So Snowflakes Are Triggered Over President Trump Standing With Saudi After Khashoggi Murder...


I love it when snowflakes get introduced to their own ignorance and have to come face to face with the fact that they are only accusing others of what the Democrats have already done....

Obama, in an awkward twist, becomes Saudi Arabia's defender

"President Barack Obama has never had a great relationship with Saudi Arabia.

Now, he’s the last man standing between the wealthy desert kingdom and billions of dollars in potential liabilities.

Obama has cast the Saudis as "so-called" allies; bemoaned the terrorist-inspiring version of Islam they practice; and even suggested the oil-rich Arab state learn to "share" the Middle East with rival Iran.

The Saudis, meanwhile, consider Obama naive, sparring with him over the Iran nuclear deal and questioning his hands-off approach to Syria’s bloody civil war.

Despite these differences, Obama has promised to veto a bill that Congress passed unanimously allowing families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia over alleged links to the 2001 terrorist attacks."

Obama, in an awkward twist, becomes Saudi Arabia's defender

One man gets killed by the Saudis and snowflakes want to punish them to the max and tar and feather Trump for sticking with them.....but snowflakes have no problem with the fact that 3,000 Americans were murdered with help from the Saudis and Obama defends them, sticking up for the Saudis instead of standing with the American victims / victims' families of 9/11/2001.

Damn, exposed hypocrisy and selective partisan outrage is a [email protected] you are the one being exposed as being the hypocrite and engaging in selective partisan outrage! :p

Saudi Arabia tortured, dismembered and murdered a reporter in a fashion so gruesome and brutal that Trump won't even listen to the audio recording.

Then Saudi Arabia lied about the murder for nearly 2 week, denying that it had any involvement.

Then Saudi Arabia finally admitted that they commited the murder in their own consulate....but only after audio of it was released.

And Trump....sides with Saudi Arabia, who brutally murdered a reporter in their own consulate and then lied about it for weeks....over our own intelligence services.

Does that about cover it?
Bin Laden.

He stepped right into that :)

Who ordered the incursion into Pakistan that killed Osama?
obammy, at that point wanted men were wanted men. He was a Saudi Prince and Saudi never paid for it. Right?

Osama was not part of the Royal family.
sure he was.

Bin Laden family - Wikipedia

"The bin Laden family (Arabic: بن لادن‎, bin Lādin), also spelled bin Ladin, is a wealthy family intimately connected with the innermost circles of the Saudi royal family. The family was thrown into the media spotlight through the activities of one of its members, Osama bin Laden, the former head of al-Qaeda. The financial interests of the bin Laden family are represented by the Saudi Binladin Group, a global oil and equity management conglomerate grossing $2 billion annually, and the largest construction firm in the world, with offices in London, Dubai and Geneva."

His father immigrated from Yemen. They are no longer connected and have fallen out of favor.
Sure it is. You engaged in selective liberal outrage over President Trump refusing to harshly punish Saudi after the death of 1 person yet said nothing when Barry stood with Saudi against the victims of 9/11/01 and their families and Congress and their unanimous Congressional Bill that would have held Saudi partially economically accountable for their part in murdering 3,000 Americans...and now you are still justifying his actions and defending him.



More Trump's laughable gulliability, believing the Saudi's after they've murdered, tortured, and lied.....about their murdering, their torturing and their lying.

And of course, Trump once against siding with a foreign power publicly over our own intelligence services.

Just like he did with Putin and Russia's attacks on the US.
In reality, we'll never know if any of our friends in the Royal Family were involved. I believe it was Bush who let that snake slither away, not Obama.

It was Bush who put the Intel process together that was continued under Obama that finally located UBL, and it was SEAL Team 6, not Barry, who 'got' UBL. Barry just spiked the proverbial political great collected Intel expense ...but again, let's not quibble over issues not related to the thread topic...snowflakes being OK with Obama protecting Saudi from being held accountable for their part in murdering 3,000 Americans but being pissed Trump stood with Saudi over the death of one individual.

