So what does Biden offer us if he is elected?

and now, Biden is spewing out racial division and law enforcement hate well PRIOR to actual facts presented.

FUCK this guy and any jackass moron that supports him.
Moron eh! Tell that to college students that supports Biden. At 71% will vote for a Biden.

It wouldn't be too big a surprise, considering the world is slipping toward idiocracy day by day.

Has more to do with democrats/communist poisoning the education well for a long time now.

Oh, and polls are fun! just ask Hillary!
These had nothing to do with communist or education. These has something to do with Trump ineptness, incompetence and ignorance.
and now, Biden is spewing out racial division and law enforcement hate well PRIOR to actual facts presented.

FUCK this guy and any jackass moron that supports him.
Moron eh! Tell that to college students that supports Biden. At 71% will vote for a Biden.

It wouldn't be too big a surprise, considering the world is slipping toward idiocracy day by day.

Has more to do with democrats/communist poisoning the education well for a long time now.

Oh, and polls are fun! just ask Hillary!

Slipping to idiocy? Yeah. Big step forward the day we elected Trump.
Did you elect Trump? Tell the truth now..
You may be including that in "we", but you didn't elect Trump..don't lie..

I didn’t elect him. I don’t have the power to do that. The nation did. I’m a part of this country so that’s where the “we” comes in. “We” elect people in this country.

Did you have a point or is this just pointless trolling?
Yeah! You didn't vote for Trump, you leftist faggot!
You did NOT vote for him, therefore you are NOT a part of "we", bitch! Next!
You won't be a part of that again, either. Tell the truth!
Don’t be an asshole.
I'll take that as a "No, I won't".
This is the shit that needs to end.

Acting like an asshole for no reason. Trump has turned being a sociopath into mainstream.
You threaten us with 4 years of terrorism if Trump is re-elected and OTHER people are acting like sociopaths?
I’m not threatening anybody with anything.
What the hell is wrong with all of you?
Nothing wrong with me. I oppose domestic terrorism.

You should try it some time!!
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.
So that excuses making the worse choice to lead our country, right?
All because leftists have been "Orange Man Bad" the whole time? Ask me how I know your thinking is as deep as a Miami sidewalk mudpuddle on a hot summer day?
A worse choice? Because choosing Trump has worked out super great. I mean, just look at how the country is going.

Trump asked in 2016 what we had to lose? Turns out a lot.
Choosing Trump worked out a lot better than the states that voted for radical leftist idiots that let rioters burn their businesses down with no repercussions...and that murdered their grandparents in COVID infected nursing homes.
This doesn’t even make sense. You realize Trump is president of, like, all the states. Right?
A president, any president's power, is limited to that which the Constitution authorizes. Overstepping his Constitutional authority would have the so-called Democrats, screaming impeachment. Governors are in charge of their states and Mayors are in charge of the cities. Even presidents can't overstep their Constitutional limits.
and now, Biden is spewing out racial division and law enforcement hate well PRIOR to actual facts presented.

FUCK this guy and any jackass moron that supports him.
Moron eh!

Tell that to American Federation of Teachers with 1.7 million members endorsed Biden.

Tell that to LBQT communities, friends are families that favored Biden.

Tell that to USPOSTAL service endorsed Biden.

PANICKING? ME? Everything and everywhere Biden looks very good. Last month August Biden campaign just hauled in a record breaking $360 millions.
So what does Biden offer us if he is elected?
1. He will raise our taxes to cover for doubling the Federal spending each year (adding $4 TRILLION)
2. He will 'redirect' funding from Police across the country.
3. He will continue to let rioters get bailed out of jail, and implement a no cash bail policy like New York has.
4. He will slash the Defense budget.
5. He will make Critical Race Theory standard in the Federal government.
6. He will gut our nations energy industries and rely on windmills and solar alone.
7. He will confiscate all guns with Beto ORourke in charge.
8. His VP is a fascist who threw 1600 people in jail for pot while she was smoking it nearly every day.
9. Biden will bind up our economy with Paris Climate Accords and other frivolous stuff not owned by Democrats.
10. His life is hanging by a thread with the Pot Nazi Harris waiting to take his place in the WH.
What utter morons are happy with this?
The best Status Quo Joe has to offer is his failing health and a VP with a sound record as a prosecutor who understands ethics and the constitutional limitations placed on the office of the United States' President.

