So what do you on the left do

The right on the other hand, including nationalists, religious extremists and reactionary groups such as, zionists, nazis, neo-fascists such as the conservative, religious right, and other right wing racists are totally opposed to progress to a civilized world.[/B]
so are the FAR Left extremists and reactionay groups and various other Left Wing seem to have forgotten them.....
If there is a huge Republican/Tea Party wave that takes control of Congress?

the left politicians will do the same things the 'right' politicians did when they lost power.

what goes around, comes around.

That's just the way it is...
""so are the FAR Left extremists and reactionay groups and various other Left Wing seem to have forgotten them.....""

what far left groups are you referring to? or is the reason that your post is so short and so lacking in information because you dont actually know what you are talking about?
If there is a huge Republican/Tea Party wave that takes control of Congress?

Pick up the pieces like we did after Bush.

You didn't pick up shit, all you did was shake some more pieces loose. Bush Dug a hole, and the Brilliant Democrat plan to fix things was to DIG FASTER. :dig:

About the only Bill that you can even start to say was designed to address the underlying issues that caused this mess was the Financial Reform bill, and I do not like parts of that one either.

Trying to claim the Democrats picked up the pieces is ignoring the Reality of what they have done. Nothing to solve problems, just a bunch of shit that will cause more problems, and a massive amount of Spending.
If there is a huge Republican/Tea Party wave that takes control of Congress?

the left politicians will do the same things the 'right' politicians did when they lost power.

what goes around, comes around.

That's just the way it is...


That's the way it has always been.

But there are some very good reasons to believe that this time, things may be a whole lot different. And that is the whole point. Those who attempt a mere head fake will get roundly and soundly punished.

As somebody else noted earlier today, if the entire mid term election constitutes a RESTRAINING ORDER (kudos to P.J. O'Rourke), then the individual (ELECTED) Congresspersons this time around had best view their next term as constituting being placed on PROBATION.

There IS, in fact, a new sheriff in town.
If there is a huge Republican/Tea Party wave that takes control of Congress?

the left politicians will do the same things the 'right' politicians did when they lost power.

what goes around, comes around.

That's just the way it is...


That's the way it has always been.

But there are some very good reasons to believe that this time, things may be a whole lot different. And that is the whole point. Those who attempt a mere head fake will get roundly and soundly punished.

As somebody else noted earlier today, if the entire mid term election constitutes a RESTRAINING ORDER (kudos to P.J. O'Rourke), then the individual (ELECTED) Congresspersons this time around had best view their next term as constituting being placed on PROBATION.

There IS, in fact, a new sheriff in town.

i've been around long enough to KNOW, there is no such thing.
If there is a huge Republican/Tea Party wave that takes control of Congress?

the left politicians will do the same things the 'right' politicians did when they lost power.

what goes around, comes around.

That's just the way it is...

To have a congress that is in gridlock right now is a very good thing.

i think being in gridlock, is just that, gridlock, and it holds us back, and keeps us in the position we ARE IN....which is not too keen of a position to be in.

we don't need to be held back, we need innovators the old saying goes....think outside of the box, to get us out of this mess we are in financially.... imho.
If there is a huge Republican/Tea Party wave that takes control of Congress?

the same thing you did when you got your butts handed to you in 2006 and 2008.


except without all the birfer racist garbage. :thup:

Oh bullshit. You guys were racist about Bush and didn't even know it. After all how many times did we hear lefties tell us Bush was a dumb redneck from Texas.

And look how many times a year Bush proved that to be true.
the same thing you did when you got your butts handed to you in 2006 and 2008.


except without all the birfer racist garbage. :thup:

Oh bullshit. You guys were racist about Bush and didn't even know it. After all how many times did we hear lefties tell us Bush was a dumb redneck from Texas.

And look how many times a year Bush proved that to be true.

He was smart enough to push through everything he wanted, roxie. What did that say about the intelligence from the democrats?

