So, should we see Trump's Tax Returns before Inauguration Day?

and when you are able to demonstrate your privilege to seeing President Elect Trumps returns, Im guessing that you will be able to exert your authority and demand that they be delivered directly to your desk for review.

Mdpatsy has gotten so used to getting fucked.....he kind of likes it now. LOL
actually, Ive learned to keep from paying "my fair share" also. I pay way less over the year than I probably should, the trick is at the end of the year being able to justify the lower amounts paid and not have to write a check to the IRS. I have an accountant that is pretty good at doing that for us.
For example, todays paycheck For last weeks work. (if you want to call what I do work)
Gross was 1727.19
Federal W/H(M/5) 61.95
Medicare 25.04
Social Security 107.09
Maryland State W/H(M/5) 49.16
AA county, MD Res.Location 25.87
No additional deductions
Net Pay was 1458.08
So Im looking at just a bit less than 16% with all taxes and contributions combined. ( the biggest number being social security)
accountant says I might be able to work the numbers at years end and actually get a refund too.
All of this is legal, nothing sketchy involved. It is nothing more than me playing by the rules that come directly from the IRS.
why shouldnt Donald Trump, or anyone else for that matter, try and reduce the amount of payments to the U.S government. Im certain that If I could afford Trumps accountant I would be able to pay zero and most likely get back from the EITC.
I wish I would have had this tax guy back when I was actually making money before I retired from that job. Only reason I have him now is because the tax guy I had used for the last 20 years died. No warning, just one year there doing my taxes, next year? dead. I found it fairly rude on his part to just up and quit without notifying us first that he would be moving on
the devil is always in the, it is not the progressive tax rates that are the problem or the Devil, but it is the behind the scenes fine print tax CODES for write offs....the things good tax accountants read and utilize for their clients.

They are not illegal, they are part of the 15ft high paper sheets of our tax code and what businesses and mostly rich people can write off so that someone in the 39% tax bracket only ends up paying an effective tax rate of 10%...

60-65% of Americans file the IRS short form, taking no Schedule A deductions and do not get to utilize these tax breaks given in the tax code....

the tax CODE is what needs reforming, not necessarily the tax rates....imho.
Anyone who has deductions is allowed to write off their deductions. what's your problem?
and when you are able to demonstrate your privilege to seeing President Elect Trumps returns, Im guessing that you will be able to exert your authority and demand that they be delivered directly to your desk for review.

Mdpatsy has gotten so used to getting fucked.....he kind of likes it now. LOL
actually, Ive learned to keep from paying "my fair share" also. I pay way less over the year than I probably should, the trick is at the end of the year being able to justify the lower amounts paid and not have to write a check to the IRS. I have an accountant that is pretty good at doing that for us.
For example, todays paycheck For last weeks work. (if you want to call what I do work)
Gross was 1727.19
Federal W/H(M/5) 61.95
Medicare 25.04
Social Security 107.09
Maryland State W/H(M/5) 49.16
AA county, MD Res.Location 25.87
No additional deductions
Net Pay was 1458.08
So Im looking at just a bit less than 16% with all taxes and contributions combined. ( the biggest number being social security)
accountant says I might be able to work the numbers at years end and actually get a refund too.
All of this is legal, nothing sketchy involved. It is nothing more than me playing by the rules that come directly from the IRS.
why shouldnt Donald Trump, or anyone else for that matter, try and reduce the amount of payments to the U.S government. Im certain that If I could afford Trumps accountant I would be able to pay zero and most likely get back from the EITC.
I wish I would have had this tax guy back when I was actually making money before I retired from that job. Only reason I have him now is because the tax guy I had used for the last 20 years died. No warning, just one year there doing my taxes, next year? dead. I found it fairly rude on his part to just up and quit without notifying us first that he would be moving on
the devil is always in the, it is not the progressive tax rates that are the problem or the Devil, but it is the behind the scenes fine print tax CODES for write offs....the things good tax accountants read and utilize for their clients.

