So the christian jesus was all about peace ?

Dear guno :
The Jews who DO believe and receive Jesus
have seen proof of spiritual healing, and understood this was real and fulfills the laws they were taught all along.

One Jewish Neurosurgeon Phillip Goldfedder changed his practice
to focus on spiritual healing full time which he found more effective.
This was AFTER he saw demonstrated proof of how it worked by a Christian practitioner.

My friend Olivia Reiner was healed of cancer by spiritual healing
and now offers this help to other people. She and her husband
are Jewish and go to the synagogue but they also receive Christ Jesus
and this is the only authority by which the spiritual healing works to heal people of demons.
One of my friends who is atheist got help from Olivia to remove demonic rage
through spiritual healing.

Peter Loth is a well known Jewish speaker who teaches forgiveness in Christ.
There are MESSIANIC JEWS who practice both Jewish and Christian traditions
with no conflict.

Why is it, guno, that the people who have seen proof of spiritual healing
and forgiveness in Christ are able to reconcile with Christianity, including Jews.

And the common factor with Jews who do not believe in Jesus
is they have never seen or studied proof that spiritual healing works
which EXPLAINS why people respect the prayers and authority of Christ Jesus.

Why are you ONLY citing the Jews who reject Jesus to argue your point?
And CONVENIENTLY exclude the Jews who believe just like Christians do?

That's like only citing sources who believe the world is flat.
As long as you only ask THOSE people, that's the answer you get
because that's the only one you're looking for!

No disrespect, but remember when I said plagiarism and fallacious placement become exposed by the comical way they misinterpret the Bible's meaning and expectation? One of those comical errors exposed is when you make Jesus a
Benny Hinn like charletan healer because you missinterpret straightening the bent (off path) as being healing a cripple person.
Mistakes like
healing the blind (spiritual blind) by literally making the character heal physical blindness instead. Isaiah is saying Moshiach removes the veil from our eyes, so we can see the truth and reality over the facade that covered up our nakedness(=exposing our deceptions) and has nothing to do with literal curing the physical blind.
Who best knows these truths (Dan 10:21) and is the thresher (Dosh) when the Temple in his name is called the Mikdosh(the house of Mike the Thresher )?

In fact the Dead Sea Scrolls revealed none of the curing ills was hands on Moshiach
role, but was a sign of the times of Moshiach where you will see us curing these inflictions as we see today in th time of Shiloh (who helped fascilitate some of these advances )not in the ancient age in the time of B.S. and the scarab which rolled that B.S. to it's giant size load of bull you see today.
Dear HaShev there have been too many cases and real medical research documenting real healing going on. That's why Dr Phillip Goldfedder changed his mind and added Christian faith and healing to his Jewish beliefs and his medical practice. The medical research on Dr. MacNutt in treating and curing Rheumatoid Arthritis patients was funded by Templeton Foundation and is published. The difference in that study is MacNutt methods use Forgiveness and deliverance from past generational issues as the key step for healing to take place naturally; other studies done I think at Harvard only did intercession but didn't study deliverance and forgiveness prayer and degrees of forgiveness so they didn't find any correlation or effect with healing heart patients as in one study that failed to find results like MacNutt study did on RA that was documented as having a positive effect, including curing one patient completely from being crippled to being able to walk without pain.

HaShev the ministries I know in Houston have documented cases ranging from a rare liver or kidney disease that is considered incurable but this person has records that show she had the condition verified by top medical specialists but then all signs and symptoms disappeared which they documented on record but could not explain. My friends Olivia and her prayer partner Jose helped one lady on her deathbed with failing organs to recover completely with no sign of damage to her health the doctors have documented but cannot explain.

If you read the book 90 minutes in heaven, doctors cannot explain how the man didn't bleed out and suffer brain damage after being declared dead but coming back fully. The spirit is stronger and in control of the brain and body, so it can be willed to heal itself. This doesn't have to be supernatural but perfectly in keeping with science and laws if health where the mind and body naturally heal themselves unless they are blocked from doing so.

