So What Happened To Blacks After Slavery?

Simply repeating over and over again that it was racism and that's a fact isn't an argument, IM2! Your premise is fatally flawed and you have no rebuttal to criticism of it!
LMAO! It's repeating the facts. My "premise" 100 percent accurate. Documented history shows this. You are just calling yourself criticizing it because you want to put on a show for the other racists.

So tell me why there wasn't a mass migration between 1870 and 1920, IM2! Are you claiming "racism" didn't exist in the South for those 50 years? That it took two generations for blacks to react to that racism? Your premise makes no sense! There had to another overriding factor besides racism that led to The Great Migration and you damn well know it!

I'm sorry but labeling me a racist isn't going to fly either. I grew up in about as liberal a town as there is in the entire country, with black teachers, black classmates & black teammates. In my experience racism is derived from ignorance of others. What is unfamiliar to humans is frightening to them. I'm not unfamiliar with black people. I harbor no ill will towards them. This isn't about a black/white thing to's about why black people made the choices they did...when they did. You need to make it about racism because 90% of your posts are about how blacks have been victims of racism. You not only preach victimization. You wallow in it! I think Malcolm X would find you pitiful.
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My fathers family were sharecroppers in NE Louisiana. They got cheated every year because they were black. They had no protection from the law. They heard blacks could get a fair shake in the north and that whites were not as racist. This is what my father told me, as well as my grandmother, her brother my great uncle, and my mothers brother who moved to Cleveland Ohio from Harlan Kentucky.

You seem to think that blacks just sat in the south until 1920 then all of a sudden everybody went north ONLY because of the jobs. Not so.
They'd get a "fair shake" in the north? You mean they'd be paid three times as much as they were making in the south...right? Now why would they move to Cleveland? Because it was in the booming Rust Belt and industrial jobs were plentiful? They didn't move in the 1800's...did they? Why? Because jobs were not there in the north for blacks. Those jobs were held by whites. It wasn't until the First World War decimated the white working class that jobs became easy for blacks to obtain!

You're full of shit on this subject, IM2 and you know it!
In the early decades of the “Great Migration,” in the period after WWI in particular, white workers (themselves often recent immigrants) and most “Americans” from the President on down, accepted or welcomed the stupendous national growth of the KuKluxKlan, the triumph nationally of racist myths about the (lily white) “Birth of a Nation” and historical revisionism about “The Lost Cause.” This was in some ways a profoundly reactionary period in American culture, despite the thrills and distractions offered by new prosperity, new music, and a “free” speakeasy culture of rebellion. The Great Depression ended a lot of those distractions. Despite a few bright hopeful signs, like the Harlem Renaissance, most blacks still suffered terrible discrimination everywhere. The migration of African Americans was never a free or happy “seeking better paying jobs” movement. There were also many phases of this long movement of people, which really only ended and reversed in the 1970s with the decline of American heavy industry.

The black experience of this migration was filled with great anguish, and one sign of how great the despair was among poor blacks facing riots, hostility and deep discrimination even in the north and west was the sudden growth of the first great “black nationalist” mass movement, the “Return to Africa” Marcus Garvey Movement. Fortunately, leaders like W.E.B. Dubois and the NAACP were able to rechannel the struggle away from such futile and self-defeating dreams and back toward a struggle for equal rights in a truly integrated America.

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IM2, you're white so your folks were white too. Although, about 1/3 of all white farmers were sharecroppers.

As for everything else you post:
This thread is specifically about what the government of these united states did to blacks after the years of slavery up until right now.

The republicans here want to take credit for ending slavery while simultaneously telling us that they should not be held responsible for what their ancestors did before they were born. In standard republican fashion everybody else must take responsibility but them. However in the 150 or so years after slavery things have happened that most of these guys don't want to discuss. It is time to take a look at what has happened.

Lincoln signed words on a piece of paper but were those words actually honored?

Not really.

At the time of "emancipation" 80 percent of Americas GNP was tied to slavery. America, not just the south. Blacks got none of the money. In January of 1865, Special Field Order 15 was issued. Special Field Orders No. 15 - Wikipedia In July 1865, Circular 13, Resource Sheet #7 was issued by General Howard which fully authorized the lease of 40 acres of land to the newly freed slaves. As a result of this action 40,000 former slaves began work on several hundred thousand acres of land.

