So we’re off “collusion” and on to “criminal conspiracy”?

Hey stupid. Maybe you've just been too stoned for the past two years to have noticed but he's been under investigation since he's been President. If he's such an obvious criminal, why haven't the Democrats impeached him already? You are one fucking moron. BTW, I thought you were gonna become a millionaire in the pot industry. What happened, did it turn out to be a "pipe dream"? LOL
Without pot I make $90k. With pot $115k. That’s an extra $25k a year. Not to mention now I don’t buy weed. And that’s tax free money. Sucker. Only poor people pay taxes.

I never said I’d make a million. I have buddies who are making millions but me just thousands.

Still I’m rich compared to most everyone here
Enjoy your fantasy.

President Donald Trump will eventually be impeached. Democrats need to first lay the groundwork and educate the public on the process. Mueller has developed the grounds for impeachment. The House has to determine the timing for impeachment.

"I think we have already begun. We have got all of these committees doing their work. We're having hearings. We have already won two court cases. And there are other cases that are still to be determined."

Clyburn added: "We are winning this issue. Why should we go out and make missteps and cause us to lose a court decision that will have people saying, 'Why didn't you take your time?'"

"What Nancy Pelosi is trying to do and the rest of us in the House of Representatives is to develop a process by which we can efficiently move on this issue, so that, when we get to a vote, it would be something that she calls ironclad, I call effective."

Clyburn added it was important for the public to understand the need for impeachment first and that House Democrats are working to "bring the public along."

"We do believe that, if we sufficiently, effectively educate the public, then we will have done our job and we can move on an impeachment vote, and it will stand, and maybe it will be what needs to be done to incent the Senate to act," he said.
I hope he isn’t impeached. It is much more powerful for him to lose by the vote during an election. Impeachment proceedings won’t make it through the senate anyways and they will likely help his chances of winning the next election. It would be foolish for the Dems to go down that road

No. Leading up to the 2020 election we lay out the reasons for impeachment. Hell have the impeachment vote on October 30th. This should be part of our strategy to hammer this scumbag every day until the election. And we need to give this guy a nickname. He likes giving everyone else a nickname so Democrats should call him Treasonist Trump or Don Corleon Trump

Republicans would be relentless Democrats can't be pussies. Yes we know the Senate will not impeach him and hopefully that makes them look bad too.

The American people need to know what he did wrong. Right now they don't.

Hell he should be impeached for 100 different reasons.

Did you hear? The Pentagon has delivered a stark warning directly to the White House that the military “will not be politicized” following the administration’s efforts to hide the USS John McCain during President Donald Trump’s trip to Japan.

The U.S. Navy confirmed Friday that the White House Military Office wanted to “minimize the visibility” of the USS John McCain when Trump was in Japan because of the contentious relationship between the president and the late Arizona GOP Sen. John McCain. The ship is named for McCain, a decorated Navy veteran, as well as for his father and his grandfather, who were both admirals.

Shanahan also told reporters that he had a private phone conversation with McCain’ wife, Cindy McCain, about the situation, but did not reveal details.

The effort to hide or move the Navy ship was first reported by The Wall Street Journal last week. Trump said he knew “nothing” about the efforts, but said whoever was responsible for the effort was “well-meaning.”

Shanahan told reporters he won’t call for an investigation by the Pentagon’s internal watchdog “right now” because “nothing was carried out” to hide the USS McCain, despite White House requests.
I completely disagree. You're essentially making a case for “Lock him up” and branding via childish nicknames. Maybe the next phase should include trolling via twitter on a daily basis, huh?

You despise Trump yet is sounds like you want to act just like him. What’s the point of that? It makes you no better than he is.

I’ll be found nowhere near that train.
Clearly he is. This president and his cronies need to be investigated.

Look how many have already gone to prison.
Hey stupid. Maybe you've just been too stoned for the past two years to have noticed but he's been under investigation since he's been President. If he's such an obvious criminal, why haven't the Democrats impeached him already? You are one fucking moron. BTW, I thought you were gonna become a millionaire in the pot industry. What happened, did it turn out to be a "pipe dream"? LOL
Without pot I make $90k. With pot $115k. That’s an extra $25k a year. Not to mention now I don’t buy weed. And that’s tax free money. Sucker. Only poor people pay taxes.

I never said I’d make a million. I have buddies who are making millions but me just thousands.

