So Snowflakes Are Triggered Over President Trump Standing With Saudi After Khashoggi Murder...

Bin Laden.

In reality, we'll never know if any of our friends in the Royal Family were involved. I believe it was Bush who let that snake slither away, not Obama.
it wasn't the point of the thread. You asked, I answered. the issue was with how obammy handled the saudi's when americans wished to sue them for what bin laden did. and you, as usual, backed the saudi's too.
No, you deflected / attempted to re-direct the conversation away from the fact that butt-hurt snowflakes who have still not accepted the outcome of the 2016 election have once again become TRIGGERED by something President Trump has done that Barry has already done, far surpassing the scale of Trump's act.

Snowflakes are feigning faux outrage over President Trump standing with the Saudis after one murder while Barry protected Saudi from financial accountability for their part in murdering 3,000 Americans.

It is only natural, in case like this, for snowflakes to attempt to lie, deny, justify, and distract from their public shaming after being caught In such a great display of hypocritical selective political outrage.

This is also a -2-For-1' special: This discussion not only points out the hypocrisy of the Left / Snowflakes but adds to Obama's 'Legacy', reminding people how Obama remained faithful to, aided, abetted, armed, financed, trained, etc...terrorists / those who murdered Americans as President.


"Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell says "some kind of response" is needed from the United States for the Saudis' role in the gruesome death. While President Trump has equivocated over who is to blame, the Senate is considering a vote as soon as this week to halt US involvement in the Saudi-led war in Yemen.

"What obviously happened, as basically certified by the CIA, is completely abhorrent to everything the United States holds dear and stands for in the world," Senator McConnell said Tuesday. "We're discussing what the appropriate response would be."

Senators to investigate US response to Khashoggi killing

Did McConnell switch parties?

McConnel is apparently a 'liberal snowflake' to the Trumpies.

Thank you for proving how predictable Trump supporters are.
Which Crown Prince ordered 9-11?
Oh, so as long as a Crown Prince did not order the Saudis assistance in helping murder 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 Obama was perfectly correct in standing up and protecting Saudi from the nasty, greedy victims of the terrorist attack that killed 3,000 Americans?

Are you REALLY attempting to justify Obama protecting Saudi after the murder of 3,000 Americans but condemning Trump for standing with them after the death of a single person?


Those 3000 weren't journalists.

So what.
Sure it is. You engaged in selective liberal outrage over President Trump refusing to harshly punish Saudi after the death of 1 person yet said nothing when Barry stood with Saudi against the victims of 9/11/01 and their families and Congress and their unanimous Congressional Bill that would have held Saudi partially economically accountable for their part in murdering 3,000 Americans...and now you are still justifying his actions and defending him.



More Trump's laughable gulliability, believing the Saudi's after they've murdered, tortured, and lied.....about their murdering, their torturing and their lying.

And of course, Trump once against siding with a foreign power publicly over our own intelligence services.

Just like he did with Putin and Russia's attacks on the US.
We sanctioned 17 Saudi's for the atrocious murder. The only thing Trump won't do is condemn the Crown Prince. The CIA has confidence that the Prince not only knew but ordered the murder, but not hard evidence.
We need their business, their oil and their military alliance against Iran.
End of story.
Damn, exposed hypocrisy and selective partisan outrage is a [email protected] you are the one being exposed as being the hypocrite and engaging in selective partisan outrage!

Here you fucking moron.......

Bin Laden Family Evacuated - CBS News

September 11, 2001: Evacuation of Saudi Nationals - SourceWatch

Saving the Saudis - Vanity Fair
WHY are you continuing to hijack the thread regarding UBL?

PObviously because you are embarrassed that you have been crying like a little hypocritical bit@h over Trump standing with Saudi ON BEHALF OF THE AMERCIAN PEOPLE over the death of 1 (ONE_ PERSON yet never seemingly having a problem with Obama standing with Saudi AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE who sought to hold Saudi for their part in the murder of 3,000 Americans.