President Andrew Johnson killed that by his doing so removed those 40,000 blacks off that land and destroyed any income they could make. Meanwhile Johnson advocated for the homestead act and wanted to take plantation land and distribute it to whites without money.

Johnson pardoned most of the confederate leaders and they regained their prior positions of state leadership. By doing this, Johnson unleashed a reign of terror on blacks that really was nothing short of attempted ethnic cleansing. Blacks were beaten, scalped, killed, set on fire with their bodies left in the streets to rot.

A representative from the Johnson administration traveled the south and reported seeing black women scalped, or had their ears cut off, thrown into rivers and drowned. Black men and boys were clubbed, beaten, shot, some chained on trees and burned to death. State to state this man witnessed the stench of dead decomposing black bodies hanging from tree limbs, lying in ditches, and piled up on the roadways.

But blacks were free, right?

Now if anyone goes off topic, I expect the post to be eliminated .

The attitudes of Republicans have not changed. They keep their prejudices secret under their MAGA hats.
I think you are transferring your evil prejudices on to others....the KKK always blamed the blacks for their hatred of are the new KKK...and America said screw that....and voted for Trump...and we will do just that again in November.....Progs have lost...we kicked your ideology to the curb...
This thread is specifically about what the government of these united states did to blacks after the years of slavery up until right now.

The republicans here want to take credit for ending slavery while simultaneously telling us that they should not be held responsible for what their ancestors did before they were born. In standard republican fashion everybody else must take responsibility but them. However in the 150 or so years after slavery things have happened that most of these guys don't want to discuss. It is time to take a look at what has happened.

Lincoln signed words on a piece of paper but were those words actually honored?

Not really.

At the time of "emancipation" 80 percent of Americas GNP was tied to slavery. America, not just the south. Blacks got none of the money. In January of 1865, Special Field Order 15 was issued. Special Field Orders No. 15 - Wikipedia In July 1865, Circular 13, Resource Sheet #7 was issued by General Howard which fully authorized the lease of 40 acres of land to the newly freed slaves. As a result of this action 40,000 former slaves began work on several hundred thousand acres of land.

President Andrew Johnson killed that by his doing so removed those 40,000 blacks off that land and destroyed any income they could make. Meanwhile Johnson advocated for the homestead act and wanted to take plantation land and distribute it to whites without money.

Johnson pardoned most of the confederate leaders and they regained their prior positions of state leadership. By doing this, Johnson unleashed a reign of terror on blacks that really was nothing short of attempted ethnic cleansing. Blacks were beaten, scalped, killed, set on fire with their bodies left in the streets to rot.

A representative from the Johnson administration traveled the south and reported seeing black women scalped, or had their ears cut off, thrown into rivers and drowned. Black men and boys were clubbed, beaten, shot, some chained on trees and burned to death. State to state this man witnessed the stench of dead decomposing black bodies hanging from tree limbs, lying in ditches, and piled up on the roadways.

But blacks were free, right?

Now if anyone goes off topic, I expect the post to be eliminated .

You know, when I fuck up (it happens on occasion) I take full responsibility for that fuck up.

I've done nothing to blacks.


Accordingly, I'll be damned if I'm going to take responsibility for something someone did before I was born.

It would be the height of stupidity to do something like that.

What's your stance on reparations, IM2?
Another ignorant comment from a white person doing the same thing the generations of whites before him did while talking about not being responsible for what he wasn't around for. This thread is about what government at every level has done to blacks since slavery to include this very second. Not reparations. You take responsibility for the effects of the revolutionary war, whites here tell me how grateful I am to be to a republican president for something he did before you were born, so you can just forget about that silly argument here.

Are you fucking drunk?

What the fuck does any of that bullshit even mean?

I don't "take responsibility" for the effects of the Revolutionary War. I enjoy the freedoms found, though, because of it. I don't hate Brits as you hate whites, nor do I blame them for the way they treated the colonists before the war. I applaud those who were being oppressed and for taking decisive action to stop it. If you think you're being oppressed, stop acting like a little girl and do something about. Whining about it only make people dismiss you.

