So. The next civil war will be what?

Talk to survivors of the Chicago violence and consider that there already a civil war going on. So far it's gang warfare but if democrats have their way it will spread to every city if Trump isn't removed from office.
I wonder what kind of fallout will happen when Pence becomes POTUS..IF he becomes POTUS and libs finally get their way in removing Trump. Will the MSM and late night talk shows have another couple of years worth of dissing, or will they finally stfu until 2020?
Just curious.
i'm just happy to have been born 70 years ago . My parents did pretty good from the ages of about 18 to 20 and did fine after ww2 and i did similar to them . Sorry to be impolte but feck these crying whining lefty front holers that are coming up in the USA .
The civil war will be in the heads of the snowflake Trumpers who are in denial and coming to grips that their savior was just another crook and amoral liar who got caught.

Hasn't been caught for anything yet, but regardless he's already replaced almost half of the federal judiciary, lowered your taxes and reduced the regulatory burden tremendously. Pretty damned successful for less than 2 years.

Blacks against whites
Black/Brown against White
Liberal against Conservative

Which do ya think?

Personally..I think if Trump is removed from office and it winds up President Pence....the voters who put Trump in office will revolt. That will be a domino effect and blacks will be against whites, browns will be against black and white and in short....a messy war within our country.

Then again, I could be wrong.
My sister and her hubby voted for Trump and they love Pence.
In order for there to be a true civil war, we would have to have organized armies. How would that be pulled off ?
You would have to have states or territories declare their independence, and create their own militaries.
This would be highly unlikely, although I would push for a peaceful split and the creation of at least two separate nations with their own governments and constitutions.

The much more likely scenario, is a spiral of the nation as a whole, that results in street rioting. Nothing would be gained or decided. The best scenario would be the aforementioned break-up of the country that results in separate countries where the majority of Americans get what they want.

I think we can pretty much see now, that the country is hopelessly divided, and it's not going to change until the entire Baby Boom generation is gone.
Not so simple. We have two left coasts and a solidly conservative middle. Three subdivisions perhaps? I'm in Alaska, so geographically, we are better off if some division occurs. We have a lot that y'all want, a lot we don't want to give up. Weaning some of the populace, and the so-called elected "representatives" may prove difficult, but it can be done.
Blacks against whites
Black/Brown against White
Liberal against Conservative

Which do ya think?

Personally..I think if Trump is removed from office and it winds up President Pence....the voters who put Trump in office will revolt. That will be a domino effect and blacks will be against whites, browns will be against black and white and in short....a messy war within our country.

Then again, I could be wrong.
Negroes have hated Whites since they (the Negroes) first got onto the ships in Africa.

But Negroes are not strong enough to mount a civil war.

Even so, if all the Negroes would get out, I would be willing to give them any of the 50 states that they want, especially California. But the Mexicans probably want California.

So Illinois would be a good second choice for the Negroes.
The civil war will be in the heads of the snowflake Trumpers who are in denial and coming to grips that their savior was just another crook and amoral liar who got caught.

Hasn't been caught for anything yet, but regardless he's already replaced almost half of the federal judiciary, lowered your taxes and reduced the regulatory burden tremendously. Pretty damned successful for less than 2 years.


Definitely met the tea-party/freedom caucus conservative agenda which is at odds with.... the rest of the planet lol.

Reversing supreme court nominations: Impossible. Long term damage: yes
Reversing tax reductions: By next fiscally responsible government.
Reinstating regulations: By next fiscally, eco-friendly government.

This kind of disconnect between left and right can't be sustained indefinitely. Either you disengage, seceding from union would be a solution for hard right states.
The civil war will be in the heads of the snowflake Trumpers who are in denial and coming to grips that their savior was just another crook and amoral liar who got caught.

Hasn't been caught for anything yet, but regardless he's already replaced almost half of the federal judiciary, lowered your taxes and reduced the regulatory burden tremendously. Pretty damned successful for less than 2 years.

----------------------------------- ITS Funny , these lefties come up with all sorts of accusation and the funny thing , its all opinion based accusations .
The civil war will be in the heads of the snowflake Trumpers who are in denial and coming to grips that their savior was just another crook and amoral liar who got caught.

Hasn't been caught for anything yet, but regardless he's already replaced almost half of the federal judiciary, lowered your taxes and reduced the regulatory burden tremendously. Pretty damned successful for less than 2 years.


Definitely met the tea-party/freedom caucus conservative agenda which is at odds with.... the rest of the planet lol.

Reversing supreme court nominations: Impossible. Long term damage: yes
Reversing tax reductions: By next fiscally responsible government.
Reinstating regulations: By next fiscally, eco-friendly government.

