So. The next civil war will be what?

Blacks against whites
Black/Brown against White
Liberal against Conservative

Which do ya think?

Personally..I think if Trump is removed from office and it winds up President Pence....the voters who put Trump in office will revolt. That will be a domino effect and blacks will be against whites, browns will be against black and white and in short....a messy war within our country.

Then again, I could be wrong.
^ total nutjob thing to say :cuckoo:

I suspect you’re thirsting for an excuse to kill brown folk.
/—-/ Liberals are thirsty to reinstate slavery.
You're not in the position to tell me my politics or how I believe....
I am not trying to tell you anything about your politics...just pointing out that you bash Trump like an anti-Trumper while refusing to equally condemn Hillary's even worse proven 'transgressions'.

Don't get pi$$ed just because I am pointing out the obvious.
so in your opinion its relevant to bash every other criminal on the face of the earth if you point out that trump has cultists that dont much care if he breaks the law?

you dont think on some neener neener partisan kiddy bullshit

i dont talk that way, n'or do i think that way
so in your opinion its relevant to bash every other criminal....
'Give Equal Time to', would make you sound less like a hypocrite / butt-hurt Trump-Bashing liberal.
so in your opinion its relevant to bash every other criminal....
'Give Equal Time to', would make you sound less like a hypocrite / butt-hurt Trump-Bashing liberal.
your opinion is irrelevant...

you whining when your cult master gets talked about, when he's COMPLETELY relevant (POTUS) makes you the one lookin butthurt to me.

thats MY opinion...should be irrelevant to you, though
The odds of a civil war are like a billion to 1. Step awaaaaaaay from zee politics ...step awaaaaay from zee politics
You think so?

For the 1st time ever a political party very openly protected and supported a proven criminal, helped them rig primaries, cheat in debates, and ended up giving them a nomination they did not win - a slap in the face to all of their own party members who rejected them as the nominee.

For the 1st time we are seeing something that can only be best described as either a 'political coup' or a 'political assassination' by a political party who controlled the WH, who in turn controlled the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI....all because they did not want the person who won the WH to win and because they were committed to ousting him even if he won.....

...for the 1st time we are seeing a political party seriously attempt to 'UN-DO' an election, to strip the American people of the results of their vote.

For the 1st time we are seeing major media openly censoring and controlling the narratives (through fake / extremely biased news)

For the first real time we are seeing major social media - like Facebook and Twitter - openly censoring / banning Conservative views / voices ... or any other views that don't agree with them

A true and total 'freedom of speech / of the press is all but gone....the 'window' / 'noose' is tightening as forces who seek to RULE / CONTROL are growing, becoming more and more intolerant.

Maybe it's because the media is more 'open' these days (thanks to everyone having a cell phone), but this past Presidential election I can ever remember where the candidate claiming to want to represent ALL Americans had her campaign pay an organization to send thugs to the opposing candidates' rallies to beat and bloody his supporters.....the people they claimed to want to also represent....

(Sorry, but I do not want any Politician willing to pay someone to beat and bloody me into submission to be in charge of me or my government...)

Antifa, one of the Liberal groups proven to have taken money from Russia to spread racial division and violence, is showing up at peaceful legal rallies to instigate violence to silence legal speech....

Violent rhetoric from Liberal politicians became so bad that it motivated one of their members to attempt to assassinate GOP politicians while they practiced softball...

Violent rhetoric and rabid political partisanship grew to the point where prominent Liberals called for The President's child to be ripped from the 1st Lady's hands, kidnapped, and raped by pedophiles ... to the point prominent liberals openly declared they hoped that women on Trump's cabinet were kidnapped, beaten, raped, and thrown into cages while it was being filmed....'for posterity'...

American KIDS are being physically assaulted by other Americans for wearing a baseball cap supporting the President of the United States....

:wtf:, man?!

If you don't think the Left is becoming so intolerant, that things aren't starting to reach the 'melt-down' point where someone is going to get killed or things aren't getting close to where people are on the verge of revolt then you need to start paying attention more.

Instead of everything the Liberals have been doing to divide this country up after losing an election, perhaps they need to take some advice from Barak Obama:

'If you don't like what's going on, if you want change, WIN SOME ELECTIONS'.

