So, should we see Trump's Tax Returns before Inauguration Day?

Regardless if he has to legally I want to hear the argument about the less we know about our politicians who represent us the better it is for all of us. Because if you want to get rid of "the swamp" or corruption knowing less isnt a smart way to go about it
Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.

Repeat after me "President Elect Donald J. Trump."

Nobody cares about his tax returns... that was demonstrated on 11/8.
Nobody as in the majority of Americans (by a margin of 2.7 million) who voted for Clinton? Too bad the electoral college gives the advantage to the hayseeds in flyover country.
Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.

Well, we didn't vote for an inexperience community organizer. That's for for sure. I don't care to see his tax returns and he's not required by law to show them. But I do get that butt hurt, angry, whiny liberals want to make this nonissue and issue.
The way I look at is that if the best they can come up with on him to try and use against him is his not showing a statement that he is not required to show, he must be one extremely squeaky clean candidate. Even the left has to admit this.
The think that irritates me about this whole issue is that somehow those on the left think they are important enough to be able to demand he show the the records in the first place.
The left has no more right or authority to demand Donald Trumps tax records than I have to demand that the FBI sit down with me in private and go over the E-mail evidence that they collected on Hillary. Even though the E-mails have more pertinence to being president than a tax record. And if you think about it, the e-mails were enough of a concern to warrant an investigation, to my knowledge President Elect Trump's tax records have not been the focus of a special federal investigation.
As far as seeing which countries Trump has been involved with financially, most people are evidently unaware of the fact that the Federal Government looks at international business transactions. The scrutiny that the left seems to want to apply after the fact, has most likely already been applied before the fact. Again, that reasoning is another dead end street that is based not on fact. The only reasonable assumption to come up with is that the left is hoping people dont know that his transactions are not secret from the government and have most likely already been investigated to an extent. This is nothing more than trying to take a non issue and use it as a reason to instill doubt when it comes to Trumps loyalty to the country.
And the whole time, there has never been a question from the left in regards to all the middle east money that ended up in Hillary's foundation. Again, hypocritical.
Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.
Still unclear the purpose
Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.

Repeat after me "President Elect Donald J. Trump."

Nobody cares about his tax returns... that was demonstrated on 11/8.
Nobody as in the majority of Americans (by a margin of 2.7 million) who voted for Clinton? Too bad the electoral college gives the advantage to the hayseeds in flyover country.
What does that 2.7 represent?
Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.

Repeat after me "President Elect Donald J. Trump."

Nobody cares about his tax returns... that was demonstrated on 11/8.
Nobody as in the majority of Americans (by a margin of 2.7 million) who voted for Clinton? Too bad the electoral college gives the advantage to the hayseeds in flyover country.
What does that 2.7 represent?
It's the popular vote estimate that has emerged from continuing vote counts in states like California.
Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.

Repeat after me "President Elect Donald J. Trump."

Nobody cares about his tax returns... that was demonstrated on 11/8.
Nobody as in the majority of Americans (by a margin of 2.7 million) who voted for Clinton? Too bad the electoral college gives the advantage to the hayseeds in flyover country.
What does that 2.7 represent?
the 2.7 million would be the number of popular votes hillary would have won by
and when you are able to demonstrate your privilege to seeing President Elect Trumps returns, Im guessing that you will be able to exert your authority and demand that they be delivered directly to your desk for review.

Mdpatsy has gotten so used to getting fucked.....he kind of likes it now. LOL
Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.

Did we see obamas long form birth certificate January 20th 2008? Having an 2 forms of I.D. is required by law to get a job in this country...showing past I.R.S. forms is not you fucking retard.


Better...You actually had the State of Hawaii certifying he was born there

What we don't have is Trumps tax returns which he promised on multiple occasions

Again showing tax forms is not a requirement for the job but two forms of I.D. is, an Obama has yet to show the long form...and he sure did not give even the short form January 20th 2008...

It should be noted that the House dropped it's impeachment move against the IRS chief because it would be too complicated since the president probably ordered the IRS chief to commit felonies related to punishing enemies of the Hussein administration

I know its asking too much of your half brain to figure out.......But just for fun, IF the IRS was so corrupt under Obama's orders...........WHY NOT HAVE THE TRUMP RETURNS EXPOSED???.....and on the small likelihood that trump was being audited, why didn't Obama simply tell the IRS, finish that fucking audit by Spet or Oct.???
Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.

