So Sick of This Libya Shit - Obama Getting Our Guys Killed

He and Hitlerly should fucking resign.

Dear God.

What a disaster


Present day American:

Four Americans are killed in a foreign country in the year following what was essentially a civil war with a country full of militias with a variety of heavy weapons, and conservatives want the head of the American president.

Eleven years ago:

A terrorist attack results in the collapse of the twin towers and the deaths of almost 3,000 Americans on American soil. And as the attack unfolded, the president sat on his ass in that classroom. And months later, the 9-11 commission revealed that there were warnings of some kind of impending attack that actually reached the president. Despite all of these things, conservatives rallied 'round the president because why? Because they were patriots, and they love America.

What happened to that love of country?
It is a disaster! And what I can not understand is why so many people don't seem to care!

This President lies and refuses to tell the truth over and over.... if he is lying about this, what else is he lying about?

He doesn't deserve to be a President.
Oh wtf every you hack. If it were Bush, Mitt or Newt killing people there you would be helpin jerk em off in your ass. You're so full of shit I doubt anyone here takes you seriously anymore. You're just like the hacks on the left, sometimes your right but that's bound to happen when you are always looking for something to bitch about.

Oh and don't get me wrong, Dems are the most stupid fucking party in the history of this country. Protests daily for Bush and his wars and all of that vanishes despite Obama being a vastly bigger war President. All of a sudden killing people is fucking awesome when Obama does it.

It’s all a side effect of lowering your morals by voting for the lesser of two evils so many times in ones life. Now it'sall about pretend outrage!!! lolz.
Looks like the SEALS took Medal of Honor level initiative and put themselves in harms way to aid those Americans under attack.

Totally lost in Obama's spin.
He and Hitlerly should fucking resign.

Dear God.

What a disaster

It's unreal. I just listened to Charles Woods, the father of one of the Seals on Laura Ingraham. I'm glad he's out there talking about his son's needless death.

Senator McCain nailed it with this statement.

" “I don’t know if it’s either a cover-up or the worst kind of incompetence, which doesn’t qualify the president as commander in chief,” McCain said.


McCain: Obama Might Be Conducting ‘Massive Cover-Up’ With Libya Attack « CBS DC
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He and Hitlerly should fucking resign.

Dear God.

What a disaster

It's unreal. I just listened to Charles Woods, the father of one of the Seals on Laura Ingraham.

Senator McCain nailed it with this statement.

" “I don’t know if it’s either a cover-up or the worst kind of incompetence, which doesn’t qualify the president as commander in chief,” McCain said.


McCain: Obama Might Be Conducting ‘Massive Cover-Up’ With Libya Attack « CBS DC

Well all I can say if it is all based on a "might be" then its probably true!!!! Fucking retarded.
Sick of it? Why then do you post a few threads a day on it?

more to the point, why wasn't he begging bush not to start an unnecessary war in iraq?

i don't recall the obama deranged ever complaining about that.
He and Hitlerly should fucking resign.

Dear God.

What a disaster

It's unreal. I just listened to Charles Woods, the father of one of the Seals on Laura Ingraham.

Senator McCain nailed it with this statement.

" “I don’t know if it’s either a cover-up or the worst kind of incompetence, which doesn’t qualify the president as commander in chief,” McCain said.


McCain: Obama Might Be Conducting ‘Massive Cover-Up’ With Libya Attack « CBS DC

Well all I can say if it is all based on a "might be" then its probably true!!!! Fucking retarded.

That's the headline. That's not McCain's quote.
Sick of it? Why then do you post a few threads a day on it?

more to the point, why wasn't he begging bush not to start an unnecessary war in iraq?

i don't recall the obama deranged ever complaining about that.

Or this?

12:05 p.m. September 11, 2001: Defense Secretary Rumsfeld Finds Evidence of Al-Qaeda Role Not Good Enough
CIA Director Tenet tells Defense Secretary Rumsfeld about an intercepted phone call from earlier in the day at 9:53 a.m. An al-Qaeda operative talked of a fourth target just before Flight 93 crashed. Rumsfeld’s assistant Stephen Cambone dictates Rumsfeld’s thoughts the time, and the notes taken will later be leaked to CBS News. According to CBS, “Rumsfeld felt it was ‘vague,’ that it ‘might not mean something,’ and that there was ‘no good basis for hanging hat.’ In other words, the evidence was not clear-cut enough to justify military action against bin Laden.” [CBS NEWS, 9/4/2002] A couple of hours later, Rumsfeld will use this information to begin arguing that Iraq should be attacked, despite the lack of verified ties between al-Qaeda and Iraq (see (2:40 p.m.) September 11, 2001).
I give Obama no pass on this I do not think we should have been involved in Libya PERIOD!

However for those who supported the Iraq war to take this stance on 3 Americans being killed in libya is insanely hypocritical.
It's unreal. I just listened to Charles Woods, the father of one of the Seals on Laura Ingraham.

Senator McCain nailed it with this statement.

" “I don’t know if it’s either a cover-up or the worst kind of incompetence, which doesn’t qualify the president as commander in chief,” McCain said.


McCain: Obama Might Be Conducting ‘Massive Cover-Up’ With Libya Attack « CBS DC

Well all I can say if it is all based on a "might be" then its probably true!!!! Fucking retarded.

That's the headline. That's not McCain's quote.

What evidence does Grampy have?
However for those who supported the Iraq war to take this stance on 3 Americans being killed in libya is insanely hypocritical.

I don't think you can apply one size fits all ethics to either.

Each stands on its own specific circumstances.

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