So, should we see Trump's Tax Returns before Inauguration Day?

Wow, there are very few things I give a shit less about. Just like before the election. Ditto with you, you never cared either. You just wanted Democrat strategists to pore over them for talking points

NO, moron........I WOULD like to see just that line about tax owed by Trump....Of course, idiots like you don't give a fuck because you're a dumb conservative....
Bitch all you want about taking apart Trump's returns as a "sin" for right wingers....after all, you had Assange taking apart Clinton's emails, right, nitwit?

So what could you see that would make any difference to you if a Democrat did it?
Wow, there are very few things I give a shit less about. Just like before the election. Ditto with you, you never cared either. You just wanted Democrat strategists to pore over them for talking points

NO, moron........I WOULD like to see just that line about tax owed by Trump....Of course, idiots like you don't give a fuck because you're a dumb conservative....
Bitch all you want about taking apart Trump's returns as a "sin" for right wingers....after all, you had Assange taking apart Clinton's emails, right, nitwit?

OK, what will this mean in the end as to his eligibility to be President? Shit, maybe you missed it, he won already.

But the butt hurt rages on!
Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.

Repeat after me "President Elect Donald J. Trump."

Nobody cares about his tax returns... that was demonstrated on 11/8.
Nobody as in the majority of Americans (by a margin of 2.7 million) who voted for Clinton? Too bad the electoral college gives the advantage to the hayseeds in flyover country.

This is why you lost:

hayseeds in flyover country

Your utter disdain for your fellow Americans and your Holier than thou bullshit. Typical lib, you think you're better than everyone else, smarter, etc. But you're not... you're just an insecure little person who builds themself up by belittling everyone with whom you disagree.

I actually feel sorry for people like you.
I find it hilarious that someone who rarely posts anything without somehow denigrating lib'rals criticizes the disdain some of us feel for people who get their information from right wing 'news' media.

Sorry, have we met? How is it you come to the knowledge of where I get my news?
The rare times when I'm bored enough to come to this site, I see frequent posts by you on a variety of topics with the seemingly singular theme of bashing liberals. What else do I need to know?
Repeat after me "President Elect Donald J. Trump."

Nobody cares about his tax returns... that was demonstrated on 11/8.
Nobody as in the majority of Americans (by a margin of 2.7 million) who voted for Clinton? Too bad the electoral college gives the advantage to the hayseeds in flyover country.

This is why you lost:

hayseeds in flyover country

Your utter disdain for your fellow Americans and your Holier than thou bullshit. Typical lib, you think you're better than everyone else, smarter, etc. But you're not... you're just an insecure little person who builds themself up by belittling everyone with whom you disagree.

I actually feel sorry for people like you.
I find it hilarious that someone who rarely posts anything without somehow denigrating lib'rals criticizes the disdain some of us feel for people who get their information from right wing 'news' media.

Sorry, have we met? How is it you come to the knowledge of where I get my news?
The rare times when I'm bored enough to come to this site, I see frequent posts by you on a variety of topics with the seemingly singular theme of bashing liberals. What else do I need to know?

What's not to bash when it comes to self-righteous, holier than thou folks that refer to "hayseeds in flyover country"?
Nope dick wad I have a job and every fucking job I had you need two forms of I.D.

Comprehend welfare leach?

Don't forget to ALSO bash Obama about being half-black and a Kenyan Muslim, communist.........You don't want for Rush to be disappointed in you now, would you?......LOL
Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.

This just in, we dont give a shit.
Nobody as in the majority of Americans (by a margin of 2.7 million) who voted for Clinton? Too bad the electoral college gives the advantage to the hayseeds in flyover country.

This is why you lost:

hayseeds in flyover country

Your utter disdain for your fellow Americans and your Holier than thou bullshit. Typical lib, you think you're better than everyone else, smarter, etc. But you're not... you're just an insecure little person who builds themself up by belittling everyone with whom you disagree.

I actually feel sorry for people like you.
I find it hilarious that someone who rarely posts anything without somehow denigrating lib'rals criticizes the disdain some of us feel for people who get their information from right wing 'news' media.

Sorry, have we met? How is it you come to the knowledge of where I get my news?
The rare times when I'm bored enough to come to this site, I see frequent posts by you on a variety of topics with the seemingly singular theme of bashing liberals. What else do I need to know?

What's not to bash when it comes to self-righteous, holier than thou folks that refer to "hayseeds in flyover country"?
I don't claim to be holier than thou. Probably more intelligent and better educated though. And in an increasingly complex and technological world, more productive too.
Righties cried for Obama's school records ! But don't give a shit about trumps taxes ?!

