So Snowflakes Are Triggered Over President Trump Standing With Saudi After Khashoggi Murder...

He was forced to come to the US because his life was threatened. Trump is not protecting Americans by allowing foreign governments to kill Americans.

First of ignorant fool, Khashoggi was not an American. But its par for the course to see democrats supporting non Americans.

So he was banned from Twitter and fled the country. I am banned from Twitter, Reddit and Tumblr. It happens when tyrants are in charge.

You are a liberal told who to hate. You are the animal Orwell envisioned in his Two Minutes Hte.

"Within thirty seconds any pretence was always unnecessary. A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one's will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic. And yet the rage that one felt was an abstract, undirected emotion which could be switched from one object to another like the flame of a blowlamp."
Could it be.... the trouble is with the politicized and partisan intelligence services? the trouble that people that have joined Cult Trump *believe* that the CIA are 'democratic operatives'. Backed by nothing.

Because Trump told them to ignore the intelligence services and believe him instead.

See, Tipsy.....your imagination isn't a standard of evidence. Nor can you cite one instance where you claimed that the CIA were 'democrat operatives'......until you joined Cult Trump in 2016.
They weren't so blatant about their partisanship before. It didn't change with Trump. It changed with shitstain obama.
Trump is not standing with or by anyone. He’s just not willing to flush SA, with all the repercussions thereof, over a dubious “journalist” who walked right into the lions mouth while badmouthing the lion
Could it be.... the trouble is with the politicized and partisan intelligence services? the trouble that people that have joined Cult Trump *believe* that the CIA are 'democratic operatives'. Backed by nothing.

Because Trump told them to ignore the intelligence services and believe him instead.
See, Tipsy.....your imagination isn't a standard of evidence. Nor can you cite one instance where you claimed that the CIA were 'democrat operatives'......until you joined Cult Trump in 2016.
They weren't so blatant about their partisanship before. It didn't change with Trump. It changed with shitstain obama.

Or, you're simply guzzled the Trump Koolaid. And now ape whatever you're told to think with an increasingly complicated and far fetched lattice of conspiracy nonsense.

Occam's Razor, Tipsy.

Given that Trump is a serial, pathological liar.....I'll side with our intelligence agencies over him any day of the week. As would any rational person.

Especially when the countries that Trump sides with over our own Intelligence Agencies......have benefited Trump personally. With the Russian government attacking the United States to support Trump's presidential campaign. And the Saudis having made Trump tremendous amounts of money personally.
Democrats have lied so much, they cannot be believed no matter what they say. The goal is to destroy Trump. Everything democrats say about Trump is a lie.
Democrats have lied so much, they cannot be believed no matter what they say. The goal is to destroy Trump. Everything democrats say about Trump is a lie.

The goal is to destroy Trump....says you, citing yourself. The same poor, confused soul that insists that the CIA is only 'democrat operatives'. And believes whatever Trump, a serial and pathological liar, tells her to think.
Democrats are the enemy. Not to be believed. Not to be trusted.

The only good Democrat is a....nevermind. There are no good democrats.
Democrats are the enemy. Not to be believed. Not to be trusted.

The only good Democrat is a....nevermind. There are no good democrats.'re just hoplelessly deluded. Insisting that the CIA is 'democratic operatives'. And believe whatever a game show host and serial liar tells you to think.

And of course, we caught the Saidis lying about killing Khashoggi, lying about torturing him, lying about cutting off his fingers while he screamed, lying about dismembering him, lying about covering it up.

But, because Trump told you to, you believe the lying Saudis over the US intelligence services.
Democrats are the enemy. Not to be believed. Not to be trusted.

The only good Democrat is a....nevermind. There are no good democrats.

I thought the media's the enemy?

You sure have a lot of enemies.

What about Libertarians, can we be the enemy too?!
Democrats are the enemy. Not to be believed. Not to be trusted.

The only good Democrat is a....nevermind. There are no good democrats.

I thought the media's the enemy?

You sure have a lot of enemies.

What about Libertarians, can we be the enemy too?!

I thought liberals were the enemy. Wait, the 'elite' were the enemy. Wait, the 'swamp' was the enemy. Or was that the 'deep state' that was the enemy.

Being a Trump supporter is just a wasteland of enemies lists it seems.
Obama's objection to the bill..'s about time you admitted Obama sided with Saudi over Congress, the CIA, the FBI, & the American people to protect the Saudis from financial accountability for their part in murdering 3,000 Americans.....
Trump is not standing with or by anyone. He’s just not willing to flush SA, with all the repercussions thereof, over a dubious “journalist” who walked right into the lions mouth while badmouthing the lion
the one thing I haven't seen mentioned in here yet is why he went in alone. That sounds odd to me.
Trump is not standing with or by anyone. He’s just not willing to flush SA, with all the repercussions thereof, over a dubious “journalist” who walked right into the lions mouth while badmouthing the lion
the one thing I haven't seen mentioned in here yet is why he went in alone. That sounds odd to me.

He probably told the Turkish authorities he was going, which is why they were able to record the whole encounter.
Trump is not standing with or by anyone. He’s just not willing to flush SA, with all the repercussions thereof, over a dubious “journalist” who walked right into the lions mouth while badmouthing the lion
the one thing I haven't seen mentioned in here yet is why he went in alone. That sounds odd to me.

He probably told the Turkish authorities he was going, which is why they were able to record the whole encounter.
he went in alone that makes no sense at all knowing what he knew about his position in Saudi. Just saying.
Trump is not standing with or by anyone. He’s just not willing to flush SA, with all the repercussions thereof, over a dubious “journalist” who walked right into the lions mouth while badmouthing the lion
the one thing I haven't seen mentioned in here yet is why he went in alone. That sounds odd to me.

He probably told the Turkish authorities he was going, which is why they were able to record the whole encounter.
he went in alone that makes no sense at all knowing what he knew about his position in Saudi. Just saying.

He probably thought he'd have a chance to say "hey, my fiance knows I'm here, the Turkish government knows I'm here, yada, yada..." and they'd back down. But it sounds like they jumped him as soon as he walked in.

All guessing, of course. Maybe he was just careless. Doesn't really matter though. He's dead. He was murdered by our ally. We've got to stop propping up crooked regimes in the name of protecting our interests. Because it's not - it's undermining them.

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