So Snowflakes Are Triggered Over President Trump Standing With Saudi After Khashoggi Murder...

Sure it is. You engaged in selective liberal outrage over President Trump refusing to harshly punish Saudi after the death of 1 person yet said nothing when Barry stood with Saudi against the victims of 9/11/01 and their families and Congress and their unanimous Congressional Bill that would have held Saudi partially economically accountable for their part in murdering 3,000 Americans...and now you are still justifying his actions and defending him.



More Trump's laughable gulliability, believing the Saudi's after they've murdered, tortured, and lied.....about their murdering, their torturing and their lying.

And of course, Trump once against siding with a foreign power publicly over our own intelligence services.

Just like he did with Putin and Russia's attacks on the US.
We sanctioned 17 Saudi's for the atrocious murder. The only thing Trump won't do is condemn the Crown Prince. The CIA has confidence that the Prince not only knew but ordered the murder, but not hard evidence.
We need their business, their oil and their military alliance against Iran.
End of story.
one guy, not killed on american soil, not an american, and they want to fk up 300 million american lives. yep only in a leftist world.

Benghazi, I'll just remind you all again, the left didn't give a shit about four americans murdered in Benghazi. pansies all of the left.

And they blamed it on a video made by an american.
I am ashamed of what Obama did to downplay the mounting terrorism in the Middle East so he would look like a hero for peace prior to his reelection. The military played along, the State Department did too. Hillary was taking her marching orders from the boss.

The buck stopped with Obama. Hillary -- well, Hillary is Hillary. She hasn't got a moral bone in her body, so who would expect her to do anything rather than the politically expedient thing?

Four Americans died--they probably would have died no matter what had been done, and the Ambassador had been warned. He chose to be there anyway, considering it too important a moment to run and hide. It is pretty amazing it was only four, considering.

It was ugly and tragic and that's how the cookie crumbles these days in the Middle East, damn it. Sending fighter jets from Italy or Greece or wherever they were wouldn't have made a bit of difference except to add gasoline to a fire. Allowing the CIA guys to respond earlier could have helped--but that was a CIA decision, wasn't it, to stay incognito? That's the spooks for ya.

So there's a lot more to denounce than saying it was blamed on a video. It was the ugliest moment of Obama's 8 years, him resolutely closing his eyes and ears and trying to cover the whole thing up. All politicians are prone to do political shit. This was his moment.

If I've got it all wrong, I'd love to have someone disabuse me of my faulty notions.
Sure it is. You engaged in selective liberal outrage over President Trump refusing to harshly punish Saudi after the death of 1 person yet said nothing when Barry stood with Saudi against the victims of 9/11/01 and their families and Congress and their unanimous Congressional Bill that would have held Saudi partially economically accountable for their part in murdering 3,000 Americans...and now you are still justifying his actions and defending him.



More Trump's laughable gulliability, believing the Saudi's after they've murdered, tortured, and lied.....about their murdering, their torturing and their lying.

And of course, Trump once against siding with a foreign power publicly over our own intelligence services.

Just like he did with Putin and Russia's attacks on the US.
We sanctioned 17 Saudi's for the atrocious murder. The only thing Trump won't do is condemn the Crown Prince. The CIA has confidence that the Prince not only knew but ordered the murder, but not hard evidence.
We need their business, their oil and their military alliance against Iran.
End of story.
one guy, not killed on american soil, not an american, and they want to fk up 300 million american lives. yep only in a leftist world.

Benghazi, I'll just remind you all again, the left didn't give a shit about four americans murdered in Benghazi. pansies all of the left.

And they blamed it on a video made by an american.
You are definitely missing the point by saying it is okay to ignore this because the guy is not an American and was not killed on American soil. Who the victim was doesn't matter. What matters is the horrendous violation of that "guy's" human rights by a government that supposedly functions in the 21st century, and is one of our country's strongest allies in the Middle East.
Being a journalist makes it worse. Journalists speak truth to power. It is not a power's right to shut that down.
Sure it is. You engaged in selective liberal outrage over President Trump refusing to harshly punish Saudi after the death of 1 person yet said nothing when Barry stood with Saudi against the victims of 9/11/01 and their families and Congress and their unanimous Congressional Bill that would have held Saudi partially economically accountable for their part in murdering 3,000 Americans...and now you are still justifying his actions and defending him.



