So. The next civil war will be what?

Are we still talking about the mythical 'Far Right'
They are no more "mythical" than Antifa.


Liberals railed against 'The Far Right' in Charlottesville for causing all of that violence.

1. There is a difference between 'Far Right' and 'Racist Pieces of Crap' - Democrats ought to know since their history includes creating the KKK and other racist organizations and manipulating people through race.

2. It turns out that the Klan had a legal permit to exercise their right to assemble of free speech, like it or not. It was ANTIFA - ADMITTEDLY - who showed up to instigate violence...which is what they admitted they did.

3. Antifa has been proven to have taken money from the Russians to stir up racial division and violence. At least those sheet-wearing POSes are just ignorant racists, not racists who take money from and work for Russians.
simply said , they have the RIGHT to FREE Speech . You don't need to agree OldLady .
We all have the freedom to think and express our beliefs, however contrary to this country's values they are. I see no reason why they need to be given access to public airspace when their mission is to breed blind hatred against another group. That is an attack on that group's liberty and safety.

Then you are declaring that you do not believe in or support the Constitution.

The White Supremacists in Charlottesville, as racist as they are, were NOT instigating violence. They were legally exercising their right to assemble and of free speech.

Antifa has ADMITTED they showed up to illegally instigate violence. and that is what they did.

The sad truth is if Antifa had not shown up and instigated the violence they did the entire event would have been a sad group of white losers carrying signs, and the event would have NEVER made the national news. They got more publicity because of Antifa.

If you support a bunch of criminal vigilantes going around illegally attacking and trying to silence anyone whose agenda / message you do not agree with YOU are no better than the 'Nazi-wanna-be's, The Fidel Castros', the Pol Pots, etc....

"But the way I think...MY views are the right ones..." Yeah, I am sure many a dictator thought like that in the beginning...before they used force to silence opposing Antifa is trying to do.

Thank God our Founding Fathers ensured the Freedom of Speech for EVERYONE!
Well, the Founding Fathers who wrote the Constitution won through to write that document by fighting a long war in which the Tories were burned out, tarred and feathered out, of the country. They wanted free speech but they wanted the speech that upheld their principles. In this country, based on equality and justice for ALL, the likes of neo-Nazi's have no place.

The Nazis have to go, but MS-13 is another story. They're just misunderstood youths attempting to escape violence in their homeland, and we don't want to be racist.
Statist-Prog-Socialist-Communist-Totalitarians vs. Free People
simply said , they have the RIGHT to FREE Speech . You don't need to agree OldLady .




We all have the freedom to think and express our beliefs, however contrary to this country's values they are. I see no reason why they need to be given access to public airspace when their mission is to breed blind hatred against another group. That is an attack on that group's liberty and safety.

Then you are declaring that you do not believe in or support the Constitution.

The White Supremacists in Charlottesville, as racist as they are, were NOT instigating violence. They were legally exercising their right to assemble and of free speech.

Antifa has ADMITTED they showed up to illegally instigate violence. and that is what they did.

The sad truth is if Antifa had not shown up and instigated the violence they did the entire event would have been a sad group of white losers carrying signs, and the event would have NEVER made the national news. They got more publicity because of Antifa.

If you support a bunch of criminal vigilantes going around illegally attacking and trying to silence anyone whose agenda / message you do not agree with YOU are no better than the 'Nazi-wanna-be's, The Fidel Castros', the Pol Pots, etc....

"But the way I think...MY views are the right ones..." Yeah, I am sure many a dictator thought like that in the beginning...before they used force to silence opposing Antifa is trying to do.

Thank God our Founding Fathers ensured the Freedom of Speech for EVERYONE!
How does my view put me on the side of the Nazi's? For real, please explain how not giving these people public airspace to breed hatred makes me a dictator. I am FOR everyone's rights, not trampling some people's rights. Nazi's can get together and have their little clubs, but putting them on Google and Facebook is beyond what they deserve.
i think that if there are problems with 'ms13' that the 'council of m13 criminal elders' will handle those problems from their prison cells 'Hiryuu' .
... After reading some of the responses, I don't know what to do with this thread anymore. I'll just sit back and watch.
All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. Run out there and fetch some water Tonto ... CHARGE!!!
You need to find some younger people then. The young people I know aren't walking with canes but are Trump supporters.

A lot of the young people I know, if you took their cell phone away, they would just stand there and pout.
Agreed. But there are many youngsters out there who are pretty much fed up with their lot in life and who would rather earn their way than sit on their asses with their dick-skinning paws stuck out for a hand out.
You need to find some younger people then. The young people I know aren't walking with canes but are Trump supporters.

A lot of the young people I know, if you took their cell phone away, they would just stand there and pout.
Agreed. But there are many youngsters out there who are pretty much fed up with their lot in life and who would rather earn their way than sit on their asses with their dick-skinning paws stuck out for a hand out.

That would be more productive if they had the slightest clue where to start looking and how to manage that. Those that don't know are fed up, those that do know are busy getting it. We have failed almost an entire generation teaching them how they feel makes a difference, over what they can produce.
i'm just happy to have been born 70 years ago . My parents did pretty good from the ages of about 18 to 20 and did fine after ww2 and i did similar to them . Sorry to be impolte but feck these crying whining lefty front holers that are coming up in the USA .
Your era and your parents was plagued with racism, bigotry and hate....we can wait till gu pu are out of here....less bigots and racists.
Bringing family into this, are you? I hope pismoe reports you.
---------------------------------- thanks Gracie but naw , i report nothing or Officially ignore no one as a hard rule . Best for people on the board to see what Third World newcomers to the USA think . Their words and thinking make a good case for Stopping their importation into the USA . Heck , it was MY parents and the REAL Americans before them that built this USA that these muslims 'BEG' to get into Gracie .
Real Americans are the natives pumpkin you are just a hillbilly bigot and racist.

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