Still I’m rich compared to most everyone here
Enjoy your fantasy.

All that tells me is you aren't doing nearly as well as I am. Thanks for thinking my reality is fantasy. I love it when broke cons do that. Makes me feel really fucking good.

I have no kids, condo on the lake paid off, 25% of my real pay goes to 401K, I paid cash last summer for my $26K pontoon, CASH for my $8K quadrunner a few years before that.

I could have done all that without my side gig because I have no kids. $90K with no kids and no debt is a lot of fucking money. Now add to that my side gig. I make $300 a day. Every day of the week. Every day of the year. When I open my eyes on Sunday, $300 more dollars. So it's easy for me to save. How much do you make every day? Now don't forget if you make $300 a day but you have 3 mouths to feed that's a lot different than me. I'm stockpiling money you broke loser.

How many kids do you have? Are you still paying off college? How much do you make? If you make less than me and you have bills, I can see why you are so angry and jealous.
Do you actually think anybody here believes that crap? Go have another toke, pot head. LMAO

I don't care what losers like you think. I actually love it that you can't believe it. Is my situation really too good to be true? Cool! Again, thank you for thinking my great life is too good to be true. I love that shit.

How much do you make and what are your bills a month?

My condo association dues are $200 a month. My lease F150 is around $300. Car insurance is roughly $100 a month. What does gas and electric and water cost? And what are my taxes? Internet/Cable around $100 a month. I bet my bills total about $1000 a month. Pretty good huh? That's $12K a year in bills the rest is all mine. Lets say they take 33% out. That means I'm taking home $54,000. Maybe I spend money on trips or hunting but I try to at least save $25,000 a year. At least! Last year I invested another $20K that just built up in my checking account. I put it in a 13 month cd only making about 2.6%. That's pathetic right? You wish you had an extra $20K build up in your checking.

Seriously, I love it when Republicans don't believe I make as much as I do. Very flattering.

My brother makes way more than I do. He makes over $500K a year. He's a HR VP for a Fortune 500. I'm just a salesperson with a side gig. I'm not that rich. Just a hell of a lot richer than you.

I bet you have a lot of bills and are barely saving anything. Please tell me your situation so I can get an idea about your pathetic life. Are you saving for retirement? How much? Not enough? Didn't think so. LOL
Hey stupid. Maybe you've just been too stoned for the past two years to have noticed but he's been under investigation since he's been President. If he's such an obvious criminal, why haven't the Democrats impeached him already? You are one fucking moron. BTW, I thought you were gonna become a millionaire in the pot industry. What happened, did it turn out to be a "pipe dream"? LOL
Without pot I make $90k. With pot $115k. That’s an extra $25k a year. Not to mention now I don’t buy weed. And that’s tax free money. Sucker. Only poor people pay taxes.

I never said I’d make a million. I have buddies who are making millions but me just thousands.

Still I’m rich compared to most everyone here
Enjoy your fantasy.

President Donald Trump will eventually be impeached. Democrats need to first lay the groundwork and educate the public on the process. Mueller has developed the grounds for impeachment. The House has to determine the timing for impeachment.

"I think we have already begun. We have got all of these committees doing their work. We're having hearings. We have already won two court cases. And there are other cases that are still to be determined."

Clyburn added: "We are winning this issue. Why should we go out and make missteps and cause us to lose a court decision that will have people saying, 'Why didn't you take your time?'"

"What Nancy Pelosi is trying to do and the rest of us in the House of Representatives is to develop a process by which we can efficiently move on this issue, so that, when we get to a vote, it would be something that she calls ironclad, I call effective."

Clyburn added it was important for the public to understand the need for impeachment first and that House Democrats are working to "bring the public along."

"We do believe that, if we sufficiently, effectively educate the public, then we will have done our job and we can move on an impeachment vote, and it will stand, and maybe it will be what needs to be done to incent the Senate to act," he said.
I hope he isn’t impeached. It is much more powerful for him to lose by the vote during an election. Impeachment proceedings won’t make it through the senate anyways and they will likely help his chances of winning the next election. It would be foolish for the Dems to go down that road

No. Leading up to the 2020 election we lay out the reasons for impeachment. Hell have the impeachment vote on October 30th. This should be part of our strategy to hammer this scumbag every day until the election. And we need to give this guy a nickname. He likes giving everyone else a nickname so Democrats should call him Treasonist Trump or Don Corleon Trump

Republicans would be relentless Democrats can't be pussies. Yes we know the Senate will not impeach him and hopefully that makes them look bad too.

