So the christian jesus was all about peace ?


10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
10:36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
10:37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

Luke 14:26
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

Luke 22:36
He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

While the idea of Jesus as the paragon of niceness and non-violence sits well in the christians delusions and imagination, it is not true according to their own "holy" book
Yes taught in lies,as jesus is a no body,but spirit,God said He would sent a delusion that you may be misled,another definition of jesus is a war tool uesd to control a certain population,and STEAL their LAND,RESOURCES,BIRTH RIGHTS and MORE. I won`t get into all that right now.

Ovadia Yosef was "THE MAIN RABBI"??? uhm-----is that something like DA POOOOOP?
well-----no----he was an Iraqi jew who survived
the pogroms of NAZI IRAQ-----in the early 1940s ------Interestingly-----his given name ---on his Iraqi birth certificate ------was ABDULLAH Ovadia is the Hebrew/Aramaic equivalent of ---Abdullah. -----and----the name of an early convert from islam to Judaism (keep it in mind-----ovadia = Abdullah-------GOT THAT, KINGY?????)

In any case---when young-----actually not all that young-----Ovadia was something like a teen in Baghdad when Nazi ally Iraq----did its
FARHUD activity. In fact-----Iraq already had stored nitrogen mustard gas-----gifted to it by Penelope's uncle ADOLF by then. In any case-----Ovadia was about 90 when he commented very negatively on arabs-----that bit of gossip went ROUND THE ISLAMO NAZI WORLD continues to ripple in the hearts of every adolf ass licker. Ovadia was
very old----a fiery speaker-----and kinda liked to put a tempest into the teapot. Penelope is scooping out the last of the tea leaf sludge
You missed the main point...if a curse is predicted it CAN be avoided if the person or persons are righteous.
If they are less than righteous than those most likely to inflict evil have to fight the urge to do so.
In the END, your soul must be able to exist fully exposed to God.

What does any of that have to do with your possibility, that the people slaughtered during the holocaust were paying for the sins of a former life? Like what? They ate a cheeseburger? They had sex outside of marriage on the Sabbath?

Are you Buddhist?

Wouldn't such a belief tend to make people indifferent to the suffering of others if they believe that people who are suffering are suffering because they deserve it? Did the tens of millions of people that you say were unjustly persecuted tortured and killed during and since the Inquisition deserve it?

do you think that people with disabilities, or living in poverty, or facing starvation, are guilty of forgotten sins from some unremembered life? What kind of fucked up God would do that? You would worship a God like that?

Isn't it more likely that they aren't guilty of any sin and their suffering is increased if not caused by those who are in good health, well paid, and well fed?
Once again you miss the point...
It's called reincarnation.
God's desire is to have a loving relationship with each soul rather than have them burn in some Greek inspired "Eternal Lake of Hell".
One's fate is in their own hands.
The victim's soul is most likely not going to suffer anyway near the shame before God of the aggressor.

I didn't miss the point, you avoided answering the questions raised by your point.

God desires to have a loving relationship with each soul does he?

So he orchestrates a holocaust to punish people for real on earth instead of in some imaginary Greek lake of fire because they were naughty in another life that they don't remember because he loves them so much??

What a guy!....
And you are displaying why Kabalic concepts are not discussed amongst those who haven't dealth into the depths of Scripture.
It's not an insult.


you still have avoided the implications of your asserted belief in reincarnation for the purpose of suffering for the sins of a former life which is not the same subject as the resurrection.

Why should anyone give a shit about the suffering of another person or people if they are only getting what God has determined that they deserve? Why should anyone be accused of any atrocity if their victims were born to suffer?

You are avoiding discussing the logic of your professed belief because they are not logical.

You are being a coward. That is an insult.
I will explain for you and Penelope later this evening.

10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
10:36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
10:37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

Luke 14:26
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

Luke 22:36
He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

While the idea of Jesus as the paragon of niceness and non-violence sits well in the christians delusions and imagination, it is not true according to their own "holy" book
Yes taught in lies,as jesus is a no body,but spirit,God said He would sent a delusion that you may be misled,another definition of jesus is a war tool uesd to control a certain population,and STEAL their LAND,RESOURCES,BIRTH RIGHTS and MORE. I won`t get into all that right now.

