So Trump wants to work with Dems after the New Year,

I ran the calculator and look to pay 3.2K less in Federal tax next year. How cool is that?


Why not just have everyone pay zero and let the government borrow 100% of what it needs to function?

If it is such a big social concern for you, when you file your taxes, don’t take any deductions and pay the highest rate possible, then you can feel good that you have done all you can.

There it is again! The dumbest argument possible!

It seems the only argument you can handle and even there you are a big fail.

I don’t need a law to force me to give to the poor or needy, I donate on my own without the government telling me I have to. Why can’t some of you idiots figure this out?

Because if volunteerism worked, the problems of need would have never come about.

Too many Democrats for volunteerism to work.
I remember when 99.9% of the RW'ers on this forum believed that passing major legislation on a straight party line vote was 'tyranny',

and 'ramming it down our throats'. Remember that?

When did they unanimously admit that they never really believed that? I know when.

It looks like the right has learned well from the left.

No it looks like all that pissing and moaning was a lie.

Looks like you are the one pissing and moaning.

I just pointed out how RWers flip flopped on their view of the legislative process as soon as the GOP took over.

And yet you piss and moan, just wait one day Democrats will get back in power then you can enjoy your life until then it looks like you are going to live through pure hell. You poor people.
Dems always give the cons what they want. They both have to keep their corporate donors happy.
The last year has been a living nightmare with Pubs in charge and Trump.

Your nightmare has only just begun, we will lay waste to the Dem party in 2018 and 2020.

I don't know who is the bigger idiot, you for posting that, or whoever is instructing you to post it.

How many times do we have to beat the crap out of you libs before you get the message? You lost the House, Senate, White House, and nearly 1,000 seats nationally that's an ass whooping. :laugh:

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