The common factor in effective spiritual healing is praying to identify and forgive any mental emotional or spiritual blocks that otherwise obstruct healing. Once those blocks are removed then healing can take place or be accelerated naturally that was hindered before the therapy was received.
Dear guno :
The Jews who DO believe and receive Jesus
have seen proof of spiritual healing, and understood this was real and fulfills the laws they were taught all along.

One Jewish Neurosurgeon Phillip Goldfedder changed his practice
to focus on spiritual healing full time which he found more effective.
This was AFTER he saw demonstrated proof of how it worked by a Christian practitioner.

My friend Olivia Reiner was healed of cancer by spiritual healing
and now offers this help to other people. She and her husband
are Jewish and go to the synagogue but they also receive Christ Jesus
and this is the only authority by which the spiritual healing works to heal people of demons.
One of my friends who is atheist got help from Olivia to remove demonic rage
through spiritual healing.

Peter Loth is a well known Jewish speaker who teaches forgiveness in Christ.
There are MESSIANIC JEWS who practice both Jewish and Christian traditions
with no conflict.

Why is it, guno, that the people who have seen proof of spiritual healing
and forgiveness in Christ are able to reconcile with Christianity, including Jews.

And the common factor with Jews who do not believe in Jesus
is they have never seen or studied proof that spiritual healing works
which EXPLAINS why people respect the prayers and authority of Christ Jesus.

Why are you ONLY citing the Jews who reject Jesus to argue your point?
And CONVENIENTLY exclude the Jews who believe just like Christians do?

That's like only citing sources who believe the world is flat.
As long as you only ask THOSE people, that's the answer you get
because that's the only one you're looking for!

No disrespect, but remember when I said plagiarism and fallacious placement become exposed by the comical way they misinterpret the Bible's meaning and expectation? One of those comical errors exposed is when you make Jesus a
Benny Hinn like charletan healer because you missinterpret straightening the bent (off path) as being healing a cripple person.
Mistakes like
healing the blind (spiritual blind) by literally making the character heal physical blindness instead. Isaiah is saying Moshiach removes the veil from our eyes, so we can see the truth and reality over the facade that covered up our nakedness(=exposing our deceptions) and has nothing to do with literal curing the physical blind.
Who best knows these truths (Dan 10:21) and is the thresher (Dosh) when the Temple in his name is called the Mikdosh(the house of Mike the Thresher )?

In fact the Dead Sea Scrolls revealed none of the curing ills was hands on Moshiach
role, but was a sign of the times of Moshiach where you will see us curing these inflictions as we see today in th time of Shiloh (who helped fascilitate some of these advances )not in the ancient age in the time of B.S. and the scarab which rolled that B.S. to it's giant size load of bull you see today.
Dear HaShev there have been too many cases and real medical research documenting real healing going on. That's why Dr Phillip Goldfedder changed his mind and added Christian faith and healing to his Jewish beliefs and his medical practice. The medical research on Dr. MacNutt in treating and curing Rheumatoid Arthritis patients was funded by Templeton Foundation and is published. The difference in that study is MacNutt methods use Forgiveness and deliverance from past generational issues as the key step for healing to take place naturally; other studies done I think at Harvard only did intercession but didn't study deliverance and forgiveness prayer and degrees of forgiveness so they didn't find any correlation or effect with healing heart patients as in one study that failed to find results like MacNutt study did on RA that was documented as having a positive effect, including curing one patient completely from being crippled to being able to walk without pain.

HaShev the ministries I know in Houston have documented cases ranging from a rare liver or kidney disease that is considered incurable but this person has records that show she had the condition verified by top medical specialists but then all signs and symptoms disappeared which they documented on record but could not explain. My friends Olivia and her prayer partner Jose helped one lady on her deathbed with failing organs to recover completely with no sign of damage to her health the doctors have documented but cannot explain.

