So. The next civil war will be what?

I don't want war. Like someone else the hell can ya tell the enemy from a friend? What a mess! can stay the hell offa my lawn. Well...when I get a lawn, anyway. :D

I don't want a war either, and there won't be one.

You said in your OP that you thought that if Trump was removed, his voters would revolt. Most of Trump's voters were over 40. People over 40 don't fight wars. About the only thing they'll do is yell about war.
There are more than enough of us in our 20s and 30s as well.
Blacks against whites
Black/Brown against White
Liberal against Conservative

Which do ya think?

Personally..I think if Trump is removed from office and it winds up President Pence....the voters who put Trump in office will revolt. That will be a domino effect and blacks will be against whites, browns will be against black and white and in short....a messy war within our country.

Then again, I could be wrong.

A bunch of dumbasses from backwater USA going to war for an alleged billionaire who doesn’t give 2 shits about them. Riiiight.
Well, CandyCornholio...there are a lot of people who like what Trump is doing and not all are backwater dumb asses. Is that what upsets you so much?
i'm just happy to have been born 70 years ago . My parents did pretty good from the ages of about 18 to 20 and did fine after ww2 and i did similar to them . Sorry to be impolte but feck these crying whining lefty front holers that are coming up in the USA .
Your era and your parents was plagued with racism, bigotry and hate....we can wait till gu pu are out of here....less bigots and racists.
Bringing family into this, are you? I hope pismoe reports you.
Blacks against whites
Black/Brown against White
Liberal against Conservative

Which do ya think?

Personally..I think if Trump is removed from office and it winds up President Pence....the voters who put Trump in office will revolt. That will be a domino effect and blacks will be against whites, browns will be against black and white and in short....a messy war within our country.

Then again, I could be wrong.
Typical trumpet, take your meds pleaaaaase...oh wait you dont have inssurance.
At least I can spell, bitchfaced twat.
Blacks against whites
Black/Brown against White
Liberal against Conservative

Which do ya think?

Personally..I think if Trump is removed from office and it winds up President Pence....the voters who put Trump in office will revolt. That will be a domino effect and blacks will be against whites, browns will be against black and white and in short....a messy war within our country.

Then again, I could be wrong.

A bunch of dumbasses from backwater USA going to war for an alleged billionaire who doesn’t give 2 shits about them. Riiiight.
Well, CandyCornholio...there are a lot of people who like what Trump is doing and not all are backwater dumb asses. Is that what upsets you so much?

Glad to see that you admit the backwater dumbasses are his primary demographic. You know your people. Now tell them to bathe.
I did? Where? Reading comprehension is difficult for you I guess?
Oh, and that smell you are complaining about? A fox smells its own hole.
Blacks against whites
Black/Brown against White
Liberal against Conservative

Which do ya think?

Personally..I think if Trump is removed from office and it winds up President Pence....the voters who put Trump in office will revolt. That will be a domino effect and blacks will be against whites, browns will be against black and white and in short....a messy war within our country.

Then again, I could be wrong.

When you've got the former head of the CIA saying flat out that impeachment would be viewed as a soft coup and warning against impeachment, that certainly raised red flags big time.

Hayden: Impeachment is a bad idea
i'm just happy to have been born 70 years ago . My parents did pretty good from the ages of about 18 to 20 and did fine after ww2 and i did similar to them . Sorry to be impolte but feck these crying whining lefty front holers that are coming up in the USA .
Your era and your parents was plagued with racism, bigotry and hate....we can wait till gu pu are out of here....less bigots and racists.
Bringing family into this, are you? I hope pismoe reports you.
---------------------------------- thanks Gracie but naw , i report nothing or Officially ignore no one as a hard rule . Best for people on the board to see what Third World newcomers to the USA think . Their words and thinking make a good case for Stopping their importation into the USA . Heck , it was MY parents and the REAL Americans before them that built this USA that these muslims 'BEG' to get into Gracie .
Blacks against whites
Black/Brown against White
Liberal against Conservative

Which do ya think?

Personally..I think if Trump is removed from office and it winds up President Pence....the voters who put Trump in office will revolt. That will be a domino effect and blacks will be against whites, browns will be against black and white and in short....a messy war within our country.

