So what do Republicans do now?

Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary

They're going to (eventually, anyway) get down on their knees and cry. That's because Trump would (or will) wreck the GOP which is particularly true if he actually won the election. Inside of 2 years, EVERYONE would be clamoring for his Impeachment.

How will he wreck the GOP? He certainly couldn't wreck it any worse than W did.

If he builds the wall, seals the border, and repeals Obama's EOs and regulations, then he'll be a hero.
Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary

They're going to (eventually, anyway) get down on their knees and cry. That's because Trump would (or will) wreck the GOP which is particularly true if he actually won the election. Inside of 2 years, EVERYONE would be clamoring for his Impeachment.
I think Trump would be totally isolated and unable to deal with either side in Congress
Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary
They may as well embrace their inner Trump and go along with it. Since what is considered to be conservative seems to be a moving target at best, they can always claim he's conservative, or if he manages to get elected and fucks up, he can be called a rino.
Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary

They're going to (eventually, anyway) get down on their knees and cry. That's because Trump would (or will) wreck the GOP which is particularly true if he actually won the election. Inside of 2 years, EVERYONE would be clamoring for his Impeachment.

How will he wreck the GOP? He certainly couldn't wreck it any worse than W did.

If he builds the wall, seals the border, and repeals Obama's EOs and regulations, then he'll be a hero.

And he wouldn't do any of that.
Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary
They are In a little bit of a pickle yes :lol:
Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary

They're going to (eventually, anyway) get down on their knees and cry. That's because Trump would (or will) wreck the GOP which is particularly true if he actually won the election. Inside of 2 years, EVERYONE would be clamoring for his Impeachment.

How will he wreck the GOP? He certainly couldn't wreck it any worse than W did.

If he builds the wall, seals the border, and repeals Obama's EOs and regulations, then he'll be a hero.

And he wouldn't do any of that.

And why should anyone take your word on it?
By trying to split the republican party, radical lefties are caught in their own snare. If Trump is allegedly too moderate for republican conservatives where does he stand in the democrat scheme of things? What choices do democrats have between an old commie or a psychotic young commie who was a victim of her husband's domestic abuse for her entire adult life?
Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary

They're going to (eventually, anyway) get down on their knees and cry. That's because Trump would (or will) wreck the GOP which is particularly true if he actually won the election. Inside of 2 years, EVERYONE would be clamoring for his Impeachment.
And for many on the right that's exactly what they want – to destroy the GOP, or what they perceive as 'the establishment,' no more deals with democrats, no more compromises, just blind adherence to failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma.
Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary

They're going to (eventually, anyway) get down on their knees and cry. That's because Trump would (or will) wreck the GOP which is particularly true if he actually won the election. Inside of 2 years, EVERYONE would be clamoring for his Impeachment.
And for many on the right that's exactly what they want – to destroy the GOP, or what they perceive as 'the establishment,' no more deals with democrats, no more compromises, just blind adherence to failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma.

True, no more capitulation to Democrats without getting anything in return. No more compromising their principles. If we wanted that we would vote for Democrats.

You calling what Republicans believe "wrongheaded conservative dogma" couldn't be more hilarious. If there's any gang of people who swallow dogma wholesale, it's Democrats.
Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary

They're going to (eventually, anyway) get down on their knees and cry. That's because Trump would (or will) wreck the GOP which is particularly true if he actually won the election. Inside of 2 years, EVERYONE would be clamoring for his Impeachment.
And for many on the right that's exactly what they want – to destroy the GOP, or what they perceive as 'the establishment,' no more deals with democrats, no more compromises, just blind adherence to failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma.
See, that's the part I truly don't understand...?

Donald Trump has said that he would work with Pelosi, and whomever on the Democratic side to basically come with a compromise in a deal, he's a "deal maker" he says...

So if the Republicans that support Trump want to destroy the establishment RNC/GOP for their compromising with the Dems and not holding their ground, then why oh why would they be supporting Trump, who has outright said he would compromise with Democratic Leaders to get things done?

Avatar had a thread on this, but I don't believe there was ever an answer from the Trump supporters on his question....just a lot of mud slinging...

Are Trumpketeers now willing to compromise and negotiate deals with Democrats?
Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary

They're going to (eventually, anyway) get down on their knees and cry. That's because Trump would (or will) wreck the GOP which is particularly true if he actually won the election. Inside of 2 years, EVERYONE would be clamoring for his Impeachment.
And for many on the right that's exactly what they want – to destroy the GOP, or what they perceive as 'the establishment,' no more deals with democrats, no more compromises, just blind adherence to failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma.
See, that's the part I truly don't understand...?

Donald Trump has said that he would work with Pelosi, and whomever on the Democratic side to basically come with a compromise in a deal, he's a "deal maker" he says...

So if the Republicans that support Trump want to destroy the establishment RNC/GOP for their compromising with the Dems and not holding their ground, then why oh why would they be supporting Trump, who has outright said he would compromise with Democratic Leaders to get things done?

Avatar had a thread on this, but I don't believe there was ever an answer from the Trump supporters on his question....just a lot of mud slinging...