More Trump's laughable gulliability, believing the Saudi's after they've murdered, tortured, and lied.....about their murdering, their torturing and their lying.

And of course, Trump once against siding with a foreign power publicly over our own intelligence services.

Just like he did with Putin and Russia's attacks on the US.
We sanctioned 17 Saudi's for the atrocious murder. The only thing Trump won't do is condemn the Crown Prince. The CIA has confidence that the Prince not only knew but ordered the murder, but not hard evidence.
We need their business, their oil and their military alliance against Iran.
End of story.
one guy, not killed on american soil, not an american, and they want to fk up 300 million american lives. yep only in a leftist world.

Benghazi, I'll just remind you all again, the left didn't give a shit about four americans murdered in Benghazi. pansies all of the left.

And they blamed it on a video made by an american.
I am ashamed of what Obama did to downplay the mounting terrorism in the Middle East so he would look like a hero for peace prior to his reelection. The military played along, the State Department did too. Hillary was taking her marching orders from the boss.

The buck stopped with Obama. Hillary -- well, Hillary is Hillary. She hasn't got a moral bone in her body, so who would expect her to do anything rather than the politically expedient thing?

Four Americans died--they probably would have died no matter what had been done, and the Ambassador had been warned. He chose to be there anyway, considering it too important a moment to run and hide. It is pretty amazing it was only four, considering.

It was ugly and tragic and that's how the cookie crumbles these days in the Middle East, damn it. Sending fighter jets from Italy or Greece or wherever they were wouldn't have made a bit of difference except to add gasoline to a fire. Allowing the CIA guys to respond earlier could have helped--but that was a CIA decision, wasn't it, to stay incognito? That's the spooks for ya.

So there's a lot more to denounce than saying it was blamed on a video. It was the ugliest moment of Obama's 8 years, him resolutely closing his eyes and ears and trying to cover the whole thing up. All politicians are prone to do political shit. This was his moment.

If I've got it all wrong, I'd love to have someone disabuse me of my faulty notions.

Neither Obama nor Hillary are president now.

Trump is. And Trump just sided with the Saudi's over our own US intelligence agencies. After siding with the Russians over US intelligence agencies after Russia attacked the US to support Trump's campaign.

The fact that Trump is gulliable enough to believe the Saudi's after they were caught redhanded lying about the planning, commission and cover up of a premeditated torture and murder by the Saudi astonishing to me.

Its deeply disturbing that our president is so comically easy to manipulate.
Sure it is. You engaged in selective liberal outrage over President Trump refusing to harshly punish Saudi after the death of 1 person yet said nothing when Barry stood with Saudi against the victims of 9/11/01 and their families and Congress and their unanimous Congressional Bill that would have held Saudi partially economically accountable for their part in murdering 3,000 Americans...and now you are still justifying his actions and defending him.



More Trump's laughable gulliability, believing the Saudi's after they've murdered, tortured, and lied.....about their murdering, their torturing and their lying.

And of course, Trump once against siding with a foreign power publicly over our own intelligence services.

Just like he did with Putin and Russia's attacks on the US.
We sanctioned 17 Saudi's for the atrocious murder. The only thing Trump won't do is condemn the Crown Prince. The CIA has confidence that the Prince not only knew but ordered the murder, but not hard evidence.
We need their business, their oil and their military alliance against Iran.
End of story.
one guy, not killed on american soil, not an american, and they want to fk up 300 million american lives. yep only in a leftist world.

Benghazi, I'll just remind you all again, the left didn't give a shit about four americans murdered in Benghazi. pansies all of the left.