Then again, I could be wrong.

When you've got the former head of the CIA saying flat out that impeachment would be viewed as a soft coup and warning against impeachment, that certainly raised red flags big time.

Hayden: Impeachment is a bad idea
-------------------------------------------------------------- OFF TOPIC ALERT and a bit of info . 'hayden' is a snake Gun Controller and 'member' of 'giffords gun control group' . His membership can only be viewed as working to deny or Regulate Americans of their RIGHT to have effective and Efficient Guns that fulfill the Founders purpose for the USA Second Amendment . And he uses his ex 'CiA' Status to lend credibility to his efforts . So , just an OFF TOPIC ALERT and just a comment on 'micheal hayden' who was a 'bush boy' and EX 'CiA' Chief .
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Rich, fat, happy Americans go out in the cold and damp to get shot at? It's the stuff of a comedy movie.

The next Civil War will be a whimper and the devastation won't be felt until it is over, for the very reason you stated. When the rich wage war, it is often more profitable to simply utilize your resources elsewhere, and let other people suffer their own foolishness.
How about we get all liberal and conservatives who want to duke it out go to some barren spot in Wyoming and just left them lose and the rest of us can make the country great again

Well that sucks, I kind of like Wyoming and there's no need to screw it up. How about we put the venue in Death Valley? I mean it has a certain ring to it.
After the Nobel Peace Prize Winner dragged us into 2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized wars, turned a blind-eye to North Korea while they developed missiles capable of striking us - using missile technology Bill Clinton sold the Chinese, and forged an Un-Constitutional Treaty with Iran - ending sanctions, giving them access to hundreds of billions of dollars, and attempting to give them access to the US banking system - the work of future Presidents, like this one, has been made much harder and the world a more dangerous place.

I am glad to see our President focus on America 1st for a change, rather than helping terrorists abroad, committing war crimes, and butting into other nations' elections and governance like the last one did. Instead of destabilizing the Middle East / World like Barry did, President Trump is setting records with his booming economy, successfully trade deals, and record-setting job growth and stock market.
This nation won't be split. Mostly because the red states are so dependent on the tax dollars from the federal government that the blue states pay.

The red states have no money because they don't tax their population to properly sustain their states. Which means they don't have the money for any military or to sustain themselves if they did break away from the nation.

Here's a breakdown of how much each state receives from the federal government. Notice, there's no liberal state towards the top. They're mostly conservative ones with a few moderate states.

2018’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

They'll start out with such a big debt they'll never be able to pay it off. They will become more poverty stricken than they are now.

It's incredibly funny when people in blue states bitch and complain about the money they voted to give the red states. Oh, and look up the number of red states that have Constitutional amendments that require them to have a balanced budget. You see, that's where what you want has to be reconciled with what have in revenues, something the blues haven't quite mastered.
You need to find some younger people then. The young people I know aren't walking with canes but are Trump supporters.

A lot of the young people I know, if you took their cell phone away, they would just stand there and pout.
The odds of a civil war are like a billion to 1. Step awaaaaaaay from zee politics ...step awaaaaay from zee politics
The odds of a civil war are like a billion to 1. Step awaaaaaaay from zee politics ...step awaaaaay from zee politics
You think so?

For the 1st time ever a political party very openly protected and supported a proven criminal, helped them rig primaries, cheat in debates, and ended up giving them a nomination they did not win - a slap in the face to all of their own party members who rejected them as the nominee.

For the 1st time we are seeing something that can only be best described as either a 'political coup' or a 'political assassination' by a political party who controlled the WH, who in turn controlled the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI....all because they did not want the person who won the WH to win and because they were committed to ousting him even if he won.....

...for the 1st time we are seeing a political party seriously attempt to 'UN-DO' an election, to strip the American people of the results of their vote.

For the 1st time we are seeing major media openly censoring and controlling the narratives (through fake / extremely biased news)

For the first real time we are seeing major social media - like Facebook and Twitter - openly censoring / banning Conservative views / voices ... or any other views that don't agree with them

A true and total 'freedom of speech / of the press is all but gone....the 'window' / 'noose' is tightening as forces who seek to RULE / CONTROL are growing, becoming more and more intolerant.

