So this Jan 6th hearing shit is for what?

It is the Democrats attempt at a third impeachment trial.
However it cannot be a trial since the defense does not get a chance for a rebuttal. The Dems are just trying to make it so Trump cannot run again in 2024
so is that a possibility?
Imagine this being your entire platform..... fuck 17% inflation, no baby formula, empty shelves, $6 gas, foreign policy disasters and a 32% (probably more like 8%) approval rating.

No, we have an unhealthy hatred for someone who has beat us twice and exposed us for what we are, and now we're going to put our excruciating mental illnesses on display for all to laugh and point at.

Just wow. Sign on if you're similarly fucked up.
Just for the record, as if it matters here, this could end up being about:

1. Seditious Conspiracy
2. Conspiracy to Defraud the United States
3. Obstructing an Official Proceeding of Congress

... and only if the DoJ is sure it has a case.

Then there's the Georgia phone call, which could not have been more flagrant or obvious, which would be something like "attempt to solicit election fraud".
for a second there i thought you were talking about the Russian collusion hokes ..
They detailed some of the pressure Trump put on local election officials.
Not just political threats but publishing their names and addresses so MAGA could send threatening messages and stake out their homes
for a second there i thought you were talking about the threats the left is directing at SC Justices ...
A lot of the issues being brought up in the 'hearing' are quite misleading or taken out of context. Notice no counter presented by the GOP?
That is not a response to the question.

"Better look again. They take the house, there will be all kinds of questions asked....and unsettling answers for the left."

Again, what questions?

The GOP was given multiple opportunities for full partnership on this committee as well as the proposed commission.
The refused the latter and offered nothing but Trump's fellow conspirators to the former.

Now if Trump and his boys are ready to testify under oath to "set the record straight" I'm sure the committee would welcome them.
Benghazi hearings were quite productive......if you read the minutes......a lot wasn't mentioned in the news media, wonder why?

Who was convicted?
What US policy changes were made?


You swallow the lies and swear they are true.
That is not a response to the question.

"Better look again. They take the house, there will be all kinds of questions asked....and unsettling answers for the left."

Again, what questions?

The GOP was given multiple opportunities for full partnership on this committee as well as the proposed commission.
The refused the latter and offered nothing but Trump's fellow conspirators to the former.

Now if Trump and his boys are ready to testify under oath to "set the record straight" I'm sure the committee would welcome them.
It is not questions, just misrepresentations or statements taken out of context, of things said.

Pelosi didn't want anyone who would provide conjecture against her 'hearing of what they want you to hear'.

Tactics used previously by Schiff and company.

I guess you can't figure it out then.

Who was convicted?
What US policy changes were made?


You swallow the lies and swear they are true.
No, I read the transcript of the hearings. Funny how it differed immensely from what the media was reporting.

The transcript exposed the lies coming out of the Obama Admin and news media......convicted by facts.
Bu-bu-but...only after public 'horror' over the Senate leader making seditious comments against sitting justices.

Does not make it go away.
Geez sound pretty silly complaining about Schumer from 1 fairly benign comment, from 2 yrs ago (cuz your masters told you to) and hypocritical to boot! Your orange demi-god told crowds of his supporters to take out any protesters at his rally and he'd pay their court costs from their arrest, he told cops they should not treat those they arrest kindly, but rough them up on the way to the clanker..., shall I go on about how the president pushed vigilante violence ALL THE TIME!???

Were you MUM then? Blind, deaf, silent?
Benghazi hearings were quite productive......if you read the minutes......a lot wasn't mentioned in the news media, wonder why?

On May 8, 2014, the House voted 232–186 to establish the select committee, with 225 Republicans and 7 Democrats in favor, and 186 Democrats voting against.
The chairman of the committee was Representative Trey Gowdy from South Carolina.
It was the last of six investigations conducted by Republican-controlled House committees. The committee closed on December 12, 2016, after issuing its final report.

There were ten investigations into the Benghazi matter: one by the FBI; one by an independent board commissioned by the State Department; two by Democrat-controlled Senate Committees; and six by Republican-controlled House Committees.

After the first five Republican investigations found no evidence of wrongdoing by senior Obama administration officials, Republicans in 2014 opened a sixth investigation, the House Select Committee on Benghazi, chaired by Trey Gowdy.

This investigation also failed to find any evidence of wrongdoing by senior Obama administration officials.

Flushing $7 million in taxpayer $$$ down the toilet is "quite productive"?

Just like your dear leader's golf.
Ha ha that "Phone call" was TWO years ago yet the State or DOJ doesn't have a simple case against him which strongly suggest they don't have a prosecutable case.

June 1 2022
Prosecutors, led by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, have been examining whether the former president's infamous phone call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to "find" 11,780 votes to tilt the results in Trump's favor amounted to a criminal offense.

As part of the long-running investigation, a special grand jury will now start hearing testimony from around 50 subpoenaed witnesses from Wednesday, June 1. The jury will then hand over a report to Willis, who will decide whether to indict Trump and his allies with a criminal offense.
Geez sound pretty silly complaining about Schumer from 1 fairly benign comment, from 2 yrs ago (cuz your masters told you to) and hypocritical to boot! Your orange demi-god told crowds of his supporters to take out any protesters at his rally and he'd pay their court costs from their arrest, he told cops they should not treat those they arrest kindly, but rough them up on the way to the clanker..., shall I go on about how the president pushed vigilante violence ALL THE TIME!???

Were you MUM then? Blind, deaf, silent?
Seditious statements from the Senate Majority Leader. Why wasn't he impeached or censured?

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