Instead of tearing it down and setting things on fire, how about work to try to make them better?
I've about had it with all this whining about conservative freedom of speech being restricted. These are the types of folks being booted off social media sites:


Like Atomwaffen. They are murderers, as well as neo-Nazi's and yeah, they and their ilk show up for MAGA rallies to crack heads.
Maybe they will show up for your civil war.
------------------------------------------------------------ they shouldn't be booted off for their FREE Speech as a matter of Principle . Course Private boards can do as the like i guess . MURDERERS , why aren't they in jail or on Trial ?? I think , guess that the 'nazi' party is a legal political party in the USA isn't it OldLady ??
I think as a matter of principle, they should.
The odds of a civil war are like a billion to 1. Step awaaaaaaay from zee politics ...step awaaaaay from zee politics
You think so?

For the 1st time ever a political party very openly protected and supported a proven criminal, helped them rig primaries, cheat in debates, and ended up giving them a nomination they did not win - a slap in the face to all of their own party members who rejected them as the nominee.

For the 1st time we are seeing something that can only be best described as either a 'political coup' or a 'political assassination' by a political party who controlled the WH, who in turn controlled the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI....all because they did not want the person who won the WH to win and because they were committed to ousting him even if he won.....

...for the 1st time we are seeing a political party seriously attempt to 'UN-DO' an election, to strip the American people of the results of their vote.

For the 1st time we are seeing major media openly censoring and controlling the narratives (through fake / extremely biased news)

For the first real time we are seeing major social media - like Facebook and Twitter - openly censoring / banning Conservative views / voices ... or any other views that don't agree with them

A true and total 'freedom of speech / of the press is all but gone....the 'window' / 'noose' is tightening as forces who seek to RULE / CONTROL are growing, becoming more and more intolerant.

Maybe it's because the media is more 'open' these days (thanks to everyone having a cell phone), but this past Presidential election I can ever remember where the candidate claiming to want to represent ALL Americans had her campaign pay an organization to send thugs to the opposing candidates' rallies to beat and bloody his supporters.....the people they claimed to want to also represent....

(Sorry, but I do not want any Politician willing to pay someone to beat and bloody me into submission to be in charge of me or my government...)

Antifa, one of the Liberal groups proven to have taken money from Russia to spread racial division and violence, is showing up at peaceful legal rallies to instigate violence to silence legal speech....

Violent rhetoric from Liberal politicians became so bad that it motivated one of their members to attempt to assassinate GOP politicians while they practiced softball...

Violent rhetoric and rabid political partisanship grew to the point where prominent Liberals called for The President's child to be ripped from the 1st Lady's hands, kidnapped, and raped by pedophiles ... to the point prominent liberals openly declared they hoped that women on Trump's cabinet were kidnapped, beaten, raped, and thrown into cages while it was being filmed....'for posterity'...

American KIDS are being physically assaulted by other Americans for wearing a baseball cap supporting the President of the United States....

:wtf:, man?!

If you don't think the Left is becoming so intolerant, that things aren't starting to reach the 'melt-down' point where someone is going to get killed or things aren't getting close to where people are on the verge of revolt then you need to start paying attention more.

Instead of everything the Liberals have been doing to divide this country up after losing an election, perhaps they need to take some advice from Barak Obama:

'If you don't like what's going on, if you want change, WIN SOME ELECTIONS'.

Instead of tearing it down and setting things on fire, how about work to try to make them better?
I've about had it with all this whining about conservative freedom of speech being restricted. These are the types of folks being booted off social media sites:


Like Atomwaffen. They are murderers, as well as neo-Nazi's and yeah, they and their ilk show up for MAGA rallies to crack heads.
Maybe they will show up for your civil war.
------------------------------------------------------------ they shouldn't be booted off for their FREE Speech as a matter of Principle . Course Private boards can do as the like i guess . MURDERERS , why aren't they in jail or on Trial ?? I think , guess that the 'nazi' party is a legal political party in the USA isn't it OldLady ??
I think as a matter of principle, they should.
Adhering to and upholding the Constitution is also a matter of principle...IMHO.

Maybe they will show up for your civil war.

They look like a bunch of pussies to me, OL.
If you have to hide your face, wear a costume, to be tough, I sort of agree. But some of them have killed people and they promote violence, so I wouldn't want to tangle with them. One of the speakers at the Unite the Right 2 had that tattoo. All in an effort to show how peaceful they are. LOL
You want to shut everyone up that does not goose step to what YOUR opinion is. How is that not naziism??
The odds of a civil war are like a billion to 1. Step awaaaaaaay from zee politics ...step awaaaaay from zee politics
You think so?

For the 1st time ever a political party very openly protected and supported a proven criminal, helped them rig primaries, cheat in debates, and ended up giving them a nomination they did not win - a slap in the face to all of their own party members who rejected them as the nominee.

