So These Are Left Wingers, Eh?

I am curious to know how many times you have to hit yourself in the head with a hammer in order to be profoundly stupid enough to say "Nazis are lefties".


Nazi = socialists
Hence the name of the party…

Get your fucking head out of your ass

Did I not call this, or what? "Because it sez soshlust in dere name!" :lol:

Okay, Rustic. Please explain how the Nazi in the MAGA hat is a left winger.

Do you need a fresh bottle of Liquid Drano first?
Socialisms very purpose is hate-filled... fact
Sounds like you've had just about enough Drano now.

Please explain how the Nazi in the MAGA hat is a left winger.
Irrelevant to the topic. I don't see Nazis or commies everywhere. But I do find it revealing you don't post that graphic in topics where tards see commies everywhere.

It was not an illusion that the Nazis were certainly out in force in Charlottesville. All I'm asking is for one tard to explain how they managed to make themselves so stupid as to bleev Nazis are left wing.

They're stumped.

"Nazis are left wing. I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
I am curious to know how many times you have to hit yourself in the head with a hammer in order to be profoundly stupid enough to say "Nazis are lefties".


Nazi = socialists
Hence the name of the party…

Get your fucking head out of your ass

Did I not call this, or what? "Because it sez soshlust in dere name!" :lol:

Okay, Rustic. Please explain how the Nazi in the MAGA hat is a left winger.

Do you need a fresh bottle of Liquid Drano first?
Socialisms very purpose is hate-filled... fact
Sounds like you've had just about enough Drano now.

Please explain how the Nazi in the MAGA hat is a left winger.
Trump cannot choose his followers. Black lives is a racially hate group... fact
And by the way the Nazi party is a socialist institution
I am curious to know how many times you have to hit yourself in the head with a hammer in order to be profoundly stupid enough to say "Nazis are lefties".


Nazi = socialists
Hence the name of the party…

Get your fucking head out of your ass

Did I not call this, or what? "Because it sez soshlust in dere name!" :lol:

Okay, Rustic. Please explain how the Nazi in the MAGA hat is a left winger.

Do you need a fresh bottle of Liquid Drano first?
Socialisms very purpose is hate-filled... fact
Sounds like you've had just about enough Drano now.

Please explain how the Nazi in the MAGA hat is a left winger.
Trump cannot choose his followers. Black lives is a racially hate group... fact
And by the way the Nazi party is a socialist institution
Please explain how the Nazi in the MAGA hat is a left winger. Please explain how any of the Nazis in the photos I have posted from Virginia are left wingers.
Irrelevant to the topic. I don't see Nazis or commies everywhere. But I do find it revealing you don't post that graphic in topics where tards see commies everywhere.

It was not an illusion that the Nazis were certainly out in force in Charlottesville. All I'm asking is for one tard to explain how they managed to make themselves so stupid as to bleev Nazis are left wing.

Who cares what you do or don't see? Certainly not me. The fact remains that it's true. Both sides act like dumb fucks when they start throwing these names around. The moment someone throws out those names they've lost the argument. It's just that simple.
Here we see willful stupidity which begs to be lied to smacking right up against cognitive dissonance.

It has got to be incredibly painful.
Nazi = socialists
Hence the name of the party…

Get your fucking head out of your ass

Did I not call this, or what? "Because it sez soshlust in dere name!" :lol:

Okay, Rustic. Please explain how the Nazi in the MAGA hat is a left winger.

Do you need a fresh bottle of Liquid Drano first?
Socialisms very purpose is hate-filled... fact
Sounds like you've had just about enough Drano now.

Please explain how the Nazi in the MAGA hat is a left winger.
Trump cannot choose his followers. Black lives is a racially hate group... fact
And by the way the Nazi party is a socialist institution
Please explain how the Nazi in the MAGA hat is a left winger. Please explain how any of the Nazis in the photos I have posted from Virginia are left wingers.
Socialism was invented by progressive left wingers… Fact
Socialism was his party of choice by Adolf Hitler... fact
Here we see willful stupidity which begs to be lied to smacking right up against cognitive dissonance.

It has got to be incredibly painful.
For all we know that guy could be a plant by the progressive left wing… It would not surprise me. Progressives are very repugnant people.
Irrelevant to the topic. I don't see Nazis or commies everywhere. But I do find it revealing you don't post that graphic in topics where tards see commies everywhere.

It was not an illusion that the Nazis were certainly out in force in Charlottesville. All I'm asking is for one tard to explain how they managed to make themselves so stupid as to bleev Nazis are left wing.

Who cares what you do or don't see? Certainly not me. The fact remains that it's true. Both sides act like dumb fucks when they start throwing these names around. The moment someone throws out those names they've lost the argument. It's just that simple.
So you are upset I am calling the Nazis...Nazis. You got yourself all worked up over this?


