So the christian jesus was all about peace ?

Sons of Zadok - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
^^^^^ your point

Penelope imagines that the INQUISITION was
a program of "DEFENSE" for the "holy" ROMAN EMPIRE----second reich. Kinda like
Auschwitz was a DEFENSE fortress for the third reich (aka third holy roman empire)

A couple of your Rabbi's said the jews who died in WWII were reincarnated due to their pass sins to die in WWII.
This is a possibility.
Just as the Egyptians knew the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were going to be enslaved.
Egypt took delight in fulfilling the prophecy and wound up being decimated.
I guess Hitler wanted the job and decimated most of Europe along the way.

No, this is not a possibility. In fact it is a dangerous speculation that, if adopted as a belief, would contribute to suffering by resulting in indifference to the suffering of others. In fact it makes it seem like those who caused their suffering were fulfilling the will of God which of course is not the truth.
Sons of Zadok - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
^^^^^ your point

Penelope imagines that the INQUISITION was
a program of "DEFENSE" for the "holy" ROMAN EMPIRE----second reich. Kinda like
Auschwitz was a DEFENSE fortress for the third reich (aka third holy roman empire)

A couple of your Rabbi's said the jews who died in WWII were reincarnated due to their pass sins to die in WWII.
This is a possibility.
Just as the Egyptians knew the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were going to be enslaved.
Egypt took delight in fulfilling the prophecy and wound up being decimated.
I guess Hitler wanted the job and decimated most of Europe along the way.

Hey the main rabbi in Israel said that, he died not long ago, a real wacko. No slaves in Egypt and no mass Hebrew exodus either.

Remember thanksgiving, we have it every year, why, because a small no. of pilgrims that landed in the wrong place and barely survived but had a harvest and were thankful to the Indians that taught them how to plant. That small community has led to a what a yearly celebration for over 250 years. Tradition. That is what your exodus story is like, never what it seems. Perhaps a small group or Hebrew workers left Egypt and got lost in the desert on their way to Canaan. Certainty no mass exodus. the events of WWII were greatly exaggerated as well.

I have already presented to MANY people the concept of Reverse Engineering History.
Starting from this century, go back in time until you believe our history is corrupted.
Until then, your lip flapping about things not happening does not jive with the fact that the Talmud and Later Prophets contain an excellent record of history.
Sons of Zadok - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
^^^^^ your point

Penelope imagines that the INQUISITION was
a program of "DEFENSE" for the "holy" ROMAN EMPIRE----second reich. Kinda like
Auschwitz was a DEFENSE fortress for the third reich (aka third holy roman empire)

A couple of your Rabbi's said the jews who died in WWII were reincarnated due to their pass sins to die in WWII.
This is a possibility.
Just as the Egyptians knew the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were going to be enslaved.
Egypt took delight in fulfilling the prophecy and wound up being decimated.
I guess Hitler wanted the job and decimated most of Europe along the way.

No, this is not a possibility. In fact it is a dangerous speculation that, if adopted as a belief, would contribute to suffering by resulting in indifference to the suffering of others. In fact it makes it seem like those who caused their suffering were fulfilling the will of God which of course is not the truth.
You missed the main point...if a curse is predicted it CAN be avoided if the person or persons are righteous.
If they are less than righteous than those most likely to inflict evil have to fight the urge to do so.
In the END, your soul must be able to exist fully exposed to God.
Yeah it's called selective recognition, they tell you the ones they make up or selectively recognize while never telling you how many they never heal or died right after they claimed healing. Let's just say Dr's have better track records then priests of bel scam artists.

Talk about priests, Pastor Jakes just sliped out the M. F. word on TV. Woops!
Dear HaShev and irosie91
From your msgs it seems you are talking about faith healing by superstition which is dangerous by denying real medical help.

This is not the same but the exact opposite of spiritual healing that works with science and medicine to heal the whole person, body mind and spirit, using all available means.

No wonder we disagree. We are not talking about the same thing!

Of course faith healing is dangerous and denounced by Dr. MacNutt for those reasons.