For the 1st time we are seeing something that can only be best described as either a 'political coup' or a 'political assassination' by a political party who controlled the WH, who in turn controlled the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI....all because they did not want the person who won the WH to win and because they were committed to ousting him even if he won.....

...for the 1st time we are seeing a political party seriously attempt to 'UN-DO' an election, to strip the American people of the results of their vote.

For the 1st time we are seeing major media openly censoring and controlling the narratives (through fake / extremely biased news)

For the first real time we are seeing major social media - like Facebook and Twitter - openly censoring / banning Conservative views / voices ... or any other views that don't agree with them

A true and total 'freedom of speech / of the press is all but gone....the 'window' / 'noose' is tightening as forces who seek to RULE / CONTROL are growing, becoming more and more intolerant.

Maybe it's because the media is more 'open' these days (thanks to everyone having a cell phone), but this past Presidential election I can ever remember where the candidate claiming to want to represent ALL Americans had her campaign pay an organization to send thugs to the opposing candidates' rallies to beat and bloody his supporters.....the people they claimed to want to also represent....

(Sorry, but I do not want any Politician willing to pay someone to beat and bloody me into submission to be in charge of me or my government...)

Antifa, one of the Liberal groups proven to have taken money from Russia to spread racial division and violence, is showing up at peaceful legal rallies to instigate violence to silence legal speech....

Violent rhetoric from Liberal politicians became so bad that it motivated one of their members to attempt to assassinate GOP politicians while they practiced softball...

Violent rhetoric and rabid political partisanship grew to the point where prominent Liberals called for The President's child to be ripped from the 1st Lady's hands, kidnapped, and raped by pedophiles ... to the point prominent liberals openly declared they hoped that women on Trump's cabinet were kidnapped, beaten, raped, and thrown into cages while it was being filmed....'for posterity'...

American KIDS are being physically assaulted by other Americans for wearing a baseball cap supporting the President of the United States....

:wtf:, man?!

If you don't think the Left is becoming so intolerant, that things aren't starting to reach the 'melt-down' point where someone is going to get killed or things aren't getting close to where people are on the verge of revolt then you need to start paying attention more.

Instead of everything the Liberals have been doing to divide this country up after losing an election, perhaps they need to take some advice from Barak Obama:

'If you don't like what's going on, if you want change, WIN SOME ELECTIONS'.

Instead of tearing it down and setting things on fire, how about work to try to make them better?
I've about had it with all this whining about conservative freedom of speech being restricted. These are the types of folks being booted off social media sites:


Like Atomwaffen. They are murderers, as well as neo-Nazi's and yeah, they and their ilk show up for MAGA rallies to crack heads.
Maybe they will show up for your civil war.
------------------------------------------------------------ they shouldn't be booted off for their FREE Speech as a matter of Principle . Course Private boards can do as the like i guess . MURDERERS , why aren't they in jail or on Trial ?? I think , guess that the 'nazi' party is a legal political party in the USA isn't it OldLady ??
I think as a matter of principle, they should.
Adhering to and upholding the Constitution is also a matter of principle...IMHO.
Well, the Founding Fathers who wrote the Constitution won through to write that document by fighting a long war in which the Tories were burned out, tarred and feathered out, of the country. They wanted free speech but they wanted the speech that upheld their principles. In this country, based on equality and justice for ALL, the likes of neo-Nazi's have no place.
Personally..I think if Trump is removed from office and it winds up President Pence....the voters who put Trump in office will revolt The only war they will be engaging in is an all out assault on a case of mountain dew, on a bag of cheetohs, and on binge watching 3 seasons of duck hunters.
If you have to hide your face, wear a costume, to be tough, I sort of agree. But some of them have killed people and they promote violence, so I wouldn't want to tangle with them. One of the speakers at the Unite the Right 2 had that tattoo. All in an effort to show how peaceful they are. LOL
Are we still talking about the mythical 'Far Right' or are we talking about Antifa, the liberal group that took Russian money to spread racial division and violence...the group that admittedly shows up at legal rallies intent on instigating violence...

Are we talking about the 'Right Wing' or are we talking about the 'Women's March', whose 'Guest VIP Speaker was a woman convicted of kidnapping, torturing, sodomizing, killing AND THEN attempting to ransom on 8oyo old man...or whose Guest VIP Spokeswoman' another time was a cop killer who fled the country to avoid arrest ?