You take responsibility for the effects of the revolutionary war, whites here tell me how grateful I am to be to a republican president for something he did before you were born, so you can just forget about that silly argument here.

Seriously, that's not even a sober sentence. "whites tell me how grateful I am to be to a Republican President?

What the fuck?

And how am I responsible for something a President did before I was born?

I don't know if you've been hittin' the bottle or the bowl, but you'd be well served to put down whichever one it is...
Don't even try it. Your dumb he hate whitey whining ain't going to cut it. You are here because of past events. The past does impact the present. This is where the whiny excuses of whites like you dies. The laws that impact us today are rooted in a document ratified in 1787. When you republicans start talking about the democratic party as being the party of slavery, you are blaming democrats today for things they were not alive for and crediting republicans today for things they were not alive for. And in all of this don't blame me shit, you are doing the same thing whites have done since the beginning, deny the racism that exists. So every time one of you say what you did not do, you're doing the same thing your ancestors did.
IM2, you're white so your folks were white too. Although, about 1/3 of all white farmers were sharecroppers.

As for everything else you post:
I know you would like to believe that. But if you we sitting here with me, you'd understand just how stupid your comments are.
My fathers family were sharecroppers in NE Louisiana. They got cheated every year because they were black. They had no protection from the law. They heard blacks could get a fair shake in the north and that whites were not as racist. This is what my father told me, as well as my grandmother, her brother my great uncle, and my mothers brother who moved to Cleveland Ohio from Harlan Kentucky.

You seem to think that blacks just sat in the south until 1920 then all of a sudden everybody went north ONLY because of the jobs. Not so.
They'd get a "fair shake" in the north? You mean they'd be paid three times as much as they were making in the south...right? Now why would they move to Cleveland? Because it was in the booming Rust Belt and industrial jobs were plentiful? They didn't move in the 1800's...did they? Why? Because jobs were not there in the north for blacks. Those jobs were held by whites. It wasn't until the First World War decimated the white working class that jobs became easy for blacks to obtain!

You're full of shit on this subject, IM2 and you know it!
Racism is why they weren't paid. Reality.
Don't even try it. Your dumb he hate whitey whining ain't going to cut it.

Oh, it's clear you hate whites.

Tough shit...

You are here because of past events. The past does impact the present.

Past events have put me in my office? No, my hard work did that. Past events put me on USMB? Well, I guess if the "event" was my registering and signing up, yeah.

Otherwise you've got your head completely up your ass...

This is where the whiny excuses of whites like you dies.

I don't make excuses. There's no money in it...

When you republicans start talking about the democratic party as being the party of slavery, you are blaming democrats today for things they were not alive for and crediting republicans today for things they were not alive for.

So, let me get this straight: It's bad for Republicans to blame Democrats for this they were not alive for, but it's perfectly acceptable to blame someone who's white for something he was not alive for?

Fuck you, dipshit. Go piss up a rope...

And in all of this don't blame me shit, you are doing the same thing whites have done since the beginning, deny the racism that exists. So every time one of you say what you did not do, you're doing the same thing your ancestors did.

Show me once, anywhere on the entire fucking internet, where I've ever said racism doesn't exist, and I'll buy you a house. Otherwise, go eat a dick. A great big white dick...[/QUOTE]
Don't even try it. Your dumb he hate whitey whining ain't going to cut it.

Oh, it's clear you hate whites.

Tough shit...

You are here because of past events. The past does impact the present.

Past events have put me in my office? No, my hard work did that. Past events put me on USMB? Well, I guess if the "event" was my registering and signing up, yeah.

Otherwise you've got your head completely up your ass...

This is where the whiny excuses of whites like you dies.

I don't make excuses. There's no money in it...

When you republicans start talking about the democratic party as being the party of slavery, you are blaming democrats today for things they were not alive for and crediting republicans today for things they were not alive for.

So, let me get this straight: It's bad for Republicans to blame Democrats for this they were not alive for, but it's perfectly acceptable to blame someone who's white for something he was not alive for?

Fuck you, dipshit. Go piss up a rope...

And in all of this don't blame me shit, you are doing the same thing whites have done since the beginning, deny the racism that exists. So every time one of you say what you did not do, you're doing the same thing your ancestors did.

