So the wrmers tryed too kill the The Medieval Warm Period facts

He's a fraud only to the religion. Obviously, his message and the message of those who have proven data manipulation by the "real scientists" has done significant damage. The change in the public perception has changed DRAMATICALLY since even 2008. Its not even debatable!! There is zero doubt that there is a fraternity of alarmists that exist on the internet..........but overwhelmingly, the public has moved past the hysterical shit on climate. You can easily see it every day in this forum.......a pronounced level of anger and angst in the posts by the religion. Theyre pissed because they know they are losing the PR debate in an epic way!!! The debates will continue on the internet............but no place else. Indeed it took years to expose the myths perpetuated by the alarmist religion...........but I couldnt be any more giddy about how irrelevant this issue of global warming has become in the public consciousness.
He's a fraud only to the religion. Obviously, his message and the message of those who have proven data manipulation by the "real scientists" has done significant damage. The change in the public perception has changed DRAMATICALLY since even 2008. Its not even debatable!! There is zero doubt that there is a fraternity of alarmists that exist on the internet..........but overwhelmingly, the public has moved past the hysterical shit on climate. You can easily see it every day in this forum.......a pronounced level of anger and angst in the posts by the religion. Theyre pissed because they know they are losing the PR debate in an epic way!!! The debates will continue on the internet............but no place else. Indeed it took years to expose the myths perpetuated by the alarmist religion...........but I couldnt be any more giddy about how irrelevant this issue of global warming has become in the public consciousness.

Only a total idiot would imagine that important scientific or public policy issues are settled or decided "on the internet".

Scientific 'debates' occur in the peer-reviewed science journals and in that arena issues about the reality and dangers of AGW are settled. The world scientific community has affirmed that AGW is real and very dangerous to our world, our populations and our civilization. There was no "proven data manipulation", that's just another of your very moronic denier cult myths and propaganda memes that has been repeatedly debunked by the official investigations into the pseudo-'scandal' provoked by the theft of some innocuous emails from one of the research centers.

Your notion, kooker, that "the debates will continue on the internet...but no place else" is as freaking insane as the rest of your demented drivel.

Some portions of the public, the less educated and less intelligent portions, may have been fooled by the fossil fuel industry propaganda campaign for now but the fast developing consequences of global warming/climate changes will soon make believers out of everyone (except possibly you, kooker, and a few other die-hard retards). "We are entering a period of consequences" that none of your hysterical denial of reality can change.
He's a fraud only to the religion. Obviously, his message and the message of those who have proven data manipulation by the "real scientists" has done significant damage. The change in the public perception has changed DRAMATICALLY since even 2008. Its not even debatable!! There is zero doubt that there is a fraternity of alarmists that exist on the internet..........but overwhelmingly, the public has moved past the hysterical shit on climate. You can easily see it every day in this forum.......a pronounced level of anger and angst in the posts by the religion. Theyre pissed because they know they are losing the PR debate in an epic way!!! The debates will continue on the internet............but no place else. Indeed it took years to expose the myths perpetuated by the alarmist religion...........but I couldnt be any more giddy about how irrelevant this issue of global warming has become in the public consciousness.

Only a total idiot would imagine that important scientific or public policy issues are settled or decided "on the internet".

Scientific 'debates' occur in the peer-reviewed science journals and in that arena issues about the reality and dangers of AGW are settled. The world scientific community has affirmed that AGW is real and very dangerous to our world, our populations and our civilization. There was no "proven data manipulation", that's just another of your very moronic denier cult myths and propaganda memes that has been repeatedly debunked by the official investigations into the pseudo-'scandal' provoked by the theft of some innocuous emails from one of the research centers.

Your notion, kooker, that "the debates will continue on the internet...but no place else" is as freaking insane as the rest of your demented drivel.

Some portions of the public, the less educated and less intelligent portions, may have been fooled by the fossil fuel industry propaganda campaign for now but the fast developing consequences of global warming/climate changes will soon make believers out of everyone (except possibly you, kooker, and a few other die-hard retards). "We are entering a period of consequences" that none of your hysterical denial of reality can change.

"the scientific community has confirmed................."

OK the fcukk what? Win a cookie. Take a big bow. Some boring scientists can pound away at their chest and be all proud of themselves!!! "Our data shows..........."