These are positive attributes the GOP and most long-serving congressional Democrats have allowed to be ignored for too many years. Their negligence, coupled with the right-wingers' need to protect the ruling billionaire class' monetary influence over our government, brought the country the impeached president trump and closer to becoming a third-world state than ever before in our history.


Joe failing health? Biden is fit rode in a bicycle. Trump is obese can not ride a bicycle except 3 wheeler bike that need 3 men to push him or drag a cart to move him around. GET REAL DUDE.
Trump always displayed dementia. Every time a members of his gangs get caught. I don’t know him or her. I never met him/her.

Third world? 4 more years of Trump how he destroyed this country we will become a third world country.
CNN stated it? Pretty sure Trump’s entire campaign strategy was act like an asshole. CNN didn’t make him do that.

And it worked like a fuckin' charm...
Right. So why shouldn't he get the blame for the blowback of that strategy?

The "blowback" will be in the form of a second term.

Enjoy that...

If he wins a second term, I’d expect a lot more of the chaos we are seeing.

What was that about doing the same thing and expect a different outcome?
That sounds like extortion.

Vote for the manchurian candidate or else you will continue to burn down the businesses of innocent people.
More like recognizing reality. The protests are over police violence, not Trump. They’re out in the street demanding accountability for police, not proclaiming that Trump needs to be out of office.

The dose of reality is that Trump is failing to protect us. If Trump were able to be a leader, he could calm things down and end the violence.

He hasn’t done that. He can’t do that. He’s not a leader.

Bitch, please. These riots stopped being about the police months ago. Now riots are happening just because verminous thugs know the police won't stop them. Exactly how is a negro protesting against police violence by ransacking a Target store and taking a wide screen TV and a case of Jheri Curl?

And Trump did try to end the violence. What happened? The douchebag democrat mayor of Portland told Trump to remove the federal troops he'd sent there. What should Trump have done? Confronted the rioters himself and used harsh language?

Your side (and, yes, there are now sides) is in for a fight you cannot win. You will be crushed like a maggot under the boot heel of decency, and we will revel in the demise of the scumbags who are burning our country to the ground...
This the problem when you are listening too much of Trump and Fox News.

Dude get real. Trump did not try to stop the violence. He sent a federal agents in Portland without the coordination of the mayor and governor. He just sent them there. Do you even think that they will stop the carnage just because Trump sent federal agents? Did it helps? Answer.... HELL NO it did not help.
INSTEAD of working with the local leaders he threw lots of insults and threats. So how do you hell anyone would like to work with a moron president? Can you explain that to us?

Biden denounced the violence of these protesters. Trump has not said anything NADA to calm down the country or to address these issues. . Instead he threatened to cut off funding for these cities. Now you fucking tell us where is the decency and what kind of leader is that?
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.
So that excuses making the worse choice to lead our country, right?
All because leftists have been "Orange Man Bad" the whole time? Ask me how I know your thinking is as deep as a Miami sidewalk mudpuddle on a hot summer day?
A worse choice? Because choosing Trump has worked out super great. I mean, just look at how the country is going.

Trump asked in 2016 what we had to lose? Turns out a lot.
Choosing Trump worked out a lot better than the states that voted for radical leftist idiots that let rioters burn their businesses down with no repercussions...and that murdered their grandparents in COVID infected nursing homes.
This doesn’t even make sense. You realize Trump is president of, like, all the states. Right?
He offered to send the NG...these spineless moron Governors and Mayors said no. Now they are forced to hideout while rioters try to burn their places of residence down with occupants inside. Bet their neighbors would love to kick their asses right about now.
The president doesn’t send the national guard. The national guard is commanded by each state governor.

Good lord. Are you even from this country?

How about the president not keep trying to make Americans hate each other? Maybe that’d be a good start.
How about the state governors end the rioting and violence?
A Democrat American governor did in my day. Who knew he would be lauded in 2020?
I tell you his name right now: Bob Graham, a good Democrat American governor.
A real American Democrat governor.
Colfax: "If Trump were able to be a leader, he could calm things down and end the violence."""

He's not a leader. He's a mob boss.