Show me once, anywhere on the entire fucking internet, where I've ever said racism doesn't exist, and I'll buy you a house. Otherwise, go eat a dick. A great big white dick...

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.
Don't even try it. Your dumb he hate whitey whining ain't going to cut it.

Oh, it's clear you hate whites.

Tough shit...

You are here because of past events. The past does impact the present.

Past events have put me in my office? No, my hard work did that. Past events put me on USMB? Well, I guess if the "event" was my registering and signing up, yeah.

Otherwise you've got your head completely up your ass...

This is where the whiny excuses of whites like you dies.

I don't make excuses. There's no money in it...

When you republicans start talking about the democratic party as being the party of slavery, you are blaming democrats today for things they were not alive for and crediting republicans today for things they were not alive for.

So, let me get this straight: It's bad for Republicans to blame Democrats for this they were not alive for, but it's perfectly acceptable to blame someone who's white for something he was not alive for?

Fuck you, dipshit. Go piss up a rope...

And in all of this don't blame me shit, you are doing the same thing whites have done since the beginning, deny the racism that exists. So every time one of you say what you did not do, you're doing the same thing your ancestors did.

Show me once, anywhere on the entire fucking internet, where I've ever said racism doesn't exist, and I'll buy you a house. Otherwise, go eat a dick. A great big white dick...

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.

Do you blame me for how blacks have been treated?
Simply repeating over and over again that it was racism and that's a fact isn't an argument, IM2! Your premise is fatally flawed and you have no rebuttal to criticism of it!
LMAO! It's repeating the facts. My "premise" 100 percent accurate. Documented history shows this. You are just calling yourself criticizing it because you want to put on a show for the other racists.

So tell me why there wasn't a mass migration between 1870 and 1920, IM2! Are you claiming "racism" didn't exist in the South for those 50 years? That it took two generations for blacks to react to that racism? Your premise makes no sense! There had to another overriding factor besides racism that led to The Great Migration and you damn well know it!

I'm sorry but labeling me a racist isn't going to fly either. I grew up in about as liberal a town as there is in the entire country, with black teachers, black classmates & black teammates. In my experience racism is derived from ignorance of others. What is unfamiliar to humans is frightening to them. I'm not unfamiliar with black people. I harbor no ill will towards them. This isn't about a black/white thing to's about why black people made the choices they did...when they did. You need to make it about racism because 90% of your posts are about how blacks have been victims of racism. You not only preach victimization. You wallow in it! I think Malcolm X would find you pitiful.
You are a racist. Your postings reveal that. And you racists really need to quit your misinterpretations of past black leaders. There is no such thing as a black victim mentality. This victimization meme was created by a fat white college flunk out named Limbaugh. When you look at racial history, you understand that white racism is based on white feelings of victimhood. A prime example of this is the white racist argument against affirmative action. So again, you would be wise to leave this alone as you have not studied these issues yet think you can run your mouth because you are in a majority white form populated by other racists.

If you were truly interested in testing your opinion, you'd take yourself to a majority black forum and explain to others that had relatives that participated in the migration how racism had nothing to do with it. You might get a second chance but you would not like what you got back. If you tried to continue arguing your silly position, you would not last long. And if you tried that victimhood argument, you'd probably be banned.

Modern racism, symbolic racism, symbolic prejudice, or racial resentment, are beliefs that reflect an underlying prejudice towards black and non-white people in the United States. The difference between modern racism and old time classic white racism is that the modern style racism attacks focus on a groups culture. Modern racism is not face to face, it is primarily done online and in social media.

Aversive racism is a form of racism practiced today which might as well be called subtle racism. People who are aversive racists claim to be non racist while at the same time expressing negative feelings and beliefs about members of other races. It has also been called colorblind racism. However, since that term confuses some whites because they cannot understand why we can say they are colorblind and still be racist, we’ll stick with the term aversive racism. Regardless of its “subtlety”, aversive racism has resulted in significant and harmful consequences that basically mirror the effects of overt racism. These significant and harmful consequences are called entitlement reform, immigration, welfare reform, voter fraud and many other things that are actually policies designed to take away things from non-whites. “I’m colorblind and if you talk about racism, you are the racist”. This is how racism is played today.
Don't even try it. Your dumb he hate whitey whining ain't going to cut it.