So fcukking what!!!:2up:

The public couldnt give a rats ass...........and thats all I care about. Its the only reason Im in here. The global warming people are so caught up in this shit, they never consider for a moment about how the data matters. Who gives a flying fcukk about any science unless whats learned is applied in the real world. Whats getting appllied in the reeal world? Not even dick is getting applied. FOr the k00ks, its like they're having a massive celebration while watching their football team score a touchdown..........but the touchdown makes the score 59-7..........and THEIR TEAM JUST SCORED THE 7.:lol::lol::lol:

This recent poll is hysterical if you place it on the context of the k00ks thinking that this science shit matters.

So what % of people think that "man-made" climate change is causing the severe weather????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Ninteen fcukking percent:fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu:

51% Blame Extreme Weather on Long-Term Planetary Trends, 19% Blame Human Activity - Rasmussen Reports™

The global warming religion has been tryng to "make believers" ( see QUOTE above) out of people for 20 years now and have had a TON of the major media on their side. And whats happened in the past 3 years? The subject is RADIOACTIVE on Capitol Hill.......because people now know this whole movement is agenda driven and dont want to pay a single dime to support this shit.............something that EVERY SINGLE POLL SHOWS!!!!!!

Oh.......but excuse me...............Im the asshole here!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D

Not for nothing Rolling but you sound like one of those Rapture prediction bizzaros, which of course we found out a few days ago was gay. Thakfully for all of us............the opinions of the religion is not having any impact on public policy which means guys like me are..................

Oh..........and make no mistake. The dicks who get all giddy about green technology will be in their boxes a long, long time before it has anything but fringe impact.
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Scientific 'debates' occur in the peer-reviewed science journals and in that arena issues about the reality and dangers of AGW are settled. The world scientific community has affirmed that AGW is real and very dangerous to our world, our populations and our civilization. There was no "proven data manipulation", that's just another of your very moronic denier cult myths and propaganda memes that has been repeatedly debunked by the official investigations into the pseudo-'scandal' provoked by the theft of some innocuous emails from one of the research centers.
Helpful hint: If Michael Mann and Phil Jones get on the PA and tell everyone to assemble at the pavilion for a "special meeting", don't go. :eusa_whistle:
He's a fraud only to the religion. Obviously, his message and the message of those who have proven data manipulation by the "real scientists" has done significant damage. The change in the public perception has changed DRAMATICALLY since even 2008. Its not even debatable!! There is zero doubt that there is a fraternity of alarmists that exist on the internet..........but overwhelmingly, the public has moved past the hysterical shit on climate. You can easily see it every day in this forum.......a pronounced level of anger and angst in the posts by the religion. Theyre pissed because they know they are losing the PR debate in an epic way!!! The debates will continue on the internet............but no place else. Indeed it took years to expose the myths perpetuated by the alarmist religion...........but I couldnt be any more giddy about how irrelevant this issue of global warming has become in the public consciousness.

Only a total idiot would imagine that important scientific or public policy issues are settled or decided "on the internet".

Scientific 'debates' occur in the peer-reviewed science journals and in that arena issues about the reality and dangers of AGW are settled. The world scientific community has affirmed that AGW is real and very dangerous to our world, our populations and our civilization. There was no "proven data manipulation", that's just another of your very moronic denier cult myths and propaganda memes that has been repeatedly debunked by the official investigations into the pseudo-'scandal' provoked by the theft of some innocuous emails from one of the research centers.

Your notion, kooker, that "the debates will continue on the internet...but no place else" is as freaking insane as the rest of your demented drivel.

Some portions of the public, the less educated and less intelligent portions, may have been fooled by the fossil fuel industry propaganda campaign for now but the fast developing consequences of global warming/climate changes will soon make believers out of everyone (except possibly you, kooker, and a few other die-hard retards). "We are entering a period of consequences" that none of your hysterical denial of reality can change.

You're a fraud to your own religion, bubba, to the point of not acknowledging it as a religion.

And if you think people don't decide things based on what they read on the net, why are YOU on it? And trying to sell your snake oil on it?

The fact is, neither you nor ANY of your scientific bullshit has proven that global warming is a result of the use of fossil fuels, you moron. Global warming has hapened off and on throughout the history of the Earth. THAT is a fact. I suppose Ug the caveman was guilty of cyclical global warming because he had a campfire and a wheel?