As for how spiritual healing works, there is no magical "dino" and no placebo effect. You either find and forgive the root source of the blockage or the healing fails. There is no way to fake that , any more than alcohol addicts can placebo their way into not being addicted. If they are not cured they remain addicted and stuck. You can't fake forgiveness and recovery or its just more denial and isn't real!

HaShev when ppl aren't cured, the real spiritual healers will keep working to find the deeper obstruction that otherwisr blocks the healing. It does not serve their purposes to lie because that doesn't help the person and it ruins their reputation. MacNutt 's Christian healing ministry has no negative reports or complaints over 35 years of voluntary outreach.

They explain the dangers of faith healing that put conditions on healing to try to force change or make ppl believe on condition they get certain results. Trying to dictate the process by external conditions fails.

The real healers focus only on the choice to forgive INSIDE and receive healing naturally as a result. They don't command dictate or predict the outcome, but accept healing unconditionally as God wills. And they cetainly don't deny medical doctors and science. But work as a team to help each person regardless what it takes, using all resources as a gift from God.

Please do not confuse these two.
That's like assuming all doctors are frauds just because there are quacks out there killing ppl by malpractice.
Sons of Zadok - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
^^^^^ your point

Penelope imagines that the INQUISITION was
a program of "DEFENSE" for the "holy" ROMAN EMPIRE----second reich. Kinda like
Auschwitz was a DEFENSE fortress for the third reich (aka third holy roman empire)

A couple of your Rabbi's said the jews who died in WWII were reincarnated due to their pass sins to die in WWII.
This is a possibility.
Just as the Egyptians knew the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were going to be enslaved.
Egypt took delight in fulfilling the prophecy and wound up being decimated.
I guess Hitler wanted the job and decimated most of Europe along the way.

No, this is not a possibility. In fact it is a dangerous speculation that, if adopted as a belief, would contribute to suffering by resulting in indifference to the suffering of others. In fact it makes it seem like those who caused their suffering were fulfilling the will of God which of course is not the truth.
You missed the main point...if a curse is predicted it CAN be avoided if the person or persons are righteous.
If they are less than righteous than those most likely to inflict evil have to fight the urge to do so.
In the END, your soul must be able to exist fully exposed to God.

What does any of that have to do with your possibility, that the people slaughtered during the holocaust were paying for the sins of a former life? Like what? They ate a cheeseburger? They had sex outside of marriage on the Sabbath?

Are you Buddhist?

Wouldn't such a belief tend to make people indifferent to the suffering of others if they believe that people who are suffering are suffering because they deserve it? Did the tens of millions of people that you say were unjustly persecuted tortured and killed during and since the Inquisition deserve it?

do you think that people with disabilities, or living in poverty, or facing starvation, are guilty of forgotten sins from some unremembered life? What kind of fucked up God would do that? You would worship a God like that?

Isn't it more likely that they aren't guilty of any sin and their suffering is increased if not caused by those who are in good health, well paid, and well fed?
Last edited:
Sons of Zadok - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
^^^^^ your point

Penelope imagines that the INQUISITION was
a program of "DEFENSE" for the "holy" ROMAN EMPIRE----second reich. Kinda like
Auschwitz was a DEFENSE fortress for the third reich (aka third holy roman empire)

A couple of your Rabbi's said the jews who died in WWII were reincarnated due to their pass sins to die in WWII.
This is a possibility.
Just as the Egyptians knew the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were going to be enslaved.
Egypt took delight in fulfilling the prophecy and wound up being decimated.
I guess Hitler wanted the job and decimated most of Europe along the way.

No, this is not a possibility. In fact it is a dangerous speculation that, if adopted as a belief, would contribute to suffering by resulting in indifference to the suffering of others. In fact it makes it seem like those who caused their suffering were fulfilling the will of God which of course is not the truth.
You missed the main point...if a curse is predicted it CAN be avoided if the person or persons are righteous.
If they are less than righteous than those most likely to inflict evil have to fight the urge to do so.
In the END, your soul must be able to exist fully exposed to God.

