So Truman was a KKK member

"you libs have to dig up the past" when in fact it was the OP digging up Truman's past in 1924. Good reponsible Americans from the left to the right will not let the crazy kooks of the far reactionary right get away with rewriting history.
Who started this Jake? You get boing boing digging up that a Fred Trump was arrested at a KKK rally in 1928? And I'm and others are just going to eat this shit and not fight back? THEY FUCKING STARTED IT. NOW IT'S GAME FUCKING ON.
The game is over. You started it, and your OP got knocked out. End game.
We pubs have been trying to rewrite history by tying the current Dems to the Dems of pre-1963, and you are whining about us getting hit in return.

The southern strategy happened. The millennials know that.

Black Americans know the truth, and until we stop denying the last fifty years, we will not get the black vote for the GOP. The millennials know that.

Until and unless we move the GOP into the 21st century, we will not be able to govern effectively. We have both chambers of Congress and still look like shitheads to Americans who know the score.
Truman was a member of the KKK and the best defense the left can come up with is that "democrats were conservative" at that time? You almost gotta laugh.
Yep, and he felt "dirty" being associated with folks like you so he quite. Yeah, dems do laugh.
LBJ might have been an obtuse idiot but he was a slick political strategist. He used the "N" word freely enough but he turned the democrat racist strategy around to pretend that the government promoted racial equality when democrats played their best race card ever. LBJ's "great society" would become the great government plantation. It ruined Black families, made poverty pimps rich and gained the Black vote. What could be better? Today racist democrats still claim that Black people don't have enough sense to obtain a photo I.D. in the 20th century. Another democrat success story.
LBJ might have been an obtuse idiot but he was a slick political strategist. He used the "N" word freely enough but he turned the democrat racist strategy around to pretend that the government promoted racial equality when democrats played their best race card ever. LBJ's "great society" would become the great government plantation. It ruined Black families, made poverty pimps rich and gained the Black vote. What could be better? Today racist democrats still claim that Black people don't have enough sense to obtain a photo I.D. in the 20th century. Another democrat success story.
Drinking again in order to come up with crap to explain away why we in the GOP will not reach out honestly to blacks. And you wonder why you are stacking the cards against us.
LBJ might have been an obtuse idiot but he was a slick political strategist. He used the "N" word freely enough but he turned the democrat racist strategy around to pretend that the government promoted racial equality when democrats played their best race card ever. LBJ's "great society" would become the great government plantation. It ruined Black families, made poverty pimps rich and gained the Black vote. What could be better? Today racist democrats still claim that Black people don't have enough sense to obtain a photo I.D. in the 20th century. Another democrat success story.
Drinking again in order to come up with crap to explain away why we in the GOP will not reach out honestly to blacks. And you wonder why you are stacking the cards against us.

LBJ created the "great society" and the idiotic democrat KKK base suddenly realized that they could keep upity Blacks on the plantation and get democrats elected with a gigantic taxpayer funded plan. Media support was guaranteed and that was all it took to convince the public. Democrats haven't changed their racist policies, the media merely shifted focus. Billions of dollars have been spent on a failed policy lasting almost half a century and when it seems that Black voters might be escaping the democrat plantation in the information age, democrats up the ante and get away with claiming that Blacks don't have the ability to obtain a photo I.D. in the 21st century.
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"you libs have to dig up the past" when in fact it was the OP digging up Truman's past in 1924.

Good reponsible Americans from the left to the right will not let the crazy kooks of the far reactionary right get away with rewriting history.

"you libs have to dig up the past" when in fact it was the OP digging up Truman's past in 1924.

Good reponsible Americans from the left to the right will not let the crazy kooks of the far reactionary right get away with rewriting history.

Ok Jake. The left brings up Trump's father and NOW IM A FUCKING ASSHOLE FOR BRINGING UP TRUMAN?

"you libs have to dig up the past" when in fact it was the OP digging up Truman's past in 1924.

Good reponsible Americans from the left to the right will not let the crazy kooks of the far reactionary right get away with rewriting history.

"you libs have to dig up the past" when in fact it was the OP digging up Truman's past in 1924.

Good reponsible Americans from the left to the right will not let the crazy kooks of the far reactionary right get away with rewriting history.