We care about every American citizen and we don't say it is okay to kill one American. Trump ignoring this is not working ON BEHALF OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Trump has made no attempt to undo what Obama did so he is standing with Saudi AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE who sought to hold Saudi for their part in the murder of 3,000 Americans.
what one american?
Show us Obama siding with a foreign power over US intelligence services......
I already did!

Nope. The article you posted doesn't even mention US intelligence services. Let alone show Obama going against them.

Try again. This time, reading what you're responding to. Which makes your next comment all the more dull and hilarious.
Did you not see .. did you not READ .. the article that specifically stated Obama sided with the Saudis, vowing to veto a UNANIMOUS CONGRESSIONAL BILL

Laughing......I didn't ask you to show me Obama going against a republican controlled *Congress*. I asked you to show me Obama going against our intelligence services and instead siding with a foreign power.

And you can't.

While I can show you Trump siding against our own intelligence services TWICE, instead siding with with foreign powers.

First, predictably, with Russia. Where Trump obediently sided with the very people that attacked the US to support Trump's election.

Second, Trump siding against the US with Saudi Arabia. Laughably believing the Saudi's after they were caught lying their asses off about the very murder and torture.

Yet prectably, Trump sides against the US in favor of a foreign power. And just as predictably, so do you.
Show us Obama siding with a foreign power over US intelligence services......
I already did for the snowflakes!

Did they not see .. did they not READ .. the article that specifically stated Obama sided with the Saudis, vowing to veto a UNANIMOUS CONGRESSIONAL BILL, based on Intel connecting the Saudis to the attack on 9/11/01, that would hold the Saudis partly financially accountable for their part in helping murder 3,000 Americans.

I'm sorry for, snowflakes...I can research for them...I can post the links for them....I can post most of the article for them...but I can not FORCE their self-imposed ignorant, reality-denying, Trump-hating ass to actually READ the evidence provided.

The only thing I could possibly do more for them would be to DRAW THEM A FRIGGIN' PICTURE!


OBAMA, not Trump, stated this publicly. He proved it when he sided with Saudi against the US Congress and victims of 9/11/01.

In reality Obama was protecting Americans from being sued in another country based on that countries intelligence service.

The co-opting of the victims of 9-11 to feed your ODS is however disgusting.
And of course, Trump once against siding with a foreign power publicly over our own intelligence services.
As it has already been proven Obama did - thank you, your post proves the entire premise of this thread.

You pitch a triggered fit over Trump refusing to hurt US workers over the murder of 1 man while attempting to justify Obama standing with the Saudis against Congress and the victims of 9/11/, refusing to allow them to be held partly financially accountable for their part in the murder of 3,000 Americans.

Where is your proof? Ravings of right wing fanatics is not proof of anything. There is no proof that the Saudi government had any part in 911. Also Trump has done nothing to change that so he is standing with Obama.
Sure it is. You engaged in selective liberal outrage over President Trump refusing to harshly punish Saudi after the death of 1 person yet said nothing when Barry stood with Saudi against the victims of 9/11/01 and their families and Congress and their unanimous Congressional Bill that would have held Saudi partially economically accountable for their part in murdering 3,000 Americans...and now you are still justifying his actions and defending him.



More Trump's laughable gulliability, believing the Saudi's after they've murdered, tortured, and lied.....about their murdering, their torturing and their lying.

And of course, Trump once against siding with a foreign power publicly over our own intelligence services.

Just like he did with Putin and Russia's attacks on the US.
We sanctioned 17 Saudi's for the atrocious murder. The only thing Trump won't do is condemn the Crown Prince. The CIA has confidence that the Prince not only knew but ordered the murder, but not hard evidence.
We need their business, their oil and their military alliance against Iran.
End of story.
one guy, not killed on american soil, not an american, and they want to fk up 300 million american lives. yep only in a leftist world.

Benghazi, I'll just remind you all again, the left didn't give a shit about four americans murdered in Benghazi. pansies all of the left.

And they blamed it on a video made by an american.
We sanctioned 17 Saudi's for the atrocious murder.