If you read the book 90 minutes in heaven, doctors cannot explain how the man didn't bleed out and suffer brain damage after being declared dead but coming back fully. The spirit is stronger and in control of the brain and body, so it can be willed to heal itself. This doesn't have to be supernatural but perfectly in keeping with science and laws if health where the mind and body naturally heal themselves unless they are blocked from doing so.

The common factor in effective spiritual healing is praying to identify and forgive any mental emotional or spiritual blocks that otherwise obstruct healing. Once those blocks are removed then healing can take place or be accelerated naturally that was hindered before the therapy was received.

ROLMAO---neuro surgeon----I can tell you from personal experience ---ALL neurosurgeons are NUTS
Don't you absolutely LOVE it when someone tries to school you on your own religion and they do NOT even subscribe to it? When I have a question about my M-4, I'll be sure to contact Joy Behar or Senator Elizabeth (Pocahontas) Warren.

Mirror reflection:
Don't you absolutely LOVE it when Rome founded Christianity tries to school you on your own religion (Judaism)and they do NOT even subscribe to it- Or understand it's precepts? As I always say:
It's liken to learning from a boating instructor how to fly a do not learn about the Judaic concept of God and Olam Habah through a Roman, you learn it from a Jew, even your own Bible tells you that.. oops!
:lol: I think the joke is on you.

what joke? the one your catechism whore told you?
You missed the point. The book is full of instructions to promote its teachings through any means, war, violence, deception..


No one reads a dr suess book and then becomes 'radicalized'.
Untrue. Are you saying a nutjob can't take instructions from a dog? Voices in their head? Dr. Suess books?

In my opinion, Mohamed was a mentally ill degenerate, a violent megalomaniac with twist of pedophilia..

to me, adopting the koran as a holy book to live by would be like adopting a book written by john wayne gacy filled with instructions about how to attain happiness through deception, abuse of children, and murder.

even if a very small percentage of people who read a book like this were willing to live according to its teachings they would leave a very long trail of corpses.

If one reads Jasher, Benjamin got married at age 10.

Jasher is not a book of the bible. Whom did he marry in that story?

Yes I see why not, but its much like the parts of the OT, must of been a rough draft of the history. Its also quoted in the OT. Little benji had 10 kids from 2 marriage before he met Joseph in Egypt. He was not like a child as depicted In some of the TV movies.

how old was "little benji by the time his slightly older brother----became GRAND VIZIER of Egypt-------11??? whilst the grand vizier---was----uhm 14?
You missed the point. The book is full of instructions to promote its teachings through any means, war, violence, deception..


No one reads a dr suess book and then becomes 'radicalized'.
Untrue. Are you saying a nutjob can't take instructions from a dog? Voices in their head? Dr. Suess books?

In my opinion, Mohamed was a mentally ill degenerate, a violent megalomaniac with twist of pedophilia..

to me, adopting the koran as a holy book to live by would be like adopting a book written by john wayne gacy filled with instructions about how to attain happiness through deception, abuse of children, and murder.

even if a very small percentage of people who read a book like this were willing to live according to its teachings they would leave a very long trail of corpses.
hobelim yes and no
There is a huge dangerous rift in Islam if this isn't practiced by embracing Christianity and civil obedience to natural laws of peace and justice as in Constitutional principles that also serve to check against religious and political abuses of authority.

Without these checks on church and state, even America has a past blamed for slavery and genocide against minorities not included equally in protection of the laws.

The jihadist clearly exclude and punish others so this is antichristian. Christian faith is to love and forgive all others that we may receive and share the same as equal children under one God Lord or LAW of equal justice for all.

The true Muslim believers love and include all ppl equally in God's love and laws. And Constitutional laws call for equal justice and protection under law.

Where we see ppl including respecting and defending each other equally that is the true law behind all religions or govt.