The American people need to know what he did wrong. Right now they don't.

Hell he should be impeached for 100 different reasons.

Did you hear? The Pentagon has delivered a stark warning directly to the White House that the military “will not be politicized” following the administration’s efforts to hide the USS John McCain during President Donald Trump’s trip to Japan.

The U.S. Navy confirmed Friday that the White House Military Office wanted to “minimize the visibility” of the USS John McCain when Trump was in Japan because of the contentious relationship between the president and the late Arizona GOP Sen. John McCain. The ship is named for McCain, a decorated Navy veteran, as well as for his father and his grandfather, who were both admirals.

Shanahan also told reporters that he had a private phone conversation with McCain’ wife, Cindy McCain, about the situation, but did not reveal details.

The effort to hide or move the Navy ship was first reported by The Wall Street Journal last week. Trump said he knew “nothing” about the efforts, but said whoever was responsible for the effort was “well-meaning.”

Shanahan told reporters he won’t call for an investigation by the Pentagon’s internal watchdog “right now” because “nothing was carried out” to hide the USS McCain, despite White House requests.

Do that. Trump will win by an even larger landslide. I expect mass jonestown by libs next november.
There is a whole volume outlining obstruction.
Then you should have no trouble posting a quote of Mueller saying Trump obstructed.
There was a press conference where mueller was very clear that a directive prevented him from being able to accuse the president of obstruction crimes so that is up to congress.
No, he said he couldn't INDICT a sitting President. He did not conclude that Trump obstructed. If you think he did, then post the quote of him SAYING it.
If his investigation had cleared him of obstruction he would of said so like he did for the conspiracy element.
He's a prosecutor, not a defense attorney, moron. If you believe he was looking for any exculpatory evidence you are dumber than I thought.
I can easily point to mueller directly saying that he didn’t feel it appropriate to ACCUSE the president because of the DOJ directive not allowing a sitting prez to be indicted by the DOJ. Did you hear him say that?

So I’m his mind he had two options, 1. State that there was no evidence of obstruction like he did in volume 1 regarding conspiracy or 2. Lay out the facts and leave it up to congress to accuse and hold accountable. He obviously went with option 2
What I heard, Slade, was Mueller passing the buck. He didn't have enough evidence to conclude Trump broke any laws but he didn't want to SAY that outright, not after wasting $35 million on a bogus investigation so he very cowardly handed it over to the Democrats in Congress knowing they would keep it going. And what I mean by "keep it going" is the smear campaign they've been waging for 3 years now. They're hoping to wear down the public. The old "repeat a lie often enough and people will begin to believe it" propaganda tactic.
Mueller knew for months before he released his report that there was no collusion but waited until after the mid-terms to say it. That's not somebody who would have "cleared him if he could" (laughing), that's somebody who wanted to influence an election because HE failed to deliver the goods himself. Mueller is scum, he's always been scum. He has a long record of prosecutorial misconduct and underhanded tactics that skirt the law. All one needs to do is look at the team he picked to do the investigation. Not ONE objective person, every one of them was a raging Trump hater and they STILL couldn't close the deal.
Now they have only two options...keep smearing and slandering (which the people are tired of), or grow some balls and impeach. Since they're too cowardly to impeach, we can expect another year and a half of their baseless accusations and calling Trump a racist. That's all they have.
Where do you go with that if the worlds greatest investigators report basically reads as follows....
“We found that he may have, but we also found that he may not have.”
“We found that he kinda did, but we also found that he kinda didn’t.”

Hahaha...This shit is so fun to watch. Please don’t let up...haha
I’d suggest that you Lefties stop making complete asses of yourselves and just own your TDS...Admit that he’s quilty simply because you want him to be.
Collusion was always an idiot tRumpkin word meant to minimize the crime of criminal conspiracy. There is evidence tRump and his minions were engaged in one, but mostly circumstantial, which was apparently not enough for Mueller.

No, it was what all the mainstream libs were screaming every two seconds...........but there was nothing. They're idiots.
Read the report son.