This kind of disconnect between left and right can't be sustained indefinitely. Either you disengage, seceding from union would be a solution for hard right states.
-------------------------------------- at odds with the rest of the Planet , well from my American point of view thats good '2020' .
Unfortunately, Mexicans, and their accomplices like ANTIFA, could very well if propped up by Russia, or China, or even perhaps Soros do incredible damage, and in fact break-away the South-West to a sort of Tex-Mex country, and or annex it to Mexico.

But, thank goodness we got cheap labor for the Capitalist pigs, and votes for the Democrat pigs.
Unfortunately, Mexicans, and their accomplices like ANTIFA, could very well if propped up by Russia, or China, or even perhaps Soros do incredible damage, and in fact break-away the South-West to a sort of Tex-Mex country, and or annex it to Mexico.

But, thank goodness we got cheap labor for the Capitalist pigs, and votes for the Democrat pigs.

Wow. Now *that* is an elaborate conspiracy theory.

Care to back that one up with actual evidence? Or are you going to let it steam in a pile on the floor?
How about we get all liberal and conservatives who want to duke it out go to some barren spot in Wyoming and just left them lose and the rest of us can make the country great again
Blacks against whites
Black/Brown against White
Liberal against Conservative

Which do ya think?

Personally..I think if Trump is removed from office and it winds up President Pence....the voters who put Trump in office will revolt. That will be a domino effect and blacks will be against whites, browns will be against black and white and in short....a messy war within our country.

Then again, I could be wrong.

This is even a question? Meh, I’ll take the best half and the kiddos to the country and I will shoot any asshole White, brown or black with the help of my of white, brown and black neighbors. This fucktardery needs to stop now.
Last edited:
-------------------------------------- at odds with the rest of the Planet , well from my American point of view thats good '2020' .

Protectionism in a global village is what Trump is all about. It's a weird short-term plan that will get you elected... with the help of demagogic bullshit.
  • Build walls.
  • Kill trade agreements.(NAFTA,Pacific trade)
  • Get the USA out of policing the world (NATO..)
  • Get manufacturing jobs back from foreign soil.
  • Start trade wars with tariffs ?
  • Insult your traditional allies and boast about your fine relationships with dictators... wow
Manufacturing jobs in the age of robots? yeah right... lots of potential jobs there lmao
Kill NATO while China and Russia want to expand their territory's ? Holy Crimea... why not let Putin invade Turkey and let XII block off the south China sea to trade lol
Kill NAFTA? talk about shooting yourself in the foot.
Build walls preventing Mexican workers from picking California produce? nice going lol... that's really going to help low wage workers in the USA pay for their food.

Blacks against whites
Black/Brown against White
Liberal against Conservative

Which do ya think?

Personally..I think if Trump is removed from office and it winds up President Pence....the voters who put Trump in office will revolt. That will be a domino effect and blacks will be against whites, browns will be against black and white and in short....a messy war within our country.

Then again, I could be wrong.
White Trash - Antifa types
America Types- Everyone else

-------------------------------------- at odds with the rest of the Planet , well from my American point of view thats good '2020' .

Protectionism in a global village is what Trump is all about. It's a weird short-term plan that will get you elected... with the help of demagogic bullshit.
  • Build walls.
  • Kill trade agreements.(NAFTA,Pacific trade)
  • Get the USA out of policing the world (NATO..)
  • Get manufacturing jobs back from foreign soil.
  • Start trade wars with tariffs ?
  • Insult your traditional allies and boast about your fine relationships with dictators... wow
Manufacturing jobs in the age of robots? yeah right... lots of potential jobs there lmao
Kill NATO while China and Russia want to expand their territory's ? Holy Crimea... why not let Putin invade Turkey and let XII block off the south China sea to trade lol
Kill NAFTA? talk about shooting yourself in the foot.
Build walls preventing Mexican workers from picking California produce? nice going lol... that's really going to help low wage workers in the USA pay for their food.


HOLY shit! You should put a warning in front of the bullshit you just posted. I would have spewed my coffee all over my computer screen.....I got lucky, THIS time.

Seriously, that was THE dumbest post I have read here in some time.
Blacks against whites
Black/Brown against White
Liberal against Conservative

Which do ya think?

Personally..I think if Trump is removed from office and it winds up President Pence....the voters who put Trump in office will revolt. That will be a domino effect and blacks will be against whites, browns will be against black and white and in short....a messy war within our country.

Then again, I could be wrong.

What are Trump's base going to do? Shake their walkers and canes at people they don't like?
Blacks against whites
Black/Brown against White
Liberal against Conservative

Which do ya think?

Personally..I think if Trump is removed from office and it winds up President Pence....the voters who put Trump in office will revolt. That will be a domino effect and blacks will be against whites, browns will be against black and white and in short....a messy war within our country.

Then again, I could be wrong.
Allathosepeeps that funnied my can't tell me you aren't drooling over the possibilities and have thought the same thing. If ya did, you'd be liars. :D

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