So the christian jesus was all about peace ?

jesus,that was`nt his name.

what was not whose name?
jesus is a fictious name.

I have known lots of people named Jesus-----generally Hispanic people. It is used as an equivalent to the name YESHUA----which is an Aramaic equivalent to the hebrew YOSHUA------which means something like "rescuer"
mythology,The name I Am That I Am is only a definition of the name.jesus has nothing to do with the Creator,he is The Morning Star As his Father is Also in Gen Lucifer is The fallin Star,Hence thier the same diety.1 in Gen. the other in rev.
Lol,no sorry.Fact is jesus is a delusion a Plague actually.

a plague? is the epidemic still ongoing? what is the pathogen?

Yes, yes, and its a thought virus, brain malware.

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them." Jeremiah 25:15

Not to worry!

A promising antidote and antiviral thought remedy is currently under development and has been shown to restore people to a right mind completely unaffected even if they had zero logical brain function and were gibbering incoherently for decades..
Lol,no sorry.Fact is jesus is a delusion a Plague actually.

a plague? is the epidemic still ongoing? what is the pathogen?

Yes, yes, and its a thought virus, brain malware.

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them." Jeremiah 25:15

Not to worry!

A promising antidote and antiviral thought remedy is currently under development and has been shown to restore people to a right mind completely unaffected even if they had zero brain function and were gibbering incoherently for decades..

could be syphilis
Lol,no sorry.Fact is jesus is a delusion a Plague actually.

a plague? is the epidemic still ongoing? what is the pathogen?

Yes, yes, and its a thought virus, brain malware.

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them." Jeremiah 25:15

Not to worry!

A promising antidote and antiviral thought remedy is currently under development and has been shown to restore people to a right mind completely unaffected even if they had zero brain function and were gibbering incoherently for decades..
Apparently you are late information been the there,and be restored to it`s natural state.Feel Free To Quote Scripture.And If You Read See That It Has Nothing To Do With You "At All".
I didn't miss the point, you avoided answering the questions raised by your point.

God desires to have a loving relationship with each soul does he?

So he orchestrates a holocaust to punish people for real on earth instead of in some imaginary Greek lake of fire because they were naughty in another life that they don't remember because he loves them so much??

What a guy!....
And you are displaying why Kabalic concepts are not discussed amongst those who haven't dealth into the depths of Scripture.
It's not an insult.


you still have avoided the implications of your asserted belief in reincarnation for the purpose of suffering for the sins of a former life which is not the same subject as the resurrection.

Why should anyone give a shit about the suffering of another person or people if they are only getting what God has determined that they deserve? Why should anyone be accused of any atrocity if their victims were born to suffer?

You are avoiding discussing the logic of your professed belief because they are not logical.

You are being a coward. That is an insult.
I will explain for you and Penelope later this evening.

Ok, because I'm not sure what you mean by that.
Here,We have the fake scum jew-ish Blood Suckers here.No more to be said about this.

wrong post. No not wrong post. Your a Israel worshipper. I am not.
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And you are displaying why Kabalic concepts are not discussed amongst those who haven't dealth into the depths of Scripture.
It's not an insult.


you still have avoided the implications of your asserted belief in reincarnation for the purpose of suffering for the sins of a former life which is not the same subject as the resurrection.

Why should anyone give a shit about the suffering of another person or people if they are only getting what God has determined that they deserve? Why should anyone be accused of any atrocity if their victims were born to suffer?

You are avoiding discussing the logic of your professed belief because they are not logical.

You are being a coward. That is an insult.
I will explain for you and Penelope later this evening.

Ok, because I'm not sure what you mean by that.
Here,We have the fake scum jew-ish Blood Suckers here.No more to be said about this.

As compared to a jew worshipper. :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:
Again i understand you,You gods numbered many like 35,000 different gods and you,are known to worship anything.
jesus,that was`nt his name.

what was not whose name?
jesus is a fictious name.

I have known lots of people named Jesus-----generally Hispanic people. It is used as an equivalent to the name YESHUA----which is an Aramaic equivalent to the hebrew YOSHUA------which means something like "rescuer"
mythology,The name I Am That I Am is only a definition of the name.jesus has nothing to do with the Creator,he is The Morning Star As his Father is Also in Gen Lucifer is The fallin Star,Hence thier the same diety.1 in Gen. the other in rev.

the name JESUS has nothing to do with "I AM THAT, THAT I AM.
I will explain for you and Penelope later this evening.[/QUOTE]

Ok, because I'm not sure what you mean by that.[/QUOTE]
Here,We have the fake scum jew-ish Blood Suckers here.No more to be said about this.[/QUOTE]

As compared to a jew worshipper. :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:[/QUOTE]
Again i understand you,You gods numbered many like 35,000 different gods and you,are known to worship anything.[/QUOTE]

I certainty don't confuse the Jewish god with the Christian one.
I will explain for you and Penelope later this evening.

Ok, because I'm not sure what you mean by that.[/QUOTE]
Here,We have the fake scum jew-ish Blood Suckers here.No more to be said about this.[/QUOTE]

As compared to a jew worshipper. :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:[/QUOTE]
Again i understand you,You gods numbered many like 35,000 different gods and you,are known to worship anything.[/QUOTE]

I certainty don't confuse the Jewish god with the Christian one.[/QUOTE]
Well everyone now that those in Israel are the fake jews.
I will explain for you and Penelope later this evening.