What does any of that have to do with your possibility, that the people slaughtered during the holocaust were paying for the sins of a former life? Like what? They ate a cheeseburger? They had sex outside of marriage on the Sabbath?

Are you Buddhist?

Wouldn't such a belief tend to make people indifferent to the suffering of others if they believe that people who are suffering are suffering because they deserve it? Did the tens of millions of people that you say were unjustly persecuted tortured and killed during and since the Inquisition deserve it?

do you think that people with disabilities, or living in poverty, or facing starvation, are guilty of forgotten sins from some unremembered life? What kind of fucked up God would do that? You would worship a God like that?

Isn't it more likely that they aren't guilty of any sin and their suffering is increased if not caused by those who are in good health, well paid, and well fed?
Once again you miss the point...
It's called reincarnation.
God's desire is to have a loving relationship with each soul rather than have them burn in some Greek inspired "Eternal Lake of Hell".
One's fate is in their own hands.
The victim's soul is most likely not going to suffer anyway near the shame before God of the aggressor.
A couple of your Rabbi's said the jews who died in WWII were reincarnated due to their pass sins to die in WWII.
This is a possibility.
Just as the Egyptians knew the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were going to be enslaved.
Egypt took delight in fulfilling the prophecy and wound up being decimated.
I guess Hitler wanted the job and decimated most of Europe along the way.

No, this is not a possibility. In fact it is a dangerous speculation that, if adopted as a belief, would contribute to suffering by resulting in indifference to the suffering of others. In fact it makes it seem like those who caused their suffering were fulfilling the will of God which of course is not the truth.
You missed the main point...if a curse is predicted it CAN be avoided if the person or persons are righteous.
If they are less than righteous than those most likely to inflict evil have to fight the urge to do so.
In the END, your soul must be able to exist fully exposed to God.

What does any of that have to do with your possibility, that the people slaughtered during the holocaust were paying for the sins of a former life? Like what? They ate a cheeseburger? They had sex outside of marriage on the Sabbath?

Are you Buddhist?

Wouldn't such a belief tend to make people indifferent to the suffering of others if they believe that people who are suffering are suffering because they deserve it? Did the tens of millions of people that you say were unjustly persecuted tortured and killed during and since the Inquisition deserve it?

do you think that people with disabilities, or living in poverty, or facing starvation, are guilty of forgotten sins from some unremembered life? What kind of fucked up God would do that? You would worship a God like that?

Isn't it more likely that they aren't guilty of any sin and their suffering is increased if not caused by those who are in good health, well paid, and well fed?
Once again you miss the point...
It's called reincarnation.
God's desire is to have a loving relationship with each soul rather than have them burn in some Greek inspired "Eternal Lake of Hell".
One's fate is in their own hands.
The victim's soul is most likely not going to suffer anyway near the shame before God of the aggressor.

So you believe in reincarnation?
A couple of your Rabbi's said the jews who died in WWII were reincarnated due to their pass sins to die in WWII.
This is a possibility.
Just as the Egyptians knew the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were going to be enslaved.
Egypt took delight in fulfilling the prophecy and wound up being decimated.
I guess Hitler wanted the job and decimated most of Europe along the way.

No, this is not a possibility. In fact it is a dangerous speculation that, if adopted as a belief, would contribute to suffering by resulting in indifference to the suffering of others. In fact it makes it seem like those who caused their suffering were fulfilling the will of God which of course is not the truth.
You missed the main point...if a curse is predicted it CAN be avoided if the person or persons are righteous.
If they are less than righteous than those most likely to inflict evil have to fight the urge to do so.
In the END, your soul must be able to exist fully exposed to God.

What does any of that have to do with your possibility, that the people slaughtered during the holocaust were paying for the sins of a former life? Like what? They ate a cheeseburger? They had sex outside of marriage on the Sabbath?

Are you Buddhist?