Are Trumpketeers now willing to compromise and negotiate deals with Democrats?
Truly a conundrum for the conservatives.
Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary

They're going to (eventually, anyway) get down on their knees and cry. That's because Trump would (or will) wreck the GOP which is particularly true if he actually won the election. Inside of 2 years, EVERYONE would be clamoring for his Impeachment.
And for many on the right that's exactly what they want – to destroy the GOP, or what they perceive as 'the establishment,' no more deals with democrats, no more compromises, just blind adherence to failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma.
See, that's the part I truly don't understand...?

Donald Trump has said that he would work with Pelosi, and whomever on the Democratic side to basically come with a compromise in a deal, he's a "deal maker" he says...

So if the Republicans that support Trump want to destroy the establishment RNC/GOP for their compromising with the Dems and not holding their ground, then why oh why would they be supporting Trump, who has outright said he would compromise with Democratic Leaders to get things done?

Avatar had a thread on this, but I don't believe there was ever an answer from the Trump supporters on his question....just a lot of mud slinging...

Are Trumpketeers now willing to compromise and negotiate deals with Democrats?
Truly a conundrum for the conservatives.

Pelosi is in the minority. Trump doesn't have to work with her. It's a "conundrum" only for morons like you.
I'll be curious to see who the Libertarians choose in May as their candidate particularly if the choice comes down to two Democrats in November.
Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary

They're going to (eventually, anyway) get down on their knees and cry. That's because Trump would (or will) wreck the GOP which is particularly true if he actually won the election. Inside of 2 years, EVERYONE would be clamoring for his Impeachment.

How will he wreck the GOP? He certainly couldn't wreck it any worse than W did.

If he builds the wall, seals the border, and repeals Obama's EOs and regulations, then he'll be a hero.

And he wouldn't do any of that.

And why should anyone take your word on it?

He's lied about his taxes he's lied about showing his team when he said he would. He has a scam university. Why should I believe him just because he spouts BS?
Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary

They're going to (eventually, anyway) get down on their knees and cry. That's because Trump would (or will) wreck the GOP which is particularly true if he actually won the election. Inside of 2 years, EVERYONE would be clamoring for his Impeachment.

How will he wreck the GOP? He certainly couldn't wreck it any worse than W did.

If he builds the wall, seals the border, and repeals Obama's EOs and regulations, then he'll be a hero.

And he wouldn't do any of that.

And why should anyone take your word on it?

He's lied about his taxes he's lied about showing his team when he said he would. He has a scam university. Why should I believe him just because he spouts BS?

I asked why anyone should take your word for it, not why anyone should believe Trump.
Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary

They're going to (eventually, anyway) get down on their knees and cry. That's because Trump would (or will) wreck the GOP which is particularly true if he actually won the election. Inside of 2 years, EVERYONE would be clamoring for his Impeachment.
And for many on the right that's exactly what they want – to destroy the GOP, or what they perceive as 'the establishment,' no more deals with democrats, no more compromises, just blind adherence to failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma.
See, that's the part I truly don't understand...?

Donald Trump has said that he would work with Pelosi, and whomever on the Democratic side to basically come with a compromise in a deal, he's a "deal maker" he says...

So if the Republicans that support Trump want to destroy the establishment RNC/GOP for their compromising with the Dems and not holding their ground, then why oh why would they be supporting Trump, who has outright said he would compromise with Democratic Leaders to get things done?

Avatar had a thread on this, but I don't believe there was ever an answer from the Trump supporters on his question....just a lot of mud slinging...

Are Trumpketeers now willing to compromise and negotiate deals with Democrats?
Truly a conundrum for the conservatives.

Pelosi is in the minority. Trump doesn't have to work with her. It's a "conundrum" only for morons like you.
He'll have to deal with Speaker Pelosi after November, putz.
They're going to (eventually, anyway) get down on their knees and cry. That's because Trump would (or will) wreck the GOP which is particularly true if he actually won the election. Inside of 2 years, EVERYONE would be clamoring for his Impeachment.
And for many on the right that's exactly what they want – to destroy the GOP, or what they perceive as 'the establishment,' no more deals with democrats, no more compromises, just blind adherence to failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma.
See, that's the part I truly don't understand...?

Donald Trump has said that he would work with Pelosi, and whomever on the Democratic side to basically come with a compromise in a deal, he's a "deal maker" he says...

So if the Republicans that support Trump want to destroy the establishment RNC/GOP for their compromising with the Dems and not holding their ground, then why oh why would they be supporting Trump, who has outright said he would compromise with Democratic Leaders to get things done?

Avatar had a thread on this, but I don't believe there was ever an answer from the Trump supporters on his question....just a lot of mud slinging...

Are Trumpketeers now willing to compromise and negotiate deals with Democrats?
Truly a conundrum for the conservatives.

Pelosi is in the minority. Trump doesn't have to work with her. It's a "conundrum" only for morons like you.
He'll have to deal with Speaker Pelosi after November, putz.

I don't think so. Do you actually believe the voters want more of what Obama and Pelosi are peddling?
Donald Trump, their worst nightmare, looks like he will take the nomination. A recent convert to conservatism that has alienated every wing of the Republican Party. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Fox News fume as he makes them irrelevant.
What will they do now?

1. Hold their noses and tell Trump they supported him all along?

2. Give half hearted support to Trump and hope he loses

3. Secretly support Hillary
Those with any common sense and who care for the survival of our country will vote for Mrs. Clinton.
You are an idiot.

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