I just want to know how one becomes so stupid as to parrot the retarded meme these Nazis, and they ARE actual Nazis, how one gets so stupid as to call them left wingers.

I honestly want to know.

This thing in Charlottesville presented a golden opportunity to discuss this whole "Nazis are left wingers" thing. Why does it chafe your ass to have an idiotic claim obliterated?


Don't you want the pseudocon tards to stop saying such a stupid thing? Don't you want them to realize the Nazis are stinking up THEIR nest?!?

When one remembers that the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party — Mises's identification might not appear all that noteworthy. For what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?

Is it also your position that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a democracy?
Here we see willful stupidity which begs to be lied to smacking right up against cognitive dissonance.

It has got to be incredibly painful.
For all we know that guy could be a plant by the progressive left wing… It would not surprise me. Progressives are very repugnant people.
Yeah. All those guys in all those photos I have posted from Charlottesville were plants. :lol:

Whew! The desperation to protect a delusion is getting palpable!

I think we know who is a plant in this picture. You're a goddam vegetable.
Nazi = socialists
Hence the name of the party…

Get your fucking head out of your ass

Did I not call this, or what? "Because it sez soshlust in dere name!" :lol:

Okay, Rustic. Please explain how the Nazi in the MAGA hat is a left winger.

Do you need a fresh bottle of Liquid Drano first?
Socialisms very purpose is hate-filled... fact
Sounds like you've had just about enough Drano now.

Please explain how the Nazi in the MAGA hat is a left winger.
Trump cannot choose his followers. Black lives is a racially hate group... fact
And by the way the Nazi party is a socialist institution
Please explain how the Nazi in the MAGA hat is a left winger. Please explain how any of the Nazis in the photos I have posted from Virginia are left wingers.

Make America Great Again = the mantra of every Liberal on the planet... they even held UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE rallies chanting it,

everyone knows that .
I don't answer questions from crazy people. You need to get mental help. Then we can talk.
Yeah, the guy who knows Nazis are right wing is the crazy person in the land of pseudocons.

I guess you want me to report to a re-education camp until I get my mind right, eh?

"But first, we must delouse you in the showers, citizen!"
and yet here you are the expert of nazism. wow, seems you are giving away your secrets eh?
you might be the dumbest poster on this board. it is a close race. but you are definitely a contender.

oh, and in case of modmoron wetwall (sick) riding again some moar on topic content. nazis are right wing.
are you a nazi expert as well? seems you all got it down really well. thanks for showing who are nazis. you look good.
i am. glad you noticed my expertism. i am also an expert in scumbag and moron spotting. i have the complete set if i spend 5 minutes reading usmb.
you got how the nazis operate down to a tee, stay with that one, it's your best play.
I am curious to know how many times you have to hit yourself in the head with a hammer in order to be profoundly stupid enough to say "Nazis are lefties".



These are dumb ass Neo Nazis who are ignorant of what it is they are worshiping. The real Nazi like Adolph Hitler practiced indoctrination and control that you see, yes on the far Left and the Far right. Sometimes the two are indescernable from each other the more extreme you go.

Most normal people who are either Democrat or republican are not represented by these two extremes, though i will say the Democratic leadership has more of the extreme elements than the Conservative side does in it's ranks.
Irrelevant to the topic. I don't see Nazis or commies everywhere. But I do find it revealing you don't post that graphic in topics where tards see commies everywhere.

It was not an illusion that the Nazis were certainly out in force in Charlottesville. All I'm asking is for one tard to explain how they managed to make themselves so stupid as to bleev Nazis are left wing.

Who cares what you do or don't see? Certainly not me. The fact remains that it's true. Both sides act like dumb fucks when they start throwing these names around. The moment someone throws out those names they've lost the argument. It's just that simple.
So you are upset I am calling the Nazis...Nazis. You got yourself all worked up over this?


I just want to know how one becomes so stupid as to parrot the retarded meme these Nazis, and they ARE actual Nazis, how one gets so stupid as to call them left wingers.

I honestly want to know.

This thing in Charlottesville presented a golden opportunity to discuss this whole "Nazis are left wingers" thing. Why does it chafe your ass to have an idiotic claim destroyed?


LOL, typical G silliness. Nothing you could ever say would have the power to upset me, you aren't that bright. I don't care who you call what and I surely won't allow you to put words in my mouth. ;) The fact remains, whomever plays the "Nazi" card has lost the debate. You're just trolling and we both know I won't bite. We also both know your premise is stupid on it's face.
Best thread I've ever seen here!!! Love it!

I love it when G wakes from his nap, snorts and stretches, and then goes to town on these Trumptards like the best old hound dog in the pack.
he looks like asphalt after the roller has completed the smash down.
And yet not one of you has been able to explain to me how you dumb yourself down enough to believe Nazis are left wing.

So go ahead, genius. Tell us what makes those Nazis in Charlottesville left wingers.

If you are the smart one, then please educate us.

I'll wait here.

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