America has an advantage with both Christian and Constitutional laws teaching equal justice but if we don't follow those we fall to abuse and corruption. The Muslims who are consistent naturally respect both Christian and Constitutional laws as given by God so that's how we can tell the difference.
What to bet:

“Whoever is for the Lord, come to me!” All the Levites then rallied to him, 27 and he told them, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Each of you put your sword on your hip! Go back and forth through the camp, from gate to gate, and kill your brothers, your friends, your neighbors!” 28 The Levites did as Moses had commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people fell. 29 Then Moses said, “Today you are installed as priests for the Lord, for you went against your own sons and brothers, to bring a blessing upon yourselves this day.”
You missed the point. The book is full of instructions to promote its teachings through any means, war, violence, deception..


No one reads a dr suess book and then becomes 'radicalized'.
Untrue. Are you saying a nutjob can't take instructions from a dog? Voices in their head? Dr. Suess books?

In my opinion, Mohamed was a mentally ill degenerate, a violent megalomaniac with twist of pedophilia..

to me, adopting the koran as a holy book to live by would be like adopting a book written by john wayne gacy filled with instructions about how to attain happiness through deception, abuse of children, and murder.

even if a very small percentage of people who read a book like this were willing to live according to its teachings they would leave a very long trail of corpses.
hobelim yes and no
There is a huge dangerous rift in Islam if this isn't practiced by embracing Christianity and civil obedience to natural laws of peace and justice as in Constitutional principles that also serve to check against religious and political abuses of authority.

Without these checks on church and state, even America has a past blamed for slavery and genocide against minorities not included equally in protection of the laws.

The jihadist clearly exclude and punish others so this is antichristian. Christian faith is to love and forgive all others that we may receive and share the same as equal children under one God Lord or LAW of equal justice for all.

The true Muslim believers love and include all ppl equally in God's love and laws. And Constitutional laws call for equal justice and protection under law.

Where we see ppl including respecting and defending each other equally that is the true law behind all religions or govt.

America has an advantage with both Christian and Constitutional laws teaching equal justice but if we don't follow those we fall to abuse and corruption. The Muslims who are consistent naturally respect both Christian and Constitutional laws as given by God so that's how we can tell the difference.

based on your definitions---Emily----there are no muslims
I don't remember moses coming up with the idea that "NOT LIKING something"---causes people to DIE

Came down from the mountain, killed 3000 , and those he called his priests(the ones who did the killing for him)

nope-----you have no idea -----people did not get TURNED into priests by killing other people----that's YOUR creed

The Levites.
I don't remember moses coming up with the idea that "NOT LIKING something"---causes people to DIE

Came down from the mountain, killed 3000 , and those he called his priests(the ones who did the killing for him)

nope-----you have no idea -----people did not get TURNED into priests by killing other people----that's YOUR creed

What to bet:

“Whoever is for the Lord, come to me!” All the Levites then rallied to him, 27 and he told them, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Each of you put your sword on your hip! Go back and forth through the camp, from gate to gate, and kill your brothers, your friends, your neighbors!” 28 The Levites did as Moses had commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people fell. 29 Then Moses said, “Today you are installed as priests for the Lord, for you went against your own sons and brothers, to bring a blessing upon yourselves this day.”

the levites? guess what-----Korach was a levite------did you know that? of course not---you do not know who Korach was-----you never read the book. I will help----Korach was the leader of the rebellion-----Edward G Robinson played his brother and "little ceasar"
Don't you absolutely LOVE it when someone tries to school you on your own religion and they do NOT even subscribe to it? When I have a question about my M-4, I'll be sure to contact Joy Behar or Senator Elizabeth (Pocahontas) Warren.

Mirror reflection:
Don't you absolutely LOVE it when Rome founded Christianity tries to school you on your own religion (Judaism)and they do NOT even subscribe to it- Or understand it's precepts? As I always say:
It's liken to learning from a boating instructor how to fly a do not learn about the Judaic concept of God and Olam Habah through a Roman, you learn it from a Jew, even your own Bible tells you that.. oops!
:lol: I think the joke is on you.

what joke? the one your catechism whore told you?