You mean like the Israelis are doing in Palestine.
What does any of that have to do with your possibility, that the people slaughtered during the holocaust were paying for the sins of a former life? Like what? They ate a cheeseburger? They had sex outside of marriage on the Sabbath?

Are you Buddhist?

Wouldn't such a belief tend to make people indifferent to the suffering of others if they believe that people who are suffering are suffering because they deserve it? Did the tens of millions of people that you say were unjustly persecuted tortured and killed during and since the Inquisition deserve it?

do you think that people with disabilities, or living in poverty, or facing starvation, are guilty of forgotten sins from some unremembered life? What kind of fucked up God would do that? You would worship a God like that?

Isn't it more likely that they aren't guilty of any sin and their suffering is increased if not caused by those who are in good health, well paid, and well fed?
Once again you miss the point...
It's called reincarnation.
God's desire is to have a loving relationship with each soul rather than have them burn in some Greek inspired "Eternal Lake of Hell".
One's fate is in their own hands.
The victim's soul is most likely not going to suffer anyway near the shame before God of the aggressor.

I didn't miss the point, you avoided answering the questions raised by your point.

God desires to have a loving relationship with each soul does he?

So he orchestrates a holocaust to punish people for real on earth instead of in some imaginary Greek lake of fire because they were naughty in another life that they don't remember because he loves them so much??

What a guy!....
And you are displaying why Kabalic concepts are not discussed amongst those who haven't dealth into the depths of Scripture.
It's not an insult.


you still have avoided the implications of your asserted belief in reincarnation for the purpose of suffering for the sins of a former life which is not the same subject as the resurrection.

Why should anyone give a shit about the suffering of another person or people if they are only getting what God has determined that they deserve? Why should anyone be accused of any atrocity if their victims were born to suffer?

You are avoiding discussing the logic of your professed belief because they are not logical.

You are being a coward. That is an insult.
I will explain for you and Penelope later this evening.

Ok, because I'm not sure what you mean by that.

Ovadia Yosef was "THE MAIN RABBI"??? uhm-----is that something like DA POOOOOP?
well-----no----he was an Iraqi jew who survived
the pogroms of NAZI IRAQ-----in the early 1940s ------Interestingly-----his given name ---on his Iraqi birth certificate ------was ABDULLAH Ovadia is the Hebrew/Aramaic equivalent of ---Abdullah. -----and----the name of an early convert from islam to Judaism (keep it in mind-----ovadia = Abdullah-------GOT THAT, KINGY?????)

In any case---when young-----actually not all that young-----Ovadia was something like a teen in Baghdad when Nazi ally Iraq----did its
FARHUD activity. In fact-----Iraq already had stored nitrogen mustard gas-----gifted to it by Penelope's uncle ADOLF by then. In any case-----Ovadia was about 90 when he commented very negatively on arabs-----that bit of gossip went ROUND THE ISLAMO NAZI WORLD continues to ripple in the hearts of every adolf ass licker. Ovadia was

very old----a fiery speaker-----and kinda liked to put a tempest into the teapot. Penelope is scooping out the last of the tea leaf sludge

Highly respected in Israel, his funeral was huge.

Ovadia Yosef was "THE MAIN RABBI"??? uhm-----is that something like DA POOOOOP?
well-----no----he was an Iraqi jew who survived
the pogroms of NAZI IRAQ-----in the early 1940s ------Interestingly-----his given name ---on his Iraqi birth certificate ------was ABDULLAH Ovadia is the Hebrew/Aramaic equivalent of ---Abdullah. -----and----the name of an early convert from islam to Judaism (keep it in mind-----ovadia = Abdullah-------GOT THAT, KINGY?????)

In any case---when young-----actually not all that young-----Ovadia was something like a teen in Baghdad when Nazi ally Iraq----did its
FARHUD activity. In fact-----Iraq already had stored nitrogen mustard gas-----gifted to it by Penelope's uncle ADOLF by then. In any case-----Ovadia was about 90 when he commented very negatively on arabs-----that bit of gossip went ROUND THE ISLAMO NAZI WORLD continues to ripple in the hearts of every adolf ass licker. Ovadia was

very old----a fiery speaker-----and kinda liked to put a tempest into the teapot. Penelope is scooping out the last of the tea leaf sludge

Highly respected in Israel, his funeral was huge.