You are aware of the fact Trump accused the Saudis of assisting in 911. He has done nothing about it. I am waiting for your condemnation of Trump hypocrite.
Which Crown Prince ordered 9-11?
Bin Laden.

In reality, we'll never know if any of our friends in the Royal Family were involved. I believe it was Bush who let that snake slither away, not Obama.
it wasn't the point of the thread. You asked, I answered. the issue was with how obammy handled the saudi's when americans wished to sue them for what bin laden did. and you, as usual, backed the saudi's too.
No, you deflected / attempted to re-direct the conversation away from the fact that butt-hurt snowflakes who have still not accepted the outcome of the 2016 election have once again become TRIGGERED by something President Trump has done that Barry has already done, far surpassing the scale of Trump's act.

Snowflakes are feigning faux outrage over President Trump standing with the Saudis after one murder while Barry protected Saudi from financial accountability for their part in murdering 3,000 Americans.

It is only natural, in case like this, for snowflakes to attempt to lie, deny, justify, and distract from their public shaming after being caught In such a great display of hypocritical selective political outrage.

This is also a -2-For-1' special: This discussion not only points out the hypocrisy of the Left / Snowflakes but adds to Obama's 'Legacy', reminding people how Obama remained faithful to, aided, abetted, armed, financed, trained, etc...terrorists / those who murdered Americans as President.


"Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell says "some kind of response" is needed from the United States for the Saudis' role in the gruesome death. While President Trump has equivocated over who is to blame, the Senate is considering a vote as soon as this week to halt US involvement in the Saudi-led war in Yemen.

"What obviously happened, as basically certified by the CIA, is completely abhorrent to everything the United States holds dear and stands for in the world," Senator McConnell said Tuesday. "We're discussing what the appropriate response would be."

Senators to investigate US response to Khashoggi killing

Did McConnell switch parties?
Which Crown Prince ordered 9-11?
Bin Laden.

In reality, we'll never know if any of our friends in the Royal Family were involved. I believe it was Bush who let that snake slither away, not Obama.
it wasn't the point of the thread. You asked, I answered. the issue was with how obammy handled the saudi's when americans wished to sue them for what bin laden did. and you, as usual, backed the saudi's too.
No, you deflected / attempted to re-direct the conversation away from the fact that butt-hurt snowflakes who have still not accepted the outcome of the 2016 election have once again become TRIGGERED by something President Trump has done that Barry has already done, far surpassing the scale of Trump's act.

Snowflakes are feigning faux outrage over President Trump standing with the Saudis after one murder while Barry protected Saudi from financial accountability for their part in murdering 3,000 Americans.

It is only natural, in case like this, for snowflakes to attempt to lie, deny, justify, and distract from their public shaming after being caught In such a great display of hypocritical selective political outrage.

This is also a -2-For-1' special: This discussion not only points out the hypocrisy of the Left / Snowflakes but adds to Obama's 'Legacy', reminding people how Obama remained faithful to, aided, abetted, armed, financed, trained, etc...terrorists / those who murdered Americans as President.


"Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell says "some kind of response" is needed from the United States for the Saudis' role in the gruesome death. While President Trump has equivocated over who is to blame, the Senate is considering a vote as soon as this week to halt US involvement in the Saudi-led war in Yemen.

"What obviously happened, as basically certified by the CIA, is completely abhorrent to everything the United States holds dear and stands for in the world," Senator McConnell said Tuesday. "We're discussing what the appropriate response would be."

Senators to investigate US response to Khashoggi killing

Did McConnell switch parties?

McConnel is apparently a 'liberal snowflake' to the Trumpies.
And of course, Trump once against siding with a foreign power publicly over our own intelligence services.
As it has already been proven Obama did - thank you, your post proves the entire premise of this thread.