They are not illegal, they are part of the 15ft high paper sheets of our tax code and what businesses and mostly rich people can write off so that someone in the 39% tax bracket only ends up paying an effective tax rate of 10%...

60-65% of Americans file the IRS short form, taking no Schedule A deductions and do not get to utilize these tax breaks given in the tax code....

the tax CODE is what needs reforming, not necessarily the tax rates....imho.
Anyone who has deductions is allowed to write off their deductions. what's your problem?
the problem is that there are a whole bunch of deductions that people could write off if they knew about them, however the way the tax code is written you almost have to have a PHD on the tax code alone to recognize all of the opportunities. I would have no idea what things I could take outside of the normal stuff like mortgages, interest payments etc...
The code needs to be simplified. Flat tax would be good. But not till after I retire and no longer have to worry about how much I can save with the billions of deductions that evidently only a select few know about
Have you seen who he's putting on his cabinet? If you're retired, there's a good chance SS benefits will diminish. If you're not, prepare to hand your job off to either a slave or robot because there's little chance that he'll create a climate that makes that less likely.
based on what exactly do you draw that conclusion other than parroting the libturd playbook?
Trump was like a random noise generator while he was campaigning so determining his actual position on anything is difficult. However, the fact is that he's a member of the plutocracy, he's screwed enough people in his employ to cause a stink, and he's selecting the same type of scumbags who've been screwing the American public since W's (maybe even Clinton's) administration.

It'll be interesting to see what happens if he fails to make America great again for the middle class.
How do you know this? I've seen hundreds who worked for him who say how fair and kind he is. So what's your experience with him?

BTW, are you one of those who don't care of middle-class people get jobs or not? He's already secured 1000 another 50,000 from the Japanese and he isn't even in office yet don't know what you're referrence comes from,
I've never personally dealt with Trump nor would I want to. Do you have personal dealings with him or are you just assuming that he's an upstanding guy?
So where do you get off making false accusations ?
They're documented incidents from established sources. Where do you get off defending him if you have no personal experience with him?
based on what exactly do you draw that conclusion other than parroting the libturd playbook?
Trump was like a random noise generator while he was campaigning so determining his actual position on anything is difficult. However, the fact is that he's a member of the plutocracy, he's screwed enough people in his employ to cause a stink, and he's selecting the same type of scumbags who've been screwing the American public since W's (maybe even Clinton's) administration.

It'll be interesting to see what happens if he fails to make America great again for the middle class.
How do you know this? I've seen hundreds who worked for him who say how fair and kind he is. So what's your experience with him?

BTW, are you one of those who don't care of middle-class people get jobs or not? He's already secured 1000 another 50,000 from the Japanese and he isn't even in office yet don't know what you're referrence comes from,
I've never personally dealt with Trump nor would I want to. Do you have personal dealings with him or are you just assuming that he's an upstanding guy?
So where do you get off making false accusations ?
They're documented incidents from established sources. Where do you get off defending him if you have no personal experience with him?
What are documented?
Trump was like a random noise generator while he was campaigning so determining his actual position on anything is difficult. However, the fact is that he's a member of the plutocracy, he's screwed enough people in his employ to cause a stink, and he's selecting the same type of scumbags who've been screwing the American public since W's (maybe even Clinton's) administration.

It'll be interesting to see what happens if he fails to make America great again for the middle class.
How do you know this? I've seen hundreds who worked for him who say how fair and kind he is. So what's your experience with him?

BTW, are you one of those who don't care of middle-class people get jobs or not? He's already secured 1000 another 50,000 from the Japanese and he isn't even in office yet don't know what you're referrence comes from,
I've never personally dealt with Trump nor would I want to. Do you have personal dealings with him or are you just assuming that he's an upstanding guy?
So where do you get off making false accusations ?
They're documented incidents from established sources. Where do you get off defending him if you have no personal experience with him?
What are documented?
Incidents where Trump stiffed contractors or other people who provided services for him.
The president-elect did at some time, though, say he would show his returns.
Moronic Trump supporters are in for a mighty ass hurt.......

