So the UK murder and crime rate is fudged- a lot....

Harvard University study.........April 2013........published in the Journal of Law and Public Policy >>>>

"Many people believe that owning guns only increases the amount of crime. However, a recent study published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy concluded that there is a negative correlation between gun ownership and violent crime in countries internationally. In other words, the more guns the less crime. The study showed that nations with strict gun control laws have substantially higher murder rates than those who do not. In fact, the 9 European nations with the lowest gun ownership rate have a combined murder rate that is three times that of the nine European nations with the highest gun ownership rate"


Here is the full paper >>>

Gun grabbing is stoopid and endorsed only by people who are 100% controlled by their emotions. They view everything in the world as tragic, thus, the disconnect with the sobering reality based upon facts.:up:

By the way.......I love posting this link up.:D:fu: Causes mental meltdowns amongst the gun grabbing nutters.

The stupid one is you there are only 60 million people in England there are 320 million in the US. Over 5 times as many. As I have shown before violent crime in England went UP when firearms were banned and they have a far larger percentage of violent crimes then the US. As does Canada and France.

Even multiplying the number by 5, you still don't get anywhere near the Carnage we Americans engage in because of, um, "Freedom".

Turns out Australia and the UK are both more violent than the USA is.... Who'd a thunk it?

Law enforcement and anti-crime activists regularly claim that the United States tops the charts in most crime-rate categories, but a new international study says that America’s former master — Great Britain — has much higher levels of crime.

The International Crime Victims Survey, conducted by Leiden University in Holland, found that England and Wales ranked second overall in violent crime among industrialized nations.

Twenty-six percent of English citizens — roughly one-quarter of the population — have been victimized by violent crime. Australia led the list with more than 30 percent of its population victimized.

The United States didn’t even make the “top 10″ list of industrialized nations whose citizens were victimized by crime.

Jack Straw, the British home secretary, admitted that “levels of victimization are higher than in most comparable countries for most categories of crime.”

Highlights of the study indicated that:

•The percentage of the population that suffered “contact crime” in England and Wales was 3.6 percent, compared with 1.9 percent in the United States and 0.4 percent in Japan.

•Burglary rates in England and Wales were also among the highest recorded. Australia (3.9 percent) and Denmark (3.1 per cent) had higher rates of burglary with entry than England and Wales (2.8 percent). In the U.S., the rate was 2.6 percent, according to 1995 figures;

•“After Australia and England and Wales, the highest prevalence of crime was in Holland (25 percent), Sweden (25 percent) and Canada (24 percent). The United States, despite its high murder rate, was among the middle ranking countries with a 21 percent victimization rate,” the London Telegraph said.

•England and Wales also led in automobile thefts. More than 2.5 percent of the population had been victimized by car theft, followed by 2.1 percent in Australia and 1.9 percent in France. Again, the U.S. was not listed among the “top 10″ nations.

•The study found that Australia led in burglary rates, with nearly 4 percent of the population having been victimized by a burglary. Denmark was second with 3.1 percent; the U.S. was listed eighth at about 1.8 percent.

Britain, Australia top U.S. in violent crime
No, they really aren't.

Of course, only you wingnuts would want to equate a pub fight with a murder.

Take out the gang related homicides which are perpetrated by predominantly illegal aliens and our murder rate drops to below the UK's. Hell take the murders from FOUR US cities (that have Democrat leadership BTW) and our murder rate plunges below the UK's.
No, they really aren't.

Of course, only you wingnuts would want to equate a pub fight with a murder.

Take out the gang related homicides which are perpetrated by predominantly illegal aliens and our murder rate drops to below the UK's. Hell take the murders from FOUR US cities (that have Democrat leadership BTW) and our murder rate plunges below the UK's.

Oh, it's the old "The darkies deserve to die" argument. that one never gets old.
No, they really aren't.

Of course, only you wingnuts would want to equate a pub fight with a murder.

Take out the gang related homicides which are perpetrated by predominantly illegal aliens and our murder rate drops to below the UK's. Hell take the murders from FOUR US cities (that have Democrat leadership BTW) and our murder rate plunges below the UK's.

Oh, it's the old "The darkies deserve to die" argument. that one never gets old.
No, its the "lefties hate science" argument. It is funny how the only studies you people seem to find legitimate, are the ones that validate your beliefs. Funny, but not surprising.
No, its the "lefties hate science" argument. It is funny how the only studies you people seem to find legitimate, are the ones that validate your beliefs. Funny, but not surprising.

No, you see, the reason why we don't take your studies seriously is that they often start with a conclusion and then cherry pick the data to fit the conclusion... which is like the oppossite of "Science".
No, its the "lefties hate science" argument. It is funny how the only studies you people seem to find legitimate, are the ones that validate your beliefs. Funny, but not surprising.

No, you see, the reason why we don't take your studies seriously is that they often start with a conclusion and then cherry pick the data to fit the conclusion... which is like the oppossite of "Science".
You have that exactly backwards. Left-leaning studies begin with the amount of money that can be garnered to the researcher, and then they set out to prove their thesis using cherry picked data.

It flows from the same principle here that you never see a leftist doing searches online trying to prove their opponents position.

Take global warming. They began with the premise that mankind has influenced climate change instead of acknowledging that climate change occurs and has occurred prior to mankind climbing out of the caves.

Follow the money....always.
No, its the "lefties hate science" argument. It is funny how the only studies you people seem to find legitimate, are the ones that validate your beliefs. Funny, but not surprising.

No, you see, the reason why we don't take your studies seriously is that they often start with a conclusion and then cherry pick the data to fit the conclusion... which is like the oppossite of "Science".
You have that exactly backwards. Left-leaning studies begin with the amount of money that can be garnered to the researcher, and then they set out to prove their thesis using cherry picked data.

It flows from the same principle here that you never see a leftist doing searches online trying to prove their opponents position.

Take global warming. They began with the premise that mankind has influenced climate change instead of acknowledging that climate change occurs and has occurred prior to mankind climbing out of the caves.

Follow the money....always.

One doesn't need to be a scientist to see that climate is changing. I'm 52 years old, I can see that within my own lifetime.

Of course, when you have right-wing retards who belive in talking snakes being fed something by the Koch Brothers through a shill in a lab coat, who needs science.

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