So. The next civil war will be what?

Blacks against whites
Black/Brown against White
Liberal against Conservative

Which do ya think?

Personally..I think if Trump is removed from office and it winds up President Pence....the voters who put Trump in office will revolt. That will be a domino effect and blacks will be against whites, browns will be against black and white and in short....a messy war within our country.

Then again, I could be wrong.
^ total nutjob thing to say :cuckoo:

I suspect you’re thirsting for an excuse to kill brown folk.
I thought you were too tough for that to happen.
And who are you?

A Honky.
Ah well scurry along, I found somebody to replace you.
I’m so glad you over your fear of Honky finding a way to kill Brown people.
Blacks against whites
Black/Brown against White
Liberal against Conservative

Which do ya think?

Personally..I think if Trump is removed from office and it winds up President Pence....the voters who put Trump in office will revolt. That will be a domino effect and blacks will be against whites, browns will be against black and white and in short....a messy war within our country.

Then again, I could be wrong.

You're wrong, as usual.
^ total nutjob thing to say :cuckoo:

I suspect you’re thirsting for an excuse to kill brown folk.
I thought you were too tough for that to happen.
And who are you?

A Honky.
Ah well scurry along, I found somebody to replace you.
I’m so glad you over your fear of Honky finding a way to kill Brown people.
I said scurry
Blacks against whites
Black/Brown against White
Liberal against Conservative

Which do ya think?

Personally..I think if Trump is removed from office and it winds up President Pence....the voters who put Trump in office will revolt. That will be a domino effect and blacks will be against whites, browns will be against black and white and in short....a messy war within our country.

Then again, I could be wrong.

We've been at war ideologically speaking for many decades. On campuses and public schools nationwide; in the electronic entertainment industry; in political campaign advertising; and all across the Mainstream Media, two base ethos derived from many different philosophical and cultural philosophies and religions have been locked in a war of attrition, and it is winner take all into a new Age or preserve the Old one; or loser be banished from the grand US of A historical meta-narrative.

One side (the Right) has struggled since the founding of our great nation to fend off, sort out and eject or excise the cancerous ideology of the other. The other side (the Left) has for the better part of the last say century and a half fought to redefine, mutilate and mutate every last moral, principle and governing political philosophy implemented by our Founding Fathers in the creation of our United States.

Now then, the question becomes: will this long fought intellectual ideological cold civil war go shooting hot? Not too likely a chance for that--my opinion. However, for the sake of entertaining the kiddies, if it did jump out of heads and campuses and philosophically derived laws and policies into a hot fire burning conflict, we everyday Americans would be the last to see it coming or starting.

Governors and mayors would likely direct their state and local police forces to suppress federal law enforcement and military forces with marching orders to detain them on charges of treason. Cultural and entertainment icons both in the form of radical Leftist professors and Hollywood stars and music industry superstars would likely call for, in their best imitation of Mao, full on off the campus and into the street cultural revolution. A revolutionary Vanguard Party in some form would emerge as a youth paramilitary force, some possibly from within our own military ranks, and into the streets to actively, violently suppress conservative voter speech, movement and prevent the assembly of Right leaning militia civil defense groups.

The job for those of us in uniform would become a terrible conundrum: deploy onto the streets and cities and rural communities of our America and then what? Open fire on tens of millions of young college, middle and high school aged kids who have been for years culturally brainwashed to despise authority and who believe President Trump is the anti-Christ? Air power would face the same ethical and spiritual dilemma: bombs away and kill tens of thousands of fellow Americans locked together below in mortal combat, or refuse the order.

Make no mistake; no clear battle lines would exist for at least the first several months of a shooting conflict. We're talking good guys, bad guys, neutral guys and just guy guys--all mostly decent, law abiding American citizens all beginning to fight each other from within the close quarters confusion of their own neighborhoods. How would you identify friend from foe? What exactly would be the major enough distinction to warrant the use of lethal force against any so-called fellow American enemy?

Terrifying stuff.
You think it’s winner take all? I think the left will just keep moving the goalposts forward as you kick and scream, as they’ve done for all of time.

Not a bad assessment--even one I can respect in its optimism. We're living the end stages of a historical cycle. Does the cycle always cycle in the same order? No, it does not. Thus you could also be closer to the truth than I would care to admit.
I thought you were too tough for that to happen.
And who are you?

A Honky.
Ah well scurry along, I found somebody to replace you.
I’m so glad you over your fear of Honky finding a way to kill Brown people.
I said scurry
I implied you’re an asshole.
Now I’m saying it explicitly.
Ah well scurry along, I found somebody to replace you.
I’m so glad you over your fear of Honky finding a way to kill Brown people.
I said scurry
I implied you’re an asshole.
Now I’m saying it explicitly.
I don’t have any treats for you, lil’ pup
Ah well scurry along, I found somebody to replace you.
I’m so glad you over your fear of Honky finding a way to kill Brown people.
I said scurry
I implied you’re an asshole.
Now I’m saying it explicitly.
I don’t have any treats for you, lil’ pup
Neither do you have any worthwhile witticisms.
Ah well scurry along, I found somebody to replace you.
I’m so glad you over your fear of Honky finding a way to kill Brown people.
I said scurry
I implied you’re an asshole.
Now I’m saying it explicitly.
I don’t have any treats for you, lil’ pup
Neither do you have any worthwhile witticisms.
^ ironic
I’m so glad you over your fear of Honky finding a way to kill Brown people.
I said scurry
I implied you’re an asshole.
Now I’m saying it explicitly.
I don’t have any treats for you, lil’ pup
Neither do you have any worthwhile witticisms.
^ ironic
But we Honkys are looking for an excuse to kill Darkies.
You said so!
There may be riots, where people begin striking out, not knowing who is who, but there will be no war between two official armies.