Those promises about a beautiful wall........defeating ISIS......make America great again.......coal miners jobs coming back......ousting lobbyists.....looking out for the middle class earnings.......etc., etc,, etc......ALL BULLSHIT !!!
How do you know this? I've seen hundreds who worked for him who say how fair and kind he is. So what's your experience with him?

BTW, are you one of those who don't care of middle-class people get jobs or not? He's already secured 1000 another 50,000 from the Japanese and he isn't even in office yet don't know what you're referrence comes from,
I've never personally dealt with Trump nor would I want to. Do you have personal dealings with him or are you just assuming that he's an upstanding guy?
So where do you get off making false accusations ?
They're documented incidents from established sources. Where do you get off defending him if you have no personal experience with him?
What are documented?
Incidents where Trump stiffed contractors or other people who provided services for him.
You have nothing, you have no idea the issue. Try again.
and when you are able to demonstrate your privilege to seeing President Elect Trumps returns, Im guessing that you will be able to exert your authority and demand that they be delivered directly to your desk for review.

Mdpatsy has gotten so used to getting fucked.....he kind of likes it now. LOL
actually, Ive learned to keep from paying "my fair share" also. I pay way less over the year than I probably should, the trick is at the end of the year being able to justify the lower amounts paid and not have to write a check to the IRS. I have an accountant that is pretty good at doing that for us.
For example, todays paycheck For last weeks work. (if you want to call what I do work)
Gross was 1727.19
Federal W/H(M/5) 61.95
Medicare 25.04
Social Security 107.09
Maryland State W/H(M/5) 49.16
AA county, MD Res.Location 25.87
No additional deductions
Net Pay was 1458.08
So Im looking at just a bit less than 16% with all taxes and contributions combined. ( the biggest number being social security)
accountant says I might be able to work the numbers at years end and actually get a refund too.
All of this is legal, nothing sketchy involved. It is nothing more than me playing by the rules that come directly from the IRS.
why shouldnt Donald Trump, or anyone else for that matter, try and reduce the amount of payments to the U.S government. Im certain that If I could afford Trumps accountant I would be able to pay zero and most likely get back from the EITC.
I wish I would have had this tax guy back when I was actually making money before I retired from that job. Only reason I have him now is because the tax guy I had used for the last 20 years died. No warning, just one year there doing my taxes, next year? dead. I found it fairly rude on his part to just up and quit without notifying us first that he would be moving on
the devil is always in the, it is not the progressive tax rates that are the problem or the Devil, but it is the behind the scenes fine print tax CODES for write offs....the things good tax accountants read and utilize for their clients.

They are not illegal, they are part of the 15ft high paper sheets of our tax code and what businesses and mostly rich people can write off so that someone in the 39% tax bracket only ends up paying an effective tax rate of 10%...

60-65% of Americans file the IRS short form, taking no Schedule A deductions and do not get to utilize these tax breaks given in the tax code....

