So what do you on the left do

First they will claim we stole the election, Then they will say they lost because Americans are to stupid. Then they will become obstructionist and pretend they never bitched about the Republicans doing the same.

I won't make those accusations. First, there's no reason to "steal" the election because people voting R next week are generally too stupid to realize that the country's problems are so enormous that they can't be fixed overnight and yet they think Republicans will.

Democrats, if needed, will be just as obstructive as Republicans have been, by demanding a cloture vote on bills that are based on strict Republican policy language with no opportunity for compromise. But I hope Democrats don't just come out of the gate and announce they will JUST SAY NO to everything the Republicans try to do. That indeed would be the height of hypocrisy.
If there is a huge Republican/Tea Party wave that takes control of Congress?

I was thinking I should start a suicide line thread to help them cope.

The truth of the matter is that democracy is dead. Our legislative system and esp our two party monopoly no longer function.

No matter who is elected hereafter nothing good will come from it. Both parties are entirely bankrupt and stand for nothing.


As for the tea party, well the GOP can expect the same kind of love from those guys as the dems get from the blue dogs.

Since most people admit to a whole lotta truth to that, you should also take the time to listen to this guy, who was on C-Span's Washington Journal this morning. He spells out the dangers posed by extreme partisanship, and that independent thinking apart from rigid ideologies is the only way to save the democratic republic.

And yes, dear conservatives here, John Avalon writes for The Daily Beast, but his book also includes the fringe elements from the left as well as the right, complete with a pic of Keith Olbermann on the cover. This is fascinating stuff, and Avalon is as articulate in speaking as he is with his writings.

C-SPAN Video Player - John Avlon, The Daily Beast, Senior Political Columnist

John Avlon is senior political columnist for The Daily Beast and the author of Wingnuts: How the Lunatic Fringe is Hijacking America as well as Independent Nation: How Centrists Can Change American Politics. Previously, he was a columnist and associate editor for the New York Sun. He is a CNN contributor and the creator of the CNN “Wingnuts of the Week” segment...
You got that Right!

Let's start a pool for when CON$ first claim the budget deficit spending belongs to Obama and not Congress. :lol:

Five Trillion dollars in debt since Pelosi took over. Five Trillion

When did Pelosi "Take Over"? I wasn't aware Speaker Pelosi had become dictator of the US in 2006. That's interesting.

Tell me, what binding legislation did Pelosi get passed in the 2006-2008 congress that significantly increased the debt?

As far as I know, Bush vetoed just about everything the house proposed, or caused the same effect through either line-item veto, or promising to veto. So, it seems to me that the debt would have been the same even if the Democrats hadn't taken over the house at all in 2006.

But I imagine all the debt was Clinton's fault after all, right?

The $787 stimulus package added to the debt, as did the auto bailouts. The TARP money has pretty much been repaid, with interest, with the exception of AIG. Very little funds have yet to be appropriated for the health care reform bill because most of it won't begin to take effect until 2014. People like Willow enjoy spinning it by just tossing out scary numbers, but it isn't as though the Dems went in and started spending on a bunch of frivolous nonessentials. Propping up an economy that was about to tank required infusion of money into the system.
The $787 stimulus package added to the debt, as did the auto bailouts. The TARP money has pretty much been repaid, with interest, with the exception of AIG. Very little funds have yet to be appropriated for the health care reform bill because most of it won't begin to take effect until 2014. People like Willow enjoy spinning it by just tossing out scary numbers, but it isn't as though the Dems went in and started spending on a bunch of frivolous nonessentials. Propping up an economy that was about to tank required infusion of money into the system.

I was asking about 2006-2008, which surely would have to be included in any evaluation that added up to $5 Trillion dollars in debt. The stimulus was 2009.

And, as you pointed out, TARP has for the most part paid for itself.
If there is a huge Republican/Tea Party wave that takes control of Congress?

I hope it is a big wave so the wingnuts will be forced to actually do something. I don't want a scenario where the Rs are in a position to blame Democrats for their mess again but it looks like that is where we're headed, I'm afraid..
Yep SG it will be a republican whine fest blaming the dems and doing little if anything to help the situation. They will try and help selected players though.

I just hope we don't have another war just so the cronies can make gigabucks.
Yep SG it will be a republican whine fest blaming the dems and doing little if anything to help the situation. They will try and help selected players though.

I just hope we don't have another war just so the cronies can make gigabucks.

Omg another war... :cuckoo:
If the Republicans and Tea Partiers win in this election I feel the left will do as the right did. They will obstruct much the same way that the Republicans tried to but were unsuccessful. The left will be more successful because they have the power of Veto. I would be willing to bet that Obama will be the President of Veto much like he called the Republicans the party of no. Nothing will get done and if the economy is in the tank still the Democrats will claim it is the Republicans fault and the Republicans will blame the Democrats. In 2012 maybe the partisan hacks will finally vote for the person not the party.
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If the Republicans and Tea Partiers win in this election I feel the left will do as the right did. They will obstruct much the same way that the Republicans tried to but were unsuccessful. The left will be more successful because they have the power of Veto. I would be willing to bet that Obama will be the President of Veto much like he called the Republicans the party of no. Nothing will get done and if the economy is in the tank still the Democrats will claim it is the Republicans fault and the Republicans will blame the Democrats. In 2012 maybe the partisan hacks will finally vote for the person not the party.

Let them obstruct that means nothing will get done. obamacare needs to get money. If the left obstructs then it will not be funded,. Which is a good thing.:clap2:
If there is a huge Republican/Tea Party wave that takes control of Congress?

I'll tell you what we won't do

- Threaten second amendment remedies
- Talk about secession
- Claim the Constitution is being violated
- Claim Treason
- Bemoan our loss of Liberty

how much do you wanna bet Rw that some on the left will do just what you listed.....i heard the last 3 during Bush's reign.....
If there is a huge Republican/Tea Party wave that takes control of Congress?

I'll tell you what we won't do

- Threaten second amendment remedies
- Talk about secession
- Claim the Constitution is being violated
- Claim Treason
- Bemoan our loss of Liberty

how much do you wanna bet Rw that some on the left will do just what you listed.....i heard the last 3 during Bush's reign.....

I heard all of them.

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