You dumbmotherfuckers keep parroting that same bullshit....Why can’t you and your filthy friends like Slade3200 tell us what Trump did to obstruct and or what he did to collude?
I’ve laid both out in pain staking detail. Both are clearly laid out in Muellers report. If your too lazy to read it then do a google search, there are many articles that outline and summarize both elements. But it appears that you don’t want to hear it
Which is why, after the first few days, I stopped bothering and just tell them to read the damn thing themselves.
There is a whole volume outlining obstruction.
Then you should have no trouble posting a quote of Mueller saying Trump obstructed.
There was a press conference where mueller was very clear that a directive prevented him from being able to accuse the president of obstruction crimes so that is up to congress.
No, he said he couldn't INDICT a sitting President. He did not conclude that Trump obstructed. If you think he did, then post the quote of him SAYING it.
If his investigation had cleared him of obstruction he would of said so like he did for the conspiracy element.
He's a prosecutor, not a defense attorney, moron. If you believe he was looking for any exculpatory evidence you are dumber than I thought.
I can easily point to mueller directly saying that he didn’t feel it appropriate to ACCUSE the president because of the DOJ directive not allowing a sitting prez to be indicted by the DOJ. Did you hear him say that?

So I’m his mind he had two options, 1. State that there was no evidence of obstruction like he did in volume 1 regarding conspiracy or 2. Lay out the facts and leave it up to congress to accuse and hold accountable. He obviously went with option 2
What I heard, Slade, was Mueller passing the buck. He didn't have enough evidence to conclude Trump broke any laws but he didn't want to SAY that outright, not after wasting $35 million on a bogus investigation so he very cowardly handed it over to the Democrats in Congress knowing they would keep it going. And what I mean by "keep it going" is the smear campaign they've been waging for 3 years now. They're hoping to wear down the public. The old "repeat a lie often enough and people will begin to believe it" propaganda tactic.
Mueller knew for months before he released his report that there was no collusion but waited until after the mid-terms to say it. That's not somebody who would have "cleared him if he could" (laughing), that's somebody who wanted to influence an election because HE failed to deliver the goods himself. Mueller is scum, he's always been scum. He has a long record of prosecutorial misconduct and underhanded tactics that skirt the law. All one needs to do is look at the team he picked to do the investigation. Not ONE objective person, every one of them was a raging Trump hater and they STILL couldn't close the deal.
Now they have only two options...keep smearing and slandering (which the people are tired of), or grow some balls and impeach. Since they're too cowardly to impeach, we can expect another year and a half of their baseless accusations and calling Trump a racist. That's all they have.
Mueller actually said exactly what you just said he was too cowardly to say about conspiracy. This show how dishonest you are. He didn’t have enough evidence to substantiate anything and he stated so. He would of said the same thing about obstruction if he came to the same conclusions. But he didn’t and didn’t feel like he was able to accuse the president so he let the facts speak for them selves
Without pot I make $90k. With pot $115k. That’s an extra $25k a year. Not to mention now I don’t buy weed. And that’s tax free money. Sucker. Only poor people pay taxes.

I never said I’d make a million. I have buddies who are making millions but me just thousands.

Still I’m rich compared to most everyone here
Enjoy your fantasy.

President Donald Trump will eventually be impeached. Democrats need to first lay the groundwork and educate the public on the process. Mueller has developed the grounds for impeachment. The House has to determine the timing for impeachment.

"I think we have already begun. We have got all of these committees doing their work. We're having hearings. We have already won two court cases. And there are other cases that are still to be determined."

Clyburn added: "We are winning this issue. Why should we go out and make missteps and cause us to lose a court decision that will have people saying, 'Why didn't you take your time?'"

"What Nancy Pelosi is trying to do and the rest of us in the House of Representatives is to develop a process by which we can efficiently move on this issue, so that, when we get to a vote, it would be something that she calls ironclad, I call effective."

Clyburn added it was important for the public to understand the need for impeachment first and that House Democrats are working to "bring the public along."

"We do believe that, if we sufficiently, effectively educate the public, then we will have done our job and we can move on an impeachment vote, and it will stand, and maybe it will be what needs to be done to incent the Senate to act," he said.
I hope he isn’t impeached. It is much more powerful for him to lose by the vote during an election. Impeachment proceedings won’t make it through the senate anyways and they will likely help his chances of winning the next election. It would be foolish for the Dems to go down that road

No. Leading up to the 2020 election we lay out the reasons for impeachment. Hell have the impeachment vote on October 30th. This should be part of our strategy to hammer this scumbag every day until the election. And we need to give this guy a nickname. He likes giving everyone else a nickname so Democrats should call him Treasonist Trump or Don Corleon Trump

Republicans would be relentless Democrats can't be pussies. Yes we know the Senate will not impeach him and hopefully that makes them look bad too.

