So, THIS is what Progs, Democrats and most Leftists are fighting for


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
Isn't it just wonderful?

The saddest part is through ignorance and indoctrination, they have no idea this is what their Utopian Dreams actually end in.

Desperate women fleeing Venezuela sell hair, breast milk, sex to get by

"Another Venezuelan, who requested his name not be published out of fear and security reasons, described the levels of crime and violence as something akin to a horror movie. He worked as a security guard in the capital, Caracas, despite having been shot in the stomach by government-backed street gangs known as the “collectivos." He was left permanently disabled, and said his store manager is threatened and forced to hand after the most valuable food goods to the gangsters.

“It is complete anarchy. There are tens of thousands of these gangs – Cuban and Venezuelan – who operate in every state,” the 33-year-old father bemoaned. “I have only managed to survive this long thanks to Jesus and the Holy Spirit.”

The question is..... KNOWING can our society be so eager to follow the same path? How can we allow people like Bernie sanders and Ocasio Cortez to have a place at our governments chambers?

These are the actions of madmen and a society so broken that it's demise is imminent.

There is no doubt, America, once the global symbol of unity, strength and Law will fall since there is no apparent movement to stop the Left from dragging the nation into the chaotic abyss of Progressive demise.
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Look at Venezuela, Cuba, the former USSR, China before they embraced capitalism, Eastern Europe before the wall came down, and you will see where the Democrats want to take us.

Government control, and a citizenry that are subjected to totalitarianism, and oppression. However, the party elites, and their cronies have wealth, and power.
Strawman fallacy – it’s what conservatives, Republicans, and most on the right are lying about.

There are no lies in the OP. The situation there brought on by your kind is desperate. Even people who supported the leftist movement are now fleeing the country. They were dead wrong. Just as you and ALL the Leftist at this forum are most of the time.

I have friends from Venezuela with children and they are suffering, some have died.
The situation brought on by you Leftists is a tragedy.

Scum like you cause the greatest human suffering then think it's amusing.
Democrat socialists are convinced that it just wasn't done right before. They can do it right this time.
America never had these problems because the government was always there to bail out the so called free market when it failed. Like what FDR did back in the '30s and Obama did in 2008. Government money bailing out the 'free market'. But keep these silly posts coming all you right wing free market loving ingrates.
Strawman fallacy – it’s what conservatives, Republicans, and most on the right are lying about. typical of the severely leftarded. Always refusing to understand the basic principle of cause and affect.
I’d bet when Reagan gave 3.5m wetbacks amnesty the Loons cried...”what’s the big deal, it’s only 3.5m people” forward to today where 1/3 of our population is made up of illegals and their filthy spawn....WHOOPSIE!
America never had these problems because the government was always there to bail out the so called free market when it failed. Like what FDR did back in the '30s and Obama did in 2008. But keep these silly posts coming all you right wing free market loving ingrates.

Morbidly deranged assclown imbecile.
Thinks it's funny when children suffer and die apparently

If there was a FU button, I'd hit it twice for you
Progressives and most hard core leftists in Venezuela now realize they made a big mistake pushing Gun Control. But too late.

Venezuelans regret gun ban, 'a declaration of war against an unarmed population'

CUCUTA, Venezuela/Colombia border – As Venezuela continues to crumble under the socialist dictatorship of President Nicolas Maduro, some are expressing words of warning – and resentment – against a six-year-old gun control bill that stripped citizens of their weapons.

“Guns would have served as a vital pillar to remaining a free people, or at least able to put up a fight,” Javier Vanegas, 28, a Venezuelan teacher of English now exiled in Ecuador, told Fox News. “The government security forces, at the beginning of this debacle, knew they had no real opposition to their force. Once things were this bad, it was a clear declaration of war against an unarmed population.”

“Venezuelans didn’t care enough about it. The idea of having the means to protect your home was seen as only needed out in the fields. People never would have believed they needed to defend themselves against the government,” Vanegas explained. “Venezuelans evolved to always hope that our government would be non-tyrannical, non-violator of human rights, and would always have a good enough control of criminality.”

He said it didn’t take long for such a wide-eyed public perception to fall apart. “If guns had been a stronger part of our culture, if there had been a sense of duty for one to protect their individual rights, and as a show of force against a government power – and had legal carry been a common thing – it would have made a huge difference,” he lamented.

This is exactly what the Left wants in America. They know that the only way to have an authoritarian regime in absolute control is to make sure the population is helpless against them.
So no matter how long as it takes, incrementally, by any means necessary, they WILL disarm Americans.
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I'm convinced that The speed at which America declines into a chaotic war zone like Venezuela (which is what Progs call 'Utopia btw) is DIRECTLY related to the speed and progress at which they are able to dismantle the 2nd Amendment.

Because a disarmed population is helpless to defend itself against the will of brutal tyrants.
BTW....Important note.....

The LEFT in Venezuela successfully terminated gun rights in Venezuela under Hugo Chavez.

Today, thousands of Dictator Maduros henchmen traverse the coutryside armed to the teeth acting as an unofficially supported enforcement militia FOR the Dictator.

So when the Left disarms Americans, only Far Left, hard core Fascist Leftists will have guns.
They don't really want to get rid of guns, they just don't want YOU to have access to them.
BTW....Important note.....

The LEFT in Venezuela successfully terminated gun rights in Venezuela under Hugo Chavez.

Today, thousands of Dictator Maduros henchmen traverse the coutryside armed to the teeth acting as an unofficially supported enforcement militia FOR the Dictator.

So when the Left disarms Americans

It will not happen, at least in this lifetime.
It will not happen, at least in this lifetime.

Are you aware of the new Laws just passed in California and NJ ?
If that's not exactly what's going on there what is it?