You pitch a triggered fit over Trump refusing to hurt US workers over the murder of 1 man while attempting to justify Obama standing with the Saudis against Congress and the victims of 9/11/, refusing to allow them to be held partly financially accountable for their part in the murder of 3,000 Americans.
Sure it is. You engaged in selective liberal outrage over President Trump refusing to harshly punish Saudi after the death of 1 person yet said nothing when Barry stood with Saudi against the victims of 9/11/01 and their families and Congress and their unanimous Congressional Bill that would have held Saudi partially economically accountable for their part in murdering 3,000 Americans...and now you are still justifying his actions and defending him.



Since all the Democrats voted in favor of the bill you're wondering why there was on outrage on the left, and they shouldn't be outraged against Trumpybear for giving the Crown Prince a pass for ordering a hit on a Journalist?

Bigly fail!

I love it when snowflakes get introduced to their own ignorance and have to come face to face with the fact that they are only accusing others of what the Democrats have already done....

Obama, in an awkward twist, becomes Saudi Arabia's defender

"President Barack Obama has never had a great relationship with Saudi Arabia.

Now, he’s the last man standing between the wealthy desert kingdom and billions of dollars in potential liabilities.

Obama has cast the Saudis as "so-called" allies; bemoaned the terrorist-inspiring version of Islam they practice; and even suggested the oil-rich Arab state learn to "share" the Middle East with rival Iran.

The Saudis, meanwhile, consider Obama naive, sparring with him over the Iran nuclear deal and questioning his hands-off approach to Syria’s bloody civil war.

Despite these differences, Obama has promised to veto a bill that Congress passed unanimously allowing families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia over alleged links to the 2001 terrorist attacks."

Obama, in an awkward twist, becomes Saudi Arabia's defender

One man gets killed by the Saudis and snowflakes want to punish them to the max and tar and feather Trump for sticking with them.....but snowflakes have no problem with the fact that 3,000 Americans were murdered with help from the Saudis and Obama defends them, sticking up for the Saudis instead of standing with the American victims / victims' families of 9/11/2001.

Damn, exposed hypocrisy and selective partisan outrage is a [email protected] you are the one being exposed as being the hypocrite and engaging in selective partisan outrage! :p
You've got a point. Those damned Saudi's really have us over an oil barrel, don't they?
the world. Now if we become energy independent, than........ guess what? And btw, we have the same oil to bring up. all you libs are against drilling it. and then you have the nerve to make such a comment. tsk tsk lady.
You got all of that from one comment, huh? LOL You're a 'tard.
And of course, Trump once against siding with a foreign power publicly over our own intelligence services.
As it has already been proven Obama did - thank you, your post proves the entire premise of this thread.

You pitch a triggered fit over Trump refusing to hurt US workers over the murder of 1 man while attempting to justify Obama standing with the Saudis against Congress and the victims of 9/11/, refusing to allow them to be held partly financially accountable for their part in the murder of 3,000 Americans.

Show us Obama siding with a foreign power over US intelligence Trump just did. Again. Trump sided with Russia over the US publicly as well

And of course, Trump serves his siding against the United States because he gulliably believes the Saudi's on the murder. This after Saudi Arabia was caught lying their ass off on a torture and murder they laboriously planned with kill teams in their own consulate.

As Trump demonstrates daily, you can't fix stupid. And you can depend on Trump to side *against* the United States.
"Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell says "some kind of response" is needed from the United States for the Saudis' role in the gruesome death. While President Trump has equivocated over who is to blame, the Senate is considering a vote as soon as this week to halt US involvement in the Saudi-led war in Yemen.

"What obviously happened, as basically certified by the CIA, is completely abhorrent to everything the United States holds dear and stands for in the world," Senator McConnell said Tuesday. "We're discussing what the appropriate response would be."