Congress did not see the insignificant USELESS GESTURE of sanctioning 17 Saudi Individuals as enough of a response to the murder of 3,000 Americans.

The United States Congress, based on US Intl exposing a link between the Saudis and the terrorist attack on the US on 9/11/01 that resulted in the murder of 3,000 Americans, passed a UNANIMOUS bill allowing the victims and the family members of the victims of the attack on 9/11 to hold Saudi financially accountable.

Barak Obama sided with the Saudis against 2/3rd of the US Government and the American people to protect Saudi from being held accountable.

And while condemning the current President of the United States for acting on behalf of Americans by refusing to hurt them by punishing the Saudis for the death of 1 journalist, you seek to justify Obama's action by claiming siding with the Saudis to ensure nothing more than uselessly sanctioning 17 Saudis for their part in the murder of 3,000 Americans was / is perfectly defensible?


Congrats! You have single-handedly provided the BEST evidence supporting this thread's premise yet today!

Which Crown Prince ordered 9-11?
Oh, so as long as a Crown Prince did not order the Saudis assistance in helping murder 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 Obama was perfectly correct in standing up and protecting Saudi from the nasty, greedy victims of the terrorist attack that killed 3,000 Americans?

Are you REALLY attempting to justify Obama protecting Saudi after the murder of 3,000 Americans but condemning Trump for standing with them after the death of a single person?


Those 3000 weren't journalists.


“Who blew up the World Trade Center? It wasn’t the Iraqis, it was Saudi — take a look at Saudi Arabia, open the documents,” Trump told the gang at Fox & Friends Wednesday morning, after defending his bizarre theory that George W. Bush was president on September 11.

Donald Trump Suggested Saudi Arabia Was Behind 9/11 Multiple Times Wednesday

And again...

“It wasn’t the Iraqis that knocked down the World Trade Center,” Trump told a crowd in Bluffton, South Carolina. “It wasn’t the Iraqis. You will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center, ‘cuz they have papers in there that are very secret. You may find it’s the Saudis, okay? But you will find out.”

Donald Trump Suggested Saudi Arabia Was Behind 9/11 Multiple Times Wednesday

And now that Trump is president, has the power to unclassify the documents, has the power to root out Saudi involvement in those '3000 deaths', what has Trump done?

Rolled over.

'Head down, ass up' is the GOP motto at this point.
Show us Obama siding with a foreign power over US intelligence services......
I already did for the snowflakes!

Did they not see .. did they not READ .. the article that specifically stated Obama sided with the Saudis, vowing to veto a UNANIMOUS CONGRESSIONAL BILL, based on Intel connecting the Saudis to the attack on 9/11/01, that would hold the Saudis partly financially accountable for their part in helping murder 3,000 Americans.

I'm sorry for, snowflakes...I can research for them...I can post the links for them....I can post most of the article for them...but I can not FORCE their self-imposed ignorant, reality-denying, Trump-hating ass to actually READ the evidence provided.

The only thing I could possibly do more for them would be to DRAW THEM A FRIGGIN' PICTURE!


OBAMA, not Trump, stated this publicly. He proved it when he sided with Saudi against the US Congress and victims of 9/11/01.

In reality Obama was protecting Americans from being sued in another country based on that countries intelligence service.

The co-opting of the victims of 9-11 to feed your ODS is however disgusting.
no sanctions though on their behalf. none right?
A journalist HIGHLY critical of the crown prince / royal family is asked to come to an Embassy - another nation's foreign soil, behind closed doors, by himself....and he gets murdered..... Butt-hurt, Trump-hating Liberals who really don't give a damn about him (most of the snowflakes hypocritically ripping Trump for his lack of action never even heard of him before this incident). They throw a full-blown tantrum, however, because Trump will not hurt the US economy / US workers over this 1 journalist being killed.

These same hypocrites have been justifying / defending Obama, however, for siding with Saudi against the US Congress and the American to ensure Saudi was not held financially responsible for their part in the murder of 3,000 Americans.......