Repeat after me "President Elect Donald J. Trump."

Nobody cares about his tax returns... that was demonstrated on 11/8.
Nobody as in the majority of Americans (by a margin of 2.7 million) who voted for Clinton? Too bad the electoral college gives the advantage to the hayseeds in flyover country.

This is why you lost:

hayseeds in flyover country

Your utter disdain for your fellow Americans and your Holier than thou bullshit. Typical lib, you think you're better than everyone else, smarter, etc. But you're not... you're just an insecure little person who builds themself up by belittling everyone with whom you disagree.

I actually feel sorry for people like you.
Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.

Wow, there are very few things I give a shit less about. Just like before the election. Ditto with you, you never cared either. You just wanted Democrat strategists to pore over them for talking points
Again showing tax forms is not a requirement for the job but two forms of I.D. is, an Obama has yet to show the long form...and he sure did not give even the short form January 20th 2008...

yet another die-hard, dumb-fuck "birther".........
1.) Releasing Tax Returns is not a requirement for running for president. Ralph Nader for instance refused to release his and was never prevented from running for president.

2.) A Financial Disclosure is required and is actually more detailed than a tax return, so this is just a Butt Hurt Strawman for sore losers to take turns "Tilting AT Windmills" in the hopes it will make them feel better.

3.) What would be far more interesting are copies of PRIVATE SPEECHES Hillary Clinton gave to Wall Street and Despotic Dictators in the Middle East.
I'd pay to read those. Misogyny? Off With Her Head!
Wow, there are very few things I give a shit less about. Just like before the election. Ditto with you, you never cared either. You just wanted Democrat strategists to pore over them for talking points

NO, moron........I WOULD like to see just that line about tax owed by Trump....Of course, idiots like you don't give a fuck because you're a dumb conservative....
Bitch all you want about taking apart Trump's returns as a "sin" for right wingers....after all, you had Assange taking apart Clinton's emails, right, nitwit?
Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.

Repeat after me "President Elect Donald J. Trump."

Nobody cares about his tax returns... that was demonstrated on 11/8.
Nobody as in the majority of Americans (by a margin of 2.7 million) who voted for Clinton? Too bad the electoral college gives the advantage to the hayseeds in flyover country.

This is why you lost:

hayseeds in flyover country

Your utter disdain for your fellow Americans and your Holier than thou bullshit. Typical lib, you think you're better than everyone else, smarter, etc. But you're not... you're just an insecure little person who builds themself up by belittling everyone with whom you disagree.

I actually feel sorry for people like you.
I find it hilarious that someone who rarely posts anything without somehow denigrating lib'rals criticizes the disdain some of us feel for people who get their information from right wing 'news' media.
Wow, there are very few things I give a shit less about. Just like before the election. Ditto with you, you never cared either. You just wanted Democrat strategists to pore over them for talking points

NO, moron........I WOULD like to see just that line about tax owed by Trump....Of course, idiots like you don't give a fuck because you're a dumb conservative....
Bitch all you want about taking apart Trump's returns as a "sin" for right wingers....after all, you had Assange taking apart Clinton's emails, right, nitwit?

OK, what will this mean in the end as to his eligibility to be President? Shit, maybe you missed it, he won already.
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Again showing tax forms is not a requirement for the job but two forms of I.D. is, an Obama has yet to show the long form...and he sure did not give even the short form January 20th 2008...

yet another die-hard, dumb-fuck "birther".........

Nope dick wad I have a job and every fucking job I had you need two forms of I.D.

Comprehend welfare leach?

Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.

Repeat after me "President Elect Donald J. Trump."

Nobody cares about his tax returns... that was demonstrated on 11/8.
Nobody as in the majority of Americans (by a margin of 2.7 million) who voted for Clinton? Too bad the electoral college gives the advantage to the hayseeds in flyover country.

This is why you lost:

hayseeds in flyover country

Your utter disdain for your fellow Americans and your Holier than thou bullshit. Typical lib, you think you're better than everyone else, smarter, etc. But you're not... you're just an insecure little person who builds themself up by belittling everyone with whom you disagree.

I actually feel sorry for people like you.
I find it hilarious that someone who rarely posts anything without somehow denigrating lib'rals criticizes the disdain some of us feel for people who get their information from right wing 'news' media.

Sorry, have we met? How is it you come to the knowledge of where I get my news?

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