There is no such thing as a catechism whore.
btw----Moses was a Levite too-----a Levite here----a levite there---everywhere a Levite EEEEEIIIEEEEIII OOOOOO
Don't you absolutely LOVE it when someone tries to school you on your own religion and they do NOT even subscribe to it? When I have a question about my M-4, I'll be sure to contact Joy Behar or Senator Elizabeth (Pocahontas) Warren.

Mirror reflection:
Don't you absolutely LOVE it when Rome founded Christianity tries to school you on your own religion (Judaism)and they do NOT even subscribe to it- Or understand it's precepts? As I always say:
It's liken to learning from a boating instructor how to fly a do not learn about the Judaic concept of God and Olam Habah through a Roman, you learn it from a Jew, even your own Bible tells you that.. oops!
:lol: I think the joke is on you.

what joke? the one your catechism whore told you?

There is no such thing as a catechism whore.

just like the vestal virgins--------catechism whore = vestal virgin (just as virginous)
I don't remember moses coming up with the idea that "NOT LIKING something"---causes people to DIE

Came down from the mountain, killed 3000 , and those he called his priests(the ones who did the killing for him)

nope-----you have no idea -----people did not get TURNED into priests by killing other people----that's YOUR creed

The Levites.
I don't remember moses coming up with the idea that "NOT LIKING something"---causes people to DIE

Came down from the mountain, killed 3000 , and those he called his priests(the ones who did the killing for him)

nope-----you have no idea -----people did not get TURNED into priests by killing other people----that's YOUR creed

What to bet:

“Whoever is for the Lord, come to me!” All the Levites then rallied to him, 27 and he told them, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Each of you put your sword on your hip! Go back and forth through the camp, from gate to gate, and kill your brothers, your friends, your neighbors!” 28 The Levites did as Moses had commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people fell. 29 Then Moses said, “Today you are installed as priests for the Lord, for you went against your own sons and brothers, to bring a blessing upon yourselves this day.”

the levites? guess what-----Korach was a levite------did you know that? of course not---you do not know who Korach was-----you never read the book. I will help----Korach was the leader of the rebellion-----Edward G Robinson played his brother and "little ceasar"

You may not like you history but its yours: the killers got promoted to priests.

“Whoever is for the Lord, come to me!” All the Levites then rallied to him, 27 and he told them, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Each of you put your sword on your hip! Go back and forth through the camp, from gate to gate, and kill your brothers, your friends, your neighbors!” 28 The Levites did as Moses had commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people fell. 29 Then Moses said, “Today you are installed as priests for the Lord, for you went against your own sons and brothers, to bring a blessing upon yourselves this day.”
I don't remember moses coming up with the idea that "NOT LIKING something"---causes people to DIE

Came down from the mountain, killed 3000 , and those he called his priests(the ones who did the killing for him)

nope-----you have no idea -----people did not get TURNED into priests by killing other people----that's YOUR creed

The Levites.
I don't remember moses coming up with the idea that "NOT LIKING something"---causes people to DIE

Came down from the mountain, killed 3000 , and those he called his priests(the ones who did the killing for him)

nope-----you have no idea -----people did not get TURNED into priests by killing other people----that's YOUR creed

What to bet:

“Whoever is for the Lord, come to me!” All the Levites then rallied to him, 27 and he told them, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Each of you put your sword on your hip! Go back and forth through the camp, from gate to gate, and kill your brothers, your friends, your neighbors!” 28 The Levites did as Moses had commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people fell. 29 Then Moses said, “Today you are installed as priests for the Lord, for you went against your own sons and brothers, to bring a blessing upon yourselves this day.”

the levites? guess what-----Korach was a levite------did you know that? of course not---you do not know who Korach was-----you never read the book. I will help----Korach was the leader of the rebellion-----Edward G Robinson played his brother and "little ceasar"

You may not like you history but its yours: the killers got promoted to priests.