Maybe it's because the media is more 'open' these days (thanks to everyone having a cell phone), but this past Presidential election I can ever remember where the candidate claiming to want to represent ALL Americans had her campaign pay an organization to send thugs to the opposing candidates' rallies to beat and bloody his supporters.....the people they claimed to want to also represent....

(Sorry, but I do not want any Politician willing to pay someone to beat and bloody me into submission to be in charge of me or my government...)

Antifa, one of the Liberal groups proven to have taken money from Russia to spread racial division and violence, is showing up at peaceful legal rallies to instigate violence to silence legal speech....

Violent rhetoric from Liberal politicians became so bad that it motivated one of their members to attempt to assassinate GOP politicians while they practiced softball...

Violent rhetoric and rabid political partisanship grew to the point where prominent Liberals called for The President's child to be ripped from the 1st Lady's hands, kidnapped, and raped by pedophiles ... to the point prominent liberals openly declared they hoped that women on Trump's cabinet were kidnapped, beaten, raped, and thrown into cages while it was being filmed....'for posterity'...

American KIDS are being physically assaulted by other Americans for wearing a baseball cap supporting the President of the United States....

:wtf:, man?!

If you don't think the Left is becoming so intolerant, that things aren't starting to reach the 'melt-down' point where someone is going to get killed or things aren't getting close to where people are on the verge of revolt then you need to start paying attention more.

Instead of everything the Liberals have been doing to divide this country up after losing an election, perhaps they need to take some advice from Barak Obama:

'If you don't like what's going on, if you want change, WIN SOME ELECTIONS'.

Instead of tearing it down and setting things on fire, how about work to try to make them better?
The odds of a civil war are like a billion to 1. Step awaaaaaaay from zee politics ...step awaaaaay from zee politics
You think so?

For the 1st time ever a political party very openly protected and supported a proven criminal, helped them rig primaries, cheat in debates, and ended up giving them a nomination they did not win - a slap in the face to all of their own party members who rejected them as the nominee.

For the 1st time we are seeing something that can only be best described as either a 'political coup' or a 'political assassination' by a political party who controlled the WH, who in turn controlled the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI....all because they did not want the person who won the WH to win and because they were committed to ousting him even if he won.....

...for the 1st time we are seeing a political party seriously attempt to 'UN-DO' an election, to strip the American people of the results of their vote.

For the 1st time we are seeing major media openly censoring and controlling the narratives (through fake / extremely biased news)

For the first real time we are seeing major social media - like Facebook and Twitter - openly censoring / banning Conservative views / voices ... or any other views that don't agree with them

A true and total 'freedom of speech / of the press is all but gone....the 'window' / 'noose' is tightening as forces who seek to RULE / CONTROL are growing, becoming more and more intolerant.

Maybe it's because the media is more 'open' these days (thanks to everyone having a cell phone), but this past Presidential election I can ever remember where the candidate claiming to want to represent ALL Americans had her campaign pay an organization to send thugs to the opposing candidates' rallies to beat and bloody his supporters.....the people they claimed to want to also represent....

(Sorry, but I do not want any Politician willing to pay someone to beat and bloody me into submission to be in charge of me or my government...)

Antifa, one of the Liberal groups proven to have taken money from Russia to spread racial division and violence, is showing up at peaceful legal rallies to instigate violence to silence legal speech....

Violent rhetoric from Liberal politicians became so bad that it motivated one of their members to attempt to assassinate GOP politicians while they practiced softball...

Violent rhetoric and rabid political partisanship grew to the point where prominent Liberals called for The President's child to be ripped from the 1st Lady's hands, kidnapped, and raped by pedophiles ... to the point prominent liberals openly declared they hoped that women on Trump's cabinet were kidnapped, beaten, raped, and thrown into cages while it was being filmed....'for posterity'...

American KIDS are being physically assaulted by other Americans for wearing a baseball cap supporting the President of the United States....

:wtf:, man?!

If you don't think the Left is becoming so intolerant, that things aren't starting to reach the 'melt-down' point where someone is going to get killed or things aren't getting close to where people are on the verge of revolt then you need to start paying attention more.