of course----past 90 and still at it-------so? at age 90----he remembered his youth and the time in Baghdad when his friends and relatives were being torn to pieces by SHIT LIKE YOU. He made a few very negative comments about people like you-------You CLAIM to be a health care worker (yeah right-) Very aged people do remember-----as they move along ----the really horrible times through which they lived---and often talk about it at the END. Long ago ---I cared for a
survivor of the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE------1915 -----well--I came to know her ----around 1970 whilst she was dying of
terminal cardiomyopathy------something like 55 years after she watched her parents and sibs hacked and clubbed to death----
by people like you

10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
10:36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
10:37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

Luke 14:26
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

Luke 22:36
He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

While the idea of Jesus as the paragon of niceness and non-violence sits well in the christians delusions and imagination, it is not true according to their own "holy" book
Yes taught in lies,as jesus is a no body,but spirit,God said He would sent a delusion that you may be misled,another definition of jesus is a war tool uesd to control a certain population,and STEAL their LAND,RESOURCES,BIRTH RIGHTS and MORE. I won`t get into all that right now.

You mean like the Israelis are doing in Palestine.
I`m so done talking to you.Hear are the the real Israelites


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Once again you miss the point...
It's called reincarnation.
God's desire is to have a loving relationship with each soul rather than have them burn in some Greek inspired "Eternal Lake of Hell".
One's fate is in their own hands.
The victim's soul is most likely not going to suffer anyway near the shame before God of the aggressor.

I didn't miss the point, you avoided answering the questions raised by your point.

God desires to have a loving relationship with each soul does he?

So he orchestrates a holocaust to punish people for real on earth instead of in some imaginary Greek lake of fire because they were naughty in another life that they don't remember because he loves them so much??

What a guy!....
And you are displaying why Kabalic concepts are not discussed amongst those who haven't dealth into the depths of Scripture.
It's not an insult.


you still have avoided the implications of your asserted belief in reincarnation for the purpose of suffering for the sins of a former life which is not the same subject as the resurrection.

Why should anyone give a shit about the suffering of another person or people if they are only getting what God has determined that they deserve? Why should anyone be accused of any atrocity if their victims were born to suffer?

You are avoiding discussing the logic of your professed belief because they are not logical.

You are being a coward. That is an insult.
I will explain for you and Penelope later this evening.

Ok, because I'm not sure what you mean by that.
Here,We have the fake scum jew-ish Blood Suckers here.No more to be said about this.


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Ovadia Yosef was "THE MAIN RABBI"??? uhm-----is that something like DA POOOOOP?
well-----no----he was an Iraqi jew who survived
the pogroms of NAZI IRAQ-----in the early 1940s ------Interestingly-----his given name ---on his Iraqi birth certificate ------was ABDULLAH Ovadia is the Hebrew/Aramaic equivalent of ---Abdullah. -----and----the name of an early convert from islam to Judaism (keep it in mind-----ovadia = Abdullah-------GOT THAT, KINGY?????)

In any case---when young-----actually not all that young-----Ovadia was something like a teen in Baghdad when Nazi ally Iraq----did its
FARHUD activity. In fact-----Iraq already had stored nitrogen mustard gas-----gifted to it by Penelope's uncle ADOLF by then. In any case-----Ovadia was about 90 when he commented very negatively on arabs-----that bit of gossip went ROUND THE ISLAMO NAZI WORLD continues to ripple in the hearts of every adolf ass licker. Ovadia was

very old----a fiery speaker-----and kinda liked to put a tempest into the teapot. Penelope is scooping out the last of the tea leaf sludge

Highly respected in Israel, his funeral was huge.

of course----past 90 and still at it-------so? at age 90----he remembered his youth and the time in Baghdad when his friends and relatives were being torn to pieces by SHIT LIKE YOU. He made a few very negative comments about people like you-------You CLAIM to be a health care worker (yeah right-) Very aged people do remember-----as they move along ----the really horrible times through which they lived---and often talk about it at the END. Long ago ---I cared for a
survivor of the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE------1915 -----well--I came to know her ----around 1970 whilst she was dying of
terminal cardiomyopathy------something like 55 years after she watched her parents and sibs hacked and clubbed to death----
by people like you
lol,like the hypocrit you are you are funny.:banana:

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