And they blamed it on a video made by an american.
You are definitely missing the point by saying it is okay to ignore this because the guy is not an American and was not killed on American soil. Who the victim was doesn't matter. What matters is the horrendous violation of that "guy's" human rights by a government that supposedly functions in the 21st century, and is one of our country's strongest allies in the Middle East.
Being a journalist makes it worse. Journalists speak truth to power. It is not a power's right to shut that down.
Hly fk. How is this our relationship?
Which Crown Prince ordered 9-11?
Oh, so as long as a Crown Prince did not order the Saudis assistance in helping murder 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 Obama was perfectly correct in standing up and protecting Saudi from the nasty, greedy victims of the terrorist attack that killed 3,000 Americans?

Are you REALLY attempting to justify Obama protecting Saudi after the murder of 3,000 Americans but condemning Trump for standing with them after the death of a single person?


Those 3000 weren't journalists.


“Who blew up the World Trade Center? It wasn’t the Iraqis, it was Saudi — take a look at Saudi Arabia, open the documents,” Trump told the gang at Fox & Friends Wednesday morning, after defending his bizarre theory that George W. Bush was president on September 11.

Donald Trump Suggested Saudi Arabia Was Behind 9/11 Multiple Times Wednesday

And again...

“It wasn’t the Iraqis that knocked down the World Trade Center,” Trump told a crowd in Bluffton, South Carolina. “It wasn’t the Iraqis. You will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center, ‘cuz they have papers in there that are very secret. You may find it’s the Saudis, okay? But you will find out.”

Donald Trump Suggested Saudi Arabia Was Behind 9/11 Multiple Times Wednesday

And now that Trump is president, has the power to unclassify the documents, has the power to root out Saudi involvement in those '3000 deaths', what has Trump done?

Rolled over.

'Head down, ass up' is the GOP motto at this point.
Oh, so now Trump has magical powers Bush & Obama didn't?

So, Trump is supposed to attack Saudi Arabia because someone in Turkey killed a terrorist?

What did Obama do when Putin cluster bombed civilians in Syria???
Sure it is. You engaged in selective liberal outrage over President Trump refusing to harshly punish Saudi after the death of 1 person yet said nothing when Barry stood with Saudi against the victims of 9/11/01 and their families and Congress and their unanimous Congressional Bill that would have held Saudi partially economically accountable for their part in murdering 3,000 Americans...and now you are still justifying his actions and defending him.



More Trump's laughable gulliability, believing the Saudi's after they've murdered, tortured, and lied.....about their murdering, their torturing and their lying.

And of course, Trump once against siding with a foreign power publicly over our own intelligence services.

Just like he did with Putin and Russia's attacks on the US.
We sanctioned 17 Saudi's for the atrocious murder. The only thing Trump won't do is condemn the Crown Prince. The CIA has confidence that the Prince not only knew but ordered the murder, but not hard evidence.
We need their business, their oil and their military alliance against Iran.
End of story.
one guy, not killed on american soil, not an american, and they want to fk up 300 million american lives. yep only in a leftist world.

Benghazi, I'll just remind you all again, the left didn't give a shit about four americans murdered in Benghazi. pansies all of the left.

And they blamed it on a video made by an american.
I am ashamed of what Obama did to downplay the mounting terrorism in the Middle East so he would look like a hero for peace prior to his reelection. The military played along, the State Department did too. Hillary was taking her marching orders from the boss.

The buck stopped with Obama. Hillary -- well, Hillary is Hillary. She hasn't got a moral bone in her body, so who would expect her to do anything rather than the politically expedient thing?

Four Americans died--they probably would have died no matter what had been done, and the Ambassador had been warned. He chose to be there anyway, considering it too important a moment to run and hide. It is pretty amazing it was only four, considering.

It was ugly and tragic and that's how the cookie crumbles these days in the Middle East, damn it. Sending fighter jets from Italy or Greece or wherever they were wouldn't have made a bit of difference except to add gasoline to a fire. Allowing the CIA guys to respond earlier could have helped--but that was a CIA decision, wasn't it, to stay incognito? That's the spooks for ya.

So there's a lot more to denounce than saying it was blamed on a video. It was the ugliest moment of Obama's 8 years, him resolutely closing his eyes and ears and trying to cover the whole thing up. All politicians are prone to do political shit. This was his moment.

If I've got it all wrong, I'd love to have someone disabuse me of my faulty notions.