The American people need to know what he did wrong. Right now they don't.

Hell he should be impeached for 100 different reasons.

Did you hear? The Pentagon has delivered a stark warning directly to the White House that the military “will not be politicized” following the administration’s efforts to hide the USS John McCain during President Donald Trump’s trip to Japan.

The U.S. Navy confirmed Friday that the White House Military Office wanted to “minimize the visibility” of the USS John McCain when Trump was in Japan because of the contentious relationship between the president and the late Arizona GOP Sen. John McCain. The ship is named for McCain, a decorated Navy veteran, as well as for his father and his grandfather, who were both admirals.

Shanahan also told reporters that he had a private phone conversation with McCain’ wife, Cindy McCain, about the situation, but did not reveal details.

The effort to hide or move the Navy ship was first reported by The Wall Street Journal last week. Trump said he knew “nothing” about the efforts, but said whoever was responsible for the effort was “well-meaning.”

Shanahan told reporters he won’t call for an investigation by the Pentagon’s internal watchdog “right now” because “nothing was carried out” to hide the USS McCain, despite White House requests.

Do that. Trump will win by an even larger landslide. I expect mass jonestown by libs next november.

If Republicans win I hope they ban abortion, completely eliminate taxes on corporations and the rich, let the corporations destroy the planet via global warming. In other words I hope the GOP gets everything it wants. It deserves it and Americans deserve what they get if Trump wins again.
Just be patient. Y'all Left Tards get Pence for 8 years starting in 2024, at which point his first official act will be to Nuke Iran, then Nuke Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, Columbia, and Guatamala, and California.



Because The Nuclear Option, is The Only Option!
There is a whole volume outlining obstruction.
Then you should have no trouble posting a quote of Mueller saying Trump obstructed.
There was a press conference where mueller was very clear that a directive prevented him from being able to accuse the president of obstruction crimes so that is up to congress.
No, he said he couldn't INDICT a sitting President. He did not conclude that Trump obstructed. If you think he did, then post the quote of him SAYING it.
If his investigation had cleared him of obstruction he would of said so like he did for the conspiracy element.
He's a prosecutor, not a defense attorney, moron. If you believe he was looking for any exculpatory evidence you are dumber than I thought.
I can easily point to mueller directly saying that he didn’t feel it appropriate to ACCUSE the president because of the DOJ directive not allowing a sitting prez to be indicted by the DOJ. Did you hear him say that?

So I’m his mind he had two options, 1. State that there was no evidence of obstruction like he did in volume 1 regarding conspiracy or 2. Lay out the facts and leave it up to congress to accuse and hold accountable. He obviously went with option 2
What I heard, Slade, was Mueller passing the buck. He didn't have enough evidence to conclude Trump broke any laws but he didn't want to SAY that outright, not after wasting $35 million on a bogus investigation so he very cowardly handed it over to the Democrats in Congress knowing they would keep it going. And what I mean by "keep it going" is the smear campaign they've been waging for 3 years now. They're hoping to wear down the public. The old "repeat a lie often enough and people will begin to believe it" propaganda tactic.
Mueller knew for months before he released his report that there was no collusion but waited until after the mid-terms to say it. That's not somebody who would have "cleared him if he could" (laughing), that's somebody who wanted to influence an election because HE failed to deliver the goods himself. Mueller is scum, he's always been scum. He has a long record of prosecutorial misconduct and underhanded tactics that skirt the law. All one needs to do is look at the team he picked to do the investigation. Not ONE objective person, every one of them was a raging Trump hater and they STILL couldn't close the deal.
Now they have only two options...keep smearing and slandering (which the people are tired of), or grow some balls and impeach. Since they're too cowardly to impeach, we can expect another year and a half of their baseless accusations and calling Trump a racist. That's all they have.
Mueller actually said exactly what you just said he was too cowardly to say about conspiracy. This show how dishonest you are. He didn’t have enough evidence to substantiate anything and he stated so. He would of said the same thing about obstruction if he came to the same conclusions. But he didn’t and didn’t feel like he was able to accuse the president so he let the facts speak for them selves
That's called NOT GUILTY in a Criminal Trial or Grand Jury. You cannot indict someone if you do not have enough evidence to substantiate anything.
Now he's "engaged in a coverup", according to Nancy. What he's covering up, we don't know, we just know he's covering up something.