Wouldn't such a belief tend to make people indifferent to the suffering of others if they believe that people who are suffering are suffering because they deserve it? Did the tens of millions of people that you say were unjustly persecuted tortured and killed during and since the Inquisition deserve it?

do you think that people with disabilities, or living in poverty, or facing starvation, are guilty of forgotten sins from some unremembered life? What kind of fucked up God would do that? You would worship a God like that?

Isn't it more likely that they aren't guilty of any sin and their suffering is increased if not caused by those who are in good health, well paid, and well fed?
Once again you miss the point...
It's called reincarnation.
God's desire is to have a loving relationship with each soul rather than have them burn in some Greek inspired "Eternal Lake of Hell".
One's fate is in their own hands.
The victim's soul is most likely not going to suffer anyway near the shame before God of the aggressor.

I didn't miss the point, you avoided answering the questions raised by your point.

God desires to have a loving relationship with each soul does he?

So he orchestrates a holocaust to punish people for real on earth instead of in some imaginary Greek lake of fire because they were naughty in another life that they don't remember because he loves them so much??

What a guy!....
Last edited:
Sons of Zadok - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
^^^^^ your point

Penelope imagines that the INQUISITION was
a program of "DEFENSE" for the "holy" ROMAN EMPIRE----second reich. Kinda like
Auschwitz was a DEFENSE fortress for the third reich (aka third holy roman empire)

Bringing up WWII I see. Gets old. The inquisitions were just as much Protestant as RC if not more. Never realized how much Jews just hate Rome and the RCC and EO, Protestants as well, and I am sure the jews had a lot to do with the Protestant reformation.

Jews hate rome?? of course----PENELOPE HAS SO DECLARED and 'rcc' and 'eo'???----and even PROTESTANTS and for the COUP DE GRACE ------IT's DA JOOOOOOS DAT DID MARTIN LUTHER.....martin luther along with stalin were JOOOOOOOOOOS!!!!!
so much to learn from Penelope ----including the fact-----that Europeans learned how to put seeds in the ground to make plants grow-----from the Lenape Indians a few hundred years ago-----and that's why we have the holiday
"THANKSGIVING" and why corn grows in
This is a possibility.
Just as the Egyptians knew the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were going to be enslaved.
Egypt took delight in fulfilling the prophecy and wound up being decimated.
I guess Hitler wanted the job and decimated most of Europe along the way.

No, this is not a possibility. In fact it is a dangerous speculation that, if adopted as a belief, would contribute to suffering by resulting in indifference to the suffering of others. In fact it makes it seem like those who caused their suffering were fulfilling the will of God which of course is not the truth.
You missed the main point...if a curse is predicted it CAN be avoided if the person or persons are righteous.
If they are less than righteous than those most likely to inflict evil have to fight the urge to do so.
In the END, your soul must be able to exist fully exposed to God.

What does any of that have to do with your possibility, that the people slaughtered during the holocaust were paying for the sins of a former life? Like what? They ate a cheeseburger? They had sex outside of marriage on the Sabbath?

Are you Buddhist?

Wouldn't such a belief tend to make people indifferent to the suffering of others if they believe that people who are suffering are suffering because they deserve it? Did the tens of millions of people that you say were unjustly persecuted tortured and killed during and since the Inquisition deserve it?

do you think that people with disabilities, or living in poverty, or facing starvation, are guilty of forgotten sins from some unremembered life? What kind of fucked up God would do that? You would worship a God like that?

Isn't it more likely that they aren't guilty of any sin and their suffering is increased if not caused by those who are in good health, well paid, and well fed?
Once again you miss the point...
It's called reincarnation.
God's desire is to have a loving relationship with each soul rather than have them burn in some Greek inspired "Eternal Lake of Hell".
One's fate is in their own hands.
The victim's soul is most likely not going to suffer anyway near the shame before God of the aggressor.

So you believe in reincarnation?
It's built into creation.
This is a possibility.
Just as the Egyptians knew the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were going to be enslaved.
Egypt took delight in fulfilling the prophecy and wound up being decimated.
I guess Hitler wanted the job and decimated most of Europe along the way.