Go sell your shit elsewhere you idiot.
He's a fraud only to the religion. Obviously, his message and the message of those who have proven data manipulation by the "real scientists" has done significant damage. The change in the public perception has changed DRAMATICALLY since even 2008. Its not even debatable!! There is zero doubt that there is a fraternity of alarmists that exist on the internet..........but overwhelmingly, the public has moved past the hysterical shit on climate. You can easily see it every day in this forum.......a pronounced level of anger and angst in the posts by the religion. Theyre pissed because they know they are losing the PR debate in an epic way!!! The debates will continue on the internet............but no place else. Indeed it took years to expose the myths perpetuated by the alarmist religion...........but I couldnt be any more giddy about how irrelevant this issue of global warming has become in the public consciousness.

Only a total idiot would imagine that important scientific or public policy issues are settled or decided "on the internet".

Scientific 'debates' occur in the peer-reviewed science journals and in that arena issues about the reality and dangers of AGW are settled. The world scientific community has affirmed that AGW is real and very dangerous to our world, our populations and our civilization. There was no "proven data manipulation", that's just another of your very moronic denier cult myths and propaganda memes that has been repeatedly debunked by the official investigations into the pseudo-'scandal' provoked by the theft of some innocuous emails from one of the research centers.

Your notion, kooker, that "the debates will continue on the internet...but no place else" is as freaking insane as the rest of your demented drivel.

Some portions of the public, the less educated and less intelligent portions, may have been fooled by the fossil fuel industry propaganda campaign for now but the fast developing consequences of global warming/climate changes will soon make believers out of everyone (except possibly you, kooker, and a few other die-hard retards). "We are entering a period of consequences" that none of your hysterical denial of reality can change.

You're a fraud to your own religion, bubba, to the point of not acknowledging it as a religion.

And if you think people don't decide things based on what they read on the net, why are YOU on it? And trying to sell your snake oil on it?

The fact is, neither you nor ANY of your scientific bullshit has proven that global warming is a result of the use of fossil fuels, you moron. Global warming has hapened off and on throughout the history of the Earth. THAT is a fact. I suppose Ug the caveman was guilty of cyclical global warming because he had a campfire and a wheel?

Go sell your shit elsewhere you idiot.

You're the fraud.

There's no religion except in deniers' fevered imaginations.

If fossil fuels aren't a problem, how come GHGs have been going up, since the advent of the Industrial Revolution?

Sure GW warming has occurred before, but you're ignoring the time course of "then vs now" and the possibility of different reasons for one fluctuation vs another. WHY?!?!

You've got a lot of nerve calling someone else a fraud, when you purposely misrepresent the facts or present irrelvancies as important to the discussion. :eusa_hand:
He's a fraud only to the religion. Obviously, his message and the message of those who have proven data manipulation by the "real scientists" has done significant damage. The change in the public perception has changed DRAMATICALLY since even 2008. Its not even debatable!! There is zero doubt that there is a fraternity of alarmists that exist on the internet..........but overwhelmingly, the public has moved past the hysterical shit on climate. You can easily see it every day in this forum.......a pronounced level of anger and angst in the posts by the religion. Theyre pissed because they know they are losing the PR debate in an epic way!!! The debates will continue on the internet............but no place else. Indeed it took years to expose the myths perpetuated by the alarmist religion...........but I couldnt be any more giddy about how irrelevant this issue of global warming has become in the public consciousness.

Only a total idiot would imagine that important scientific or public policy issues are settled or decided "on the internet".

Scientific 'debates' occur in the peer-reviewed science journals and in that arena issues about the reality and dangers of AGW are settled. The world scientific community has affirmed that AGW is real and very dangerous to our world, our populations and our civilization. There was no "proven data manipulation", that's just another of your very moronic denier cult myths and propaganda memes that has been repeatedly debunked by the official investigations into the pseudo-'scandal' provoked by the theft of some innocuous emails from one of the research centers.

Your notion, kooker, that "the debates will continue on the internet...but no place else" is as freaking insane as the rest of your demented drivel.

Some portions of the public, the less educated and less intelligent portions, may have been fooled by the fossil fuel industry propaganda campaign for now but the fast developing consequences of global warming/climate changes will soon make believers out of everyone (except possibly you, kooker, and a few other die-hard retards). "We are entering a period of consequences" that none of your hysterical denial of reality can change.