“Whoever is for the Lord, come to me!” All the Levites then rallied to him, 27 and he told them, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Each of you put your sword on your hip! Go back and forth through the camp, from gate to gate, and kill your brothers, your friends, your neighbors!” 28 The Levites did as Moses had commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people fell. 29 Then Moses said, “Today you are installed as priests for the Lord, for you went against your own sons and brothers, to bring a blessing upon yourselves this day.”

nope-----a person cannot get PROMOTED to priest-------people are born that way-----you are reading the Constantine version------romans filth
PS---lots of levites died in that rebellion----including the LEVITE LEADER---Korach----and his brother----Edward g Robinson----you should read the book
Dear guno :
The Jews who DO believe and receive Jesus
have seen proof of spiritual healing, and understood this was real and fulfills the laws they were taught all along.

One Jewish Neurosurgeon Phillip Goldfedder changed his practice
to focus on spiritual healing full time which he found more effective.
This was AFTER he saw demonstrated proof of how it worked by a Christian practitioner.

My friend Olivia Reiner was healed of cancer by spiritual healing
and now offers this help to other people. She and her husband
are Jewish and go to the synagogue but they also receive Christ Jesus
and this is the only authority by which the spiritual healing works to heal people of demons.
One of my friends who is atheist got help from Olivia to remove demonic rage
through spiritual healing.

Peter Loth is a well known Jewish speaker who teaches forgiveness in Christ.
There are MESSIANIC JEWS who practice both Jewish and Christian traditions
with no conflict.

Why is it, guno, that the people who have seen proof of spiritual healing
and forgiveness in Christ are able to reconcile with Christianity, including Jews.

And the common factor with Jews who do not believe in Jesus
is they have never seen or studied proof that spiritual healing works
which EXPLAINS why people respect the prayers and authority of Christ Jesus.

Why are you ONLY citing the Jews who reject Jesus to argue your point?
And CONVENIENTLY exclude the Jews who believe just like Christians do?

That's like only citing sources who believe the world is flat.
As long as you only ask THOSE people, that's the answer you get
because that's the only one you're looking for!

No disrespect, but remember when I said plagiarism and fallacious placement become exposed by the comical way they misinterpret the Bible's meaning and expectation? One of those comical errors exposed is when you make Jesus a
Benny Hinn like charletan healer because you missinterpret straightening the bent (off path) as being healing a cripple person.
Mistakes like
healing the blind (spiritual blind) by literally making the character heal physical blindness instead. Isaiah is saying Moshiach removes the veil from our eyes, so we can see the truth and reality over the facade that covered up our nakedness(=exposing our deceptions) and has nothing to do with literal curing the physical blind.
Who best knows these truths (Dan 10:21) and is the thresher (Dosh) when the Temple in his name is called the Mikdosh(the house of Mike the Thresher )?

In fact the Dead Sea Scrolls revealed none of the curing ills was hands on Moshiach
role, but was a sign of the times of Moshiach where you will see us curing these inflictions as we see today in th time of Shiloh (who helped fascilitate some of these advances )not in the ancient age in the time of B.S. and the scarab which rolled that B.S. to it's giant size load of bull you see today.
Dear HaShev there have been too many cases and real medical research documenting real healing going on. That's why Dr Phillip Goldfedder changed his mind and added Christian faith and healing to his Jewish beliefs and his medical practice. The medical research on Dr. MacNutt in treating and curing Rheumatoid Arthritis patients was funded by Templeton Foundation and is published. The difference in that study is MacNutt methods use Forgiveness and deliverance from past generational issues as the key step for healing to take place naturally; other studies done I think at Harvard only did intercession but didn't study deliverance and forgiveness prayer and degrees of forgiveness so they didn't find any correlation or effect with healing heart patients as in one study that failed to find results like MacNutt study did on RA that was documented as having a positive effect, including curing one patient completely from being crippled to being able to walk without pain.