I'm still waiting for that coward Colfax to explain exactly how Trump should've dealt with the unrest. I'd like to know how that coward Colfax thinks Trump should've gone about keeping those rabid moneys from burning down cities.

But Colfax is a coward, so I doubt he'll do that...

Blah blah blah eh! From your post.... How Trump should’ve dealt with the unrest?

1. Trump is a moron unfit to be a leader to start with not capable or even show some kind of leaderships.

2. Trump threw a lots of threats and insults with out any positive input. At the same time fighting with the local leaders.

3. Trump has not said a word to address these issues about police brutalities and racial injustice.

To answer your question? Trump need to show leadership, do NOT act like a dictator, do not threat people, face and admit this is your administration and Trump year, you do not point fingers, act like a leader or even try to pretend to be a leader, address these issues fairly and honest, stop attacking your own fellow (democrats) Americans. Show leadership for the whole country not just the selective members.

Do you think Trump can do that??? I doubt it
This is basically how a toddler acts.

No, a toddler throws tantrums when they don't get what they want and tears the house down. Sound familiar?
Yes. Sounds like Trump.

What do you think protestors want?

You know, I don't know that I've ever encountered a more ignorant blow-hard than you.

I'm still waiting for you to tell us what you think Trump should've/could've done to stop the violence committed by BLM thugs.

You can;t do that, simply because you're a know-nothing dipshit who can't actually formulate a cohesive thought...
Blah blah blah eh! From your post.... How Trump should’ve dealt with the unrest?

He did what needed to be done; he sent in federal law enforcement officers and the leaders of the affected municipalities lost their fucking minds and demanded that they be removed.

The riots have taken this beyond a "Hey, let's sit down and talk about this" approach to one where and overwhelming level of violence needs to be used against the rioters and "protestesters"...

1. Trump is a moron unfit to be a leader to start with not capable or even show some kind of leaderships.

He should show some kind of "leaderships"?


You're just whining, an no one cares what you say...

2. Trump threw a lots of threats and insults with out any positive input. At the same time fighting with the local leaders.

The fight from local leaders came from the fact that they realized they'd be exposed as being nothing more than do nothing fucks unfit to be in an elected office...

3. Trump has not said a word to address these issues about police brutalities and racial injustice.

Why should he? It's not going to stop the violence. Colored boys will take to the streets in even larger numbers so, no, fuck that. Stop the rioting first, and then talk...

To answer your question? Trump need to show leadership, do NOT act like a dictator, do not threat people, face and admit this is your administration and Trump year, you do not point fingers, act like a leader or even try to pretend to be a leader, address these issues fairly and honest, stop attacking your own fellow (democrats) Americans. Show leadership for the whole country not just the selective members.

Trump is showing leadership to good Americans who know that this violence cannot continue, and that the only people responsible for it, and for stopping it, are the chimpanzees committing it...

Do you think Trump can do that??? I doubt it

He's tried to do that.

Now, I hope he imparts his will with such an overwhelming use of force that pissant libs like you will shit your diapers and run for the hills...
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

That sounds like a personal problem.
The whole country needs a break. We are at each other’s throats. This isn’t an accident. It’s by design.

Look at the acrimony in this thread.
youre right it is intentional,,,

Biden isn’t president.


People voted for Trump and our cities are burning. Vote for him again and it will continue.

The idiocy of this line is astounding.

Who's responsible for all the looting,burning and rioting?

That sounds like a threat. Are you part of the Gambino crime family?

Nope. It’s recognizing that Trump doesn’t know how to fix it.

We need a leader. Trump isn’t one.

Pretty sure there were riots when barry was in office.

True! And Barry was able to calm that shit down.

Because he was a leader.

Care to explain how he did that so we can all be enlightened?

In no small part, just by speaking to people. Words sometimes can be quite powerful.

but bidens words are lies,,,

Since when do you care about who is lying?

since always,,,its you that doesnt,,,

I guess that you’re not a Trump supporter then...

didnt vote for him last time,,but you dems are sure pushing me to this time,,,

youre his best campaign add,,,

How’s that?

That bus that stops at you mom and dad's house each morning to take you to school- how long is it?

If a person robs a bank, he, she or any of the other fifty billion new genders is responsible for robbing the bank.

