again, bullshit. There is no excuse for throwing away the progress that has been made just because you want to blame someone else for the results of your own actions.

You cant throw away progress silly goose
The black condition won't improve until individuals rise up and better themselves. People come here not knowing the language and become successful. If you can't make it here, you can't make it anywhere.


What? We nuked Asians and rounded them up into concentration camps in 1944. We went to war with Mexicans and slaughtered them and conquered their land. The indians? Don't even ask about the horrors they were put through in the early years of this nation.

Boo fucking never were a slave and no one in your family tree dating back generations was.

Just when I started agreeing with go and say some dumb shit.

All those things you speak of are self inflicted. Otherwise hispanics, Asians and native Americans would be bitching about it too.
What? We nuked Asians and rounded them up into concentration camps in 1944. We went to war with Mexicans and slaughtered them and conquered their land. The indians? Don't even ask about the horrors they were put through in the early years of this nation.

Boo fucking never were a slave and no one in your family tree dating back generations was.

Just when I started agreeing with go and say some dumb shit.

All those things you speak of are self inflicted. Otherwise hispanics, Asians and native Americans would be bitching about it too.[/QUOTE]

What? We nuked Asians and rounded them up into concentration camps in 1944.We dropped a bomb to end WWII and just recently settled financially with the families of those we incarcerated during those times, no tears here, eh? We went to war with Mexicans and slaughtered them and conquered their land. And they've been taking it back ever since, again, no tears here, eh?The indians? Don't even ask about the horrors they were put through in the early years of this nation.Gave em land, freebies, colleges, tears again....dude, you gotta do better with the tear jerking bullshit, I'm still dry eyed!!

Just the thought of you agreeing with me, makes my skin crawl, so I'm glad I defused that notion....listen, hispanics are bitching, Native Americans have been bitching for decades...its just that no one cares unless its a black white matter, clearly you know this. As for Asians? Bitch about what...a rice shortage!!
I wish you would take time to really ponder what is said here, rather than go off on these childish rants. No race in this country, has traveled the journey of black america, none. And until you or these other ethnic groups travel that road, your credentials are dead to me.
All people are violent...and racist. As a young man, I was giddy over LBJ's Great Society programs. I thought that maybe we could get this problem resolved once and for all.

What I have found is that these efforts were a dismal failure. We are farther apart now than ever.

I have no answers, I doubt there even are any answers anymore...

That sounds like some white boy logic. No historically all people are not violent. Whites are the only race that practiced imperialism, racism, etc. Only whites have wiped out and attempted to wipe out other races.

History is rife with examples of people attacking each other. If you truly believe that the white man is at the core of all problems, I guess that is up to you.

History may be rife with examples of people attacking each other but its not rife with people attacking, committing genocide, enslaving, and lying over race. Yes I do believe whites are the core of the problem. They have spread their influence to other races as well. It will take time to dismantle but it will get done.

Do you feel you are being discriminated against?

Right now in this moment or during my lifetime?

I would say compared to 10 years ago?

No. Before whites joined civilization all the races got along just fine. What we are learning is that its impossible for whites to be civilized due to their proclivity for violence, genocide, and lying.

All people are violent...and racist. As a young man, I was giddy over LBJ's Great Society programs. I thought that maybe we could get this problem resolved once and for all.

What I have found is that these efforts were a dismal failure. We are farther apart now than ever.

I have no answers, I doubt there even are any answers anymore...

That sounds like some white boy logic. No historically all people are not violent. Whites are the only race that practiced imperialism, racism, etc. Only whites have wiped out and attempted to wipe out other races.

History is rife with examples of people attacking each other. If you truly believe that the white man is at the core of all problems, I guess that is up to you.

History may be rife with examples of people attacking each other but its not rife with people attacking, committing genocide, enslaving, and lying over race. Yes I do believe whites are the core of the problem. They have spread their influence to other races as well. It will take time to dismantle but it will get done.

Its because we are better at warfare. And still are.

