So the world was elated by Obama victory...


Jun 29, 2004
Hypothetical question - what do you think would have been the reaction around the world had McCain won?

Thanks for your thoughts!
Why did he pick her for VP. jk
Probably oh shit we are in trouble that guy has anger problem and we better watch our step!
[ame=]YouTube - BIG Riot[/ame]
We would be the laughing stock of the world had voted for him.

Is that a guess, or do you have proof of that?

Additionally, who gives a CRAP what "the world" thinks of OUR elections?
Is that a guess, or do you have proof of that?

Additionally, who gives a CRAP what "the world" thinks of OUR elections?

Time to re-think the isolationism. It's so pre-Obama. :lol:
Hypothetical question - what do you think would have been the reaction around the world had McCain won?

Thanks for your thoughts!

We only know what is reported to us in the media.

International reaction seems pretty positive.
Is that a guess, or do you have proof of that?

Additionally, who gives a CRAP what "the world" thinks of OUR elections?

That's why
1) The world hates neocon America
2) You ijit lost the election.

It's all ABOUT ME!!!
Additionally, who gives a CRAP what "the world" thinks of OUR elections?

Carry that to its logical end.

Who cares what the rest of the country, state, county city, people etc.

Neoneandrathal attitude.

No man or nation is an island anymore.

Remember, Bush said they could fly those drones across the Atlantic.
Is that a guess, or do you have proof of that?

Additionally, who gives a CRAP what "the world" thinks of OUR elections?

Perfect response from a Cons who doesn't seem to get it - we have to care about what the world thinks these days because they have so much influence in our country moron
From an outside perspective.

What I have seen of the candidates presents an image of two very honourable men. I some ways McCain seemed more "real" or how to put it. The campaigns hockey-mom however was terrifying.

But in the end I felt a slight relieve when Obama was elected. Mostly because the he can't possibly extend Bush's policies. I guess McCain wouldn't either, but with Obama there is no chance of that happening.

Compare with Russia: Their new president is nothing more than an extension of Putin. No change. No democracy. No real democracy.

A few years of democrats will do you fine. Then you'll switch back again. And I have to say that I am impressed! America is the land of opportunity - for real! No matter who is president of your amazing country can change that!
By the way, - welcome to the socialist club. We have our next meeting in december.
We will discuss "How to get less out of work" and "Tips&Trick to prepare for communism" (bring your own red cloth).
Hypothetical question - what do you think would have been the reaction around the world had McCain won?

Thanks for your thoughts!

it would have been exactly the same reaction as the librals would have had.
The rest of the world has the liberal on a leash, and trained like a dog. Sit, Stay, roll over. or we won't love you anymore.

no freewill whatsoever.

Ah, that's where your problem is!

I think not Willow, I think not.
Is that a guess, or do you have proof of that?

Additionally, who gives a CRAP what "the world" thinks of OUR elections?

that is such a ignorant view of things. and you should care about what the world thinks of us. that's the problem with conservatives, they think America only matters and they just say F the world. this is why our country is behind in things like education because close minded people like you. just plain ignorant.

and i don't have hard proof. but i've been overseas and i can tell you the amount of people who wanted Obama to win was astounding. the world even knows now the republican party is full of crap. even they saw McCain was just more of the same.
Hypothetical question - what do you think would have been the reaction around the world had McCain won?

Thanks for your thoughts!

I'm reasonably sure the House of Saud would have been pleased.

AlQada leadership must be totally bummed, right now.

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