If a person indulges in domestic terrorism, they are the ones responsible. You not only do not grasp that fact but JUSTIFY the behavior involved.

You completely deny the basic human rights of their victims in doing so.

One problem, I’m not justifying it, I just want it to end. Trump is trying to exploit it. He doesn’t know how to end it.

For a person who says you are not trying to justify terrorism, you have certainly succeeded in doing so.

Supporting domestic terrorism must come so easy for Marxists that it is downright effortless, I guess.

I haven’t done anything of the sort. You might have a problem understanding a complex situations so you resort to jingoism.

I’m not a Marxist any more than you’re a fascist. That kind of reductionist language destroys any chance that we have of bringing this country back together. That’s the kind of shit that needs to stop otherwise the violence and chaos continues.

There is no chance of bringing law abiding citizens who don't support organized looting with the likes of you.

So we should re-elect Trump so we can have four more years of this?

What,the looting and rioting?
So you admit the dems are using intimidation tactics?

The looting and rioting doesn’t have anything to do with the election.

It’s just that Trump has no idea how to make this better.

This isn’t a threat, it’s just recognizing reality. I don’t know how many times I have to explain this to you.

It has everything to do with the election. Defeating Trump is the sole motive for it. You prove that every time you blame Trump for it.

Nope. You don’t have any idea what you’re talking about. The civil unrest is due to injustice in policing, not Trump.

All I’m saying is that he has no idea how to fix it.

See what I mean? People have a hard time comprehending that Trump isn’t the center of the universe.

The rioting will calm down shortly after the election, no matter who wins it. How much would you like to get on that?
so many videos of cops murdering blacks and Trump doesn't give a damn. He loves dividing the country....

The blacks want the police in their communities.

Everybody does, but they would like them to know about de-escalation and maybe something about mental health. They're pretty much out of control now.....
This is basically how a toddler acts.

No, a toddler throws tantrums when they don't get what they want and tears the house down. Sound familiar?
Yes. Sounds like Trump.

What do you think protestors want?

You know, I don't know that I've ever encountered a more ignorant blow-hard than you.

I'm still waiting for you to tell us what you think Trump should've/could've done to stop the violence committed by BLM thugs.

You can;t do that, simply because you're a know-nothing dipshit who can't actually formulate a cohesive thought...
Not a single member of BLM has ever been arrested for any violence looting or rioting.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

That sounds like a personal problem.
The whole country needs a break. We are at each other’s throats. This isn’t an accident. It’s by design.

Look at the acrimony in this thread.
youre right it is intentional,,,

Biden isn’t president.


People voted for Trump and our cities are burning. Vote for him again and it will continue.

The idiocy of this line is astounding.

Who's responsible for all the looting,burning and rioting?

That sounds like a threat. Are you part of the Gambino crime family?

Nope. It’s recognizing that Trump doesn’t know how to fix it.

We need a leader. Trump isn’t one.

Pretty sure there were riots when barry was in office.

True! And Barry was able to calm that shit down.

Because he was a leader.

Care to explain how he did that so we can all be enlightened?

In no small part, just by speaking to people. Words sometimes can be quite powerful.

but bidens words are lies,,,

Since when do you care about who is lying?

since always,,,its you that doesnt,,,

I guess that you’re not a Trump supporter then...

didnt vote for him last time,,but you dems are sure pushing me to this time,,,

youre his best campaign add,,,

How’s that?

That bus that stops at you mom and dad's house each morning to take you to school- how long is it?

If a person robs a bank, he, she or any of the other fifty billion new genders is responsible for robbing the bank.

If a person indulges in domestic terrorism, they are the ones responsible. You not only do not grasp that fact but JUSTIFY the behavior involved.

You completely deny the basic human rights of their victims in doing so.

One problem, I’m not justifying it, I just want it to end. Trump is trying to exploit it. He doesn’t know how to end it.

he doesnt have to exploit it,,,its right there for the whole world to see,,,he speaks out against it daily..

its almost like they are trying to get trump elected,,,

Hell yes he’s exploiting it. Trump isn’t speaking to the protesters, he’s speaking to his base, demonizing the other side, scaring his supporters. Thats not what leaders do. Not ones who actually give a damn about their country.

Trump sees this as his best chance at winning the election. He loves it.