No, this is not a possibility. In fact it is a dangerous speculation that, if adopted as a belief, would contribute to suffering by resulting in indifference to the suffering of others. In fact it makes it seem like those who caused their suffering were fulfilling the will of God which of course is not the truth.
You missed the main point...if a curse is predicted it CAN be avoided if the person or persons are righteous.
If they are less than righteous than those most likely to inflict evil have to fight the urge to do so.
In the END, your soul must be able to exist fully exposed to God.

What does any of that have to do with your possibility, that the people slaughtered during the holocaust were paying for the sins of a former life? Like what? They ate a cheeseburger? They had sex outside of marriage on the Sabbath?

Are you Buddhist?

Wouldn't such a belief tend to make people indifferent to the suffering of others if they believe that people who are suffering are suffering because they deserve it? Did the tens of millions of people that you say were unjustly persecuted tortured and killed during and since the Inquisition deserve it?

do you think that people with disabilities, or living in poverty, or facing starvation, are guilty of forgotten sins from some unremembered life? What kind of fucked up God would do that? You would worship a God like that?

Isn't it more likely that they aren't guilty of any sin and their suffering is increased if not caused by those who are in good health, well paid, and well fed?
Once again you miss the point...
It's called reincarnation.
God's desire is to have a loving relationship with each soul rather than have them burn in some Greek inspired "Eternal Lake of Hell".
One's fate is in their own hands.
The victim's soul is most likely not going to suffer anyway near the shame before God of the aggressor.

I didn't miss the point, you avoided answering the questions raised by your point.

God desires to have a loving relationship with each soul does he?

So he orchestrates a holocaust to punish people for real on earth instead of in some imaginary Greek lake of fire because they were naughty in another life that they don't remember because he loves them so much??

What a guy!....
And you are displaying why Kabalic concepts are not discussed amongst those who haven't dealth into the depths of Scripture.
It's not an insult.
No, this is not a possibility. In fact it is a dangerous speculation that, if adopted as a belief, would contribute to suffering by resulting in indifference to the suffering of others. In fact it makes it seem like those who caused their suffering were fulfilling the will of God which of course is not the truth.
You missed the main point...if a curse is predicted it CAN be avoided if the person or persons are righteous.
If they are less than righteous than those most likely to inflict evil have to fight the urge to do so.
In the END, your soul must be able to exist fully exposed to God.

What does any of that have to do with your possibility, that the people slaughtered during the holocaust were paying for the sins of a former life? Like what? They ate a cheeseburger? They had sex outside of marriage on the Sabbath?

Are you Buddhist?

Wouldn't such a belief tend to make people indifferent to the suffering of others if they believe that people who are suffering are suffering because they deserve it? Did the tens of millions of people that you say were unjustly persecuted tortured and killed during and since the Inquisition deserve it?

do you think that people with disabilities, or living in poverty, or facing starvation, are guilty of forgotten sins from some unremembered life? What kind of fucked up God would do that? You would worship a God like that?

Isn't it more likely that they aren't guilty of any sin and their suffering is increased if not caused by those who are in good health, well paid, and well fed?
Once again you miss the point...
It's called reincarnation.
God's desire is to have a loving relationship with each soul rather than have them burn in some Greek inspired "Eternal Lake of Hell".
One's fate is in their own hands.
The victim's soul is most likely not going to suffer anyway near the shame before God of the aggressor.

So you believe in reincarnation?
It's built into creation.

It built into creation, ok, just how is that? Explain yourself.
You missed the main point...if a curse is predicted it CAN be avoided if the person or persons are righteous.
If they are less than righteous than those most likely to inflict evil have to fight the urge to do so.
In the END, your soul must be able to exist fully exposed to God.

What does any of that have to do with your possibility, that the people slaughtered during the holocaust were paying for the sins of a former life? Like what? They ate a cheeseburger? They had sex outside of marriage on the Sabbath?

Are you Buddhist?