Oh, it's clear you hate whites.

Tough shit...

You are here because of past events. The past does impact the present.

Past events have put me in my office? No, my hard work did that. Past events put me on USMB? Well, I guess if the "event" was my registering and signing up, yeah.

Otherwise you've got your head completely up your ass...

This is where the whiny excuses of whites like you dies.

I don't make excuses. There's no money in it...

When you republicans start talking about the democratic party as being the party of slavery, you are blaming democrats today for things they were not alive for and crediting republicans today for things they were not alive for.

So, let me get this straight: It's bad for Republicans to blame Democrats for this they were not alive for, but it's perfectly acceptable to blame someone who's white for something he was not alive for?

Fuck you, dipshit. Go piss up a rope...

And in all of this don't blame me shit, you are doing the same thing whites have done since the beginning, deny the racism that exists. So every time one of you say what you did not do, you're doing the same thing your ancestors did.

Show me once, anywhere on the entire fucking internet, where I've ever said racism doesn't exist, and I'll buy you a house. Otherwise, go eat a dick. A great big white dick...

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.

Do you blame me for how blacks have been treated?

You aren't too bright so I will repeat:

More white fragility. This thread is about how the US government has treated blacks since slavery. This is a macro level issue which means what did I do is out of the discussion with the exception of what party you support and it's policies.
Maybe the OP could start a thread on bringing Americans together and burying the hatchet for a while.....
This thread is specifically about what the government of these united states did to blacks after the years of slavery up until right now.

The republicans here want to take credit for ending slavery while simultaneously telling us that they should not be held responsible for what their ancestors did before they were born. In standard republican fashion everybody else must take responsibility but them. However in the 150 or so years after slavery things have happened that most of these guys don't want to discuss. It is time to take a look at what has happened.

Lincoln signed words on a piece of paper but were those words actually honored?

Not really.

At the time of "emancipation" 80 percent of Americas GNP was tied to slavery. America, not just the south. Blacks got none of the money. In January of 1865, Special Field Order 15 was issued. Special Field Orders No. 15 - Wikipedia In July 1865, Circular 13, Resource Sheet #7 was issued by General Howard which fully authorized the lease of 40 acres of land to the newly freed slaves. As a result of this action 40,000 former slaves began work on several hundred thousand acres of land.

President Andrew Johnson killed that by his doing so removed those 40,000 blacks off that land and destroyed any income they could make. Meanwhile Johnson advocated for the homestead act and wanted to take plantation land and distribute it to whites without money.

Johnson pardoned most of the confederate leaders and they regained their prior positions of state leadership. By doing this, Johnson unleashed a reign of terror on blacks that really was nothing short of attempted ethnic cleansing. Blacks were beaten, scalped, killed, set on fire with their bodies left in the streets to rot.

A representative from the Johnson administration traveled the south and reported seeing black women scalped, or had their ears cut off, thrown into rivers and drowned. Black men and boys were clubbed, beaten, shot, some chained on trees and burned to death. State to state this man witnessed the stench of dead decomposing black bodies hanging from tree limbs, lying in ditches, and piled up on the roadways.

But blacks were free, right?

Now if anyone goes off topic, I expect the post to be eliminated .

The attitudes of Republicans have not changed. They keep their prejudices secret under their MAGA hats.
I think you are transferring your evil prejudices on to others....the KKK always blamed the blacks for their hatred of are the new KKK...and America said screw that....and voted for Trump...and we will do just that again in November.....Progs have lost...we kicked your ideology to the curb...

I accept the blame for the fact that you are a racist, bigoted, extremist with a mouth bigger than your brain.

I apologize for your wretched condition.
Go fuck yourself with a Saguaro, you piece of shit!
Simply repeating over and over again that it was racism and that's a fact isn't an argument, IM2! Your premise is fatally flawed and you have no rebuttal to criticism of it!
LMAO! It's repeating the facts. My "premise" 100 percent accurate. Documented history shows this. You are just calling yourself criticizing it because you want to put on a show for the other racists.