HaShev the ministries I know in Houston have documented cases ranging from a rare liver or kidney disease that is considered incurable but this person has records that show she had the condition verified by top medical specialists but then all signs and symptoms disappeared which they documented on record but could not explain. My friends Olivia and her prayer partner Jose helped one lady on her deathbed with failing organs to recover completely with no sign of damage to her health the doctors have documented but cannot explain.

If you read the book 90 minutes in heaven, doctors cannot explain how the man didn't bleed out and suffer brain damage after being declared dead but coming back fully. The spirit is stronger and in control of the brain and body, so it can be willed to heal itself. This doesn't have to be supernatural but perfectly in keeping with science and laws if health where the mind and body naturally heal themselves unless they are blocked from doing so.

The common factor in effective spiritual healing is praying to identify and forgive any mental emotional or spiritual blocks that otherwise obstruct healing. Once those blocks are removed then healing can take place or be accelerated naturally that was hindered before the therapy was received.

ROLMAO---neuro surgeon----I can tell you from personal experience ---ALL neurosurgeons are NUTS

Dear irosie91 This man has helped healed people who were "nuts."
Can satan cast out satan?
Look him up and also Dr. Francis MacNutt who has ZERO complaints of any fraud abuse or negative
reports about his nonprofit ministry that focused on spiritual healing:
Healing is Yours. Alternative Medicine Healing Ministry.

For Dr. Scott Peck who didn't believe in deliverance being real either,
at least he observed it on his own to see if it was true or not. Ironically,
he intended to debunk and disprove the methods of a friend who was a priest
practicing this to cure people of demonic sickness. Peck changed his mind
completely, and finished the personal study where he successfully cured
one patient of schizophrenia who regained the natural control of her mind
after treatment; and almost saved the other patient who died instead of
severe diseased conditions because she went too long without receiving help
(she had abused herself all her adult life, and by the time Peck tried to help
her removed the demonic obsession with self-destruction, her mind and will
was compliant but her body was too damaged that he could not help her as a psychiatrist.
He could only help her with the part involving therapy of the mind, but it would have
taken greater specialists to deal with the condition her body was in after years of abuse).

See Peck's books on using exorcism and deliverance to get rid of demonic
personalities in schizophrenic patients so that they can comply with regular therapy and medicine:
"Glimpses of the Devil"
"People of the Lie"

@irosie Dr. MacNutt and his wife a successful licensed psychotherapist
also report helping schizophrenic and suicidal patients to save their minds and their lives.
MacNutt's book on HEALING is used as a textbook in many seminaries.
Their compassionate and effective work to help abuse victims heal of
unwanted homosexual attractions caused by such damage has been
captured in interviews (and a book explaining Can Homosexuality be Healed)
How To Defeat Homosexual Activists 101 A Real Education

Here is MacNutt's study on rheumatoid arthritis that is published in
very technical medical research terms I found harder to follow:
Effects of intercessory prayer on patients with rheumatoid arthritis. - PubMed - NCBI
In his book on HEALING he includes the actual words of a patient
cured of RA, who went from being crippled in pain every day unable
to walk, to being completely free of symptom and able to walk again
as normal and no longer needing to take any pain medications at all.
"Healing" by Francis MacNutt, edition 1999 or later has this addition to it.

irosie91 as strong as you are an advocate to
stopping the religious abuses of Islam and also Christianity
when it is abused to harm people including genocide,
I would hope you would be as strong a champion of
spiritual healing as the solution and end to these wars and sick abuses.
All oppression would end when people are individually and collectively
freed of these problems, both the causes and the effects/symptoms
that otherwise go in circles. The spiritual healing breaks through all
that pain and fear that keeps people in victimhood and oppression.
So this is how people have turned their lives around, Like Peter Loth
who went from being a victim of sexual abuse and torture before
and during the Holocaust, to doing public outreach worldwide to
encourage the healing power of forgiveness that changed his life.
He is no longer angry or trapped in the past he suffered as child
tortured and brutalized sexually, but is truly mentally and spiritually
free so that he wants to share this healing gift with others.