His finances, emouluments, the giving of security clearances, the acceptance of bribes, why he clears dictators or wrong doing and that’s just off the top of my head.
Now he's "engaged in a coverup", according to Nancy. What he's covering up, we don't know, we just know he's covering up something.

His finances, emouluments, the giving of security clearances, the acceptance of bribes, why he clears dictators or wrong doing and that’s just off the top of my head.
So Obama accepted Bribes?

I knew it. Like the $64 Million he took from a Russian Owned Publishing Company for a book advance for a book he never wrote?

So all that proof is where?

In your panties?

In your head?

Did you take your Methadone today?
Now he's "engaged in a coverup", according to Nancy. What he's covering up, we don't know, we just know he's covering up something.

His finances, emouluments, the giving of security clearances, the acceptance of bribes, why he clears dictators or wrong doing and that’s just off the top of my head.
Now you get to present some evidence of those "crimes". Go ahead, we'll wait for your infinite wisdom to enlighten us all.
There is a whole volume outlining obstruction.
Then you should have no trouble posting a quote of Mueller saying Trump obstructed.
There was a press conference where mueller was very clear that a directive prevented him from being able to accuse the president of obstruction crimes so that is up to congress.
No, he said he couldn't INDICT a sitting President. He did not conclude that Trump obstructed. If you think he did, then post the quote of him SAYING it.
If his investigation had cleared him of obstruction he would of said so like he did for the conspiracy element.
He's a prosecutor, not a defense attorney, moron. If you believe he was looking for any exculpatory evidence you are dumber than I thought.
I can easily point to mueller directly saying that he didn’t feel it appropriate to ACCUSE the president because of the DOJ directive not allowing a sitting prez to be indicted by the DOJ. Did you hear him say that?

So I’m his mind he had two options, 1. State that there was no evidence of obstruction like he did in volume 1 regarding conspiracy or 2. Lay out the facts and leave it up to congress to accuse and hold accountable. He obviously went with option 2
What I heard, Slade, was Mueller passing the buck. He didn't have enough evidence to conclude Trump broke any laws but he didn't want to SAY that outright, not after wasting $35 million on a bogus investigation so he very cowardly handed it over to the Democrats in Congress knowing they would keep it going. And what I mean by "keep it going" is the smear campaign they've been waging for 3 years now. They're hoping to wear down the public. The old "repeat a lie often enough and people will begin to believe it" propaganda tactic.
Mueller knew for months before he released his report that there was no collusion but waited until after the mid-terms to say it. That's not somebody who would have "cleared him if he could" (laughing), that's somebody who wanted to influence an election because HE failed to deliver the goods himself. Mueller is scum, he's always been scum. He has a long record of prosecutorial misconduct and underhanded tactics that skirt the law. All one needs to do is look at the team he picked to do the investigation. Not ONE objective person, every one of them was a raging Trump hater and they STILL couldn't close the deal.
Now they have only two options...keep smearing and slandering (which the people are tired of), or grow some balls and impeach. Since they're too cowardly to impeach, we can expect another year and a half of their baseless accusations and calling Trump a racist. That's all they have.
Mueller actually said exactly what you just said he was too cowardly to say about conspiracy. This show how dishonest you are. He didn’t have enough evidence to substantiate anything and he stated so. He would of said the same thing about obstruction if he came to the same conclusions. But he didn’t and didn’t feel like he was able to accuse the president so he let the facts speak for them selves
That's called NOT GUILTY in a Criminal Trial or Grand Jury. You cannot indict someone if you do not have enough evidence to substantiate anything.
No shit. I never said otherwise
Now he's "engaged in a coverup", according to Nancy. What he's covering up, we don't know, we just know he's covering up something.
You can't be serious.
Did Nancy ever say what the coverup was that she insisted he was guilty of? Did the MSM even ask her? NO.
Do you really not understand what that comment was referring to? I thought you were a little more aware than that
I know why she made the comment. She wanted to derail the infrastructure agreement so she threw out another smear just before the meeting to sabotage it. Now, YOU tell us exactly what "coverup" she was referring to, since there is no evidence of a fucking coverup. And don't give me another one of your "beating around the bush" answers.