So tell me why there wasn't a mass migration between 1870 and 1920, IM2! Are you claiming "racism" didn't exist in the South for those 50 years? That it took two generations for blacks to react to that racism? Your premise makes no sense! There had to another overriding factor besides racism that led to The Great Migration and you damn well know it!

I'm sorry but labeling me a racist isn't going to fly either. I grew up in about as liberal a town as there is in the entire country, with black teachers, black classmates & black teammates. In my experience racism is derived from ignorance of others. What is unfamiliar to humans is frightening to them. I'm not unfamiliar with black people. I harbor no ill will towards them. This isn't about a black/white thing to's about why black people made the choices they did...when they did. You need to make it about racism because 90% of your posts are about how blacks have been victims of racism. You not only preach victimization. You wallow in it! I think Malcolm X would find you pitiful.
You are a racist. Your postings reveal that. And you racists really need to quit your misinterpretations of past black leaders. There is no such thing as a black victim mentality. This victimization meme was created by a fat white college flunk out named Limbaugh. When you look at racial history, you understand that white racism is based on white feelings of victimhood. A prime example of this is the white racist argument against affirmative action. So again, you would be wise to leave this alone as you have not studied these issues yet think you can run your mouth because you are in a majority white form populated by other racists.

If you were truly interested in testing your opinion, you'd take yourself to a majority black forum and explain to others that had relatives that participated in the migration how racism had nothing to do with it. You might get a second chance but you would not like what you got back. If you tried to continue arguing your silly position, you would not last long. And if you tried that victimhood argument, you'd probably be banned.

Modern racism, symbolic racism, symbolic prejudice, or racial resentment, are beliefs that reflect an underlying prejudice towards black and non-white people in the United States. The difference between modern racism and old time classic white racism is that the modern style racism attacks focus on a groups culture. Modern racism is not face to face, it is primarily done online and in social media.

Aversive racism is a form of racism practiced today which might as well be called subtle racism. People who are aversive racists claim to be non racist while at the same time expressing negative feelings and beliefs about members of other races. It has also been called colorblind racism. However, since that term confuses some whites because they cannot understand why we can say they are colorblind and still be racist, we’ll stick with the term aversive racism. Regardless of its “subtlety”, aversive racism has resulted in significant and harmful consequences that basically mirror the effects of overt racism. These significant and harmful consequences are called entitlement reform, immigration, welfare reform, voter fraud and many other things that are actually policies designed to take away things from non-whites. “I’m colorblind and if you talk about racism, you are the racist”. This is how racism is played today.
STFU you racism on the brain idiot.

You are seriously a moron, in case I haven't told you that before.

Black people would be better off without your retarded ass.
Thankfully for them , they never elected you their representative, you're just an idiot racist spouting bullshit.
Simply repeating over and over again that it was racism and that's a fact isn't an argument, IM2! Your premise is fatally flawed and you have no rebuttal to criticism of it!
LMAO! It's repeating the facts. My "premise" 100 percent accurate. Documented history shows this. You are just calling yourself criticizing it because you want to put on a show for the other racists.

So tell me why there wasn't a mass migration between 1870 and 1920, IM2! Are you claiming "racism" didn't exist in the South for those 50 years? That it took two generations for blacks to react to that racism? Your premise makes no sense! There had to another overriding factor besides racism that led to The Great Migration and you damn well know it!

I'm sorry but labeling me a racist isn't going to fly either. I grew up in about as liberal a town as there is in the entire country, with black teachers, black classmates & black teammates. In my experience racism is derived from ignorance of others. What is unfamiliar to humans is frightening to them. I'm not unfamiliar with black people. I harbor no ill will towards them. This isn't about a black/white thing to's about why black people made the choices they did...when they did. You need to make it about racism because 90% of your posts are about how blacks have been victims of racism. You not only preach victimization. You wallow in it! I think Malcolm X would find you pitiful.
You are a racist. Your postings reveal that. And you racists really need to quit your misinterpretations of past black leaders. There is no such thing as a black victim mentality. This victimization meme was created by a fat white college flunk out named Limbaugh.....

You, IM2, are an asshole for being so quick to call white people "wacist" for little if any reason.

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