So, THIS is what Progs, Democrats and most Leftists are fighting for

Well, it of course depends upon citizen compliance. I doubt you would see much among gun owners.

Forced confiscation would be losing battle from day one. Those doing the confiscating live within the communities, and frankly after the first publicized raid of a general program of confiscation the lives of them and their families wouldn't be worth spit.

That's not a threat, but merely an observation of human nature and of the culture we live in. While a certain portion of the population has been trained via the public education system to respond as sheep to a godlike-government, and even to wish for wish for such a government, gun owners generally do not hold their rights so cheap and have rejected such behavior modifications.

It would not be worth the cost to any government in this country - federal, state or local - to make such a foolish attempt.

I understand your point.
They won't use the forced confiscation path until they have largely succeeded in incrementally taking away the rights through less intrusive, less forceful means.
But I can all but assure you it's coming eventually. It HAS to or they can never achieve their ultimate goals.

First bump stocks, then high capacity magazines, then taxes on ammo, then changing the definition of high capacity magazines from 30 rounds, to 10 rounds, to 5 rounds to 2 rounds etc. This is exactly what's happening today. Then we have the Supreme Court which just refused to force states to honor the 2nd Amendment and for all intents and purposes has given California, NewJersey and all other gun grabbing gun states the freedom to move forward.

While it might seem foolish, I can say that about the laws already passed recently.....but they're doing it and getting away with it.
Are you aware of the new ammo taxes in California and the new laws just passed in NJ ?

Your perspective may depend on where you live. I'm currently stuck in a densely populated urban area that has become solidly blue.
Blue areas tend to have FAR more people. NewYork, LosAngeles and every major city. So while you might live in a red state where you don't feel the heat and where everyone around you agrees, you are vastly outnumbered by the Blue coats who do want to grab all the guns.
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America never had these problems because the government was always there to bail out the so called free market when it failed. Like what FDR did back in the '30s and Obama did in 2008. Government money bailing out the 'free market'. But keep these silly posts coming all you right wing free market loving ingrates.

What "government money"?
Do you know where that "government money" comes from?
BTW, the the idiot Democrats caused the Great Recession with their mortgage policies and then they blamed it on President Bush.


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