Instead of everything the Liberals have been doing to divide this country up after losing an election, perhaps they need to take some advice from Barak Obama:

'If you don't like what's going on, if you want change, WIN SOME ELECTIONS'.

Instead of tearing it down and setting things on fire, how about work to try to make them better?
Yes, I'm absolutely certain of it.

Only certain types of weirdos like us are even on Political forums. Only certain types of weirdos like us would have typed such a long diatribe of grievances, like you just did.

At the end of the day, most Americans couldn't give 5 fucks about Politics, and when they do, Uncle Ted argues with Uncle Mark at Thanksgiving and when it gets heated the women have them talk about other shit. The two aren't going to shoot each other, because for most folks they're focused on their career, their social life and their family and they don't follow the ins and outs of hatred involved in politics like the obsessives who type diatribes or show up at corny rallies.
Only certain types of weirdos like us are even on Political forums. Only certain types of weirdos like us would have typed such a long diatribe of grievances, like you just did.

What I posted is not a list of grievances. It is a record of what has happened, what continues to happen.

At the end of the day most Americans care about what is effecting them and their daily lives.

They care about the return of factories, the return of jobs, the return of more full-time jobs. They care about the paycheck in their hands, the raises in that paycheck, and the bonuses they are getting as companies re-invest in their workers. They consider that money that helps them pay the bills and have a little left over to be a helluva lot more than just ;crumbs', and they are bot willing to give those 'crumbs' back, to return to welfare and unemployment just so Democrats can get back the power to control their lives.

They care about their freedom....about their right to have their voices heard without being censored, shadow-banned...or completely silenced. They care about being able to have whatever view they want without their representatives being gunned down on a ball field, their kids beaten up in a store for wearing a hat, or them being assaulted for attending a rally for someone they support.

In the end they care more about those things than they care about how butt-hurt Democrats are for being rejected in 2016 because they ran the worst, most criminal candidate in US history and forced that candidate onto the DNC base as they tried to force it on the rest of America.

The American people chose 'success' over an emotion-manipulated, hate/greed-driven Democratic Party felon...

....they chose 'the lesser of 2 evils' :p ... and it has paid off in a huge way - the booming economy and success they are experiencing now.

Instead of a SELF/PARTY-serving candidate, they got a President who has spread the wealth....'a rising tide that has lifted ALL boats'...not just one.
Only certain types of weirdos like us are even on Political forums. Only certain types of weirdos like us would have typed such a long diatribe of grievances, like you just did.

What I posted is not a list of grievances. It is a record of what has happened, what continues to happen.

At the end of the day most Americans care about what is effecting them and their daily lives.

They care about the return of factories, the return of jobs, the return of more full-time jobs. They care about the paycheck in their hands, the raises in that paycheck, and the bonuses they are getting as companies re-invest in their workers. They consider that money that helps them pay the bills and have a little left over to be a helluva lot more than just ;crumbs', and they are bot willing to give those 'crumbs' back, to return to welfare and unemployment just so Democrats can get back the power to control their lives.

They care about their freedom....about their right to have their voices heard without being censored, shadow-banned...or completely silenced. They care about being able to have whatever view they want without their representatives being gunned down on a ball field, their kids beaten up in a store for wearing a hat, or them being assaulted for attending a rally for someone they support.

In the end they care more about those things than they care about how butt-hurt Democrats are for being rejected in 2016 because they ran the worst, most criminal candidate in US history and forced that candidate onto the DNC base as they tried to force it on the rest of America.

The American people chose 'success' over an emotion-manipulated, hate/greed-driven Democratic Party felon...

....they chose 'the lesser of 2 evils' :p ... and it has paid off in a huge way - the booming economy and success they are experiencing now.

Instead of a SELF/PARTY-serving candidate, they got a President who has spread the wealth....'a rising tide that has lifted ALL boats'...not just one.
You can argue for your partisan seed of choice all you wanna....the fact of the matter is simple. The 6 people that I say what's up to each day in my morning routine....

my friends, my family.......the teachers in my kids school, their coaches....the bus drivers.

They're not gunna start shooting each other because of the obsessive weirdos that show up at rallies and type diatribes on the internet.

That's not reality.

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