So Truman was a KKK member

The least of Truman's problems was catering to the racist democrat base. Everybody in the democrat party catered to the racist base. Truman was selected by the DNC to be FDR's successor when the democrat party (typically) lied to the American public and their minions in the liberal media convinced America that the corpse they were running for his 4th term was a viable candidate. You almost gotta laugh that democrats got away with taking the current V.P. off the ticket while he was on vacation and running a timid little former clothing store owner as the logical successor to FDR when they knew FDR would die within a year and the timid little idiot they selected to fill his shoes would be a tool of the democrat party politics. FDR's medical records disappeared form a locked safe and Truman did what he was supposed to do. The problem was that Truman turned out to be an even smaller man than the fawning liberal media predicted. While the little man was trying to downsize the Military and do away with the Marine Corps, after all they sacrificed in WW2, wouldn't you know Korea came around. Truman didn't consult congress and sent Troops to Korea on an executive order and he screwed up the mission. We lost about 35,000 to 50,000 Troops in three years. but the liberal media who never saw a democrat they didn't like, created the legacy of the feisty little idiot. Truman couldn't get enough support from his own party to run for a second term after Korea and retired from politics.

Once again- a Conservative rationalization that basically is saying to African Americans that you think that they are stupid.
The least of Truman's problems was catering to the racist democrat base. Everybody in the democrat party catered to the racist base. Truman was selected by the DNC to be FDR's successor when the democrat party (typically) lied to the American public and their minions in the liberal media convinced America that the corpse they were running for his 4th term was a viable candidate. You almost gotta laugh that democrats got away with taking the current V.P. off the ticket while he was on vacation and running a timid little former clothing store owner as the logical successor to FDR when he didn't have a freaking clue. FDR's medical records disappeared form a locked safe and Truman did what he was supposed to do. The problem was that Truman turned out to be a smaller man than the fawning liberal media predicted. While the little man was trying to downsize the Military and do away with the Marine Corps after all they sacrificed in WW2 wouldn't you know Korea came around. Truman didn't consult congress and sent Troops to Korea on an executive order and he screwed up the mission. We lost about 35,000 to 50,000 Troops in three years. but the liberal media who never saw a democrat they didn't like, created the legacy of the feisty little idiot. Truman couldn't get enough support from his own party to run for a second term after Korea and retired from politics.

The 478th attempt of trying to prove dems are racists. Tell a lie often enough and people will believe it, right?

Don't you understand that you have to make a case for your side instead of reciting a cliche?
whitehall merely is trying to convince himself, and I think he fails himself.
whitehall merely is trying to convince himself, and I think he fails himself.
Covering for another pathetic left wing defense of Truman with a trite comment about the poster ain't gonna get you alleged historians out of trouble.
The op's and all the republicans arguments just ooze desparation if they said Ben Carson was in the klan ....
So President Truman was a member of the Klu Klux Klan.


whitehall merely is trying to convince himself, and I think he fails himself.
Covering for another pathetic left wing defense of Truman with a trite comment about the poster ain't gonna get you alleged historians out of trouble.
The op's and all the republicans arguments just ooze desparation if they said Ben Carson was in the klan ....

Just having fun watching you squiggle.
You do have a talent for seeing what's not there.
whitehall merely is trying to convince himself, and I think he fails himself.
Covering for another pathetic left wing defense of Truman with a trite comment about the poster ain't gonna get you alleged historians out of trouble.
The op's and all the republicans arguments just ooze desparation if they said Ben Carson was in the klan ....

What does that mean? The sad evidence of the mid 20th century is that a former KKK member was selected by the DNC when the apparently less idiotic sitting V.P was on vacation. The fact that the Truman candidacy was relatively unnoticed by Americans is a prime example of what can happen when the media becomes part of the administration. Truman did everything that was expected of him after FDR died within the three months expected by the democrat party. The problem was that the DNC didn't realize that Truman was such an idiot and after the debacle of Korea he didn't even have enough support in his own party to run for a full 2nd term.
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whitehall merely is trying to convince himself, and I think he fails himself.
Covering for another pathetic left wing defense of Truman with a trite comment about the poster ain't gonna get you alleged historians out of trouble.
The OP was a pathetic attack that failed quickly. You have tried to reinforce failure with laughable results. Black Americans and their allies will continue to vote against the GOP until the pubs own up to their failure and reach honestly out to blacks.
And the far right reactinaries above, not real Republicans at all, continue to attack Truman, a president most mainstream GOP today respect and admire.
whitehall merely is trying to convince himself, and I think he fails himself.
Covering for another pathetic left wing defense of Truman with a trite comment about the poster ain't gonna get you alleged historians out of trouble.
The op's and all the republicans arguments just ooze desparation if they said Ben Carson was in the klan ....

What does that mean? The sad evidence of the mid 20th century is that a former KKK member was selected by the DNC when the apparently less idiotic sitting V.P was on vacation. The fact that the Truman candidacy was relatively unnoticed by Americans is a prime example of what can happen when the media becomes part of the administration. Truman did everything that was expected of him after FDR died within the three months expected by the democrat party. The problem was that the DNC didn't realize that Truman was such an idiot and after the debacle of Korea he didn't even have enough support in his own party to run for a full 2nd term.
The Zionist Jewish terrorists tried to kill Truman:

"In the summer of 1947, pending the independence of Israel, the Zionist Stern Gang was believed to have sent a number of letter bombs addressed to the president and high-ranking staff at the White House. The Secret Service had been alerted by British intelligence after similar letters had been sent to high-ranking British officials and the Gang claimed credit. The mail room of the White House intercepted the letters and the Secret Service defused them. At the time, the incident was not publicized."

It's fascinating how some terrorism gets SO much publicity, and other terrorism comes and goes as if it never happened...
Trump and family have always been rich. Rich people aren't wasting time with things like the kkk. That is for poor white people who want to blame somebody for being poor.
Truman Library: Desegregation of the Armed Forces Online Research File

January 1948: President Truman decides to end segregation in the armed forces and the civil service through administrative action (executive order) rather than through legislation.

February 2, 1948: President Truman announces in a special message to Congress on civil rights issues that he has "instructed the Secretary of Defense to take steps to have the remaining instances of discrimination in the armed services eliminated as rapidly as possible."

March 22, 1948: African-American leaders meet with President Truman and urge him to insist on antisegregation amendments in the legislation being considered in Congress that would reinstitute the draft..

March 27, 1948: Twenty African-American organizations meeting in New York City issue the "Declaration of Negro Voters," which demands, among other things, "that every vestige of segregation and discrimination in the armed forces be forthwith abolished."

March 30, 1948: A. Philip Randolph, representing the Committee Against Jim Crow in Military Service and Training, testifies to the Senate Armed Services Committee that African-Americans would refuse to serve in the armed forces if a proposed new draft law does not forbid segregation.

April 26, 1948: Sixteen African-American...​
I guess some things need repeating...
Trump and family have always been rich. Rich people aren't wasting time with things like the kkk. That is for poor white people who want to blame somebody for being poor.
they live under the false assumption that because they are white ,they are entitled to more

What assumptions do rich black folk live under?

Trump and family have always been rich. Rich people aren't wasting time with things like the kkk. That is for poor white people who want to blame somebody for being poor.
they live under the false assumption that because they are white ,they are entitled to more

What assumptions do rich black folk live under?

they beat the cracker at there own game?
Trump and family have always been rich. Rich people aren't wasting time with things like the kkk. That is for poor white people who want to blame somebody for being poor.
they live under the false assumption that because they are white ,they are entitled to more

What assumptions do rich black folk live under?

That they be as good a us poor stupid white folk be?

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