Having said that....there was a lot he pushed through I wish he hadn't
the left politicians will do the same things the 'right' politicians did when they lost power.

what goes around, comes around.

That's just the way it is...


That's the way it has always been.

But there are some very good reasons to believe that this time, things may be a whole lot different. And that is the whole point. Those who attempt a mere head fake will get roundly and soundly punished.

As somebody else noted earlier today, if the entire mid term election constitutes a RESTRAINING ORDER (kudos to P.J. O'Rourke), then the individual (ELECTED) Congresspersons this time around had best view their next term as constituting being placed on PROBATION.

There IS, in fact, a new sheriff in town.

i've been around long enough to KNOW, there is no such thing.

I have probably been around longer than you. And usually that's true.

But things sometimes do change. We may be in the first steps of such an historic upheaval. It's ok to doubt it. The odds makers would also go by "how things have always been."

So the odds favor your (somewhat cynical) bet.

But the times they are a changin'.
If there is a huge Republican/Tea Party wave that takes control of Congress?

I'm going to eat dead, white aborted gay fetuses wrapped in the Constitution. I'll be having the flag and a crucifix for desert with some redistributed wealth to wash it down.
If you, like many of us, think that with VERY few exceptions, whatever Congress has been doing would be better left undone, then WHY on Earth should we seek anything BUT "gridlock?"

What is it that we think Congress can actually "do," that we want them to do?

I want them to pass the budget sufficient to keep the gears of the legitimate parts of our government (such as the Courts, the Congress itself, the Executive Branch -- but not necessarily all of the federal bureacracies) in operation, along with things like the military.

Beyond that, I'd LIKE them (but at present do not expect them) to start working on the incredible debt problem we have.

So if Congress gets gridlocked, once the BASIC budget provisions are passed, I'm MUCH happier than if they are up and actually "accomplishing" whatever the fuck it is they do.

If we never get another multi-thousand page piece of legislation about which we will be permitted to learn the details "after it gets passed," it will be too soon.
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""so are the FAR Left extremists and reactionay groups and various other Left Wing seem to have forgotten them.....""

what far left groups are you referring to? or is the reason that your post is so short and so lacking in information because you dont actually know what you are talking about?

and your little sentance just had tons of info didnt it?.....
so are you going to tell us now that there are NO FAR Left extremist groups? or left wing reactionaries.....or left wing racists? lets see if you know what you are talking about....
Ohh and I forgot to wait for the right to blame everything they do wrong on the left.
You got that Right!

Let's start a pool for when CON$ first claim the budget deficit spending belongs to Obama and not Congress. :lol:
Lets start right now, the budget deficit is obamas and the dimwit controlled congress right now, plain and simple. The idiot in charge and his two hacks reid and pelosi have ruined this country. I will predict this, obama will be a lame duck pres after tues. HA HA!!!!
If you, like many of us, think that with VERY few exceptions, whatever Congress has been doing would be better left undone, then WHY on Earth should we seek anything BUT "gridlock?"

What is it that we think Congress can actually "do," that we want them to do?

I want them to pass the budget sufficient to keep the gears of the legitimate parts of our government (such as the Courts, the Congress itself, the Executive Branch -- but not necessarily all of the federal bureacracies) in operation, along with things like the military.

Beyond that, I'd LIKE them (but at present do not expect them) to start working on the incredible debt problem we have.

So if Congress gets gridlocked, once the BASIC budget provisions are passed, I'm MUCH happier than if they are up and actually "accomplishing" whatever the fuck it is they do.

If we never get another multi-thousand page piece of legislation about which we will be permitted to learn the details "after it gets passed," it will be too soon.

First, thank you for a civil post. (There's hope for you yet.) Second, the budget bills alone are gigantic, so the process of getting the 2011/12 passed will be daunting. But, as with all other bills (including the lengthy ones), they indeed are posted online, actually even as each draft gets proposed. You just have to lQQk.

H.Res.1493: Providing for budget enforcement for fiscal year 2011. - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress

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