We dont negotiate with terrorist.
Well unless your name is Barry Soteros anyway....

Was it last year that Trump tried to invite the Taliban to camp David?

Calling everyone who opposes Trump or opposes police brutality or supports BLM a terrorist is the exact wrong thing to do.

You cant negotiate with someone who has made up grievances.
And at this point you losers haven't stepped up to taliban levels of violence.
If ya do it'll be easy to rid the world of ya dumbshits...all ya gotta do is search all the basements in the NE and the west coast.

You really think black communities have no grievances?

None that they haven't brought on themselves.
If blacks behaved like the white people in my neighborhood they wouldnt have these problems.
Of course fatherless households have a huge part in it.

Philando Castile was driving his girlfriend and her child home from the grocery store when he was pulled over and killed because he fit a description

How should have he acted more white?

So just like that the cops pulled out their guns and blew him away? I think there's a little bit more to the story, asshole.
It’s far from petty. Trump uses inflammatory language to garner attention but it also functions to drive us further apart. The division we are seeing in the nation is exacerbated by it.

This matters. It matters a lot.

Some of us are intelligent enough to notice that it is actually the media manipulating people as they TWIST what he says by lifting statements out of context and re-phrasing what he actually said.

Obviously, some of us lack that intelligence.
Did you even watch his rallies or his RNC? The democrats the democrats the democrats. Since when you see a leader of a country that attack his own fellow Americans? Trump only catered to cultist like you. Talking about intelligence.
I'm sorry that your IQ is in the 70s, dude, I really am. The luck of the draw just sucks some times

The truth of the matter is that it is leftists who are burning cars and buildings, it is leftists trying to burn people alive and it is leftists who are indulging in all this domestic terrorism.

The violence is coming from all over the map. The entire country is at each other’s throats.

Not that we should be surprised. Trump ran on creating as much hatred and fear amongst us as he can.
The violence is coming strictly from leftists in Dim run citiess.

Who are you trying to kid?

How much is Soros paying you to post this shit?
GDP fell 34% last quarter. Unemployment is now over 10%.
That's not Trump's fault, moron.
It demonstrates what happens when you put someone in office who has no business being there.

Like saying a truck driver who fell asleep at the wheel isn’t responsible for plowing into a minivan. It’s not like he tried to run them over.

It demonstrated nothing of the sort, moron. A senile 78 year-old pedophile has no business being President.
Next thing you know, you’ll be telling me that Biden is a cannibal.

Trump screwed up. He was asleep at the wheel. He’s not fit for the job. The results speak for themselves.
Nope. You're blaming him for things he has no control over. The things I said about Biden are true. He's senile, and he's a pedophile.
He could have control over it but since he has no idea what he’s doing, that didn’t happen.
How could he have control over it, by groveling before Democrat mayors and governors?
Better testing at points of entry. Mandatory quarantine. Contact tracing.

You know, being competent. The virus came into the country from overseas. Who is the person that has control over immigration and entry into this country?
Trump can't impose quarantines on American citizens, moron. It's unconstitutional. No country in the world is implementing contract tracing. Every time Trump tries do do something with immigration, leftwing judges overrule him. Furthmore, Biden and Piglosi called him a racist for implementing a travel ban. Do you actually believe the Dims would allow Trump to bar entry to anyone who tested positive at a port of entry? The easier solution is simply to bar all immigration until this shit storm is over, and Trump has already done that.
Yes, he can impose quarantines. This has been adjudicated over a century ago.

You don’t know what you’re talking about and neither does Trump.

Which is why you need someone who knows what they’re doing.
No he can't. Local governments can, but not the federal government.

Please post a link to where it was "adjudicate."
Federal government has authority over foreign arrivals, obviously. States have authority within their borders.

What does that have to with quarantines?
GDP fell 34% last quarter. Unemployment is now over 10%.
That's not Trump's fault, moron.
It demonstrates what happens when you put someone in office who has no business being there.

Like saying a truck driver who fell asleep at the wheel isn’t responsible for plowing into a minivan. It’s not like he tried to run them over.

It demonstrated nothing of the sort, moron. A senile 78 year-old pedophile has no business being President.
Next thing you know, you’ll be telling me that Biden is a cannibal.