Neither Obama nor Hillary are president now.

Trump is. And Trump just sided with the Saudi's over our own US intelligence agencies. After siding with the Russians over US intelligence agencies after Russia attacked the US to support Trump's campaign.

The fact that Trump is gulliable enough to believe the Saudi's after they were caught redhanded lying about the planning, commission and cover up of a premeditated torture and murder by the Saudi astonishing to me.

Its deeply disturbing that our president is so comically easy to manipulate.
Sorry I got diverted. I get so sick of the parroting about Benghazi .
Sure it is. You engaged in selective liberal outrage over President Trump refusing to harshly punish Saudi after the death of 1 person yet said nothing when Barry stood with Saudi against the victims of 9/11/01 and their families and Congress and their unanimous Congressional Bill that would have held Saudi partially economically accountable for their part in murdering 3,000 Americans...and now you are still justifying his actions and defending him.



More Trump's laughable gulliability, believing the Saudi's after they've murdered, tortured, and lied.....about their murdering, their torturing and their lying.

And of course, Trump once against siding with a foreign power publicly over our own intelligence services.

Just like he did with Putin and Russia's attacks on the US.
We sanctioned 17 Saudi's for the atrocious murder. The only thing Trump won't do is condemn the Crown Prince. The CIA has confidence that the Prince not only knew but ordered the murder, but not hard evidence.
We need their business, their oil and their military alliance against Iran.
End of story.
one guy, not killed on american soil, not an american, and they want to fk up 300 million american lives. yep only in a leftist world.

Benghazi, I'll just remind you all again, the left didn't give a shit about four americans murdered in Benghazi. pansies all of the left.

And they blamed it on a video made by an american.
You are definitely missing the point by saying it is okay to ignore this because the guy is not an American and was not killed on American soil. Who the victim was doesn't matter. What matters is the horrendous violation of that "guy's" human rights by a government that supposedly functions in the 21st century, and is one of our country's strongest allies in the Middle East.
Being a journalist makes it worse. Journalists speak truth to power. It is not a power's right to shut that down.
Hly fk. How is this our relationship?
Why does it have to be an American, jc, before you care?
with Obama standing with Saudi AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE who sought to hold Saudi for their part in the murder of 3,000 Americans.

So, mr. fuckhead...........Its Obama's fault that the Saudis were NOT held accountable for something that happened in 2001......................while Obama was not president UNRIL 2009???

What the fuck is wrong with you Trump ass lickers??

WHO was president from 9-11=2001 THROUGH 1-20-2009???..
More Trump's laughable gulliability, believing the Saudi's after they've murdered, tortured, and lied.....about their murdering, their torturing and their lying.

And of course, Trump once against siding with a foreign power publicly over our own intelligence services.

Just like he did with Putin and Russia's attacks on the US.
We sanctioned 17 Saudi's for the atrocious murder. The only thing Trump won't do is condemn the Crown Prince. The CIA has confidence that the Prince not only knew but ordered the murder, but not hard evidence.
We need their business, their oil and their military alliance against Iran.
End of story.
one guy, not killed on american soil, not an american, and they want to fk up 300 million american lives. yep only in a leftist world.

Benghazi, I'll just remind you all again, the left didn't give a shit about four americans murdered in Benghazi. pansies all of the left.

And they blamed it on a video made by an american.
You are definitely missing the point by saying it is okay to ignore this because the guy is not an American and was not killed on American soil. Who the victim was doesn't matter. What matters is the horrendous violation of that "guy's" human rights by a government that supposedly functions in the 21st century, and is one of our country's strongest allies in the Middle East.
Being a journalist makes it worse. Journalists speak truth to power. It is not a power's right to shut that down.
Hly fk. How is this our relationship?
Why does it have to be an American, jc, before you care?
Who says I don’t? The question is why should 300 million Americans suffer because of what happened to a Saudi journalist?
More Trump's laughable gulliability, believing the Saudi's after they've murdered, tortured, and lied.....about their murdering, their torturing and their lying.

And of course, Trump once against siding with a foreign power publicly over our own intelligence services.