Ok Jake. The left brings up Trump's father and NOW IM A FUCKING ASSHOLE FOR BRINGING UP TRUMAN?


Technically speaking, no. Technically you're the foul mouthed madwoman from Indian country.
Robert KKK Byrd (D) fillibustered the civil rights act. Al Gore Sr (D) voted against it. It would never have passed without republican votes.

So what? You're supporting my point and don't even know it.

are you claiming that Byrd and Gore were conservative republicans?

Mississippi voted for goldwater because of his conservative views on the role of the federal government, not civil rights issues.

So now you're claiming that the 90 year Democratic majority in Mississippi was not segregationist?

Holy fuck on a bun!

Nope, thats exactly what they were, they were also democrats. The Goldwater campaign was not pro-segregation. Where do you fools get this crap?

You go back and read post 84 and then tell me why Colmer, a Democrat, endorsed Goldwater.
Because he, like most Southern Democrats, was a Conservative.
Truman was a member of the KKK and the best defense the left can come up with is that "democrats were conservative" at that time? You almost gotta laugh.
Facts need no defending except from you g
So what? You're supporting my point and don't even know it.

are you claiming that Byrd and Gore were conservative republicans?

Mississippi voted for goldwater because of his conservative views on the role of the federal government, not civil rights issues.

So now you're claiming that the 90 year Democratic majority in Mississippi was not segregationist?

Holy fuck on a bun!

Nope, thats exactly what they were, they were also democrats. The Goldwater campaign was not pro-segregation. Where do you fools get this crap?

You go back and read post 84 and then tell me why Colmer, a Democrat, endorsed Goldwater.
Because he, like most Southern Democrats, was a Conservative.
Why do conservatives subtitute the word obtuse for the phrase you're right?
"you libs have to dig up the past" when in fact it was the OP digging up Truman's past in 1924.

Good reponsible Americans from the left to the right will not let the crazy kooks of the far reactionary right get away with rewriting history.

Who started this Jake?

You get boing boing digging up that a Fred Trump was arrested at a KKK rally in 1928?

And I'm and others are just going to eat this shit and not fight back?



What are you- 6 years old?

"They fucking started it Mom!'

What an idiot.
Truman was a member of the KKK and the best defense the left can come up with is that "democrats were conservative" at that time? You almost gotta laugh.
Facts need no defending except from you g
are you claiming that Byrd and Gore were conservative republicans?

Mississippi voted for goldwater because of his conservative views on the role of the federal government, not civil rights issues.

So now you're claiming that the 90 year Democratic majority in Mississippi was not segregationist?

Holy fuck on a bun!

Nope, thats exactly what they were, they were also democrats. The Goldwater campaign was not pro-segregation. Where do you fools get this crap?

You go back and read post 84 and then tell me why Colmer, a Democrat, endorsed Goldwater.
Because he, like most Southern Democrats, was a Conservative.
Why do conservatives subtitute the word obtuse for the phrase you're right?
They're either totally ignorant of the politics of the time, or they're very practiced liars.
Truman was a member of the KKK and the best defense the left can come up with is that "democrats were conservative" at that time? You almost gotta laugh.

'best defense' for what?

That Truman was briefly a member of the KKK? Already discussed- at length- including exactly why he joined- how long he was a member and why he left the KKK.

The 'best defense' is to look at what Truman did for African American civil rights after his membership in the KKK- which was more than any of the current batch of RNC candidates.

I would be glad to compare the civil rights record of Truman with Trump any time.
LBJ might have been an obtuse idiot but he was a slick political strategist. He used the "N" word freely enough but he turned the democrat racist strategy around to pretend that the government promoted racial equality when democrats played their best race card ever. LBJ's "great society" would become the great government plantation. It ruined Black families, made poverty pimps rich and gained the Black vote. What could be better? Today racist democrats still claim that Black people don't have enough sense to obtain a photo I.D. in the 20th century. Another democrat success story.

Today's racist Republicans claim that African Americans are too stupid to know to vote for Republicans.