Senators to investigate US response to Khashoggi killing

Did McConnell switch parties?
Blah, blah, blah....Yeah, we got all of this - you snowflakes are completely triggered over the fact that Trump refused to hurt the US by punishing the Saudis over the death of 1 man yet have no problem with Barry standing against the US Congress and victims of 9/11/01 to protect the Saudis from being financially held accountable for their participation in the murder of 3,000 Americans.

You snowflakes have now not only begun to constantly repeat yourself but also to continue to prove the entire premise of this thread as you continue to display hypocritical mock outrage over Trump while justifying Barry's!

Thanks to you defending him over an dover you have made this a full-blown hilarious snowflake spectacle. :p

I love it when snowflakes get introduced to their own ignorance and have to come face to face with the fact that they are only accusing others of what the Democrats have already done....

Obama, in an awkward twist, becomes Saudi Arabia's defender

"President Barack Obama has never had a great relationship with Saudi Arabia.

Now, he’s the last man standing between the wealthy desert kingdom and billions of dollars in potential liabilities.

Obama has cast the Saudis as "so-called" allies; bemoaned the terrorist-inspiring version of Islam they practice; and even suggested the oil-rich Arab state learn to "share" the Middle East with rival Iran.

The Saudis, meanwhile, consider Obama naive, sparring with him over the Iran nuclear deal and questioning his hands-off approach to Syria’s bloody civil war.

Despite these differences, Obama has promised to veto a bill that Congress passed unanimously allowing families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia over alleged links to the 2001 terrorist attacks."

Obama, in an awkward twist, becomes Saudi Arabia's defender

One man gets killed by the Saudis and snowflakes want to punish them to the max and tar and feather Trump for sticking with them.....but snowflakes have no problem with the fact that 3,000 Americans were murdered with help from the Saudis and Obama defends them, sticking up for the Saudis instead of standing with the American victims / victims' families of 9/11/2001.

Damn, exposed hypocrisy and selective partisan outrage is a [email protected] you are the one being exposed as being the hypocrite and engaging in selective partisan outrage! :p
You've got a point. Those damned Saudi's really have us over an oil barrel, don't they?
the world. Now if we become energy independent, than........ guess what? And btw, we have the same oil to bring up. all you libs are against drilling it. and then you have the nerve to make such a comment. tsk tsk lady.
You got all of that from one comment, huh? LOL You're a 'tard.
i did. there only value is oil. derp
"Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell says "some kind of response" is needed from the United States for the Saudis' role in the gruesome death. While President Trump has equivocated over who is to blame, the Senate is considering a vote as soon as this week to halt US involvement in the Saudi-led war in Yemen.

"What obviously happened, as basically certified by the CIA, is completely abhorrent to everything the United States holds dear and stands for in the world," Senator McConnell said Tuesday. "We're discussing what the appropriate response would be."

Senators to investigate US response to Khashoggi killing

Did McConnell switch parties?
Blah, blah, blah....Yeah, we got all of this - you snowflakes are completely triggered over the fact that Trump refused to hurt the US by punishing the Saudis over the death of 1 man yet have no problem with Barry standing against the US Congress and victims of 9/11/01 to protect the Saudis from being financially held accountable for their participation in the murder of 3,000 Americans.

You snowflakes have now not only begun to constantly repeat yourself but also to continue to prove the entire premise of this thread as you continue to display hypocritical mock outrage over Trump while justifying Barry's!

Thanks to you defending him over an dover you have made this a full-blown hilarious snowflake spectacle. :p

If Trump sides with Russia against the United can always count on Easy to be there, joining Trump against the US.

If Trump sides with Saudi Arabia against the United can always count on Easy to b there, joining Trump against the US.

Why Trump or Easy would believe the Saudi's after they were caught lying about a torture and murder that they laborously planned and beyond comprehsion. Yet dull gulliability is yet another trait we can expect from Trump and his conservative collaborators.
Damn, exposed hypocrisy and selective partisan outrage is a [email protected] you are the one being exposed as being the hypocrite and engaging in selective partisan outrage!