Just face it, this country is over, best to find a place you can go with other like minded people.
------------------------------------ yeah , USA as I knew it is done though it will continue to exist and probably still fly the same flag for a lot more years . Best to go to a good part of the of the USA with like minded people as D.D. suggests . Open War , i don't think so , just some murders and riots that are racially and etnically inspired but pretty low key and mostly in big cities .
Civil disobedience maybe.

An uprising by hardcore Trumpists against the system they voted against? What do you think all those post-election Trump rallies were about? you betcha

The hard core Trumpists deep into conspiracy, those that have decided to listen only to the ultimate leader. Those that neither hear nor see information that might contradict their leader's rant against the evil institutions that protect the republic.

Not preparing for the upcoming chaos would be a serious mistake and is likely factored in by all policing agencies right now.
The civil war will be in the heads of the snowflake Trumpers who are in denial and coming to grips that their savior was just another crook and amoral liar who got caught.
------------------------------------------------------- i think that YOU guys will be controlled by TRUMP and his people that support and work for people like me . And hopefully The Trump will be in office for another 6 years so there is that . And then the violence or low key war will be in the big cities same as it is now JohnLaw . --------------- amoral , crook , liar is all a matter of OPINION JLaw .
Blacks against whites
Black/Brown against White
Liberal against Conservative

Which do ya think?

Personally..I think if Trump is removed from office and it winds up President Pence....the voters who put Trump in office will revolt. That will be a domino effect and blacks will be against whites, browns will be against black and white and in short....a messy war within our country.

Then again, I could be wrong.
^ total nutjob thing to say :cuckoo:

I suspect you’re thirsting for an excuse to kill brown folk.
My husband is a brown folk. Native American. Which goes to show what you know about people posting on the net, moron.
In order for there to be a true civil war, we would have to have organized armies. How would that be pulled off ?
You would have to have states or territories declare their independence, and create their own militaries.
This would be highly unlikely, although I would push for a peaceful split and the creation of at least two separate nations with their own governments and constitutions.

The much more likely scenario, is a spiral of the nation as a whole, that results in street rioting. Nothing would be gained or decided. The best scenario would be the aforementioned break-up of the country that results in separate countries where the majority of Americans get what they want.

I think we can pretty much see now, that the country is hopelessly divided, and it's not going to change until the entire Baby Boom generation is gone.
Blacks against whites
Black/Brown against White
Liberal against Conservative

Which do ya think?

Personally..I think if Trump is removed from office and it winds up President Pence....the voters who put Trump in office will revolt. That will be a domino effect and blacks will be against whites, browns will be against black and white and in short....a messy war within our country.

Then again, I could be wrong.
^ total nutjob thing to say :cuckoo:

I suspect you’re thirsting for an excuse to kill brown folk.
My husband is a brown folk. Native American. Which goes to show what you know about people posting on the net, moron.
How’s business at the casino?
Blacks against whites
Black/Brown against White
Liberal against Conservative

Which do ya think?

Personally..I think if Trump is removed from office and it winds up President Pence....the voters who put Trump in office will revolt. That will be a domino effect and blacks will be against whites, browns will be against black and white and in short....a messy war within our country.

Then again, I could be wrong.
Well, my crazy brother expected Trump to lose the election, and he couldn't wait to start shooting darkies and homos afterwards.

So who knows.
Blacks against whites
Black/Brown against White
Liberal against Conservative

Which do ya think?

Personally..I think if Trump is removed from office and it winds up President Pence....the voters who put Trump in office will revolt. That will be a domino effect and blacks will be against whites, browns will be against black and white and in short....a messy war within our country.

Then again, I could be wrong.
^ total nutjob thing to say :cuckoo:

I suspect you’re thirsting for an excuse to kill brown folk.
My husband is a brown folk. Native American. Which goes to show what you know about people posting on the net, moron.
How’s business at the casino?
About the same as your ghetto hood.
Civil disobedience maybe.

An uprising by hardcore Trumpists against the system they voted against? What do you think all those post-election Trump rallies were about? you betcha

The hard core Trumpists deep into conspiracy, those that have decided to listen only to the ultimate leader. Those that neither hear nor see information that might contradict their leader's rant against the evil institutions that protect the republic.

Not preparing for the upcoming chaos would be a serious mistake and is likely factored in by all policing agencies right now.
------------------------------------------------- i agree with the civil disobedience and i also suggest riots may happen but other then that it'll be no big deal . And as i say , its my opinion that those problems will be confined to big cities where lefties destroy property and get their azzez arrested by police forces and maybe other taxpayer paid uniformed services . Course i don't know , mostly don't care as i watch riots and disturbances in big cities full of diversity quite often as current events '2020' .
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