Wouldn't such a belief tend to make people indifferent to the suffering of others if they believe that people who are suffering are suffering because they deserve it? Did the tens of millions of people that you say were unjustly persecuted tortured and killed during and since the Inquisition deserve it?

do you think that people with disabilities, or living in poverty, or facing starvation, are guilty of forgotten sins from some unremembered life? What kind of fucked up God would do that? You would worship a God like that?

Isn't it more likely that they aren't guilty of any sin and their suffering is increased if not caused by those who are in good health, well paid, and well fed?
Once again you miss the point...
It's called reincarnation.
God's desire is to have a loving relationship with each soul rather than have them burn in some Greek inspired "Eternal Lake of Hell".
One's fate is in their own hands.
The victim's soul is most likely not going to suffer anyway near the shame before God of the aggressor.

So you believe in reincarnation?
It's built into creation.

It built into creation, ok, just how is that? Explain yourself.
You realize Time and Space do not really exist?
for any who do not know----there is in the book that Penelope never read----and of which she is an EXPERT-------a lineage for Jesus that takes him all the way back to Abraham-----and also a descendant of the house of DAVID-----the catechism whore forgot to tell her....and certainly did not mention that he might just as well been
a descendant of one of the "vestal virgins"

I'm married, but I might be , who knows.

you might be what? a virgin? you don't know?------reminds me of one of my patients----
"I'm pregnant again----I don't know how it happened"

a descendant of one of the vestal virgins. I know I'm not one. No virgin birth here.
What does any of that have to do with your possibility, that the people slaughtered during the holocaust were paying for the sins of a former life? Like what? They ate a cheeseburger? They had sex outside of marriage on the Sabbath?

Are you Buddhist?

Wouldn't such a belief tend to make people indifferent to the suffering of others if they believe that people who are suffering are suffering because they deserve it? Did the tens of millions of people that you say were unjustly persecuted tortured and killed during and since the Inquisition deserve it?

do you think that people with disabilities, or living in poverty, or facing starvation, are guilty of forgotten sins from some unremembered life? What kind of fucked up God would do that? You would worship a God like that?

Isn't it more likely that they aren't guilty of any sin and their suffering is increased if not caused by those who are in good health, well paid, and well fed?
Once again you miss the point...
It's called reincarnation.
God's desire is to have a loving relationship with each soul rather than have them burn in some Greek inspired "Eternal Lake of Hell".
One's fate is in their own hands.
The victim's soul is most likely not going to suffer anyway near the shame before God of the aggressor.

So you believe in reincarnation?
It's built into creation.

It built into creation, ok, just how is that? Explain yourself.
You realize Time and Space do not really exist?

Time and space don't exist , yes they do but what does that have to do with reincarnation, explain how reincarnation works.
No, this is not a possibility. In fact it is a dangerous speculation that, if adopted as a belief, would contribute to suffering by resulting in indifference to the suffering of others. In fact it makes it seem like those who caused their suffering were fulfilling the will of God which of course is not the truth.
You missed the main point...if a curse is predicted it CAN be avoided if the person or persons are righteous.
If they are less than righteous than those most likely to inflict evil have to fight the urge to do so.
In the END, your soul must be able to exist fully exposed to God.

What does any of that have to do with your possibility, that the people slaughtered during the holocaust were paying for the sins of a former life? Like what? They ate a cheeseburger? They had sex outside of marriage on the Sabbath?

Are you Buddhist?

Wouldn't such a belief tend to make people indifferent to the suffering of others if they believe that people who are suffering are suffering because they deserve it? Did the tens of millions of people that you say were unjustly persecuted tortured and killed during and since the Inquisition deserve it?

do you think that people with disabilities, or living in poverty, or facing starvation, are guilty of forgotten sins from some unremembered life? What kind of fucked up God would do that? You would worship a God like that?

Isn't it more likely that they aren't guilty of any sin and their suffering is increased if not caused by those who are in good health, well paid, and well fed?
Once again you miss the point...
It's called reincarnation.
God's desire is to have a loving relationship with each soul rather than have them burn in some Greek inspired "Eternal Lake of Hell".
One's fate is in their own hands.
The victim's soul is most likely not going to suffer anyway near the shame before God of the aggressor.