Just like he did with Putin and Russia's attacks on the US.
We sanctioned 17 Saudi's for the atrocious murder. The only thing Trump won't do is condemn the Crown Prince. The CIA has confidence that the Prince not only knew but ordered the murder, but not hard evidence.
We need their business, their oil and their military alliance against Iran.
End of story.
one guy, not killed on american soil, not an american, and they want to fk up 300 million american lives. yep only in a leftist world.

Benghazi, I'll just remind you all again, the left didn't give a shit about four americans murdered in Benghazi. pansies all of the left.

And they blamed it on a video made by an american.
You are definitely missing the point by saying it is okay to ignore this because the guy is not an American and was not killed on American soil. Who the victim was doesn't matter. What matters is the horrendous violation of that "guy's" human rights by a government that supposedly functions in the 21st century, and is one of our country's strongest allies in the Middle East.
Being a journalist makes it worse. Journalists speak truth to power. It is not a power's right to shut that down.
Hly fk. How is this our relationship?
Why does it have to be an American, jc, before you care?
Why are you against ending oil dependency with Saudi and say drill baby drill?
So, mr. fuckhead...........Its Obama's fault that the Saudis were NOT held accountable for something that happened in 2001......................while Obama was not president UNRIL 2009???
I find it hard to believe that you are REALLY this stupid...but you continue to make the argument that you REALLY ARE!

Undeniable evidence shows Obama sided with Saudi against the US Congress and 9/11 victims / victims of 9/11/01's families to protect Saudi from a UNANIMOUS Congressional Bill that would allow Saudi to be held partially financially accountable for their proven part in the murder of 3,000 Americans.

What part of that escapes your little pea brain?
Does someone need to read the link / article to you, explain it to you, perhaps draw you a picture?
Could it be.... the trouble is with the politicized and partisan intelligence services? the trouble that people that have joined Cult Trump *believe* that the CIA are 'democratic operatives'. Backed by nothing.

Because Trump told them to ignore the intelligence services and believe him instead.

See, Tipsy.....your imagination isn't a standard of evidence. Nor can you cite one instance where you claimed that the CIA were 'democrat operatives'......until you joined Cult Trump in 2016.
We sanctioned 17 Saudi's for the atrocious murder. The only thing Trump won't do is condemn the Crown Prince. The CIA has confidence that the Prince not only knew but ordered the murder, but not hard evidence.
We need their business, their oil and their military alliance against Iran.
End of story.
one guy, not killed on american soil, not an american, and they want to fk up 300 million american lives. yep only in a leftist world.

Benghazi, I'll just remind you all again, the left didn't give a shit about four americans murdered in Benghazi. pansies all of the left.

And they blamed it on a video made by an american.
You are definitely missing the point by saying it is okay to ignore this because the guy is not an American and was not killed on American soil. Who the victim was doesn't matter. What matters is the horrendous violation of that "guy's" human rights by a government that supposedly functions in the 21st century, and is one of our country's strongest allies in the Middle East.
Being a journalist makes it worse. Journalists speak truth to power. It is not a power's right to shut that down.
Hly fk. How is this our relationship?
Why does it have to be an American, jc, before you care?
Who says I don’t? The question is why should 300 million Americans suffer because of what happened to a Saudi journalist?
I've heard some people say we WON'T suffer, that we have enough oil without them or that we can figure something out, between our own oil and alternative energy.
one guy, not killed on american soil, not an american, and they want to fk up 300 million american lives. yep only in a leftist world.

Benghazi, I'll just remind you all again, the left didn't give a shit about four americans murdered in Benghazi. pansies all of the left.