Trump screwed up. He was asleep at the wheel. He’s not fit for the job. The results speak for themselves.
Nope. You're blaming him for things he has no control over. The things I said about Biden are true. He's senile, and he's a pedophile.
He could have control over it but since he has no idea what he’s doing, that didn’t happen.
How could he have control over it, by groveling before Democrat mayors and governors?
Better testing at points of entry. Mandatory quarantine. Contact tracing.

You know, being competent. The virus came into the country from overseas. Who is the person that has control over immigration and entry into this country?
Trump can't impose quarantines on American citizens, moron. It's unconstitutional. No country in the world is implementing contract tracing. Every time Trump tries do do something with immigration, leftwing judges overrule him. Furthmore, Biden and Piglosi called him a racist for implementing a travel ban. Do you actually believe the Dims would allow Trump to bar entry to anyone who tested positive at a port of entry? The easier solution is simply to bar all immigration until this shit storm is over, and Trump has already done that.
Yes, he can impose quarantines. This has been adjudicated over a century ago.

You don’t know what you’re talking about and neither does Trump.

Which is why you need someone who knows what they’re doing.
No he can't. Local governments can, but not the federal government.

Please post a link to where it was "adjudicate."
Federal government has authority over foreign arrivals, obviously. States have authority within their borders.

What does that have to with quarantines?

If you actually read the link you asked for, you wouldn’t ask that question.

I don’t know what you want. Should I come to your house and read it aloud to you?
and now, Biden is spewing out racial division and law enforcement hate well PRIOR to actual facts presented.

FUCK this guy and any jackass moron that supports him.
Moron eh! Tell that to college students that supports Biden. At 71% will vote for a Biden.

It wouldn't be too big a surprise, considering the world is slipping toward idiocracy day by day.

Has more to do with democrats/communist poisoning the education well for a long time now.

Oh, and polls are fun! just ask Hillary!

Slipping to idiocy? Yeah. Big step forward the day we elected Trump.
Did you elect Trump? Tell the truth now..
You may be including that in "we", but you didn't elect Trump..don't lie..

I didn’t elect him. I don’t have the power to do that. The nation did. I’m a part of this country so that’s where the “we” comes in. “We” elect people in this country.

Did you have a point or is this just pointless trolling?
Yeah! You didn't vote for Trump, you leftist faggot!
You did NOT vote for him, therefore you are NOT a part of "we", bitch! Next!
You won't be a part of that again, either. Tell the truth!
Don’t be an asshole.
I'll take that as a "No, I won't".
This is the shit that needs to end.

Acting like an asshole for no reason. Trump has turned being a sociopath into mainstream.
You threaten us with 4 years of terrorism if Trump is re-elected and OTHER people are acting like sociopaths?
I’m not threatening anybody with anything.
What the hell is wrong with all of you?
Nothing wrong with me. I oppose domestic terrorism.

You should try it some time!!
Me to. So does Joe Biden.

But you idiots seem to think we are threatening you with terrorism because we acknowledge the reality that Trump isn’t going to fix this problem.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.
So that excuses making the worse choice to lead our country, right?
All because leftists have been "Orange Man Bad" the whole time? Ask me how I know your thinking is as deep as a Miami sidewalk mudpuddle on a hot summer day?
A worse choice? Because choosing Trump has worked out super great. I mean, just look at how the country is going.

Trump asked in 2016 what we had to lose? Turns out a lot.
Choosing Trump worked out a lot better than the states that voted for radical leftist idiots that let rioters burn their businesses down with no repercussions...and that murdered their grandparents in COVID infected nursing homes.
This doesn’t even make sense. You realize Trump is president of, like, all the states. Right?
A president, any president's power, is limited to that which the Constitution authorizes. Overstepping his Constitutional authority would have the so-called Democrats, screaming impeachment. Governors are in charge of their states and Mayors are in charge of the cities. Even presidents can't overstep their Constitutional limits.
The president has extensive powers, more than any other person, including and especially in this case control over ports of entry into the country. He runs the largest and most authoritative health agency in the world. He has access to massive resources no one else can.

And, he’s supposed to be a leader. He’s supposed to be able to work with governors and mayors for the betterment of the country, not only by exercising constitutional powers but guiding others how to exercise their powers.

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