I didn't miss the point, you avoided answering the questions raised by your point.

God desires to have a loving relationship with each soul does he?

So he orchestrates a holocaust to punish people for real on earth instead of in some imaginary Greek lake of fire because they were naughty in another life that they don't remember because he loves them so much??

What a guy!....
And you are displaying why Kabalic concepts are not discussed amongst those who haven't dealth into the depths of Scripture.
It's not an insult.


you still have avoided the implications of your asserted belief in reincarnation for the purpose of suffering for the sins of a former life which is not the same subject as the resurrection.

Why should anyone give a shit about the suffering of another person or people if they are only getting what God has determined that they deserve? Why should anyone be accused of any atrocity if their victims were born to suffer?

You are avoiding discussing the logic of your professed belief because they are not logical.

You are being a coward. That is an insult.
something else your catechism whore did----she TALKED to moses?

Now how would one do that? also no Catechism whores, remember. Yes since the Levites killed those, their offspring men would of the Priestly group, you know his elite generals. I do not see or read the OT or NT as wrote by God. As far as Moses goes, he is part of tradition, just like your great great great great grandpa Joe.

now the LEVITES became generals? that's kinda funny. You did not read the OT or the NT -------as "wrote" by anyone-----no joe in my ancestry. I believe that it is true that Pinehas was a LEVITE---and he did something mildly militant----but I would not call him a GENERAL Joshua was a kind of general---and actually something like successor to Moses as a ----"leader"----but he was not a Levite either. He was played by the actor ADAM LAMBERT. You have any more questions about LEVITES----penny dear? I am a levite

Oh yes I'm sure you are, ha ha. Like you can trace you linage back 2500 years, news flash , they all intermarried. You could be German for all you know.

try again------you know that the genetics of the cohen Y haplotype (which---of course you did not know --is actually LEVITE) has been studied extensively. Yup----I is a levite from my LEVITE father. My son is not a levite----the lineage is patrilineal--------but I am. and you----well-----likely have no idea what your paternity is. -------it is your trashy background again-----well.....maybe the 'parish priest'.-----was your mom ever a "nun"? Do you have any idea what JESUS was-----his lineage is all worked out in the NT-------do you BELIEVE that book contains any truth at all? What did your catechism whore tell you?
I didn't have to------I am a real health care worker-------not a complicated test at all----nowadays-----you should know that

Well you must be related to Moses then, killing is in your DNA.

Moses killed one person-----that was the guy who was beating up a slave. Have you found the "KILLING" gene? ------someone in that place you imagine to be a health care facility has made the DISCOVERY? Do you know who PINCHAS was (or Pinhas--,,alt. spelling) Did your catechism whore tell you that priests have that "child molestation" gene?

He had others do his dirty work. The Levites, his armed mercenaries.

you mean like the popes had the nuns and priests to do their dirty work for more than 17 centuries-----on the dead bodies of 100s of millions----(let alone the piles of molested children) ??? Still longing for those entertaining AUTO DE FE s ??? for orgiastic bliss?

The popes never killed anyone, the Roman empire you mean. Mainly in self defense. Oh yes, I doubt the child molesters are all that much more than any of the rest of society. If anything most Priests like women , not little boys. They also might be some homosexuals.

when you can figure out who you are, then the rest of the world can.

Sons of Zadok - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
for any who do not know----there is in the book that Penelope never read----and of which she is an EXPERT-------a lineage for Jesus that takes him all the way back to Abraham-----and also a descendant of the house of DAVID-----the catechism whore forgot to tell her....and certainly did not mention that he might just as well been
a descendant of one of the "vestal virgins"

I'm married, but I might be , who knows.

you might be what? a virgin? you don't know?------reminds me of one of my patients----
"I'm pregnant again----I don't know how it happened"

a descendant of one of the vestal virgins. I know I'm not one. No virgin birth here.

LOL---neither were the vestal "virgins"-----now they are called "nunneries"

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