Ok, because I'm not sure what you mean by that.
Here,We have the fake scum jew-ish Blood Suckers here.No more to be said about this.[/QUOTE]

As compared to a jew worshipper. :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:[/QUOTE]
Again i understand you,You gods numbered many like 35,000 different gods and you,are known to worship anything.[/QUOTE]

I certainty don't confuse the Jewish god with the Christian one.[/QUOTE]
Well everyone now that those in Israel are the fake jews.[/QUOTE]

Most are secular and have no ties to the land. Israel was to be set up as a secular nation, not a jewish one.
A jew is whoever you want. Use to be they were from Judea, and it didn't matter what tribe you were in. Now one can convert to Judaism. You can't be a religion and a race, and they are not a race. Most intermarried throughout the years, like everyone else.
I will explain for you and Penelope later this evening.

Ok, because I'm not sure what you mean by that.
Here,We have the fake scum jew-ish Blood Suckers here.No more to be said about this.

As compared to a jew worshipper. :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:[/QUOTE]
Again i understand you,You gods numbered many like 35,000 different gods and you,are known to worship anything.[/QUOTE]

I certainty don't confuse the Jewish god with the Christian one.[/QUOTE]
Well everyone now that those in Israel are the fake jews.[/QUOTE]

Most are secular and have no ties to the land. Israel was to be set up as a secular nation, not a jewish one.
A jew is whoever you want. Use to be they were from Judea, and it didn't matter what tribe you were in. Now one can convert to Judaism. You can't be a religion and a race, and they are not a race. Most intermarried throughout the years, like everyone else.[/QUOTE]
We meaning us True Jews do not practice what the fake jew-ish people put just proving what i say
The so called Jews in Israel are not true Jews, they are Khazars Ashkenazi Jews Identity theft
I will explain for you and Penelope later this evening.

Ok, because I'm not sure what you mean by that.
Here,We have the fake scum jew-ish Blood Suckers here.No more to be said about this.

As compared to a jew worshipper. :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:
Again i understand you,You gods numbered many like 35,000 different gods and you,are known to worship anything.[/QUOTE]

I certainty don't confuse the Jewish god with the Christian one.[/QUOTE]
Well everyone now that those in Israel are the fake jews.[/QUOTE]

Most are secular and have no ties to the land. Israel was to be set up as a secular nation, not a jewish one.
A jew is whoever you want. Use to be they were from Judea, and it didn't matter what tribe you were in. Now one can convert to Judaism. You can't be a religion and a race, and they are not a race. Most intermarried throughout the years, like everyone else.[/QUOTE]
We meaning us True Jews do not practice what the fake jew-ish people put just proving what i say
The so called Jews in Israel are not true Jews, they are Khazars Ashkenazi Jews Identity theft

So your a true Jew? What kind is that?
I will explain for you and Penelope later this evening.

Ok, because I'm not sure what you mean by that.
Here,We have the fake scum jew-ish Blood Suckers here.No more to be said about this.

As compared to a jew worshipper. :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:
Again i understand you,You gods numbered many like 35,000 different gods and you,are known to worship anything.

I certainty don't confuse the Jewish god with the Christian one.[/QUOTE]
Well everyone now that those in Israel are the fake jews.[/QUOTE]

Most are secular and have no ties to the land. Israel was to be set up as a secular nation, not a jewish one.
A jew is whoever you want. Use to be they were from Judea, and it didn't matter what tribe you were in. Now one can convert to Judaism. You can't be a religion and a race, and they are not a race. Most intermarried throughout the years, like everyone else.[/QUOTE]
We meaning us True Jews do not practice what the fake jew-ish people put just proving what i say
The so called Jews in Israel are not true Jews, they are Khazars Ashkenazi Jews Identity theft

So your a true Jew? What kind is that?[/QUOTE]
What ever kind yoy want.Does`nt matter to me,I know what im and what you are too.
I will explain for you and Penelope later this evening.

Ok, because I'm not sure what you mean by that.
Here,We have the fake scum jew-ish Blood Suckers here.No more to be said about this.

As compared to a jew worshipper. :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:
Again i understand you,You gods numbered many like 35,000 different gods and you,are known to worship anything.

I certainty don't confuse the Jewish god with the Christian one.
Well everyone now that those in Israel are the fake jews.[/QUOTE]

Most are secular and have no ties to the land. Israel was to be set up as a secular nation, not a jewish one.
A jew is whoever you want. Use to be they were from Judea, and it didn't matter what tribe you were in. Now one can convert to Judaism. You can't be a religion and a race, and they are not a race. Most intermarried throughout the years, like everyone else.[/QUOTE]
We meaning us True Jews do not practice what the fake jew-ish people put just proving what i say
The so called Jews in Israel are not true Jews, they are Khazars Ashkenazi Jews Identity theft

So your a true Jew? What kind is that?[/QUOTE]
What ever kind yoy want.Does`nt matter to me,I know what im and what you are too.[/QUOTE]

No I have no idea what you mean. I would imagine some jews are white with intermarriage over the years.

So what kind of Jew are you? Also what am I? I mean that video said nothing about who a real jew is.
I will explain for you and Penelope later this evening.

Ok, because I'm not sure what you mean by that.[/QUOTE]
Here,We have the fake scum jew-ish Blood Suckers here.No more to be said about this.[/QUOTE]

As compared to a jew worshipper. :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:[/QUOTE]
Again i understand you,You gods numbered many like 35,000 different gods and you,are known to worship anything.[/QUOTE]

I certainty don't confuse the Jewish god with the Christian one.[/QUOTE]

Penelope---you are not at all confused----you are a very clear minded shit licking whore

10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
10:36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
10:37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

Luke 14:26
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

Luke 22:36
He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

While the idea of Jesus as the paragon of niceness and non-violence sits well in the christians delusions and imagination, it is not true according to their own "holy" book

I kind of like the Jesus dude...but most of the stuff was written after his death.

It's usually his followers I have problems with. They're just not always very nice.

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