So you can say all you want about what you'll dismantle. But you sound as if you want whites exterminated. And again....we are better at war. Far better. So careful what you wish for.
I agree whites are better at war. Thats why I said whites were more violent.

Oh its being dismantled. Thats why you and your kind are so upset. I dont want whites exterminated. The more whites interbreed with other races the less violent they become. I wish for you to be bred out existence as a pure race. I think those neanderthal genes combined with the inbreeding that occurred in europe made you dysfunctional. Thats the only non violent way. Your recessive genes will guarantee that is going to happen.
That sounds like some white boy logic. No historically all people are not violent. Whites are the only race that practiced imperialism, racism, etc. Only whites have wiped out and attempted to wipe out other races.

History is rife with examples of people attacking each other. If you truly believe that the white man is at the core of all problems, I guess that is up to you.

History may be rife with examples of people attacking each other but its not rife with people attacking, committing genocide, enslaving, and lying over race. Yes I do believe whites are the core of the problem. They have spread their influence to other races as well. It will take time to dismantle but it will get done.

Do you feel you are being discriminated against?

Right now in this moment or during my lifetime?

I would say compared to 10 years ago?

Havent really thought about it. I live with it constantly and just assume its going to happen or is happening. I long ago realized its just an extra obstacle I have to overcome. It just makes me that much stronger.
The black condition won't improve until individuals rise up and better themselves. People come here not knowing the language and become successful. If you can't make it here, you can't make it anywhere.


What? We nuked Asians and rounded them up into concentration camps in 1944. We went to war with Mexicans and slaughtered them and conquered their land. The indians? Don't even ask about the horrors they were put through in the early years of this nation.

Boo fucking never were a slave and no one in your family tree dating back generations was.

Just when I started agreeing with go and say some dumb shit.

All those things you speak of are self inflicted. Otherwise hispanics, Asians and native Americans would be bitching about it too.
What? We nuked Asians and rounded them up into concentration camps in 1944. We went to war with Mexicans and slaughtered them and conquered their land. The indians? Don't even ask about the horrors they were put through in the early years of this nation.

Boo fucking never were a slave and no one in your family tree dating back generations was.

Just when I started agreeing with go and say some dumb shit.

All those things you speak of are self inflicted. Otherwise hispanics, Asians and native Americans would be bitching about it too.

What? We nuked Asians and rounded them up into concentration camps in 1944.We dropped a bomb to end WWII and just recently settled financially with the families of those we incarcerated during those times, no tears here, eh? We went to war with Mexicans and slaughtered them and conquered their land. And they've been taking it back ever since, again, no tears here, eh?The indians? Don't even ask about the horrors they were put through in the early years of this nation.Gave em land, freebies, colleges, tears again....dude, you gotta do better with the tear jerking bullshit, I'm still dry eyed!!

Just the thought of you agreeing with me, makes my skin crawl, so I'm glad I defused that notion....listen, hispanics are bitching, Native Americans have been bitching for decades...its just that no one cares unless its a black white matter, clearly you know this. As for Asians? Bitch about what...a rice shortage!!
I wish you would take time to really ponder what is said here, rather than go off on these childish rants. No race in this country, has traveled the journey of black america, none. And until you or these other ethnic groups travel that road, your credentials are dead to me.

You posted this: No race in this country, has traveled the journey of black america, none.

While the journey might not be exactly the same, I would say native Americans have been treated worse overall than the blacks have been.

Bullshit. I'm white and have no problem with blacks loving and appreciating themselves. It is the calls for violence and segregation I have a problem with. Appreciation of the black panthers makes me wonder if I should support for the kkk. Six of one, half doz. of the other. We should be Americans; not black or white people.
Those calls for violence and segregation is in direct response to the continued racism. If whites had gotten their act together when Blacks won their freedom their would be no issues today. Instead whites have done everything in their power to keep Blacks down legally and illegally.

Whine! Whine! Somebody might have done something nasty to my G-G-G-G Grandfather! Oh poor me! I am so abused!

Again, bullshit. There is no excuse for throwing away the progress that has been made just because you want to blame someone else for the results of your own actions.

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