the tax CODE is what needs reforming, not necessarily the tax rates....imho.
Anyone who has deductions is allowed to write off their deductions. what's your problem?
the problem is that there are a whole bunch of deductions that people could write off if they knew about them, however the way the tax code is written you almost have to have a PHD on the tax code alone to recognize all of the opportunities. I would have no idea what things I could take outside of the normal stuff like mortgages, interest payments etc...
The code needs to be simplified. Flat tax would be good. But not till after I retire and no longer have to worry about how much I can save with the billions of deductions that evidently only a select few know about
That's why you get an accountant! WTF?
Mdpatsy has gotten so used to getting fucked.....he kind of likes it now. LOL
actually, Ive learned to keep from paying "my fair share" also. I pay way less over the year than I probably should, the trick is at the end of the year being able to justify the lower amounts paid and not have to write a check to the IRS. I have an accountant that is pretty good at doing that for us.
For example, todays paycheck For last weeks work. (if you want to call what I do work)
Gross was 1727.19
Federal W/H(M/5) 61.95
Medicare 25.04
Social Security 107.09
Maryland State W/H(M/5) 49.16
AA county, MD Res.Location 25.87
No additional deductions
Net Pay was 1458.08
So Im looking at just a bit less than 16% with all taxes and contributions combined. ( the biggest number being social security)
accountant says I might be able to work the numbers at years end and actually get a refund too.
All of this is legal, nothing sketchy involved. It is nothing more than me playing by the rules that come directly from the IRS.
why shouldnt Donald Trump, or anyone else for that matter, try and reduce the amount of payments to the U.S government. Im certain that If I could afford Trumps accountant I would be able to pay zero and most likely get back from the EITC.
I wish I would have had this tax guy back when I was actually making money before I retired from that job. Only reason I have him now is because the tax guy I had used for the last 20 years died. No warning, just one year there doing my taxes, next year? dead. I found it fairly rude on his part to just up and quit without notifying us first that he would be moving on
the devil is always in the, it is not the progressive tax rates that are the problem or the Devil, but it is the behind the scenes fine print tax CODES for write offs....the things good tax accountants read and utilize for their clients.

They are not illegal, they are part of the 15ft high paper sheets of our tax code and what businesses and mostly rich people can write off so that someone in the 39% tax bracket only ends up paying an effective tax rate of 10%...

60-65% of Americans file the IRS short form, taking no Schedule A deductions and do not get to utilize these tax breaks given in the tax code....

the tax CODE is what needs reforming, not necessarily the tax rates....imho.
Anyone who has deductions is allowed to write off their deductions. what's your problem?
the problem is that there are a whole bunch of deductions that people could write off if they knew about them, however the way the tax code is written you almost have to have a PHD on the tax code alone to recognize all of the opportunities. I would have no idea what things I could take outside of the normal stuff like mortgages, interest payments etc...
The code needs to be simplified. Flat tax would be good. But not till after I retire and no longer have to worry about how much I can save with the billions of deductions that evidently only a select few know about
That's why you get an accountant! WTF?
not everyone can afford an accountant, or thinks they cant. (usually the accountant will save you more money than he charges)
Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.

If they saw Trumps returns the day before the Inauguration , they would probably have to impeach him the day after--LOL I imagine he's got so many conflicts of interest in his return, that they would have to dump him. Foreign investments everywhere.

Trump's physco babble interpreter, Kelly Ann Conway, as notified us that apparently Trump doesn't think he's going to be real busy just being President, so he's still going to be the producer of the Celebrity Apprentice T.V reality show, which is also a conflict of interest. Kelly Ann stated Trump will do that in his "spare time."

Maybe, we'll get to see the Miss Universe contest run out of the Oval office also?
Donald Trump will remain executive producer on 'Celebrity Apprentice'

Last edited:
Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.

If they saw Trumps returns the day before the Inauguration , they would probably have to impeach him the day after--LOL I imagine he's got so many conflicts of interest in his return, that they would have to dump him. Foreign investments everywhere.

Trump's physco babble interpreter, Kelly Ann Conway, as notified us that apparently Trump doesn't think he's going to be real busy just being President, so he's still going to be the producer of the Celebrity Apprentice T.V reality show, which is also a conflict of interest. Kelly Ann stated Trump will do that in his "spare time."

Maybe, we'll get to see the Miss Universe contest run out of the Oval office also?
Donald Trump will remain executive producer on 'Celebrity Apprentice'

Miss Universe from the Oval office would certainly be a step up from the porn that went on in there while Clinton occupied the white house.
Just saying.
Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.

If they saw Trumps returns the day before the Inauguration , they would probably have to impeach him the day after--LOL I imagine he's got so many conflicts of interest in his return, that they would have to dump him. Foreign investments everywhere.