So you read the 12 redacted bits?
Where do you go with that if the worlds greatest investigators report basically reads as follows....
“We found that he may have, but we also found that he may not have.”
“We found that he kinda did, but we also found that he kinda didn’t.”

Hahaha...This shit is so fun to watch. Please don’t let up...haha
I’d suggest that you Lefties stop making complete asses of yourselves and just own your TDS...Admit that he’s quilty simply because you want him to be.
The report lays out the facts and findings... Muellers job wasn’t to prosecute.
Mueller's charge was to investigate and bring in the grand jury in the case of a illegal finding...he found none...or he would have charged Trump...
Where do you go with that if the worlds greatest investigators report basically reads as follows....
“We found that he may have, but we also found that he may not have.”
“We found that he kinda did, but we also found that he kinda didn’t.”

Hahaha...This shit is so fun to watch. Please don’t let up...haha
I’d suggest that you Lefties stop making complete asses of yourselves and just own your TDS...Admit that he’s quilty simply because you want him to be.
The report lays out the facts and findings... Muellers job wasn’t to prosecute.
Then Cohen and Manafort werent really prosecuted

I love retarded dems
Where do you go with that if the worlds greatest investigators report basically reads as follows....
“We found that he may have, but we also found that he may not have.”
“We found that he kinda did, but we also found that he kinda didn’t.”

Hahaha...This shit is so fun to watch. Please don’t let up...haha
I’d suggest that you Lefties stop making complete asses of yourselves and just own your TDS...Admit that he’s quilty simply because you want him to be.
The report lays out the facts and findings... Muellers job wasn’t to prosecute.
Mueller's charge was to investigate and bring in the grand jury in the case of a illegal finding...he found none...or he would have charged Trump...
You didn’t listen to Muellers statements or read the report did you? I can tell by how wrong your statement is... he indicted several Russian for interference and other Trumpers for other crimes that surfaced. When it came to trump he cleared him of conspiracy but not of obstruction. He plainly said that he was not able to indict a sitting president so it would not be right to even accuse him. So he laid out his findings and is leaving it to Congress to decide how to act. If he believed there was no obstruction then he would have cleared Trump like he did with conspiracy. This is not a partisan take, it is exactly what happened.
Where do you go with that if the worlds greatest investigators report basically reads as follows....
“We found that he may have, but we also found that he may not have.”
“We found that he kinda did, but we also found that he kinda didn’t.”

Hahaha...This shit is so fun to watch. Please don’t let up...haha
I’d suggest that you Lefties stop making complete asses of yourselves and just own your TDS...Admit that he’s quilty simply because you want him to be.
The report lays out the facts and findings... Muellers job wasn’t to prosecute.
Then Cohen and Manafort werent really prosecuted

I love retarded dems
You’re right... he prosecuted 34 individuals... I was talking about Trump. DOJ can’t prosecute a sitting president. I did a piss poor job making that point, thanks for the check.
Where do you go with that if the worlds greatest investigators report basically reads as follows....
“We found that he may have, but we also found that he may not have.”
“We found that he kinda did, but we also found that he kinda didn’t.”

Hahaha...This shit is so fun to watch. Please don’t let up...haha
I’d suggest that you Lefties stop making complete asses of yourselves and just own your TDS...Admit that he’s quilty simply because you want him to be.
The report lays out the facts and findings... Muellers job wasn’t to prosecute.
Then Cohen and Manafort werent really prosecuted

I love retarded dems
You’re right... he prosecuted 34 individuals... I was talking about Trump. DOJ can’t prosecute a sitting president. I did a piss poor job making that point, thanks for the check.
Actually nothing would stop Muller from recommending prosecution which he did not do
Where do you go with that if the worlds greatest investigators report basically reads as follows....
“We found that he may have, but we also found that he may not have.”
“We found that he kinda did, but we also found that he kinda didn’t.”

Hahaha...This shit is so fun to watch. Please don’t let up...haha
I’d suggest that you Lefties stop making complete asses of yourselves and just own your TDS...Admit that he’s quilty simply because you want him to be.
The report lays out the facts and findings... Muellers job wasn’t to prosecute.
Then Cohen and Manafort werent really prosecuted

I love retarded dems
You’re right... he prosecuted 34 individuals... I was talking about Trump. DOJ can’t prosecute a sitting president. I did a piss poor job making that point, thanks for the check.
Actually nothing would stop Muller from recommending prosecution which he did not do
Not according to mueller, did you listen to his presser?

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