That's the power of spiritual healing that comes with forgiveness.
It can heal mind, body and spirit as well as broken relations between people,
entire families and whole communities have been transformed by this process!
RA is an auto immune disease------sometimes auto immune diseases spontaneously remit. I survived a condition of my brain ---which has a 98% fatality rate------the neurosurgeon---did it----jesus was not involved but my grown son did bring a little toy dinosauer----that he kept as a memory of his childhood because we---he and I, communicated thru the little dinosauer. Maybe DINO did it
Yeah it's called selective recognition, they tell you the ones they make up or selectively recognize while never telling you how many they never heal or died right after they claimed healing. Let's just say Dr's have better track records then priests of bel scam artists.

Talk about priests, Pastor Jakes just sliped out the M. F. word on TV. Woops!
Came down from the mountain, killed 3000 , and those he called his priests(the ones who did the killing for him)

nope-----you have no idea -----people did not get TURNED into priests by killing other people----that's YOUR creed

The Levites.
Came down from the mountain, killed 3000 , and those he called his priests(the ones who did the killing for him)

nope-----you have no idea -----people did not get TURNED into priests by killing other people----that's YOUR creed

What to bet:

“Whoever is for the Lord, come to me!” All the Levites then rallied to him, 27 and he told them, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Each of you put your sword on your hip! Go back and forth through the camp, from gate to gate, and kill your brothers, your friends, your neighbors!” 28 The Levites did as Moses had commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people fell. 29 Then Moses said, “Today you are installed as priests for the Lord, for you went against your own sons and brothers, to bring a blessing upon yourselves this day.”

the levites? guess what-----Korach was a levite------did you know that? of course not---you do not know who Korach was-----you never read the book. I will help----Korach was the leader of the rebellion-----Edward G Robinson played his brother and "little ceasar"

You may not like you history but its yours: the killers got promoted to priests.

“Whoever is for the Lord, come to me!” All the Levites then rallied to him, 27 and he told them, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Each of you put your sword on your hip! Go back and forth through the camp, from gate to gate, and kill your brothers, your friends, your neighbors!” 28 The Levites did as Moses had commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people fell. 29 Then Moses said, “Today you are installed as priests for the Lord, for you went against your own sons and brothers, to bring a blessing upon yourselves this day.”

nope-----a person cannot get PROMOTED to priest-------people are born that way-----you are reading the Constantine version------romans filth

Not according to Moses.
nope-----you have no idea -----people did not get TURNED into priests by killing other people----that's YOUR creed

The Levites.
nope-----you have no idea -----people did not get TURNED into priests by killing other people----that's YOUR creed

What to bet:

“Whoever is for the Lord, come to me!” All the Levites then rallied to him, 27 and he told them, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Each of you put your sword on your hip! Go back and forth through the camp, from gate to gate, and kill your brothers, your friends, your neighbors!” 28 The Levites did as Moses had commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people fell. 29 Then Moses said, “Today you are installed as priests for the Lord, for you went against your own sons and brothers, to bring a blessing upon yourselves this day.”

the levites? guess what-----Korach was a levite------did you know that? of course not---you do not know who Korach was-----you never read the book. I will help----Korach was the leader of the rebellion-----Edward G Robinson played his brother and "little ceasar"

You may not like you history but its yours: the killers got promoted to priests.

“Whoever is for the Lord, come to me!” All the Levites then rallied to him, 27 and he told them, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Each of you put your sword on your hip! Go back and forth through the camp, from gate to gate, and kill your brothers, your friends, your neighbors!” 28 The Levites did as Moses had commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people fell. 29 Then Moses said, “Today you are installed as priests for the Lord, for you went against your own sons and brothers, to bring a blessing upon yourselves this day.”

nope-----a person cannot get PROMOTED to priest-------people are born that way-----you are reading the Constantine version------romans filth

Not according to Moses.

something else your catechism whore did----she TALKED to moses?

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