I guess Obama's art history grade is more important than the Dons international financial ties .

Kenyan muslims have more to prove.

Yes im being sarcastic and love to.push those leftwing buttons!
This is why you lost:

hayseeds in flyover country

Your utter disdain for your fellow Americans and your Holier than thou bullshit. Typical lib, you think you're better than everyone else, smarter, etc. But you're not... you're just an insecure little person who builds themself up by belittling everyone with whom you disagree.

I actually feel sorry for people like you.
I find it hilarious that someone who rarely posts anything without somehow denigrating lib'rals criticizes the disdain some of us feel for people who get their information from right wing 'news' media.

Sorry, have we met? How is it you come to the knowledge of where I get my news?
The rare times when I'm bored enough to come to this site, I see frequent posts by you on a variety of topics with the seemingly singular theme of bashing liberals. What else do I need to know?

What's not to bash when it comes to self-righteous, holier than thou folks that refer to "hayseeds in flyover country"?
I don't claim to be holier than thou. Probably more intelligent and better educated though. And in an increasingly complex and technological world, more productive too.

Probably more intelligent and better educated though

See? That right there.

Thanks for making my point.
and when you are able to demonstrate your privilege to seeing President Elect Trumps returns, Im guessing that you will be able to exert your authority and demand that they be delivered directly to your desk for review.

Mdpatsy has gotten so used to getting fucked.....he kind of likes it now. LOL
actually, Ive learned to keep from paying "my fair share" also. I pay way less over the year than I probably should, the trick is at the end of the year being able to justify the lower amounts paid and not have to write a check to the IRS. I have an accountant that is pretty good at doing that for us.
For example, todays paycheck For last weeks work. (if you want to call what I do work)
Gross was 1727.19
Federal W/H(M/5) 61.95
Medicare 25.04
Social Security 107.09
Maryland State W/H(M/5) 49.16
AA county, MD Res.Location 25.87
No additional deductions
Net Pay was 1458.08
So Im looking at just a bit less than 16% with all taxes and contributions combined. ( the biggest number being social security)
accountant says I might be able to work the numbers at years end and actually get a refund too.
All of this is legal, nothing sketchy involved. It is nothing more than me playing by the rules that come directly from the IRS.
why shouldnt Donald Trump, or anyone else for that matter, try and reduce the amount of payments to the U.S government. Im certain that If I could afford Trumps accountant I would be able to pay zero and most likely get back from the EITC.
I wish I would have had this tax guy back when I was actually making money before I retired from that job. Only reason I have him now is because the tax guy I had used for the last 20 years died. No warning, just one year there doing my taxes, next year? dead. I found it fairly rude on his part to just up and quit without notifying us first that he would be moving on
I find it hilarious that someone who rarely posts anything without somehow denigrating lib'rals criticizes the disdain some of us feel for people who get their information from right wing 'news' media.

Sorry, have we met? How is it you come to the knowledge of where I get my news?
The rare times when I'm bored enough to come to this site, I see frequent posts by you on a variety of topics with the seemingly singular theme of bashing liberals. What else do I need to know?

What's not to bash when it comes to self-righteous, holier than thou folks that refer to "hayseeds in flyover country"?
I don't claim to be holier than thou. Probably more intelligent and better educated though. And in an increasingly complex and technological world, more productive too.

See? That right there.

Thanks for making my point.
Hey, I was always on the side of the people who are being downsized and outsourced by the big evil corporations. I also feel no special kinship with big-city ultra-liberals unless they happen to be very talented artists, musicians, programmers or somesuch. The problem is that (I'll resort to generalities here) you guys seem to think the upper echelon has every right to do whatever it takes to maximize profits. Increasingly, that has come down to making the economic climate ever more stark. What special affection do you have for Trump then? You really don't think he's out to screw you?
Sorry, have we met? How is it you come to the knowledge of where I get my news?
The rare times when I'm bored enough to come to this site, I see frequent posts by you on a variety of topics with the seemingly singular theme of bashing liberals. What else do I need to know?

What's not to bash when it comes to self-righteous, holier than thou folks that refer to "hayseeds in flyover country"?
I don't claim to be holier than thou. Probably more intelligent and better educated though. And in an increasingly complex and technological world, more productive too.

See? That right there.