Here you fucking moron.......

Bin Laden Family Evacuated - CBS News

September 11, 2001: Evacuation of Saudi Nationals - SourceWatch

Saving the Saudis - Vanity Fair
WHY are you continuing to hijack the thread regarding UBL?

PObviously because you are embarrassed that you have been crying like a little hypocritical bit@h over Trump standing with Saudi ON BEHALF OF THE AMERCIAN PEOPLE over the death of 1 (ONE_ PERSON yet never seemingly having a problem with Obama standing with Saudi AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE who sought to hold Saudi for their part in the murder of 3,000 Americans.

We care about every American citizen and we don't say it is okay to kill one American. Trump ignoring this is not working ON BEHALF OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Trump has made no attempt to undo what Obama did so he is standing with Saudi AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE who sought to hold Saudi for their part in the murder of 3,000 Americans.[/QUOTE]
Damn, exposed hypocrisy and selective partisan outrage is a [email protected] you are the one being exposed as being the hypocrite and engaging in selective partisan outrage!

Here you fucking moron.......

Bin Laden Family Evacuated - CBS News

September 11, 2001: Evacuation of Saudi Nationals - SourceWatch

Saving the Saudis - Vanity Fair
WHY are you continuing to hijack the thread regarding UBL?

PObviously because you are embarrassed that you have been crying like a little hypocritical bit@h over Trump standing with Saudi ON BEHALF OF THE AMERCIAN PEOPLE over the death of 1 (ONE_ PERSON yet never seemingly having a problem with Obama standing with Saudi AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE who sought to hold Saudi for their part in the murder of 3,000 Americans.

We care about every American citizen and we don't say it is okay to kill one American. Trump ignoring this is not working ON BEHALF OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Trump has made no attempt to undo what Obama did so he is standing with Saudi AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE who sought to hold Saudi for their part in the murder of 3,000 Americans.
World politics is a complex mix of good and evil. China has probably done more damage to our nation than any other nation, and they enjoy favored nation status. Russia is always at odds with what we desire. Saudi Arabia is in a position to keep a fragile peace in the Middle East so are you willing to throw that away because they executed what they perceive a traitor. We do thesame thing, think the American talaban, only we sometines take out some innocent bystanders with a drone attack. Was the government aware of 9/11? I don’t know, were some members of the royal family supporting the attack? Yes. Would you hold America responsible for something obamas third cousin did? In this world you have to deal with the world leaders you have, not the world leaders you want.
Show us Obama siding with a foreign power over US intelligence services......
I already did for the snowflakes!

Did they not see .. did they not READ .. the article that specifically stated Obama sided with the Saudis, vowing to veto a UNANIMOUS CONGRESSIONAL BILL, based on Intel connecting the Saudis to the attack on 9/11/01, that would hold the Saudis partly financially accountable for their part in helping murder 3,000 Americans.

I'm sorry for, snowflakes...I can research for them...I can post the links for them....I can post most of the article for them...but I can not FORCE their self-imposed ignorant, reality-denying, Trump-hating ass to actually READ the evidence provided.

The only thing I could possibly do more for them would be to DRAW THEM A FRIGGIN' PICTURE!


OBAMA, not Trump, stated this publicly. He proved it when he sided with Saudi against the US Congress and victims of 9/11/01.
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We care about every American citizen and we don't say it is okay to kill one American.
Yet you only display faux outrage now and said nothing - even defend Obama now - when he stood against Americans to protect the Saudis....
Which Crown Prince ordered 9-11?
Oh, so as long as a Crown Prince did not order the Saudis assistance in helping murder 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 Obama was perfectly correct in standing up and protecting Saudi from the nasty, greedy victims of the terrorist attack that killed 3,000 Americans?

Are you REALLY attempting to justify Obama protecting Saudi after the murder of 3,000 Americans but condemning Trump for standing with them after the death of a single person?


Those 3000 weren't journalists.

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