You can't make this shite up! :p
A journalist HIGHLY critical of the crown prince / royal family is asked to come to an Embassy - another nation's foreign soil, behind closed doors, by himself....and he gets murdered..... Butt-hurt, Trump-hating Liberals who really don't give a damn about him (most of the snowflakes hypocritically ripping Trump for his lack of action never even heard of him before this incident). They throw a full-blown tantrum, however, because Trump will not hurt the US economy / US workers over this 1 journalist being killed.

These same hypocrites have been justifying / defending Obama, however, for siding with Saudi against the US Congress and the American to ensure Saudi was not held financially responsible for their part in the murder of 3,000 Americans.......

You can't make this shite up! :p

I love how our little Collaborator puts the journalists murder in the passive voice, like him 'getting himself murdered' was like getting caught in the rain.

What both Easy and the supremely gulliable Donald like to forget is that the journalist was tortured and murdered by a 11 man Saudi kill team that beat him, cut off his fingers while he was still alive, and murdered him, then had his clothing put on by a decoy to try and cover up the murder.

This wasn't weather, Easy. This was a caculated, laboriously planned murder.........that of course, you and the President side with foreign powers on. And ignore our own intelligence services.

Just like you and Trump did when Trump gulliably believed Putin over our own intelligence services.
Which Crown Prince ordered 9-11?
Oh, so as long as a Crown Prince did not order the Saudis assistance in helping murder 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 Obama was perfectly correct in standing up and protecting Saudi from the nasty, greedy victims of the terrorist attack that killed 3,000 Americans?

Are you REALLY attempting to justify Obama protecting Saudi after the murder of 3,000 Americans but condemning Trump for standing with them after the death of a single person?


Those 3000 weren't journalists.


“Who blew up the World Trade Center? It wasn’t the Iraqis, it was Saudi — take a look at Saudi Arabia, open the documents,” Trump told the gang at Fox & Friends Wednesday morning, after defending his bizarre theory that George W. Bush was president on September 11.

Donald Trump Suggested Saudi Arabia Was Behind 9/11 Multiple Times Wednesday

And again...

“It wasn’t the Iraqis that knocked down the World Trade Center,” Trump told a crowd in Bluffton, South Carolina. “It wasn’t the Iraqis. You will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center, ‘cuz they have papers in there that are very secret. You may find it’s the Saudis, okay? But you will find out.”

Donald Trump Suggested Saudi Arabia Was Behind 9/11 Multiple Times Wednesday

And now that Trump is president, has the power to unclassify the documents, has the power to root out Saudi involvement in those '3000 deaths', what has Trump done?

Rolled over.

'Head down, ass up' is the GOP motto at this point.
So now it is YOU who are spitting in the face of US Intel, the same intel Congress relied on when they unanimously passed legislation to hold the Saudis accountable for their part in murdering 3,000 Americans...the same Congress, the same Bill, about the same American victims Obama stood against with the Saudis to ensure they were not held accountable in the murder of 3,000 Americans......


Does it PHYSICALLY HURT when you flip flop / change directions that fast? Do you have to disembark and get into another vehicle to change directions that fast? Or are you just in a manually operated tilt-a-whirl fair ride where you get to change your spin yourself any time you want?

Leftist snowflakes would be triggered if Trump didn't stand with the Sauds. They would be shrieking that he was destroying alliances and putting our economy at risk for a foreigner.

The left is nothing if not predictable.
Which Crown Prince ordered 9-11?
Oh, so as long as a Crown Prince did not order the Saudis assistance in helping murder 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 Obama was perfectly correct in standing up and protecting Saudi from the nasty, greedy victims of the terrorist attack that killed 3,000 Americans?

Are you REALLY attempting to justify Obama protecting Saudi after the murder of 3,000 Americans but condemning Trump for standing with them after the death of a single person?


Those 3000 weren't journalists.


“Who blew up the World Trade Center? It wasn’t the Iraqis, it was Saudi — take a look at Saudi Arabia, open the documents,” Trump told the gang at Fox & Friends Wednesday morning, after defending his bizarre theory that George W. Bush was president on September 11.

