So republicans, WHY was it justified for Trump to fire Comey?

I would love to hear the explanations. I'll be sure make some popcorn for this thread.
On ignore you stupid fucking hypocritical double talking sack of shit.

Hey, it's a reasonable question. You RWNJs are being very defensive. Why is that?

Surely, you want to know that our counrytbis safe from her enemies, right?




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I would love to hear the explanations. I'll be sure make some popcorn for this thread.
I think it's bullshit and looks suspicious. Could it be because of the Russia investigation? Sure. The truth teller will be who Trump nominates as a replacement and how long it takes the Senate to confirm the new Director.

If everything is on the up and up, Trump will nominated a great replacement and the Senate will quickly confirm the new Director.

If there is bullshit involved, then Trump will either drag his feet on a nominee or nominate some so deplorable, the Senate will fail to confirm them thus resulting in the Director's seat staying empty.
Whomever Trump nominates as new FBI Director will be tainted
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I would love to hear the explanations. I'll be sure make some popcorn for this thread.

Comey is an honest, bipartisan man who found himself between a rock and a hard place. He also got too close to the truth about Trump and the Russians. Trump is nothing but a fucking fascist.

So a bit of humor here on what is otherwise a dark day in America:


No....he was a dishonest political hack....who refused to prosecute hilary, after listing her crimes, and who has refused to prosecute huma abedin, after listing her crimes......he needed to go years ago...
Democrats didn't mind that Holder and then Lynch covered Obama's ass.
Rod Rosenstein wrote a lengthy and detailed memo. To understand why Comey was fired you would have to read that. Any explanation is just speculation.

Democrats demanded that Jeff Sessions recuse himself in the investigation as to Russia. The investigation therefore fell to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. The Russian investigation has nothing to do with Rosenstein's internal review of the FBI chaos.
I would love to hear the explanations. I'll be sure make some popcorn for this thread.
I think it's bullshit and looks suspicious. Could it be because of the Russia investigation? Sure. The truth teller will be who Trump nominates as a replacement and how long it takes the Senate to confirm the new Director.

If everything is on the up and up, Trump will nominated a great replacement and the Senate will quickly confirm the new Director.

If there is bullshit involved, then Trump will either drag his feet on a nominee or nominate some so deplorable, the Senate will fail to confirm them thus resulting in the Director's seat staying empty.
Whomever Trump nominated as new FBI Director will be tainted
------------------------------------- thats ok , par for the course for the dems and few rino repubs to taint . From the little i hear the dems can deny the new guy confirmation , i guess .
I would love to hear the explanations. I'll be sure make some popcorn for this thread.

Comey is an honest, bipartisan man who found himself between a rock and a hard place. He also got too close to the truth about Trump and the Russians. Trump is nothing but a fucking fascist.

So a bit of humor here on what is otherwise a dark day in America:


No....he was a dishonest political hack....who refused to prosecute hilary, after listing her crimes, and who has refused to prosecute huma abedin, after listing her crimes......he needed to go years ago...
So why did Trump himself neg on this promise to investigate Hillary?
He should have been fired by Obama on July 5th.

FBI does not DECIDE whether or not to prosecute.

That is the job of the AG.

It is the job of the FBI to (Spolier alert).....INVESTIGATE.

They do not make decisions on whether to pursue prosecution based on the investigative findings.
I would love to hear the explanations. I'll be sure make some popcorn for this thread.

Comey is an honest, bipartisan man who found himself between a rock and a hard place. He also got too close to the truth about Trump and the Russians. Trump is nothing but a fucking fascist.

So a bit of humor here on what is otherwise a dark day in America:


Came close to the truth?? Which is there is no evidence of collusion. After all that's what comey testified.
Anybody watch the OJ-squeeze coverage of Comey's drive to the airport?

Should be interesting to see who trumps Good dog! Good little doggy! Gets the job.

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Trump fired him for him trying to influence the election, with the Comey Hillary fiasco..

I thought you would be proud of Trump?

I would love to hear the explanations. I'll be sure make some popcorn for this thread.
I think it's bullshit and looks suspicious. Could it be because of the Russia investigation? Sure. The truth teller will be who Trump nominates as a replacement and how long it takes the Senate to confirm the new Director.

If everything is on the up and up, Trump will nominated a great replacement and the Senate will quickly confirm the new Director.

If there is bullshit involved, then Trump will either drag his feet on a nominee or nominate some so deplorable, the Senate will fail to confirm them thus resulting in the Director's seat staying empty.
Whomever Trump nominated as new FBI Director will be tainted

Like Loretta lynch?

The memo is in the government document cloud. I just read it. Someone will be able to link it or post it.

It is not possible to know why Comey was fired without reading that memo. There is just made up democrat lies.
Anyone who says that Trump fired Comey because of an FBI investigation into Trump is simply ignorant.

Comey does not conduct unilateral investigations. Any ongoing investigation by the FBI will continue by the investigating agents.

It's not like when a CEO gets fired, Nancy in accounting all of a sudden stops processing payroll.

Some of you really need to stop with the hysterics and think shit through.
Anyone who says that Trump fired Comey because of an FBI investigation into Trump is simply ignorant.

Comey does not conduct unilateral investigations. Any ongoing investigation by the FBI will continue by the investigating agents.

It's not like when a CEO gets fired, Nancy in accounting all of a sudden stops processing payroll.

Some of you really need to stop with the hysterics and think shit through.

I dunno, that's asking a lot from them.
I would love to hear the explanations. I'll be sure make some popcorn for this thread.

Comey is an honest, bipartisan man who found himself between a rock and a hard place. He also got too close to the truth about Trump and the Russians. Trump is nothing but a fucking fascist.

So a bit of humor here on what is otherwise a dark day in America:


No....he was a dishonest political hack....who refused to prosecute hilary, after listing her crimes, and who has refused to prosecute huma abedin, after listing her crimes......he needed to go years ago...
A political hack who gave Trump the presidency

A political hack who was investigating Trump at the time he was fired

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