Trump's physco babble interpreter, Kelly Ann Conway, as notified us that apparently Trump doesn't think he's going to be real busy just being President, so he's still going to be the producer of the Celebrity Apprentice T.V reality show, which is also a conflict of interest. Kelly Ann stated Trump will do that in his "spare time."

Maybe, we'll get to see the Miss Universe contest run out of the Oval office also?
Donald Trump will remain executive producer on 'Celebrity Apprentice'

Miss Universe from the Oval office would certainly be a step up from the porn that went on in there while Clinton occupied the white house.
Just saying.

The difference is Bill Clinton didn't make any money of Monica. Trump makes money off of the T.V. Reality show and the Miss Universe contest--via those ratings and advertisements he likes to brag about. Being President those ratings and cost of advertisements will go through the roof, and Trump will make even more money. And that dear stupid, is solid ground for impeachment under the U.S. Constitution.
Just a simple question, really.....Since trump is set to be sworn in on January 20th, just 42 or so days from now, should the public be allowed to.....AT THE VERY LEAST.....see the IRS letter stating that Trump is "under audit" on his tax returns and FINALLY view where Trump has investments, possible conflicts of interests and whether he has paid a couple of dollars in taxes?

Apparently, for right wingers, they would rather NOT know for whom they voted in to run this country.....Amazing how ignorance is truly bliss.

If they saw Trumps returns the day before the Inauguration , they would probably have to impeach him the day after--LOL I imagine he's got so many conflicts of interest in his return, that they would have to dump him. Foreign investments everywhere.

Trump's physco babble interpreter, Kelly Ann Conway, as notified us that apparently Trump doesn't think he's going to be real busy just being President, so he's still going to be the producer of the Celebrity Apprentice T.V reality show, which is also a conflict of interest. Kelly Ann stated Trump will do that in his "spare time."

Maybe, we'll get to see the Miss Universe contest run out of the Oval office also?
Donald Trump will remain executive producer on 'Celebrity Apprentice'

Miss Universe from the Oval office would certainly be a step up from the porn that went on in there while Clinton occupied the white house.
Just saying.

The difference is Bill Clinton didn't make any money of Monica. Trump makes money off of the T.V. Reality show and the Miss Universe contest--via those ratings and advertisements he likes to brag about. Being President those ratings and cost of advertisements will go through the roof, and Trump will make even more money. And that dear stupid, is solid ground for impeachment under the U.S. Constitution.
so let me try to get this straight, you actually think that Donald Trump is going to try and hold the pageant in the oval office? seriously? and I am the dear stupid one?
do you guys ever give it a rest or is your whole life spent proving to people that you are honestly a retard.
Not that there's anything wrong with retards mind you.
If we had simple tax laws written in plain English I might be curious. Probably not, but at least I'd consider it. I wasn't interested in seeing anybody's' birth certificate either.
Moronic Trump supporters are in for a mighty ass hurt.......

Those promises about a beautiful wall........defeating ISIS......make America great again.......coal miners jobs coming back......ousting lobbyists.....looking out for the middle class earnings.......etc., etc,, etc......ALL BULLSHIT !!!

My my still butthurt over your mesiah not giving you an obama house?...

Instead he gave you an obama emena

Lol lol lol lol lol lol

Miss Universe from the Oval office would certainly be a step up from the porn that went on in there while Clinton occupied the white house.
Just saying.

Actually, pornography is NOT a blow job between 2 consenting adults.....pornography is the plotting of useless wars for world dominance and plutocrats lust for money and power.
My my still butthurt over your mesiah not giving you an obama house?...

Instead he gave you an obama emena

the above is what passes for right wing "intelligentsia".......
Please don't breed more morons like yourself.
1. You'll never see his taxes - they're none of your business.

2. Don't snowflakes have MUCH BIGGER problems, after LOSING, than Trump's taxes? :p

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