Thanks for making my point.
Hey, I was always on the side of the people who are being downsized and outsourced by the big evil corporations. I also feel no special kinship with big-city ultra-liberals unless they happen to be very talented artists, musicians, programmers or somesuch. The problem is that (I'll resort to generalities here) you guys seem to think the upper echelon has every right to do whatever it takes to maximize profits. Increasingly, that has come down to making the economic climate ever more stark. What special affection do you have for Trump then? You really don't think he's out to screw you?

No, I don't think he's out to screw me. That's delusional.
Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.

Repeat after me "President Elect Donald J. Trump."

Nobody cares about his tax returns... that was demonstrated on 11/8.
Nobody as in the majority of Americans (by a margin of 2.7 million) who voted for Clinton? Too bad the electoral college gives the advantage to the hayseeds in flyover country.
What does that 2.7 represent?
the 2.7 million would be the number of popular votes hillary would have won by
and has no relevance
Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.

Repeat after me "President Elect Donald J. Trump."

Nobody cares about his tax returns... that was demonstrated on 11/8.
Nobody as in the majority of Americans (by a margin of 2.7 million) who voted for Clinton? Too bad the electoral college gives the advantage to the hayseeds in flyover country.
What does that 2.7 represent?
It's the popular vote estimate that has emerged from continuing vote counts in states like California.
and has no relevance. wasted votes that didn't mean a gd damn thing
Last edited:
Sorry, have we met? How is it you come to the knowledge of where I get my news?
The rare times when I'm bored enough to come to this site, I see frequent posts by you on a variety of topics with the seemingly singular theme of bashing liberals. What else do I need to know?

What's not to bash when it comes to self-righteous, holier than thou folks that refer to "hayseeds in flyover country"?
I don't claim to be holier than thou. Probably more intelligent and better educated though. And in an increasingly complex and technological world, more productive too.
See? That right there.

Thanks for making my point.
Hey, I was always on the side of the people who are being downsized and outsourced by the big evil corporations. I also feel no special kinship with big-city ultra-liberals unless they happen to be very talented artists, musicians, programmers or somesuch. The problem is that (I'll resort to generalities here) you guys seem to think the upper echelon has every right to do whatever it takes to maximize profits. Increasingly, that has come down to making the economic climate ever more stark. What special affection do you have for Trump then? You really don't think he's out to screw you?
Ive been in enough bars on friday and saturday nights to tell you with a 99.9% accuracy rate that nobody wants to screw me.
The rare times when I'm bored enough to come to this site, I see frequent posts by you on a variety of topics with the seemingly singular theme of bashing liberals. What else do I need to know?

What's not to bash when it comes to self-righteous, holier than thou folks that refer to "hayseeds in flyover country"?
I don't claim to be holier than thou. Probably more intelligent and better educated though. And in an increasingly complex and technological world, more productive too.
See? That right there.

Thanks for making my point.
Hey, I was always on the side of the people who are being downsized and outsourced by the big evil corporations. I also feel no special kinship with big-city ultra-liberals unless they happen to be very talented artists, musicians, programmers or somesuch. The problem is that (I'll resort to generalities here) you guys seem to think the upper echelon has every right to do whatever it takes to maximize profits. Increasingly, that has come down to making the economic climate ever more stark. What special affection do you have for Trump then? You really don't think he's out to screw you?
Ive been in enough bars on friday and saturday nights to tell you with a 99.9% accuracy rate that nobody wants to screw me.

Self deprecating humor, I like that!!!
Sorry, have we met? How is it you come to the knowledge of where I get my news?
The rare times when I'm bored enough to come to this site, I see frequent posts by you on a variety of topics with the seemingly singular theme of bashing liberals. What else do I need to know?

What's not to bash when it comes to self-righteous, holier than thou folks that refer to "hayseeds in flyover country"?
I don't claim to be holier than thou. Probably more intelligent and better educated though. And in an increasingly complex and technological world, more productive too.

See? That right there.

Thanks for making my point.
Hey, I was always on the side of the people who are being downsized and outsourced by the big evil corporations. I also feel no special kinship with big-city ultra-liberals unless they happen to be very talented artists, musicians, programmers or somesuch. The problem is that (I'll resort to generalities here) you guys seem to think the upper echelon has every right to do whatever it takes to maximize profits. Increasingly, that has come down to making the economic climate ever more stark. What special affection do you have for Trump then? You really don't think he's out to screw you?
what is the evidence he's out to screw anyone? all made up shit from the losing MSM. Anti middle class asswipes.

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