All it will take is a Democrat controlled House and Senate and a SCOTUS that will look the other way (Don't we have that now)
The SC just refused to act on Planned Parenthood and also allowed 2nd amendment rights to go unsupported. In effect they just said they will not interfere if the STATES pass laws infringing on the 2nd.

I think FAR too many are still thinking the Constitution will protect their rights......when truth is, if we don't protect the Constitution it cannot protect us.

I'm saying that a massive change in gun rights is MUCH closer than most people believe. sadly.
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It will not happen, at least in this lifetime.

Are you aware of the new Laws just passed in California and NJ ?
If that's not exactly what's going on there what is it?

All it will take is a Democrat controlled House and Senate and a SCOTUS that will look the other way (Don't we have that now)
The SC just refused to act on Planned Parenthood and also allowed 2nd amendment rights to go unsupported. In effect they just said they will not interfere if the STATES pass laws infringing on the 2nd.

I think FAR too many are still thinking the Constitution will protect their rights......when truth is, if we don't protect the Constitution it cannot protect us.

I'm saying that a massive change in gun rights is MUCH closer than most people believe. sadly.

The question being?
Will an attempt to override the second be the catalyst that sets the people off?
Thats the gamble leftist are worried about.
The question being?
Will an attempt to override the second be the catalyst that sets the people off?
Thats the gamble leftist are worried about.

I think they're aware of that. That's why they're going about it incrementally. Starting with the states they have absolute control over.
NewJersey, Califormia and the hard core Blue states.

Death by 1000 tiny cuts. What happens is if they can get a law that obviously infringes on the 2nd to stick in their areas (easy), then there a 'Precedence" they can later use in the SCOTUS to cite as specific examples where it's "Common Law" And the SCOTUS then can easily say such and such Rights are no longer valid because there's a precedence so and so.

Are you aware that the SCOTUS can do practically ANYTHING. Constitutional rights that seem absolute have been discretion-ally applied for a long time. Did you know that at one time the Supreme court ruled that African Americans were not legal Persons?
The SCOTUS has also ruled that a human fetus is not a human being.

it is NOT far fetched to believe that if the wrong people are on the Supreme Court, that the entire 2nd Amendment could be found null and void.

The lack of Legal challenge to the new definitely infringing and even possibly infringing laws being pushed out is a frightening forecast of the future of gun rights.

based on the success the Left is having incrementally dismantling the 2nd and the legal precedence being set, I think the left couldn't be happier with their "Progress" against the rights to bear arms.

It should be the Right who is scared. But I'm not sure that most on the right comprehend what's happening. Even on gun sites such as gun owners are asking if the new laws should be interpreted as meaning "X" or "Y" and it it means they now need to do "A" or "B" to remain compliant when they should be asking ifthese new laws mean an infringement on the 2nd and what are we going to do?

One can deduce the immense success of the gun grabbing left from such comments. The Right is no longer challenging the incremental revocation of their 2nd Amendment rights, and instead have begun seeking avenues of compliance and interpretations. Ultimately, the laws will get incrementally more restrictive until Gun owners are asking if it's even worth it to own a gun given the legal hoops, threats of prosecution and excessive fees and taxes.

This is how the Left is incrementally winning the war against the 2nd. AND...there is no push back. They do it without challenge.
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VERY few on the Right believe there's a credible threat to the 2nd.

I'm thinking they feel confident that their possession of arms is sufficient to maintain their rights.
But they are dead wrong.

I am nearly 100% certain that in the near future (within 20 years), at a moment that the left is firmly in control, and the Supreme Court is a puppet to the Elitist / NWO Globalists, and enough Red states have been turned Blue (Florida & Georgia are coming razor edge close), then there will be sufficient national pressure and approval to pass Federal legislation to effectively make most gun ownership illegal.

At that point the first "Turn Them in Now While You Can" Laws will be passed and so the final phase will begin.

ANYONE who can say they do not see this coming given the clear evidence available today is only fooling themselves.

Remember when the same deniers said Obamacare (socialized Medicine) could NEVER pass and become Law??

The Left is a conglomeration of odd people and many low information people. They have been sold a bill of goods and indoctrinated to believe that giving up their rights is the path to a better society. We know from history how that ALWAYS ends.
It will not happen, at least in this lifetime.

Are you aware of the new Laws just passed in California and NJ ?
If that's not exactly what's going on there what is it?

All it will take is a Democrat controlled House and Senate and a SCOTUS that will look the other way (Don't we have that now)
The SC just refused to act on Planned Parenthood and also allowed 2nd amendment rights to go unsupported. In effect they just said they will not interfere if the STATES pass laws infringing on the 2nd.

I think FAR too many are still thinking the Constitution will protect their rights......when truth is, if we don't protect the Constitution it cannot protect us.

I'm saying that a massive change in gun rights is MUCH closer than most people believe. sadly.

Well, it of course depends upon citizen compliance. I doubt you would see much among gun owners.

Forced confiscation would be losing battle from day one. Those doing the confiscating live within the communities, and frankly after the first publicized raid of a general program of confiscation the lives of them and their families wouldn't be worth spit.

That's not a threat, but merely an observation of human nature and of the culture we live in. While a certain portion of the population has been trained via the public education system to respond as sheep to a godlike-government, and even to wish for such a government, gun owners generally do not hold their rights so cheap and have rejected such behavior modifications.

It would not be worth the cost to any government in this country - federal, state or local - to make such a foolish attempt.
America never had these problems because the government was always there to bail out the so called free market when it failed. Like what FDR did back in the '30s and Obama did in 2008. Government money bailing out the 'free market'. But keep these silly posts coming all you right wing free market loving ingrates.

What "government money"?
Do you know where that "government money" comes from?
BTW, the the idiot Democrats caused the Great Recession with their mortgage policies and then they blamed it on President Bush.

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