Or are we talking about Hillary Clinton's campaign, claiming they wanted to represent all Americans while hiring groups to send thugs to Trump rallies to beat and bloody his supporters...some of the Americans she would be representing if she had won.

(Nothing like your President having hired someone to kick the shit out of you simply because you exercised your Constitutional Right to supporte the other party's nominees...)

I am SO tired of the continuous BS portraying Conservatives as the enemies of the US for daring to exercise their Constitutional Rights....and attacked by the growing more and more violent intolerant left....
Well, the Founding Fathers who wrote the Constitution won through to write that document by fighting a long war in which the Tories were burned out, tarred and feathered out, of the country. They wanted free speech but they wanted the speech that upheld their principles. In this country, based on equality and justice for ALL, the likes of neo-Nazi's have no place.
Spoken like someone who does not understand the Constitution al all...or someone who believes in \Freedom Of Speech...just as long as they agree with her and what she thinks / believes.
Blacks against whites
Black/Brown against White
Liberal against Conservative

Which do ya think?

Personally..I think if Trump is removed from office and it winds up President Pence....the voters who put Trump in office will revolt. That will be a domino effect and blacks will be against whites, browns will be against black and white and in short....a messy war within our country.

Then again, I could be wrong.
If Trump ends-up being removed from office, then the Rule of Law will have proven itself once again.

There will be no civil war.

Americans fully support in both concept and practice, the idea that the United States is a Nation of Laws, not a nation subject to autocrats.

The Armed Forces of the United States swear an oath to defend the Constitution and the Republic; same goes for most law enforcement.

If Trump is removed from office, then it will be through Constitutional means.

Only the worst foaming-at-the-mouth TrumpBots will truly consider a violent reaction, and most of them will "climb down" at Go-Time.

In the end, we are all Americans, and the Rule of Law will triumph; regardless of whether Trump goes or stays.

Trump is unimportant in-and-of himself; he's merely passing through history; the People and the Republic are what counts here.
as i said , i think that the ''nazi' party and the 'kkk' , the 'black panthers' , the 'black 'muslims' are all LEGAL political parties in the USA and i think that they all have Free Speech RIGHTS OldLady .
If you have to hide your face, wear a costume, to be tough, I sort of agree. But some of them have killed people and they promote violence, so I wouldn't want to tangle with them. One of the speakers at the Unite the Right 2 had that tattoo. All in an effort to show how peaceful they are. LOL
Are we still talking about the mythical 'Far Right' or are we talking about Antifa, the liberal group that took Russian money to spread racial division and violence...the group that admittedly shows up at legal rallies intent on instigating violence...

Are we talking about the 'Right Wing' or are we talking about the 'Women's March', whose 'Guest VIP Speaker was a woman convicted of kidnapping, torturing, sodomizing, killing AND THEN attempting to ransom on 8oyo old man...or whose Guest VIP Spokeswoman' another time was a cop killer who fled the country to avoid arrest ?

Or are we talking about Hillary Clinton's campaign, claiming they wanted to represent all Americans while hiring groups to send thugs to Trump rallies to beat and bloody his supporters...some of the Americans she would be representing if she had won.

(Nothing like your President having hired someone to kick the shit out of you simply because you exercised your Constitutional Right to supporte the other party's nominees...)

I am SO tired of the continuous BS portraying Conservatives as the enemies of the US for daring to exercise their Constitutional Rights....and attacked by the growing more and more violent intolerant left....
Are we still talking about the mythical 'Far Right'
They are no more "mythical" than Antifa. They are real. Look them up. Atomwaffen is one of the most violent, but there are many of them. You might as well face facts, Easy. They are there, no myth.

All I had to read was that, and I was done taking your post seriously.
Well, the Founding Fathers who wrote the Constitution won through to write that document by fighting a long war in which the Tories were burned out, tarred and feathered out, of the country. They wanted free speech but they wanted the speech that upheld their principles. In this country, based on equality and justice for ALL, the likes of neo-Nazi's have no place.
Spoken like someone who does not understand the Constitution al all...or someone who believes in \Freedom Of Speech...just as long as they agree with her and what she thinks / believes.
There is no way I could "agree" with them.
as i said , i think that the ''nazi' party and the 'kkk' , the 'black panthers' , the 'black 'muslims' are all LEGAL political parties in the USA and i think that they all have Free Speech RIGHTS OldLady .
We all have the freedom to think and express our beliefs, however contrary to this country's values they are. I see no reason why they need to be given access to public airspace when their mission is to breed blind hatred against another group. That is an attack on that group's liberty and safety.

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