And they blamed it on a video made by an american.
You are definitely missing the point by saying it is okay to ignore this because the guy is not an American and was not killed on American soil. Who the victim was doesn't matter. What matters is the horrendous violation of that "guy's" human rights by a government that supposedly functions in the 21st century, and is one of our country's strongest allies in the Middle East.
Being a journalist makes it worse. Journalists speak truth to power. It is not a power's right to shut that down.
Hly fk. How is this our relationship?
Why does it have to be an American, jc, before you care?
Who says I don’t? The question is why should 300 million Americans suffer because of what happened to a Saudi journalist?
I've heard some people say we WON'T suffer, that we have enough oil without them or that we can figure something out, between our own oil and alternative energy.
Those some people are wrong

I don't know who you're calling "snowflake", but both instances are bad. Our entire history in the middle east is full of corrupt stupidity.
Nobody seemed concerned when the Clintons were smooching it up with Yassir Arafat on the White House lawn and nobody seemed concerned when Obama entertained the father of a freaking traitor who caused the deaths of U.S. Soldiers. The outrage is selective.

Yassar Arafat was the elected leader of the Palestine Left Bank. Nobody elected the Saudis ruler of anything and it appears that they maintain their hold on power through killing people who oppose them. Isn't this why Saddam Hussein had to go?

I love it when snowflakes get introduced to their own ignorance and have to come face to face with the fact that they are only accusing others of what the Democrats have already done....

Obama, in an awkward twist, becomes Saudi Arabia's defender

"President Barack Obama has never had a great relationship with Saudi Arabia.

Now, he’s the last man standing between the wealthy desert kingdom and billions of dollars in potential liabilities.

Obama has cast the Saudis as "so-called" allies; bemoaned the terrorist-inspiring version of Islam they practice; and even suggested the oil-rich Arab state learn to "share" the Middle East with rival Iran.

The Saudis, meanwhile, consider Obama naive, sparring with him over the Iran nuclear deal and questioning his hands-off approach to Syria’s bloody civil war.

Despite these differences, Obama has promised to veto a bill that Congress passed unanimously allowing families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia over alleged links to the 2001 terrorist attacks."

Obama, in an awkward twist, becomes Saudi Arabia's defender

One man gets killed by the Saudis and snowflakes want to punish them to the max and tar and feather Trump for sticking with them.....but snowflakes have no problem with the fact that 3,000 Americans were murdered with help from the Saudis and Obama defends them, sticking up for the Saudis instead of standing with the American victims / victims' families of 9/11/2001.

Damn, exposed hypocrisy and selective partisan outrage is a [email protected] you are the one being exposed as being the hypocrite and engaging in selective partisan outrage! :p
You've got a point. Those damned Saudi's really have us over an oil barrel, don't they?
the world. Now if we become energy independent, than........ guess what? And btw, we have the same oil to bring up. all you libs are against drilling it. and then you have the nerve to make such a comment. tsk tsk lady.

Do you Russians never learn anything about the US before posting this drivel? The left opposes OFF SHORE drilling for oil. See BP Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico for all of the reasons why.
You are definitely missing the point by saying it is okay to ignore this because the guy is not an American and was not killed on American soil. Who the victim was doesn't matter. What matters is the horrendous violation of that "guy's" human rights by a government that supposedly functions in the 21st century, and is one of our country's strongest allies in the Middle East.
Being a journalist makes it worse. Journalists speak truth to power. It is not a power's right to shut that down.
Hly fk. How is this our relationship?
Why does it have to be an American, jc, before you care?
Who says I don’t? The question is why should 300 million Americans suffer because of what happened to a Saudi journalist?
I've heard some people say we WON'T suffer, that we have enough oil without them or that we can figure something out, between our own oil and alternative energy.
Those some people are wrong
Well, if they are, I'm sure as hell not taking YOUR word for it.

I don't know who you're calling "snowflake", but both instances are bad. Our entire history in the middle east is full of corrupt stupidity.
Don't worry I wasn't calling YOU 'snowflake'. I agree with you that our entire history in the ME is filled with corruption and stupidity....that does not take away from the fact that Obama sided with Saudi AGAINST Congress and American citizens to protect them from being held financially accountable for their part in the murder of 3,000 Americans....and act, as you can see, real snowflakes have tried to lie about, deny, justify, and make excuses for while wanting to criticize Trump alone for refusing to hurt Americans over the death of 1 lone journalist.

Personally I understand why it was done both times, geo-economic-political reasons too deep for most of the people chiming in only 'partisan-deep' to comprehend, but that doesn't mean I still liked either.

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