You're a fraud to your own religion, bubba, to the point of not acknowledging it as a religion.

you state this on what basis?

And if you think people don't decide things based on what they read on the net, why are YOU on it? And trying to sell your snake oil on it?

Well, I certainly don't decide things by what known igonoramouses state on the net.

The fact is, neither you nor ANY of your scientific bullshit has proven that global warming is a result of the use of fossil fuels, you moron.

Yes, it has been proven. Repeatedly. Just because you chose to be willfully ignorant doesn't mean that the rest of us do.

Global warming has hapened off and on throughout the history of the Earth.

Of course it has. And in almost every case, GHGs were involved. Just because we are at present the source of the GHGs rather than trapp volcanism intruding coal beds and extruding on clathrates does not change the fact that GHGs cause globel warming.

THAT is a fact. I suppose Ug the caveman was guilty of cyclical global warming because he had a campfire and a wheel?

Well, now, Ug, if your fire was burning coal, then I suppose that was a beginning.

Go sell your shit elsewhere you idiot.

Gunny, you are the one proving yourself to be the idiot here.
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Censoring The Decrease in Global Temperatures‬‏[/ame]
Scientific 'debates' occur in the peer-reviewed science journals and in that arena issues about the reality and dangers of AGW are settled. The world scientific community has affirmed that AGW is real and very dangerous to our world, our populations and our civilization. There was no "proven data manipulation", that's just another of your very moronic denier cult myths and propaganda memes that has been repeatedly debunked by the official investigations into the pseudo-'scandal' provoked by the theft of some innocuous emails from one of the research centers.
Helpful hint: If Michael Mann and Phil Jones get on the PA and tell everyone to assemble at the pavilion for a "special meeting", don't go. :eusa_whistle:
Hi! Would you like a cookie and some orange drink?


Extra points if you know who this is.
Only a total idiot would imagine that important scientific or public policy issues are settled or decided "on the internet".

Scientific 'debates' occur in the peer-reviewed science journals and in that arena issues about the reality and dangers of AGW are settled. The world scientific community has affirmed that AGW is real and very dangerous to our world, our populations and our civilization. There was no "proven data manipulation", that's just another of your very moronic denier cult myths and propaganda memes that has been repeatedly debunked by the official investigations into the pseudo-'scandal' provoked by the theft of some innocuous emails from one of the research centers.

Your notion, kooker, that "the debates will continue on the internet...but no place else" is as freaking insane as the rest of your demented drivel.

Some portions of the public, the less educated and less intelligent portions, may have been fooled by the fossil fuel industry propaganda campaign for now but the fast developing consequences of global warming/climate changes will soon make believers out of everyone (except possibly you, kooker, and a few other die-hard retards). "We are entering a period of consequences" that none of your hysterical denial of reality can change.

You're a fraud to your own religion, bubba, to the point of not acknowledging it as a religion.

And if you think people don't decide things based on what they read on the net, why are YOU on it? And trying to sell your snake oil on it?

The fact is, neither you nor ANY of your scientific bullshit has proven that global warming is a result of the use of fossil fuels, you moron. Global warming has hapened off and on throughout the history of the Earth. THAT is a fact. I suppose Ug the caveman was guilty of cyclical global warming because he had a campfire and a wheel?

Go sell your shit elsewhere you idiot.

You're the fraud.

There's no religion except in deniers' fevered imaginations.

If fossil fuels aren't a problem, how come GHGs have been going up, since the advent of the Industrial Revolution?

Sure GW warming has occurred before, but you're ignoring the time course of "then vs now" and the possibility of different reasons for one fluctuation vs another. WHY?!?!

You've got a lot of nerve calling someone else a fraud, when you purposely misrepresent the facts or present irrelvancies as important to the discussion. :eusa_hand:
Do you even KNOW the difference between correlation and causation? Are these totally foreign concepts to you?

I doubt there's a rhinoceros near you right now. And there are plenty of rocks in the vicinity. They, therefore must be some sort of magical rhinoceros repellent rocks.

>GASP!< Causation! those rocks keep rhinoceros away from you! Never be without one!

Your fantasy about GHG and the industrial age is the same damn thing.

Would you like some grape Flavor-aid? mm mm tasty. Just ignore the aftertaste.

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