The reality is that if it were not for LBJ the 1964 Civil Rights Act would never have passed- and today's Conservatives are still upset about his role in promoting equal rights for African Americans.
LBJ might have been an obtuse idiot but he was a slick political strategist. He used the "N" word freely enough but he turned the democrat racist strategy around to pretend that the government promoted racial equality when democrats played their best race card ever. LBJ's "great society" would become the great government plantation. It ruined Black families, made poverty pimps rich and gained the Black vote. What could be better? Today racist democrats still claim that Black people don't have enough sense to obtain a photo I.D. in the 20th century. Another democrat success story.
Drinking again in order to come up with crap to explain away why we in the GOP will not reach out honestly to blacks. And you wonder why you are stacking the cards against us.

LBJ created the "great society" and the idiotic democrat KKK base suddenly realized that they could keep upity Blacks on the plantation and get democrats elected with a gigantic taxpayer funded plan. Media support was guaranteed and that was all it took to convince the public. Democrats haven't changed their racist policies, the media merely shifted focus. Billions of dollars have been spent on a failed policy lasting almost half a century and when it seems that Black voters might be escaping the democrat plantation in the information age, democrats up the ante and get away with claiming that Blacks don't have the ability to obtain a photo I.D. in the 21st century.
WE, the GOP, have to get the message right, whitehall, and you don't have it.
Truman was a member of the KKK and the best defense the left can come up with is that "democrats were conservative" at that time? You almost gotta laugh.

'best defense' for what?

That Truman was briefly a member of the KKK? Already discussed- at length- including exactly why he joined- how long he was a member and why he left the KKK.

The 'best defense' is to look at what Truman did for African American civil rights after his membership in the KKK- which was more than any of the current batch of RNC candidates.

I would be glad to compare the civil rights record of Truman with Trump any time.
Whitehall is very aware that Southern Democrats were Conservative, really ignorant, or he's lying.
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The least of Truman's problems was catering to the racist democrat base. Everybody in the democrat party catered to the racist base. Truman was selected by the DNC to be FDR's successor when the democrat party (typically) lied to the American public and their minions in the liberal media convinced America that the corpse they were running for his 4th term was a viable candidate. You almost gotta laugh that democrats got away with taking the current V.P. off the ticket while he was on vacation and running a timid little former clothing store owner as the logical successor to FDR when they knew FDR would die within a year and the timid little idiot they selected to fill his shoes would be a tool of the democrat party politics. FDR's medical records disappeared form a locked safe and Truman did what he was supposed to do. The problem was that Truman turned out to be an even smaller man than the fawning liberal media predicted. While the little man was trying to downsize the Military and do away with the Marine Corps, after all they sacrificed in WW2, wouldn't you know Korea came around. Truman didn't consult congress and sent Troops to Korea on an executive order and he screwed up the mission. We lost about 35,000 to 50,000 Troops in three years. but the liberal media who never saw a democrat they didn't like, created the legacy of the feisty little idiot. Truman couldn't get enough support from his own party to run for a second term after Korea and retired from politics.
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So I believe if people are going to claim Trump's father was KKK then we should go after every single Democrat elected or not that had a family member in the KKK.

Game on.

That's right. Most dems are racists and kkk members also. One more reason that Blacks vote overwhelmingly republican.
The least of Truman's problems was catering to the racist democrat base. Everybody in the democrat party catered to the racist base. Truman was selected by the DNC to be FDR's successor when the democrat party (typically) lied to the American public and their minions in the liberal media convinced America that the corpse they were running for his 4th term was a viable candidate. You almost gotta laugh that democrats got away with taking the current V.P. off the ticket while he was on vacation and running a timid little former clothing store owner as the logical successor to FDR when he didn't have a freaking clue. FDR's medical records disappeared form a locked safe and Truman did what he was supposed to do. The problem was that Truman turned out to be a smaller man than the fawning liberal media predicted. While the little man was trying to downsize the Military and do away with the Marine Corps after all they sacrificed in WW2 wouldn't you know Korea came around. Truman didn't consult congress and sent Troops to Korea on an executive order and he screwed up the mission. We lost about 35,000 to 50,000 Troops in three years. but the liberal media who never saw a democrat they didn't like, created the legacy of the feisty little idiot. Truman couldn't get enough support from his own party to run for a second term after Korea and retired from politics.

The 478th attempt of trying to prove dems are racists. Tell a lie often enough and people will believe it, right?

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