Donald Trump Suggested Saudi Arabia Was Behind 9/11 Multiple Times Wednesday

And again...

“It wasn’t the Iraqis that knocked down the World Trade Center,” Trump told a crowd in Bluffton, South Carolina. “It wasn’t the Iraqis. You will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center, ‘cuz they have papers in there that are very secret. You may find it’s the Saudis, okay? But you will find out.”

Donald Trump Suggested Saudi Arabia Was Behind 9/11 Multiple Times Wednesday

And now that Trump is president, has the power to unclassify the documents, has the power to root out Saudi involvement in those '3000 deaths', what has Trump done?

Rolled over.

'Head down, ass up' is the GOP motto at this point.
So now it is YOU who are spitting in the face of US Intel, the same intel Congress relied on when they unanimously passed legislation to hold the Saudis accountable for their part in murdering 3,000 Americans...the same Congress, the same Bill, about the same American victims Obama stood against with the Saudis to ensure they were not held accountable in the murder of 3,000 Americans......

Laughing.....Show us any mention of our intel communities in the entire article. You can't. You're fantasizing, making shit up as you go along. If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have to embellish it.

Show us Obama sideing against our intel agencies like Trump just did AGAIN. Trump did the exact same thing with Russia, publicly siding with Russia, the very country that attacked the US to support Trump's presidential bid.....over our own US intelligence agencies.

Show us Obama *ever* siding against our intel communities in favor of a foreign government.

As Trump has done. Twice.
Leftist snowflakes would be triggered if Trump didn't stand with the Sauds. They would be shrieking that he was destroying alliances and putting our economy at risk for a foreigner.

The left is nothing if not predictable.

Even McConnell and republicans are calling for more action that then impotent weakness of Trump's response.

With Trump siding against US intelligence agencie in favor of a foreign government -AGAIN-.

'Head down, ass up' is Trump's presidential motto.
I love how our little Collaborator ....

Oh, so having been caught / exposed for your hypocritical faux Anti-Trump attack you now seek to demonize / falsely accuse the ones who exposed your hypocritical faux Anti-Trump attack, demonstrating that you will accuse anyone who does not go along with the hypocritical faux Anti-Trump attack and dares to point out how Obama stood with the Saudis AGAINST Congress and the American people to be a 'Collaborator'.....

Bwuhahahaha.... What an ignorant Trump-Hating TROLL! :p

Newsflash, is MEANINGLESS and does NOTHING. Democrats and snowflakes, for example, have called anyone and everyone who does not subscribe to their ideology a racist for so long for everything that you have rendered the term meaningless. It is now recognized as a defense mechanism....used especially when libs are LOSING emotionally-fueled debates due to actual FACTS being presented. EVERY personal attack is the same thing......

'Racist', 'Sexist', 'Homophobe', 'Anti-Semite'...'Collaborator'.....just another example of snowflakes / Democrats accusing others of doing what they have done/do and of being who they are.


Trump stood with Saudi ON BEHALF of Americans...Barry stood with Saudi AGAINST the US Congress and American matter what name you call me.
I love how our little Collaborator ....

Oh, so having been caught / exposed for your hypocritical faux Anti-Trump attack you now seek to demonize / falsely accuse the ones who exposed your hypocritical faux Anti-Trump attack, demonstrating that you will accuse anyone who does not go along with the hypocritical faux Anti-Trump attack and dares to point out how Obama stood with the Saudis AGAINST Congress and the American people to be a 'Collaborator'.....


You sided with Trump when Trump obediently backed Vladimir Putin over US intelligence services. This after Russia attacked the United States to aid Trump.

And now you're siding with Trump when Trump sided with Saudi Arabia over US intelligence services. This after Trump has admitted to making loads of money off of the Saudis. And we already caught the Saudi's lying for WEEKS on the very torture, murder and cover up in questino.

Now, show us Obama *ever* siding against US intelligence agencies in favor of a foreign power.

Smiling.....its such a simple question. And yet it sends you running every time.
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